Read Branded (Book 1) Page 8

  Chapter 7

  I was waiting at the end of the driveway when Noah pulled up in his Jeep shortly after eight o’clock. Rachel was sitting in the front seat flipping through Noah’s playlist. The back seat was empty. I threw my duffle bag into the trunk and attached my skis onto the ski rack next to Noah’s.

  “Mornin’,” I said as I slid into the back seat.

  “Good morning,” Rachel answered cheerfully. Much too perky for this hour. Noah’s silence was typical for this time of day.

  “Anna next?” I tried to maintain a tone of indifference.

  “Yes, Jake, we won’t forget your girlfriend,” Rachel answered playfully.

  “She’s not my girlfriend,” I said, not even convincing myself.

  “Well, maybe not right now, but she will be.” Rachel peered at me over the top of her sunglasses and winked.

  What did she mean by that? Did she know something that I didn’t? Wait a second—she had that weird gift of being able to see into the future. I steadied my heart rate and forced myself to relax. “Oh, right. I forgot about your gift. Well, thanks for the heads up, but you can feel free to stay out of my business,” I said feigning annoyance, although I was more than ecstatic over this possibility.

  “Well, regardless of what might happen in the future, just remember to keep your lips sealed about our little secret. Got it?” Rachel said with a little too much supremacy.

  “Yeah, yeah. Turn around and find us some tunes, would ya?”

  Rachel rolled her eyes. “And that right there is why it won’t last.”

  “What do you mean?” I asked, suddenly interested in something Rachel had to say.

  “Oh, sorry, lips are sealed.” Rachel pouted. “Staying out of your business like I was told.”

  “Settle down, children,” Noah laughed as he pulled into Anna’s driveway.

  I clenched my teeth and told myself she was just trying to get under my skin. She didn’t know what she was talking about.

  Anna was waiting on her front steps. She was wearing black yoga pants and a white ski jacket. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail with a few small pieces that hung by her face. I met her at the bottom of her walkway and helped her with her backpack and skis.

  “Good morning, beautiful,” I blurted with a surge of self-confidence, and immediately felt flush when her reaction was delayed.

  “Well, good morning to you, handsome.” She smiled crookedly, making it hard to look away. I held the door open for her as she climbed into the Jeep.

  “Hi, Anna!” Rachel said excitedly. “Oh! This is going to be so much fun! Are you excited? I love your lipstick colour, by the way. What shade is it?”

  Anna laughed as she touched her lips. “I don’t know what it’s called, actually. Some shade of pink, I guess.”

  I leaned toward Anna and whispered, “Since when do you wear lipstick?” My lips brushed her ear and her face turned a pretty pink, matching her lips.

  “I figure since I’m a single girl, I should look good in case there are some single guys at the resort,” she flirted back.

  Rachel turned up the music and started bopping and singing along. I rolled my eyes and continued with Anna. “Single girl, huh? Well, maybe I don’t like the idea of you looking for single guys, Anna Taylor.”

  She raised her eyebrows to suggest I had no control over that part of her life.

  “Guys are jerks,” I continued. “You have to be careful.” I put on my best “big brother” voice.

  “Oh, please! And what are you going to do about it?”

  What was I going to do about it? I didn’t know. Maybe it was time to show her how I really felt. All the tension and chemistry between us had to be for something. Suddenly, it didn’t matter if I screwed things up. If I didn’t try, I was screwing things up.

  I followed her eyes to the seat between us and watched as her fingers twitched, then moved an inch closer to mine. This was my chance—I reached out my fingers and gently stroked hers. She turned her hand over and held my fingers softly.

  What an amazing feeling—holding the hand of an angel. My eyes wandered to her face and I noticed that hers were closed and her breath was silent. How I could have been so blind all these years? Anna was perfect for me.

  Anna opened her eyes and caught me staring. We both quickly looked away and she slid her hand out from mine.

  “Rachel, how are you enjoying Halifax so far?” Anna asked, almost awkwardly.

  “I love it. I’m having a blast at Bedford High, and Jake has been keeping me great company.” She looked back and winked at me.

  What on Earth was she trying to do? Anna caught the exchange and her eyebrows lowered in confusion. I shook my head and shrugged, but I knew by the expression on Anna’s face that she wasn’t buying what I was selling.

  Regrettably, Rachel continued, “We spent a lot of time together yesterday. We have a lot in common, actually.”

  I was frozen with anger and panic.

  “Well, you seem to be fitting in well,” Anna said coldly as she turned to look out the window.

  I reached over and touched Anna’s knee in an attempt to reassure her that I was not interested in Rachel, but she moved further from my reach. She was hurt. I hated that. Rachel would pay.

  The rest of the drive was quiet other than Rachel’s periodic squeal of delight over the discovery of a particular song. An hour and a half later, when we finally pulled into the parking lot of the lodge, the excitement started to build.

  “There’s Tyler and Monica over there,” Noah said as he got out of the Jeep and stretched.

  Tyler was Eric’s best friend. I knew he’d be here because he and Eric never did anything without each other. Monica and Tyler had been together since the start of grade eleven, and although she wasn’t very outgoing, she always tagged along on any of our group events and wasn’t that bad once you got her talking.

  “I saw Eric’s truck when we pulled in, and I think he took Lexie with him.” I grabbed my bag and slung it across my chest. Then I reached in to pull out Anna’s backpack.

  “I can take that.” Anna politely took her bag.

  “I’ll get your skis,” I offered.

  “I got them.” She took her skis and continued walking toward the lodge.

  “What’s with her?” Noah asked as he pulled his duffle bag from the trunk.

  “Rachel!” I turned and walked briskly over to Rachel who was looking innocent as she took in her new surroundings. “What the hell are you doing? Are you trying to ruin my weekend?”

  “Chill out.” Rachel lowered her voice. “I was only teasing. Who knew you’d both take it so seriously?”

  “Well, next time you want to have a little fun, don’t do it at Anna's expense. Ever!” I turned and tried to catch up to Anna who was now standing with Monica and Lexie at the front entrance.

  “Jake!” Lexie called, waving me over. I saw the three of them whispering and giggling as I approached.

  “What’s up, ladies?” I smiled.

  Anna looked down at her foot, shuffling in the dirt.

  “Let’s get this party started!” Eric shouted as he came out of the main doors to greet us. He swung his arms around Lexie and Anna. “One key for you and Monica,” Eric said as he handed Lexie a room key. He handed another key to Anna. “And this one’s for you and Rachel.” Just as Anna’s fingers touched the key, he pulled it back. “Unless, of course, you want to stay with me.” He showed his dimple, which begged my fist to hit it. Noah discreetly pulled my arm back.

  “I’m good,” Anna politely assured him.

  “I know, girl. I know.” Eric laughed and turned to me. “For you and Noah.” He handed me a key and I forced my friendliest smile.

  “Thanks,” I muttered.

  “Well, I don’t know about you guys, but I am too excited to get on that hill!” Lexie squealed. “I’m heading straight there now. Anyone in?”

  “Count me in,” Eric said.

  “I’ve gotta go drop my bag
first,” I said. “Anna, you coming?” I asked, hoping she’d take the bait so we could talk alone. Lexie and Monica exchanged an interested look. I wondered what they knew.

  Anna blushed and lowered her head. “Sure. Yeah, I guess I should go drop my bag first.”

  I smiled and walked past the group with Anna, then leaned down to whisper in her ear, “You mind if I take your bag now, or are you still playing Miss Independent?”

  “Buzz off, Jake! Ugh! If you weren’t so damn cute.” She shoved her backpack into my stomach.

  We walked into the resort and stopped to take it all in. The main lodge had recently been renovated, and it looked completely different.

  Anna gasped. “Look at this place. It's gorgeous!”

  Across the big open room was a massive stone fireplace that reached at least thirty feet from floor to ceiling. New leather furniture was placed around it, making for a great place to relax while enjoying the spectacular views of the ski hill through the wall of windows that framed the fireplace. Two rich, dark wood staircases spiralled up on either side of the open room and met at the landing above. To the right was a lounge, complete with a big-screen TV and a bar. To the left was the reception area.

  We slowly walked up the grand staircase and down the hall to our room. I unlocked the door and threw our bags onto the bed.

  “This isn’t my room,” Anna said as she let one side of her mouth curl up. She was still distant and wouldn’t look straight at me.

  “I know. Just hear me out.” I pulled her down to sit next to me on the bed and took her hand in mine. It felt natural. “Anna, I’m really sorry about Rachel. I don’t know what her problem is. I think she’s just jealous.”

  “Jealous of what?” she challenged.

  I took a deep breath and went on, “Of the fact that I want to be with you and not her.” It was a bold move, but I had to say it. Words I never thought I’d say to Anna Taylor. It had been killing me for the last few days, and finally saying it was a huge relief.

  “You do?” Her voice was soft and tender. Her eyes were almost pleading.

  “I do.” I leaned down and kissed her softly on her lips for the first time since grade eight under the old oak tree. “And do you want the same thing?”

  And as if heaven’s angels sang it themselves, she closed her eyes and whispered, “Yes.”

  I pulled her into my chest and wrapped my arms around her perfect body, inhaling her sweet aroma.

  I couldn’t be sure how much time passed when she finally pulled from my hold and looked up at me and said, “They’re waiting for us.”

  “Let them wait.” I lifted her chin and kissed her again, gently. She reached up and tangled her hands into my hair and pressed her lips firmly against mine.

  “Uh-hum!” An annoying voice cleared the romance in the room. We broke apart and turned to face Noah and Rachel standing in the doorway.

  “Oh, hey guys,” Anna was a little smug. I could tell she enjoyed watching Rachel’s reaction.

  “Well, look who’s the hottest new couple,” Noah laughed as he threw his bag on the bed beside us.

  “Yeah, yeah. Get out, would ya?” I pushed his bag off the bed. “And this bed is mine, by the way. You can sleep on the sofa.”

  “Arm wrestle you for it,” Noah challenged.

  “Cut it out,” Rachel warned. “You guys coming?”

  “Anna?” I unzipped my bag and began unpacking its contents. “Did you want to go skiing now or later? It’s up to you.”

  Noah rolled his eyes so dramatically that the action could almost be heard. Anna giggled, “Yeah, let’s do it now. It’ll be a fun way to kick-start the weekend. Besides, everyone is waiting. We can pick up where we left off later.” She winked at me and the butterflies began playing tag again.