Read Brane Child Page 18


  Lisa returned to the galley after seeing Milton off the ship. She found Sandra and Brax there discussing the recently delivered 'magic' items.

  "Do you think there's any use for this stuff?" she asked them. To her, they looked like little more than stage props.

  "We were just talking about that," Brax said. "You have to admit, that cloak Sandra has is pretty strange."

  "To me it just looks like a gray cloak. I have no idea why you and Milton imagined it's anything else." The fact that they did still troubled her. There must be some rational explanation.

  "We should carry what he brought us whether it's of use or not," Sandra said. "If we don't, we might hurt Milton's feelings, or worse, insult his king."

  She had a good point. "I don't suppose there's any harm in it."

  Lisa had already slipped the ring on her finger and, somewhat to her surprise, found that it fit.

  "Well, I think the sword is pretty cool," Brax said, placing his hand on the hilt, where it hung from his waist in the scabbard.

  Lisa cast a meaningful look at the sword. "Do you know how to use one of those things?"

  "Well, I've used them in games, so I have some idea," he said with a disarming smile. "I know you're supposed to point the pointy end toward the bad guy."

  "Well, that's a good start. I'm sure you'll be an expert in no time."

  Doc arrived with his magical healing staff and a puzzled look.

  "Is something wrong?" Lisa asked him.

  "More confusing than wrong."

  "Business as usual here, then," Sandra said.

  "Confusing in what way this time?" Lisa prompted.

  "I was trying to run a DNA analysis on Gorbo's blood, but the results didn't make sense. I'm running it again."

  "You found something strange about his DNA?"

  "Let's just say that all I can say for sure at this point is that he has blood, and it's red. I'll let you know more when I can."

  "At least we know they don't like being hurt. Gorbo's reaction to the needle was proof of that," Sandra said.

  "Which makes me wonder why they keep trying to attack the city," Lisa said. "Is there something there they want, or do they just hate it so much they feel compelled to destroy it?"

  "I don't think it's like that," Brax said. "I doubt they care much about the city one way or another. The orcs are just a weapon that someone is using. We need to know who that someone is."

  "What we need is some damn palladium and try to get out of here," Sandra said. "It's been fun, but I think I've had enough of this medieval theme park."

  "Actually, I had an idea about that," Doc said. "Sandra, what do you think about taking one more ride at that park?"

  "What are you talking about, Doc?"

  "That cloak Milton brought for you could allow you to get close enough to the orc camp to learn something about whoever is leading them."

  "Wait a minute," Lisa said. "I'm not going to let Sandra risk her life by trusting a magic invisibility cloak!"

  "It seems to work on some people," Brax said.

  "That's true," Sandra agreed. "It worked on him, and I can't imagine the orcs are much brighter."

  "Ha-ha, very funny," he said sarcastically.

  She stuck out her tongue at him.

  "I suspect intelligence has nothing to do with the effect," Doc said. "But I agree. Although I have no logical explanation, it does seem to be able to confer invisibility on the wearer, at least from the perspective of the local inhabitants."

  Lisa wasn't sure she agreed, but she had no idea why it seemed to work on some people and not on others. She did know that she didn't trust it.

  "Sandra, you can't be seriously considering doing this?" she said.

  "Well, I can't say I'm enthused about the idea, but Milton did say the cloak would make me invisible to orcs, and if it will help us get out of here and back to somewhere with indoor plumbing, I'm willing to give it a shot. Besides, we're almost out of toilet paper."

  "I'm sure Sims can make more," Doc said.

  "I was just kidding, but I don't want to be stuck here in toxic sludge fantasyland forever. We need more information in order to leave, and this might get it for us. If the orcs seem to notice me, I'll run right back. You can be sure of that."

  Lisa remained far from happy with the plan, such as it was, but she had no better ideas. Sandra was right; they did need to know more, and the cloak did inexplicably seem to work on some people. Milton was the only native they had tested it on, but if he was representative, they could infer that it worked on most of them. She'd be much less anxious about it if they could do more testing, and there might be a way to do that. It wouldn't meet modern laboratory standards, but it was probably the best they could do here, and it would help verify Milton's claims about it.

  "Okay, on one condition. Before you go to the orcs' camp, wander around the city for a while. If none, and I mean NONE, of the local people seem to notice you, you can try it. Don't take any risks you don't need to. Don't stay long whether or not you learn anything. If you're not back in three hours, we'll fly the ship to their camp and…"

  "And what?" Brax said.

  "And rescue me, of course," Sandra said. "You're the hero, right?"

  ~Chapter 11~