Read Branna Page 11

  The twins fist bumped again.

  “Oh, man,” Dominic laughed, “I’m so happy it’s not me.”

  “Or me,” Damien and Alec said in unison, making me laugh.

  “Identical twin boys, Branna!”

  I looked at my sister when she spoke and wrapped her arms around me once more. I heard her voice break, and it instantly brought tears to my eyes.

  “I know, Bee,” I said as I hugged her. “I can’t believe it.”

  “Everyone has boys but me!” she cried, making me chuckle.

  “Let’s get to babymaking, and I’ll put a boy in you this time... promise,” Dominic chimed in.

  Alec snorted. “I bet I’ll have a son before you do.”

  Dominic punched Alec, who punched him back. Ryder had to step between them and shove them apart, which brought a big smile to my face.

  Some things will never change.

  I hugged everyone in the room and showed them the scan pictures of the babies.

  “It’s not fair that you get two out of this pregnancy and I’ve to go through it four more times to get the number of kids we want,” Bronagh said, sliding her fingertips over the pictures in awe.

  Keela snickered. “Maybe you’ll have twins eventually.”

  Dominic placed his hand on his chest and said, “Don’t you wish that upon us, Daley.”

  I beamed. “What’s so bad about havin’ twins?”

  “I’m a twin,” Dominic said, stating the obvious. “I know how much of a handful we can be.”

  “He speaks the truth,” Damien said in agreement. “We were little shits.”

  “Nothing’s changed,” Alec mused. “You’re still little shits.”

  I excused myself to use the bathroom once the twins starting rowing with Alec over how much of a little shit he was and is. I took my time relieving myself and cleaning up a bit before I thought of going back downstairs. I changed clothes in my room, brushed out my hair, and plaited it to keep it out of my face. When I felt a little more human, I went back downstairs but halted in the hallway when I heard voices coming from the street.

  I exited my house and walked down the steps and to the end of my garden when I spotted Alec at our gate holding a white football in his hands with three boys surrounding him.

  “What’s goin’ on?”

  Alec looked at me. “They kicked their ball at the house; I caught it when I was leaving.”

  “We didn’t do it on purpose, missus,” one of the boys almost shouted at me, pleading their case.

  I recognised the boy; he was my neighbour and from a few doors down.

  “You’d better not have, or I’ll pop your stupid soccer ball,” Alec warned them.

  “Fuck you, mister,” the boy snapped. “I’ll tell me ma if you do.”

  “Kid,” Alec laughed, “don’t threaten me. I’ll start making promises if you do.”


  “Yeah?” the boy snapped. “Like what? You stupid yank.”

  “Don’t mess with me, kid,” Alec warned.

  “Or what?’ the kid countered.

  “I’ll fuck your sister and mom then marry them both and become your step-dad and brother-in-law if you cross me again, you little shit.”

  The kid’s face went the colour of beetroot when his friends cracked up laughing.

  “Me da will kick your arse for sayin’ that!” he angrily hissed at Alec.

  “Then I’ll fuck his ass and marry him too. Don’t try me on this, Bilbo. I’ll wifey up your entire household, and we’ll all be one big happy fucking family.”

  The kid’s face turned a darker shade of red as his friends’ laughter rose.

  “I’m tellin’ your missus!” he spluttered.

  “You almost hit my face with the ball, and she loves my face, so please,” Alec said, and gestured towards my house where Keela was, “go ahead,”

  The kid hesitated, so Alec continued, “She’ll double team your brothers in front of you if you give her attitude.”

  The kid widened his eyes and said, “Your whole family is bloody crazy!” Then he turned and ran off, his friends following closely behind. All three of them forgot their football.

  “And don’t you forget it!” Alec shouted after him before kicking the ball after them. He shook his head and looked at me. “Fucking pussy looked like he was about to cry.”

  I had to cross my legs as laughter spilled from me accompanied by a painful stitch in my side.

  “Branna?” I heard Ryder’s voice call from behind me.

  “She’s fine,” Alec shouted as he grabbed me, so I didn’t fall over. “She’s just laughing and possibly pissing herself.”

  I smacked at him with my hands as I wheezed with laughter, and he found this amusing but just for a moment.

  “Shit, Bran,” Alec said, panicked. “Are you okay?”

  I wanted to say yes, but I couldn’t because a stitch was paining me.

  “Ryder!” he shouted.

  “I’m fine,” I rasped and placed my hands on my hips. “Just lost my breath.”

  “Bran?” Ryder said, his hands gripping my shoulders.

  “I’m fine,” I assured him. “Just laughed too hard and lost my breath.”

  “I’m getting your prescription from the pharmacy as soon as I get you up to bed,” he stated.

  I smiled when I looked up at him. “Okay, Daddy.”

  He grinned, and we looked at Alec when he grunted.

  “What?” I asked.

  “Nothing, I love witnessing sexual tension when I haven’t gotten any in two days.”

  “Two days?” I said dryly. “How tragic.”

  “Tell me about it,” he grunted. “Damn periods fuck my life up. I’m thankful for my hand.”

  Ryder laughed.

  “That’s what you’re thankful for?” I asked Alec. “Your hand?”

  “I’m thankful there are so many different ways to eat potatoes,” he instantly replied.

  I smiled at the thought of food.

  “Me too, and for pizza. All the different styles of pizza.”

  Alec bumped his fist with mine.

  “You’re my spirit animal,” he said.

  I laughed. “And you’re mine.”

  Alec went on his way to his house, and just as I turned to head back up to my house with Ryder, I spotted Kane’s car driving down the road. Ryder noticed them too.

  “You ready to tell them the baby news?” he asked.

  I beamed. “Born ready.”

  “We’ll get Lana later and tell her,” he said. “Then that’s everyone we love who knows we’re having twins.”

  I was tired, hungry, and desperate to sleep in my own bed, but nothing could compare to the happiness I felt when Ryder’s words sunk in. It was real; we were having twin boys, and everyone was happy. What felt most important to me was that I was happy, truly happy, and I’d be damned if it didn’t feel good.

  Twenty weeks later…

  Being almost thirty-seven weeks pregnant with twins was absolute misery. Everywhere ached, everywhere was swollen, and I hadn’t seen my feet in so long I was desperate to be reacquainted with the visual of my toes. I groaned then followed up with a sigh.

  “They’ll be here soon, Bran.”

  I rolled my eyes at my sister’s comment. “It’s easy for you to say. You’re not the beached whale who can barely move without needin’ help.”

  “I was in your shoes before.” Bronagh smiled. “I know how miserable you’re feelin’.”

  “Times that misery by two and you’ll get how I’m feelin’,” I grumbled.

  Bronagh was silent for a moment then said, “Do you want a back or foot rub?”

  “No,” I said. “I’ll only get sleepy but won’t be able to fall asleep.”

  “What do you want to do then?” she asked.

  I heaved myself up from my sitting position.

  “I’m goin’ to have a cuppa.”

  I left my newly furnished sitting room—Ryder decided it wa
s time we had an actual sitting room and moved the gym upstairs—and headed into the kitchen. I smiled at Alannah, who was sitting at the kitchen table, tapping on the screen of her phone. She excused herself from the sitting room minutes ago to take a call.

  “Is everything okay?” I asked as I made myself tea and headed over to the kitchen table.

  “Yep, just confirmin’ work stuff.”

  I nodded as I took the seat across from her, but the second I sat down, I tensed up when I saw the cup Alannah now had in her grasp.

  “Alannah,” I said with wide eyes. “That’s Alec’s favourite cup.”

  It was a silly cup that revealed a quote about being up to no good from the Harry Potter books when a hot liquid was poured inside. Alec loved the damn thing.

  “He can use another one.” She yawned then took a sip of tea. “God ‘imself couldn’t take this cup of tea away from me right now; it’s needed.”

  “No, seriously,” I pressed. “He has some sort of weird claim on it.”

  “It’ll be fine.” She chuckled. “It’s not like he is goin’ to—”

  “Are you using my cup?”

  I looked to my right and began laughing when I saw Alec standing at the kitchen doorway.

  “For God’s sake,” Alannah groaned. “Did we just unknowingly summon you or somethin’?”

  His gaze hardened.

  “Ryan,” he bit out. “Is. That. My. Cup?”

  Alannah innocently smiled. “Could be, could not be.”

  “You’re going to answer the damn question before I lose my freaking mind.”

  The glare Alec shot Alannah caused me to smother a smile behind my own cup of tea.

  “Yep,” she replied, smacking her lips together. “I am.”

  “That’s my cup,” Alec said through gritted teeth. “Nobody uses my cup.”

  “Until today, Sheldon Cooper.”

  Alec set his jaw when Alannah tipped the cup in his direction.

  “You’re being difficult,” he said, his frustration not going amiss. “You’re never difficult. What is wrong with you?”

  Alannah shrugged. “I don’t feel like being a pushover today.”

  “I’m about to push you over if you don’t give me back my cup.”

  “What if I let the cup fall when you push me?” she asked, a brow raised.

  “I’ve never hit a female, Alannah, but keep talking about breaking my cup and that will change. Your ass will be set aflame, woman.”

  Alannah stuck out her tongue, placed it on the rim of the cup, and with her eyes locked on Alec’s, she slid it around the rim. When she was finished, she held the cootie-infected cup out to Alec, but he didn’t move a muscle.

  “You evil... bitch.”

  Alannah devilishly smiled. “Does this mean I can finish me tea in peace?”

  Alec narrowed his eyes to slits. “You have won the battle, Ryan, but you will not win the war.”

  He turned and left the room, his weird threat lingering like a bad smell.

  I looked at Alannah and said, “You know Keela is goin’ to kill you for the impendin’ headache you’ve just set up for ‘er, right?”

  “It was so worth it.” Alannah snickered. “Did you see his face?”

  I laughed. “I thought he was goin’ to bite a chunk out of you. He loves that damn cup.”

  “I can understand why,” she mused. “My hands fit around it just right.”

  “You’re a weirdo,” I teased. “You know that, right?”

  “Since the day I started school.” She nodded.

  I smiled, sipping my own tea.

  “How are you feelin’?” she asked me. “I still can’t believe you’re carryin’ twins.”

  “I know.” I exhaled a deep breath. “It’s so excitin’ but honestly? I just want them to get out.”

  Alannah nodded in understanding.

  “Twin identical boys, though,” she continued. “You’re goin’ to have a bunch of daddies and brothers knockin’ at your door in the future if they’re anythin’ like Dominic and Damien and how they were with girls.”

  I blessed myself.

  “Don’t even mention anythin’ like that,” I said to her. “I’d smack their arses red raw.”

  Alannah laughed. “I believe you.”

  I eyed her. “How are you?”

  “Me?” She forced a smile. “I’m great.”

  I took a few seconds to really look at her. Alannah was a very attractive woman that I knew would be the envy of many women who saw her in passing. Her skin was porcelain pale, and while it was clear of imperfections, she had the cutest splash of freckles sprinkled over her nose and under her eyes. She rarely wore makeup, and unless you were up close and personal with her, you would think otherwise when looking at her striking face. Her cheekbones were high, her jawline defined, her eyes were large and encased by long lashes and guarded by thick, nicely shaped brows. Her eyes were bright blue, and they reminded me of an anime character. Her hair was dark as the night and flowed in waves to the base of her spine.

  She was perfect, and I knew she had no idea just how beautiful she was. Usually, if someone was gorgeous, they knew it, or had some sort of hint to it, but not Alannah.

  “You’re a bad liar, friend,” I said with a sad smile.

  She dropped her forced smile. “And ‘ere I thought I was a convincin’ fibber.”

  I winked. “Not on your life.”

  Alannah sighed, her shoulders slumping. “I’m debatin’ on whether to tell me ma about me da’s affair... for real this time.”

  I gasped at the admission. “Really?”

  She reluctantly nodded. “He knows somethin’ is up with me because I refuse to be alone with ‘im.”

  I frowned. “I can’t imagine how you’re feelin’.”

  “It hurts,” Alannah said, her eyes distant. “I’m angry, sad, disappointed, and baffled. Me ma is beautiful, Branna. I’m not bein’ biased either; she is really pretty, and she can cook and sing and put a smile on anyone’s face without tryin’. You’ve met ‘er so you know. She loves me da to death, which is why this is killin’ me. If I don’t tell ‘er, me da will continue havin’ the affair. She deserves a hell of a lot better than that, but if I tell her, I’ll break ‘er heart and ruin our family.”

  I covered Alannah’s hand with my own.

  “If anyone is to take blame for this, it’s your father. Not you, not your mother, him and him alone.”

  Alannah nodded, but it didn’t look like she believed me, and I hated that. No matter what the outcome would be for her family, she would feel somewhat to blame no matter what anyone said. That was the kind of person she was. She wanted to fix everything, and when she couldn’t, she took on the weight of failure on her own two shoulders and carried it.

  “I’m the only one out of our group who has both of ‘er parents,” she commented softly. “For ages, I thought it was because we were normal, but now... now I don’t know what to think.”

  “We’re all ‘ere for you,” I told her. “Please, don’t bear this burden alone.”

  “It’s hard not to. Every time I pluck up the courage to confront me da or tell me ma, I chicken out.”

  “I would too,” I assured her. “This is heavy stuff; you have to do it only when the time is right.”

  Alannah nodded and retreated into the comfort of her own mind where she could think. We spoke no further on the subject when Damien walked into the room holding Georgie or when Dominic and Bronagh came in a few seconds behind them. I knew Bronagh was in the house, but the twins were supposed to be at work. Dominic got the full-time gym job at the new leisure centre in town that Ryder told me about on our honeymoon, and both Damien and Ryder got jobs at Aideen’s father’s auto shop as roadside rescue. They had a basic understanding of engines, but Aideen’s father schooled them for weeks to expand their knowledge and make their jobs a hell of a lot easier.

  “How come you’re both home from work?” I quizzed.

the twins replied in unison.

  “It’s lunchtime already?” I frowned. “Dame, where is Ryd—”

  “He literally just walked in the door,” Bronagh cut me off as she glanced out of the kitchen towards the front door. “Damien came in ahead of ‘im ‘cause he was parkin’ the truck.”

  Ryder and Damien shared the company vehicle, but Ryder did the majority of the driving.

  “I forgot to make lunch,” I sniffled, feeling like a horrible person.

  “No tears,” my sister quickly said. “I made them food while you were restin’. It’s in the fridge.”

  “Thanks.” I smiled as I rubbed at my eyes.

  It didn’t take much for me to cry, and when I got going, it was hard to stop.

  “Dadadadada!” Georgie said as she snuggled into Damien’s chest.

  Dominic almost glared at his daughter. “I’m your dada. Damien is your uncle.”

  Bronagh rolled her eyes. “She knows your ‘er da, but she calls everyone dada. It’s all she can say. Also, she’s a baby, and it’s probably freaky figurin’ out why another man has the same face as ‘er daddy. She’ll make that mistake until she realises who is who.”

  “How come you didn’t make a mistake and find your way to my bed?” Damien asked Bronagh, grinning.

  “Simple.” She grinned back. “You moved away, and I got to know ‘im better.”

  Damien’s face dropped. “I knew I should have stayed here.”

  Bronagh laughed, but Dominic was less than amused.

  “Give Georgie back to Bronagh,” he ordered.

  Damien frowned. “Why?”

  “So I can kill you,” came his brother’s response.

  Damien held onto Georgie for dear life, which I found amusing. I shook my head as I took a sip of tea. I looked back at Alannah, found her looking at Damien before she looked down at Alec’s cup and swallowed. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say she looked guilty of something.


  The room became crowded when Ryder walked in, taking the seat next to me. I wasn’t surprised when Alec re-entered the room with Keela minutes later and glared at Alannah as if she had just killed his parents. I snorted at him and opened a jar of mayonnaise that was on the table and grabbed some bread and ham from the fridge so I could make a sandwich. Bronagh, who was next to me, pulled a face when she smelled the jar of mayonnaise that I had opened. I watched as she covered her mouth as if the stench of it was making her feel sick. I widened my eyes at this because the only time Bronagh couldn’t stand the smell of mayonnaise was when she was pregnant with Georgie.