Read Break of Dawn I - Catastrophe Page 3

  Thomas: "You fucking metamorphosis!"

  Luke points his pistol to Thomas's head, ready to push the trigger. Bang--! Thomas opens his eye, only to see Luke falling down with blood spreading around.

  Black: "Fuck! Get your weapons!!! Somebody attacks!!!"

  Bang--Bang---Bang!!! An intense battle starts, 'cause those gangs cannot see their enemies, most of them get hurt by bullets.

  Nicholas: "God!!Damn it!!! Cover me!!!"

  Black: "My shoulder!!!"

  "Put your guns down and kneel!!!" Frankenstein walks outside the shadow, holding a pistol, "I said put your guns down and kneel!"

  Sean walks out beside him, holding a refile, behind him is Jaden, holding a shotgun. From the other side (North side) of the camp walk out Dominic and Galen, holding a pistol respectively.

  Black: "Fuck, they kill Luke! What could we do boss?"

  Blight: "4vs5, ha? We still have chance to win!!"

  Amanda(Walks out from the west side, holding a sub-machine gun): "You can try."

  Frankenstein: "Put them down and make them kneel!!!"

  Blight: "Hold on! I give up!" He throws his gun away and kneels. Other 3 do as what their boss does.

  Sean: "What the fuck! They are eating a human! Isn't that a leg!!!"

  Jaden: "You monsters!! I will kill you...!" He points at the gangs. "Put it down, Jaden!" Frankenstein says, "Tie them up, on the tree."

  Dominic runs to Thomas: "Oh, god, what they have done to you!!!"

  Thomas: "You, should be thankful, that, they didn't eat me!! But, they ate her!"

  Galen: "We should kill them right now, or I wonder leaving them alive, how many people they will eat!"

  Frankenstein: "No, we are not going to kill them!"

  Galen: "But......" "Let walkers eat them!" "......" "I think gun shot has already attracted some walkers."

  Sean: "Sir, already done!"

  Frankenstein: "OK, let's go back."

  Nicholas: "You can't just leave us here!!! Nooo!"

  Thomas snatches a pistol from Galen and shots Nicholas immediately, "Hold him!!!" Frankenstein shouts, "Take him back!" "Fuck! Let me kill them!! No!! Emily! Give Emily back!! You son of bitch!......"

  Nicholas: "Fuck you! You son of bitch! Ah... He shots in my chest!!! Fuck!!Ah..."

  Frankenstein: "Move back. Walkers are coming."

  Dominic and Jaden hold Thomas and follow Frankenstein, Sean and Galen walk behind to kill walkers coming behind.

  "Ah!!! Fu...Fuck!!!" "Shut up Nicholas!!!" "Fuck! You will kill us all!!!" "Nicholas!"

  Because the gun shot and Nicholas' s screaming, many walkers turn to the camp, death is waiting for the 4.

  Chapter Seven

  (A-Lake, Amofous district, Cloudim, December 20, 2026)

  Frankenstein: "......Thank you!"

  Amanda: "For what?"

  Frankenstein: "For your help."

  Amanda: "I was just, just, I don't want others to jump into the hell with you, fool."

  Frankenstein: "Thanks anyway."

  Amanda: "......I'll go and check our patience......"

  Frankenstein is driving the RV on the road, Sean is on the top of the RV, others are helping with Frederica or taking a rest. The RV seems so crowded, 21 people, so many that the RV moves in a very slow speed.

  "Keith!?" "Yes, sir?" "Pay attention to some cars or buses. We need more. RV will break down if keep on driving!" " Yea, I think so, I will pay attention!"

  "Sir, guys' getting tired of traveling in the RV, life on bus seems so uncomfortable, someone suggests us to find a safe place to stay down!" Keith sits on the auxiliary driving seat.

  Frankenstein: "I'm thinking about that, but we are pretty close to Delores. We will stay down there."

  Keith: "They mean just one night, we cannot always sleep on the bumpy RV."

  Frankenstein: "Just hold on for a while, we will arrive at our termination in 3 days. Unless this big guy is run out of fuel......" The RV stops all of a sudden, Frankenstein try to start it off but in vain, "Well, as you wish......"

  "Take turns to stand sentry, set tents close to the RV, everyone be very careful ! Just one night!" Frankenstein said to his people, Jaden and Keith choose to take the first turn, others help themselves to set tents around the RV.

  Galen: "Come on Nicole! Let's join others!"

  Nicole: "No, I just wanna stay alone here. Leave me alone."

  Galen: "It's been a week! How could you!......"

  Katie and her children sleep in a tent next to the door of the RV; Sean just lies on the top of the RV; Frederica, Stephanie and Jennifer are in the same tent; Dominic sleeps on the sofa near to Thomas and Tony, the two patients are still in a coma; Frankenstein takes a nap on the driver's seat, Amanda is on the auxiliary driving seat, but she doesn't fall asleep, she stares at his face, under the moon light, even when he is asleep he seems so solemn, just a feeling she cannot hold back, she moves close to him, she can feel his breathe, she kisses on his cheek and then sleeps serenely.

  Galen: "OK, hey, boys, come on get some sleep, let me take your turn."

  Keith: "Jaden, you can go first."

  Galen: "No No No, I mean you two, trust me okay! I swear I will protect us all, to do the alarming job perfectly!"

  Jaden: "Alright, I feel so tired, let's go take a good rest."

  Keith: "......I will later."

  Galen: "Oho, come on, Keith, am I look like a jerk? A liar?"

  Jaden: "I trust you, oh, I can't feel my eyes..."

  Keith: "OK, be careful, if you are tired remember to call for a turn! Don't keep plugging!"

  Galen: "Yes sir!"

  Galen holds a shotgun, does some goosestepping, walks around the RV and tents for a while, then he sits down on the ground, takes off his shoes and starts to scratch his feet. "Oh, fuck, my beriberi is getting worse!"

  After scratching for several minutes, Galen wanders to the border of road and the forest, starts to pee on the bush. Suddenly a walker lunged at him, he is scared a lot, "Oh God!!! Fuck, help!!!!!" He tries his best to stop the walker from biting him, "No! !Jesus Christ!!! Somebody help!!! I don't wanna die here!!!"

  Puzi -- A knife flies in the walker's head, the walker dies immediately and lies on Galen.

  "Keep screaming, you gonna wake everybody up and attract walkers to kill everyone! What the fuck are you doing here?" Sean walks towards Galen and helps him up.

  "Oh buddy, thanks a lot! I think I pissed on my pants! What a shame!" Galen kicks the walker and walks back with Sean.

  Galen: "Nice shot buddy! I mean, fortunately it didn't fly into my head."

  Sean: "Don't worry, my nickname was the flying dagger."

  Galen: "Wow, that's great."

  Frederica: "Hey, Galen? Wasn't that your screaming? You wake us up!"

  Galen: "I swear it won't happen again!"

  Joshua: "Mom, uncle Wayne' s pant is wet. Why don't you give him a diaper?"

  Katie: "Oh, baby uncle Wayne is old enough, he can do that by himself ! Why don't you say he pour some water on the pant in accident?" She blinks at Galen.

  Galen: "......Yeah, just some water..."

  Sean: "Ha ha, that's funny! Hey, I think somebody's gonna take your place Uncle Wayne! Go get a new pant!"

  From the windshield, Frankenstein stares at them, smiles. He turns right and has a look at Amanda, she is sleeping deeply. "Tomorrow will be better, I hope......"

  Chapter Eight

  (Termination, Delores district, Cloudim, December 23, 2026)

  On the main road, a Ford car runs at the first, then comes a Jeep, a big RV and a Chevrolet car. Frankenstein, Amanda and Jaden are in the Ford car; Sean, Jennifer and Dominic are in the Jeep; Galen, Katie and Nichole are in the Chevrolet; Keith is driving the RV. Thomas, Tony are still in treatment, Frederica is taking care of them; Stephanie is taking care of Joshua and Lilith; Nichole is getting better and chats with Keith on the auxiliary driving seat.

  Frankenstein reaches his hand out of the Ford, signa
ls to the later vehicles to stop.

  "What's wrong?" Sean opens the door of the Jeep and asks.

  Frankenstein:"Nothing, we are very close to the termination."

  Amanda: "So why not go straight forward?"

  Keith(RV/shouting): "Hey!? What's wrong?"

  Galen(Chevrolet/shouting): "Walkers are behind! Come on guys? Let's move!"

  Sean: "Why do you stop? Sir?"

  Frankenstein: "I don't think it's wise for us all to move in at one time."

  Amanda: "Which means what?"

  Frankenstein: "Hide our cars in the woods, just few of us get into it and check whether it's safe or not."

  Sean: "I agree with him, if some gangs took up it, we not only would be robbed, you girls would also be raped!"

  Jennifer: "Oh, that's terrible!"

  Frankenstein: "Now, turn back and drive into the woods. Who are willing to have a trip to hell? Just two."

  Sean: "I would like t....."

  Frankenstein: "No, you should stay and protect them."

  Sean: "Alright."

  Galen: "Me!!! I would like to!"

  Amanda: "The other will be me."

  Frankenstein: "......OK. Let's move right now."

  Guard A: "Hey! Put your hands up!"

  Frankenstein: "Hold your weapons! We are survivors!"

  Guard A: "Is there anyone infected by walkers or jumpers?"

  Galen: "No! We are all normal human!"

  Guard A: "OK, Owen, open the gate!"

  Guard B: "Come in please. Welcome to the Termination!"

  Stranger A: "Wow, look at them! New comers! Welcome! My name is Jason, nice to see you guys."

  Frankenstein: "Nice to see you too."

  Jason: "Let me take you guys to visit our governor. He is a Hospitable man. He will be happy if he see you guys."

  Galen: "This place seems so huge! Look at those high steel walls, how did you build it?"

  Jason: "Hmm...... our designers, constructors started to work on these right after the broke out of the virus. Miller was a senator at that time, he organized all these things, and made sure everything goes well. And he did a good job, everybody here respects him."

  Amanda: "Sounds like a great man. So how many survivors are here?"

  Jason: "hundreds. Not too many, our place is limited, we are considering enlarging it. But at the same time we need more food supplies. We got some farmers, there are some fields and livestock. While not enough for hundreds people. Then Miller started to send small groups to get supplies from outside. That's dangerous but we only lost few people till now."

  Frankenstein: "That seems great. It's a good place. So how long shall we go to see the great man?"

  Jason: "Already here." Jason opens a gate of a medieval style house and lead them to the second floor, where the governor sits and deals with daily things.

  Jason: "Hey, come and see some new friends!"

  Raymond: "Oh, hi! My name's Raymond?Miller."

  Frankenstein shacks his hand: "Frankenstein?Rodriguez, so you must be the great man! I have heard a lot of your stories! This is Amanda?Hall and this is Galen?Wayne."

  Raymond: "Oh, that's just so so, where are you come from? Skyim?"

  Galen: "Yeah, I am from Wiliton district."

  Raymond: "How about you two?"

  Frankenstein: "Startim, where the jumpers originates."

  Raymond: "Yea, jumpers, they are hard to cope with. So there are only three in your group?"

  Galen: "No, we've got..."

  Amanda: "16, including two children. They are waiting for us outside termination, I'm sorry for suspecting your place but......"

  Raymond: "No, no, that's okay! I always do that when we receive new group, you see, we cannot let bad guys take this place right? Just let them in, don't worry!"

  Frankenstein: "......Yeah, so why don't you suspect us? I mean, we don't look like some kind guys..."

  Raymond: "Oh, I'm good at observing people, insight, you know, I used to work in RFI."

  Galen: "RFI? That's damn cool!"

  Amanda: "But Jason said you used to be a senator."

  Raymond: "Yeah, I did. But after resigning from that I prefer working in RFI."

  Amanda: "Oh, the two jobs barely have no connection."

  Raymond: "Ha ha, I bet ya think about......" "Governor!" Some people breaks in all of a sudden. "I have some emergency to......" The man saw Frankenstein and suddenly stops.

  Amanda: "Frank......"

  Frankenstein: "It's you."

  The man pulls out a pistol immediately and points at Frankenstein. "God damn!" "Put your gun down!!!" "Blight!!!" "Frank!" "Hold on!"

  Blight: "Governor, you will never know what this asshole did to us, to your people!!!"

  Chapter Nine

  (Outside the Termination, Delores district, Cloudim, December 23, 2026)

  Stephanie: "It's been two hours since they went in."

  Jennifer: "I'm afraid......"

  Sean: "No, we will wait here until they come out! Or we attack!"

  Jaden: "Oh, man, that's crazy! Don't you see that! At least 30 guards!"

  Sean: "But we cannot leave them!"

  Keith: "Hold on guys, there must be something, something they have to deal, please trust Frankenstein, he won't make it worse."

  Frederica: "Yeah, I trust him. Through all those hardships we ran into, he is worthy of trust."

  (Doubche mountain, Chloes district, Cloudim, December 20, 2026)

  Blight: "Fuck! Nicholas! Shut up!"

  Black: "Jesus! Walkers! Blight! Couldn't you think out anything!!!"

  Several walkers walk towards the 4, Nicholas was bite by 3 walkers and screams aloud which attracts more. Blight uses his leg to kick some walkers trying to approach him. Black struggles to break the rope but in vain. At the moment a walker is going to bite Black in the neck, Bang--! The walker falls down.

  "Brian! Come on! Help me, get out of this!!!" Black shouts at him. Brian cut the rope with a knife and release Black and Blight. However, Nicholas was teared apart by walkers.

  "Damn it!!" Blight shouts, "Move! Or we will be like him!"

  The 3 breach the surrounding of walkers, Black's left hand was bite by a walker in accident.

  "No, help me Blight!!!" Black covers his bleeding hand.

  Blight points his gun at Black's head. "I'm sorry, bro."

  "Noo!! There gonna be some ways!!! Don't shot me!"

  Brian: "Are you crazy!! You cannot just shoot him! We lost so many!"

  Blight: "What you want me to do? I don't wanna do this!"

  Brian: "I know this may sounds crazy, but......cut his hand!"

  Black: "What? Fuck you! No you can't! There gonna be some other ways!!!"

  Blight: "Do you wanna become one of them?"

  Black: "......"

  Brian: "Boss, hold him. I will do this."

  Blight: "...Alright, buddy, bite this piece of wood."

  Black's closes his eyes tightly, Brian hold his left arm and cut immediately.

  "Wum!!!! Ah!!!! FUck!!! Wum!!!"

  Blight: "Hold on!!! Hold on! Buddy you can do it!!!"

  Blood spreads everywhere. Black falls into a coma because of the violent pain from his hand.

  Blight: "Stop bleeding! Help push!!!"

  Brian: "Give me your belt!"

  Blight: "I'll carry him, you clear the way!"

  Brian: "OK. Follow me."

  (Termination, Delores district, Cloudim, December 23, 2026)

  Blight: "He killed Luke! Nicholas! And he almost killed me!"

  Raymond: "......Calm down Blight! I can deal with this so put your fucking gun down!!!! Now!!!"

  Galen: "We are really sorry! We didn't know they are......"

  Frankenstein: "They deserve."

  Raymond: "What do yo mean?"

  Amanda: "Your people, they are monsters! Why don't you ask them what they have done outside?"

  Raymond: "What did they do......"

  Frankenstein: "They did some good th
ings...cannibalism. They raped a girl and ate her! And they made one of my friends lose his eye."

  Raymond: "...Blight, tell me, is that true?"

  Blight: "Governor, we just......"

  Raymond: "Is, that, true!!!?"

  Blight: "......Yes..."

  Raymond: "I asked you to search supplies!!! Not to kill people!!! Not rob! Rape! Kill!!!"

  Jason: "Calm down Miller. You don't need to be so. Let Charles deal with this."

  Raymond: "...Alright, take him away, take a note to Charles, exile."

  Hearing this, Blight raises his pistol again suddenly and shoots Raymond. Bang--- "No!!!" Jason and Galen rush to control Blight and push him down.

  Amanda: "Frank!!!"

  Frankenstein rushed to block the bullet, which shoots into his left chest, caused him fall into a coma immediately.

  Amanda: "No!! Don't! Please!!!" She holds Frankenstein' s heavy body and crying.

  Raymond was stunned by Blight's action and Frankenstein's action, "......Jason!" "Yes?" "Take him to Charles. Now!"

  Blight: "Fuck!!! You will regret what you have done!!! Miller! You son of bitch!!!"

  Jason and Galen carries him out. Amanda is still crying.

  Raymond: "I'm so sorry......"

  Amanda: "No, it's not your fault......He shouldn't have done that! He always does!!!"

  Raymond: "I'm sorry, but if we don't destroy his brain......"

  Amanda(crying): "No!!! He is not dying! Not yet......"

  Raymond holds a knife, waits to kill 'him' if he turns.

  Amanda(Crying): "Oh......How am I supposed to tell guys......We cannot live on without you!!!...."

  "Ah....em" "Hey! Be careful! He is about to......"

  Frankenstein(Weakly): "Come on, if you keep on, watching me dying......I need first aid! And, put your knife away!"

  Amanda: "Oh!!! Jesus!!! Frank!"

  Raymond: "You are still alive!!! Isaiah, my medicine assistant, Katherine, my best doctor! Come on, they will save you! I promise!"

  (Outside the Termination, Delores district, Cloudim, December 23, 2026)

  Another two hours passed.

  "I think they may meet some trouble!" Sean says, "Those clothes, those guards' clothes, or suits, I think I have seen it somewhere......Oh, shit!!! It must be!!!"