Read Breaking Brandon (Fate) Page 10

  After a few minutes of searching in her cabinets with Ms. Brady verbally walking him through where everything was and how her microwave worked, he was back in the small nook area with a tray of pizza, napkins, and two mini bottles of Coke Zero.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever had pizza with broccoli,” he said as he took the seat across from her.

  “No?” she asked, taking a slice and putting it on her napkin. “It’s really good. Well, this place I order from is really good. All their pizzas are amazing. They have this spinach/shrimp one with goat cheese that’s to die for. But I’m afraid my sister’s made me a bit of a pizza snob. I don’t order from anywhere else now.”

  Brandon stared at her as he chewed, trying not to be too obvious about watching her lick those plump lips. The pizza wasn’t half bad. Maybe it was just that he’d been starving, but the more he chewed it, the more he realized that it was actually pretty damn good. He debated on whether or not to ask what he wanted to ask because it was bordering on personal, but he figured what the hell. They were just talking food. “You said you just moved here. How do you know so much about this place’s pizza? You’ve been eating pizza this whole time?”

  She smiled, holding the napkin to her mouth and shook her head. “No, this is actually the first time I’ve ordered from there since I got here. But I’m originally from Southern California, so I discovered this place, or rather my sister turned me on to it, years ago.”

  Nodding, Brandon wondered just what the doctor had shot her up with. She might’ve been a little wobbly on her way in, but she seemed awfully clear-headed now—nothing like how she’d been in earlier in the hospital. Except for her annoyingly friendly behavior with Lansing, asking him if he were married, the near whining she’d done just as they got in her car, and the outright questioning of why he didn’t like her, she now seemed back to acting like her normal self.

  “Are you seriously gonna go in tomorrow?” he asked.

  She nodded immediately as if she didn’t even have to think about it.

  “You’re not even gonna take a day off like the doc said you should?”

  “I can’t,” she said as tenacious as ever. “I have lots of work I need to get done.”

  He stared at her for a moment before deciding once again she wasn’t his problem. If she was going to insist she didn’t need a day off, then so be it. It wasn’t his concern.

  They ate quietly for a few moments. Then she cleared her throat a little too loudly, so he looked up at her. “Are you really not gonna tell me what I did to make you dislike me so much? Because I don’t care what you say. I know you don’t.”

  Chewing slowly, Brandon stared at her quizzical and somewhat playful eyes without responding.

  “I mean at first I thought maybe you were just like that with everyone, but then I saw you at Gaslamp, and you seemed to be really enjoying yourself until . . .” The playful expression was replaced with a wounded one, and she glanced down at her pizza. “Until you saw me.”

  Swallowing down his pizza, he took a sip of his soda. He should’ve left when she told him he should. There was no way he could now, and this was about to get personal.

  Chapter Ten


  Regina hadn’t planned it this way, but she was glad now that Brandon hadn’t been there when she’d discussed with the doctor the pain medicine she’d be getting before she left. Regina didn’t like the way it made her feel, and she’d rather deal with a little pain than feel as high as she had after Rob had shot her up earlier. It was hard enough to play it cool around this intimidating man, even with her full cognizance. She didn’t need an added handicap.

  When Brandon had gone out to bring his Jeep to the patient pick up area, Regina had taken the opportunity to tell the doctor if she were going to be given more pain medicine she wanted a much lighter dose. Since he didn’t know this, she could always blame the drugs tomorrow if she got too brave tonight, trying to get out of him what she was dying to know. But she needed to know now more than ever why he seemed so unrelenting about preferring to keep their relationship professional. How and why do you just make a decision like that about someone you don’t even know?

  She’d since stopped obsessing about what she’d thought she’d seen in his eyes the morning he stopped and asked her to finish saying what she’d begun to say, but after today, there was no question about it. She kept telling herself he couldn’t be feeling anything for her good or bad. He didn’t know her. But she’d picked up on something too many times tonight. Whatever he was feeling—whether it was positive or negative—one thing was clear: it was intense.

  Her curiosity had reached the point of no return. She had to know what the hell this guy’s deal was. Was it possible he was like this with everyone? One thing was for sure. She’d never met anyone quite like him. A part of her wanted to dismiss him, not care what his fickle ass thought of her. But another part of her, the part that went breathless when he got so close and stared at her with that confusing intensity as he was doing now, was utterly intrigued. He excited her when she knew he shouldn’t.

  “Why’d you take the stairs today?” Brandon asked.

  Disappointed that he was going to ignore her inquiry once again, she looked down and stared at her pizza, frustrated for a moment. She wondered if she should just let it go. Obviously, it was not something he’d be easily talked into discussing.

  “Ms. . .” Brandon cleared his throat. “Regina?”

  That got her attention. She didn’t think he’d ever give into calling her that, so she looked up. His expression while still intense was a bit softer. “Why didn’t you take the elevator today?”

  He knew or, at the very least, had an idea, or he wouldn’t be asking. She was tired of the games, his being so hot and cold and her hiding from him all week like a coward.

  Sitting up a little straighter, she looked him right in those deep blue eyes. “I was afraid to get caught in the elevator with you. I’ve been trying to avoid you all week.” She saw the change in his eyes. She’d surprised him. Good. “I wasn’t sure you were the one behind me, but just in case, I was hoping to beat you down the stairs so I wouldn’t run into you at the bottom.”

  The surprise in his eyes was gone now, but she’d caught it before it disappeared. Now he stared at her as unreadable as usual. “Why?”

  Her mouth fell open, and once again she noticed what she thought she’d imagined before: how easily he was distracted by the movement of her lips. His eyes were immediately on them. She quickly closed her mouth, pressing her lips together for a moment. “Why? Is that a serious question?”

  His eyebrow lifted, but otherwise it was his only response to her question. He took another bite of his pizza and chewed slowly, staring at her. The intensity of his stare softened a bit, but he was still as impassive as ever. Apparently, that was answer enough. The man was inexplicable. Of course his question was a serious one.

  “Well, I don’t know about you, Brandon, but I don’t enjoy being around people who clearly dislike me.”

  “I never said I didn’t like you.” He continued to chew, staring at her, completely unfazed while wreaking havoc on her insides.

  “You may as well have,” she countered, losing a little of the conviction she’d felt just moments ago as she remembered his hurtful words.

  That silenced him for a moment, and she looked away, pondering why anything this man she barely knew said to her could hurt?

  “I wouldn’t have spent all this time with you and I certainly wouldn’t still be here if I didn’t like you. You said it yourself. I don’t know anything about you, so how could I dislike you?”

  She looked up at him, and unlike before, when he’d stared her so ingenuously, he was looking down at his food, noticeably avoiding any eye contact.

  “Then why—”

  “It’s who you represented I didn’t like,” he said so abruptly it startled her. Regina shook her head, not understanding. “You reminded me of someone.” His eyes finally
looked up and met hers.

  Something changed in those hardened eyes she’d become so used to, but deciphering it was impossible. He just suddenly seemed troubled? Then just as quickly, that steadfast gaze was back.

  “But you were right. It wasn’t fair and I apologize.” Crumpling up the napkin in front of him, he stood up. “You ready to go up?”

  She wanted to say no—wanted to ask him who she reminded of and why he said it in past tense. Did she not remind him of that person anymore? What changed? But instinct told her to be glad for what she had gotten out of him. And he’d apologized. She hadn’t seen that coming.

  Truth was she’d already kept him long enough, and getting up those stairs was not going to be easy. The staircase in her condo was much narrower than the one in their building. This would be tricky, so he may still be here a while.

  Glancing down at the now empty tray on the table, she nodded, wiping her mouth with her napkin. “Yes, I’m ready.”

  “And you’re sure you wouldn’t rather get a room for tonight?” He glanced up the narrow staircase and back at her.

  “Yes, I’m sure,” she said. “If you’d rather not do this, I’m telling you I could make it up slowly. I’ll go backwards on my butt if I have to.”

  He was already shaking his head before she finished. “It’s not that I’d rather not. I’m just wondering how you’re gonna get down tomorrow on your own.”

  He reached out his hand to her. She took it then grabbed hold of his shoulder with her other. As bad as she felt about being such a burden to this guy she barely knew and whose entire night had been taken up by her, she felt even guiltier that some parts about tonight had been very enjoyable, such as feeling his strong arms around her and getting to touch his big hard shoulders as she was now.

  He bent over, and in an instant, she was cradled in his arms again. She wrapped her arms around his neck. “I’ll get you up that first part of the staircase like this,” he said as he began to walk. “But this won’t work the rest of the way. It’s too narrow. You won’t fit sideways.”

  Without putting her down, Brandon stood at the bottom of the staircase. He looked to be studying the first part, the part before it turned into the narrow passageway that led up to her bedroom. Regina almost hated to look away from his intensely pensive face to look at the stairs as well. She was fighting the unbelievable urge to turn his chin to her and kiss him. The very thought warmed her face as she stared at the stairs where she should’ve been focusing in the first place. How could she possibly even think of such a thing at a time like this?

  He started up the wider wooden part of the stairs. When he got to the top of that part, he put her down. “You’ll have to get on my back for the rest of the way. It’s the only way we’ll fit without risking you banging your ankle against the wall.”

  Regina felt her eyes widen at the sight of him undoing the buttons of his shirt, but did her best to not look too alarmed. He must’ve caught the look on her face because his expression went even more serious. “It’s getting hot, and I’m sure it’ll get hotter climbing those stairs. Plus,” he said as he removed the shirt, allowing for a view of the bulging chest just under the snug white T-shirt, “I’ll be more flexible without this.”

  He hung the shirt over the railing of the staircase and crouched down in front of Regina, his back to her. “Climb on and straddle me with your good leg. Let your hurt one hang straight back so it doesn’t hit the wall on the way up.”

  The moment she’d seen him removing his shirt, her insides had started to rumble. That rumbling was now a low roar, and climbing on his back would only intensify it, but she still played it cool and leaned onto him, bringing her good leg over the side of him as he hooked it with his arm. “I got you,” he assured her as she climbed a little higher, and he gripped her leg even tighter. “Grab onto my shoulders and hold on tight.”

  She did, and he began straightening out slowly. “You’re on, right? Do you feel like you might slip?”

  “No, I’m good.”

  “Okay. I’m gonna pull you up just a little higher so I can get a better hold of you. You ready?”

  She nodded then realized he couldn’t see her. “Yes. I’m ready.”

  He lowered his body a little then pushed her up higher, his hand now holding her butt cheek tightly. “Sorry,” he said as he started up the stairs. “It really is the securest grip.”

  Regina narrowed her eyes, thinking about that while his fingers dug into her spreading her cheek as he tightened his hold. Was it really the securest grip? Her sisters and Janecia would no doubt crack up when she told them. How in the world did she get herself in this predicament?

  Nearly at the top, Regina began breathing easier. This would soon be over. Then his foot must’ve slipped because he fell forward but gripped her even tighter.

  “Shit!” he muttered as they dove forward.

  “Are you okay?” she asked anxiously, still holding on with all her might.

  “Yeah, just hold on,” he said, straightening out. “I’m gonna have to go the rest of the way on my knees. It’s just two more steps, okay?”


  When they reached the top, he made sure he was all the way down so she was literally riding him like a horse only she wasn’t sitting up. He leaned over to let her off on the side of her good leg. “Put your knee down first,” he instructed her. “Now slide off me, but be careful not to bring your ankle down too hard. Can you hold it in the air a bit and I’ll crawl out from under you?”

  “Yes, I can.” She gasped as she let her body slide all the way down.

  While she was lying on her side with her leg in the air, he did just as he said he would and crawled out then turned around immediately to help her bring down her leg slowly. This night could not have been any crazier. The last thing she expected to be doing tonight was lying there on her bedroom floor, looking up at this guy—the daunting sergeant she’d so desperately tried to avoid all week—on all fours looking down at her.

  “You okay?” She nodded for a moment, unable to speak. He stared into her eyes for a little longer before his concerned eyes made their way down her body, seemingly to make sure she was all right, but it felt different. Having him over her like this, so close to her as she lay there helplessly, and seeing the way he took in every inch of her in, the concern in his eyes morphing into awe, made her freeze. She should say something—protest. Instead, she lay there in silence, watching as his eyes didn’t just check her out for injuries. They draped over her slowly with such yearning. Was that what she was seeing? Whatever it was it literally made her shiver. Those intensely alert eyes darted back to meet hers, his brows furrowing in question. “Are you cold?”

  Regina shook her head, swallowing hard and chastising herself for not being unable to put even two words together. As if he suddenly caught himself, he jerked back, straightening up on his knees and startling her in the process.

  “Let’s, uh,” he said, sounding completely rattled now. “Let’s get you up.”

  He reached out for her hands, and she took them. Standing to his feet, he helped her by holding her elbow with one hand while still keeping his other hand in hers.

  She started to hop in the direction of her bed when he leaned over and picked her up. “Don’t try and walk without your crutches,” he said simply.

  If he’d actually been rattled as he’d sounded just moments ago, he recovered fast enough. He was back to his no-nonsense self, and any sign of yearning was completely gone. If she had to guess what he was feeling now, it was anger. His expression was completely hard now, and his jaw was set in stone.

  Regina wished she could pull that brave, playful, and outspoken girl out from deep within her. She’d never been afraid to speak her mind even at a moment like this. Her sisters both envied her growing up because, while all three of them were known as the brainy ones in their school, she was the only one of the three who fit in with the popular crowd as well. She wasn’t anywhere near as shy as her si
sters had been, and she’d been an insatiable flirt.

  The old her would’ve put Brandon in his place a long time ago, instead of cowering around avoiding him. The old Regina would’ve looked forward to having fun making him uncomfortable in the elevator, not the other way around.

  As he laid her down gently on the bed, his face coming so close to hers, she once again could feel his warm breath against her mouth. She thought about everything he’d made her feel tonight. The old Regina would’ve kissed him right about now. She knew what she’d seen when he was looking at her just minutes ago. As hard as he was trying to pretend he wasn’t feeling the incredible attraction she’d been feeling for him since the moment she saw him at the airport, today he’d slipped.

  Feeling the old her rise from the dead, from somewhere deep inside her, Regina lifted herself to her elbow and pecked him on the lips softly. Brandon stopped cold and stared into her eyes, his breathing immediately hitching. “Thank you,” she whispered, licking her lips, and his eyes were instantly on them. “For everything you did tonight.”

  She actually heard him gulp, and she smiled, feeling her heart speed up. Nearly losing her courage, she fought to keep the old her around and brought her hand around his neck, kissing his lips again, only this time she kept her lips on his longer. She waited, but he didn’t kiss her back, and for an instant, she felt so mortified her heart plunged. The girl with him at Gaslamp came to mind. She’d already made note of the fact earlier that he didn’t wear a wedding band, but that could mean nothing. She could still be his girlfriend or fiancée.

  Regina began pulling away when his arms came around her, pulling her to him, and he kissed her feverishly and so deeply like she’d never been kissed before. She’d been kissed plenty, and she’d felt passion, but this was an entirely different experience for her. The man was voracious the way he sucked her lips with such fervor. She loved it. She wanted more.