Read Breaking Interstellar: Android Lives Matter Page 10

  Chapter Nine: Nyla’s condition

  The evening is non-nuclear. Carter sits in the doctor’s soft recliner. The helicopter idles in the canyon as the hero android gets tucked in for the ride. His broken arm resting comfortably on the armrest as Tina smothers him with affection. It didn’t take much time for Wil and her to fly back to Higgs-Field and switch out the doctor’s jet, for his helicopter. By the time they got to the crash site, the government-types were just wrapping up their interview with him. The sun had become a dim glow as it sinks into the west, leaving the canyonlands gloomy at best. The man with the deadman’s switch is alive, but comatose. Perhaps he’ll pull through; perhaps not.

  “My god Carter, not another person on Earth, would’ve attempted the fool stunt you just pulled!” She scolds. But, Carter sees a look of admiration, in her pretty green eyes. It’s a look he doesn’t think he deserves; at least not for today’s actions, anyway. He keeps that part to himself, because he’s embarrassed to bring up his point of view. Sometimes it seems that he has as much human in him, as he does machine and computer. Instead, he simply sits there, letting his mind soak up the beauty, that was almost extinguished that day.

  After glorious moments of basking in the ambrosia of Tina’s close-proximity, he speaks. “You know Tina, a person could get used to all the attention you’re showering me with.” He intimates, gently touching her cheek with the palm of his good hand.

  With a slight reddening, Tina gazes through the tears that’ve gathered. “Now that’s the nicest thing anybody has said to me today! I hope you never get unused to it mister, because I plan to shower you a lot more in the future.” She promises heartfeltidly, laying her head on his chest. She relaxes, trying to rein in her feelings. It just wouldn’t due to return to her post on the flight-deck, sniffling and unfocused. She’s able to win the battle over the later, but not the former, as she excuses herself from Carter, and joins Wil in the cockpit.

  Wil is nothing, if not observant, as Tina buckles herself in. He was previously unaware about the relationship that had been building between her and Carter, but he can do the math. He feels happiness that two lonely creatures can find companionship in such a crazy world. “Now don’t you worry about Carter.” He says to her, reassuringly. “Max will have him fixed up good as new, in no time.” Then, figuring that she could use a distraction, he offers her the controls. “Won’t you please do the honors, and take us back to Higgs?”

  Tina is beside herself with joy, in the knowledge that Wil isn’t going to ride her about the issue of her attraction to Carter. She gladly takes control of the magnificent flying machine, and competently lifts them into the darkening sky. As the powerful machine tears through the New Mexico sky, each person onboard reflects on how differently the day nearly ended. Each, knowing that anytime one can walk or fly away from a thermonuclear threat, is a good day! A good day indeed! A limo is waiting on the tarmac next to the hanger when they arrive, to take Carter to the Cybernetics Facility where he’ll get plenty of TLC. Tina and Wil go with....

  “Alice Foster: room 122 please.” A technician requests over the facilities intercom system. “Alice Foster: room 122.” Alice contacts the desk and acknowledges. She’s just finishing with her current patient, anyway. After closing and locking a tiny panel on her patient’s lumbar region that conceals a series of test ports, Alice gently shakes her head negatively as she analyzes the latest data that appeared on the diagnostic display.

  “I don’t want to hazard a guess about this data just yet, so let’s wait until the computer has a chance to digest it first. It won’t take long. Preliminary results are usually inconclusive at best, anyway.” Alice says to her patient, while an idea formulates. “Say, how would you like to come with me for a visit to my next patient? It’s guaranteed to be more enjoyable than sitting around waiting for the data to come in.” The cybernetics scientist invites, as her patient gets dressed.

  “Sure doctor, why not? Is it somebody I know?” The patient inquires, curiosity growing.

  “I’m pretty sure you two have met before. Let’s just say, that it’s one of your kid brothers, and leave it at that for now.” Alice says cryptically, hoping to surprise this special patient.

  Inside room 122, Carter, Tina and Wil, wait patiently as the doctor is informed about their arrival. “Does it hurt much, Carter? It looks like something that would be very painful.” Tina tries to break the silent moment that had developed. It’s hard for her to think of anything else except for that grotesque angle, and ugly blow-out in Carters left forearm.

  Just as he’s about to answer, Alice enters the room, followed by her last patient. Carter brightens as they enter. One of them is an old acquaintance he hadn’t seen in a long time.

  “Nyla!” He yells, forgetting about his arm, as the energetic and lovely android, crosses the room, offering a big hug. “Carter!” She greets, enthusiastically. Then, she embraces Wil and Tina, in much the same fashion, saying. “I was so worried! I didn’t hear any news for the longest time!” Then, she returns her attention to Carter’s recent disfigurement. “Now what did you go and get yourself into this time, big boy?” She asks the hero, not knowing the details yet.

  “Well…. you should see the other guy!” He jokes, adding. “It’s so great to see you! Welcome back to Earth!” Then, turning to Alice. “Hi doc, it’s great to see you too! You sure know when to bring in the good medicine.” He says genuinely of his good friend.

  Wil comes over, giving Nyla a hug. “I hope you’re feeling better, did Alice find anything?” He looks expectantly at Alice, shaking her hand in greeting.

  “Well the computers are still chewing on the data, but we hope to find out something soon.” Alice informs, with more than a little hope in her voice.

  Wil puts his arm around Nyla’s waist, pulling her close. “I sure hope you find the cause doctor, because this person has a long future ahead, and we need to know what’s going on.” He leans, romantically kissing his better half on the cheek.

  “We’ll do everything we can, Wil. Now don’t you worry.” She says, reassuringly.

  Tina inquires of her new android friends. “Didn’t you two just arrive back from the space station? I heard that you had quite the experience up there!” It’s been Tina’s long held dream, to travel into space and visit the station.

  Nyla responds. “Yeah, we had the experience of a lifetime, Tina. However, we came back to quite an exciting time down here too! So exciting in fact, that I got over stimulated, and fainted at Max’s home.” She admits. “That’s why I missed out on the action today. I’m here to try and find out just what causes this problem.” She comes clean, with an embarrassed tone. “Hopefully it won’t remain a mystery, because I’m pretty hard on the furniture when I go tiiiimmmberrrrrr!” …. She jokes, raising her forearm, and letting it fall as might a big old tree. “After all, I do weigh 275-pounds.” Moving closer to Carter, she says sincerely. “Thanks Carter. You have no idea, how I truly hate being exploded by thermonuclear bombs. We owe you big time!” She kisses him on the forehead and moves to the side, so Alice could do her thing.

  Everyone has a nice visit, while Alice examines the strapping hero. It doesn’t take long for her to make a preliminary diagnosis. “Well Carter, besides the arm, it seems that the rest of you may have fared quite well. We’ll do further testing when you’re down for the arm replacement. I estimate that it’ll take a few days for the repairs to be completed, so clear your calendar and don’t worry about anything. We’ll have you up and flying in no time.” She informs joyfully, attempting to put his mind at ease.

  Just then, Max and Shirley enter the room. The elderly man and his assistant, are nearly in tears as they greet all their friends that were almost lost that fateful day. Then, they focus their attention on the one who saved their lives. The sight of Carter’s injury is almost too much for Shirley. She always was a bit squeamish. Even though she knows he’s not flesh and blood, it still bothers her to see him so severely disfigured.
However, she overcomes any queasiness and moves closer, giving him a warm hug, but carefully avoiding his broken arm.

  “I don’t know how we’re ever going to repay you Carter.” She glows with genuine gratitude. “Thank you; times a trillion-sextillion?” She offers facetiously, giving him a quick kiss on the lips before moving to the side. She’s stunned, that she allowed herself to make such a bold move, but Tina seemed unfazed. No harm done....

  Max is quick to reach, taking Carter’s good hand, he gives a congratulatory shake. “My boy” .... the doctor pauses, getting choked up, “I wish to thank you from the deepest recesses of my heart! What you did today for humanity and android alike, will go down as indisputable evidence that android lives matter! In more ways than one can imagine!” Then, with more vigor than an 88-year-old-man would be expected to have, Max once again shakes Carters hand. Giving it such a workout, Alice wonders if her hero will require two new arms!

  They all congratulate him on the incredible achievement he accomplished that day, and the doctor reassures him that everything is going to be alright. “We hope you’ll be up and around soon for the launches, Carter.” He says sincerely, as he continues with his own bombshell. “After crunching some numbers, and seeing recent progress reports from Mars, it seems that everything will be in place for lift-off in two-weeks. After what nearly happened today, I don’t want to wait any longer than necessary.” This news from Max shocks everyone in the room, except for Shirley of course. While they all suspected that the launches were to happen eventually, none of them ever imagined that the time was so close. Before any reactions could be made, Max continues his visit with Carter.

  “So, you get fixed up good, and then come see me when you’re mobile once again. Anything you need or desire, will be provided. Don’t be afraid to ask. Oh yes, one more thing before I leave…. Don’t be surprised if the President calls to congratulate and thank you. She saw the video feed from the nose camera on your Raptor, and I would say that she’s impressed to the n’th degree.... However, don’t be shocked if she jokes with you about paying for the aircraft. After all, it was on loan to us from the taxpayers.” The doctor makes lite of the sleek predatory bird, but Carter will miss it immensely. It had a personality all its own....

  Outside in the corridor, Alice asks the group to join her in a conference room for review of Nyla’s diagnostic data that had just come in. While they all sit patiently at a large table, Alice takes a few minutes to review the data. A frown, accompanied with negative head-shakes, portends of a bad prognosis. “Well Nyla, from these tests, there doesn’t appear to be anything wrong with you that’s quantifiable.” The top android scientist, reports disappointingly. “But I do have a theory.” She crosses the room to a cabinet.

  Returning to her seat, she displays an object. “This is a cut-away mock-up of an average ‘type-one’ android central processing unit. And Nyla, as you know, you’re a type-one, so this is an accurate representation.” She informs. “Even though no two CPU’s are created exactly the same, due to quantum fluctuations during the printing processes, they’re close enough to not usually have a measurable difference.”

  Alice removes sections from the mock-up, revealing differently colored regions, deep within the cantaloupe-size-mass. The others get up from their chairs, crowding around her for a better view. “Now as you all know; android CPU’s are printed at a quantum level. What you probably don’t know is that this process uses a hybrid, direct-selective laser melting system, that employs electron-beam liquefaction of the gold neural pathway matrices, along with the insulation or shielding that’s required to keep the pathways insulated from each other.”

  “Now, while that’s quite a mouthful of technical mumbo-jumbo, it all boils down to this; at the time when Nyla and Wil’s CPU’s were being printed, we didn’t fully understand the effects that external electromagnetic radiations might have on the process. The technology during that time, offered a complex problem concerning those external electromagnetic anomalies. These anomalies, if not isolated from the printing process causes some pathways to not receive the proper amount of insulating material around the gold electrical conductors.”

  “This area of Nyla’s CPU,” she points with a pen at an area of the cut-away that’s deep inside the mass, “has a thinner coating of insulation on the electrical pathways. Meaning that any disturbance of the printing process could cause the already thin insulation to be inadequate during heat buildup. To make a long complex story short, I think something; maybe a technician standing too close to the printer with an electrical device in their pocket, or even the powerful radars employed here at Higgs-Field could have disrupted this delicate process. So, when you get over stimulated, heat can build in this motor-control region of your CPU. And, I believe this is what causes your timeouts.” She elaborates, and continues.

  “I think that this most recent episode, may have been initiated by the EMP that went through your body from that atomic detonation you witnessed in space. Now, while the android body has been shielded against such onslaughts of electromagnetic radiations, it may be possible that this part of your CPU might be vulnerable to extra-large dosages, if my theory is accurate. And the excitement of the atmospheric entry didn’t help either.”

  Alice continues. “Consequently, you black out for a few moments. I’m afraid that there is nothing we can to about it; because unlike human brains, the android CPU cannot withstand being cut-open and repaired. It simply won’t heal. Although, there is promising research along the lines of self-replicating materials that will someday allow future CPU’s to recover from some types of invasive procedures.” Alice informs, with nonconsequential information.

  “I’m very sorry that I can’t help you Nyla. The best medicine would be to always have a support system in place, to assist you during future episodes. Hopefully, these occurrences will be few, and far between. I’m confident that you may even learn to anticipate this phenomenon, and relax your mind in such a way as to reduce the effects.” Alice apologizes, offering hope.

  Wil joins the medical analysis. “Well Alice, I just happen to know the perfect, three-tiered support system that will aid Nyla during those tough times.” He says proudly before continuing. “That support system is ‘me’, ‘myself’, and ‘I’.” He announces, giving Nyla an affectionate embrace.

  If Nyla could cry, that would have been the moment. She and Wil had been together ever since their creation in this very facility 7-years earlier. Wil is 6-months older, and she’ll always considered him to be her guardian, and more. She hugs him back, saying. “Thanks Wil…. I accept that pledge, and promise to return the support, tenfold.”

  “That, goes for all of us Nyla.” Max says, wiping tears. “You’ll always have a family to come home to. No matter what.”

  “You took the words right out of my mouth.” Shirley concurs with a wide smile, giving the lovely android an affectionate embrace.

  Just as they are about to thank Alice for her expertise and excuse themselves, she mentions another pressing item for the two young androids to consider. “I want to see you two back here within the next few days, for some long-overdue upgrades that really do need addressing.” She gives the directive firmly, so there could be no getting out of it.

  The order is a tall one, and not pleasant for either of the busy researchers. They’ve been deliberately putting off the subject of upgrades, as they seem to be getting along just fine without them. It seems that nobody; human or android, enjoys visits to the doctor’s office....

  Nyla gives in for them both. “Okay Alice, you’ll get your wish. We’ll be back as soon as possible, I promise.” Then, turning to Wil. “Right, big boy? I hear they have an upgrade for a better-looking face.” She extreme teases her reluctant partner.

  Wil knows that resistance is futile. So, he moves in and takes Alice’s hand, giving it a light kiss, surrendering. “Yes, Doctor Foster. We wouldn’t miss any of those precious upgrades for all the circuits in china. But, please don’t
change a thing on Nyla’s face. It’s perfect, just the way it is.” He relates lovingly, letting her scathing humor, slide off like so much dark matter from a speeding comet.... Everyone has a nice laugh, and Alice turns back towards her office.

  It has been a long, exhausting day for everyone at Higgs-Field. The limo and driver are waiting for the group of four outside the android facility. Tomorrow will be a new day; and a new lease on life for every human and android at the base. For Doctor Max, life is good once again. He begins to worry less, and thank his lucky-stars more, for the dear friends that surround him.

  The next day dawns bright and shiny. The bad weather that had plagued the area for the past several days, had fled off to the northeast. Workers are at the doctor’s home by nine in the morning to repair the damage that Nyla’s fall had created. They have a tough time believing that the tall, slim woman who met them at the door is capable of such damage. When Wil comes into the room to check their progress, one of them asks him what the real story is. Not that it’s any of the man’s business, but curiosity got the better of him. Well, it’s no secret, so Wil tells them what had happened. They’re shocked to hear that she weighs 275-pounds. And even more shocked to find out that she’s not even human. As Wil is leaving to meet with Max and the others in the study, he can hear one worker say to the other. “It’s a brave new world, Johnny.... A brave new world.”

  By the time Wil enters the study, Nyla and Shirley are already sitting on the couch, chatting away like nobody’s business. “Good morning ladies!” He exclaims. “Sorry I’m late. I had to stop and see how the repair work is going on Nyla’s little ass-crater in the parlor.” He couldn’t let up joking with her. After all, it wouldn’t do if she felt handicapped and fragile. He feels that in Nyla’s case.... no medicine is the best medicine.

  “I’ll ass-crater you!” She yells with a wide smile and a thrown cushion. Wil barely ducks that one, but is shocked when Shirley lets loose with a line-drive that hits him upside the head. “Wow, what a mighty arm you have Shirley!” He jokes, as he picks up the cushions and comes over to greet them properly. “My, don’t you ladies look radiant this morning. Have either of you seen Max, yet?”

  “He just stepped out to get his data-pad. He’ll be right back.” Shirley says, patting the couch between herself and Nyla, indicating a landing pad for Wil. Just as he’s ready to sit down, the doctor enters the room, going directly to the conference table and taking a seat. “Good morning folks. Won’t you please join me?” He invites, sipping his coffee.

  The group settles in at the table, waiting for him to finish scrolling through his pad for something. After several moments, the doctor looks up. “Thank you all for joining me this morning. You may have been surprised yesterday when I told Carter that the launches would occur in two-weeks. I even surprised myself, but the data from all critical departments, indicate that we’ll be ready.” He relates confidently. “It’ll take a push, but I’m convinced that everyone will come together for this final effort to send humanity, and machine, on its way. If not for the nuts out there, it would be nice to hold off and make double-quadruple-sure that everything is perfect. But we just don’t have that luxury. Perfect or not, it’s time to put my dream into action, and hope for success.” He informs, adding....

  “I have asked you two, to join me this morning, so I can discuss something very important that’s come up recently. As you know, there was a midair collision between one of our aircraft and an Air Force fighter jet during the search for that damned bomb. Well, as it turns out, two of our people were killed during that collision.” The doctor relates, with great sadness. “I’m not sure if you two ever met Claire and Shane, but they were supposed to go on the mission to the stars.... well, not anymore. Why they volunteered for the search, is beyond me. Oh, I suppose that being pilots, they had alpha-type personalities, and that may have played a factor.” He hypothesizes, with a sorrowful tone, bowing his head.

  Wil and Nyla had never met the two individuals the doctor mentioned, but had heard about them going down. Their whereabouts were not immediately known. “We heard about the collision, but with everything happening so fast, we weren’t aware of the details.” Nyla responds, caringly. “I’m so sorry to hear that Max. What do you have planned, to compensate for their absence?” She asks, even though she has a pretty good idea where he might be leading.

  “Well my dear, as much as it truly hurts me, I need to know if you and Wil have reconsidered your decision to stay here on Earth with me and Shirley, or go on the adventure of a lifetime?” Now that Max had let the cat out of the bag, a sense of pure despair, seeps into his mind. He tries desperately to not let it show on his face, as he’s torn betwixt the love he has for the two androids, and the desire to see them explore the boundaries of their scientific curiosities. There are other android candidates, but he wants these two, to at least have another chance.

  Shirley speaks before either of her two good friends have a chance to respond. She knows very well that the reason they had opted out of the mission years ago, was due entirely to their devotion to Max and herself. Now, to further complicate things.... Nyla has a condition!

  Speaking to both, she says. “Max and I have discussed this matter at the deepest emotional levels, and we want you both to know that we would be very proud if you decide to go. We’ll miss you terribly, and I’m sure vice-versa, but that’s just how life turns out sometimes. However, it’s always for the greater good to leave the nest, and experience what would otherwise be missed.” She relates with intense focus, and heartfelt emotion. Holding up an index finger, she adds. “And one more thing before you decide. Alice says she’ll have no problem signing-off on your condition, Nyla. She knows you won’t engage in anything that would require continuous consciousness, such as flying alone for instance. So, if you decide to go, she’ll brief you on the matter.... Well, let’s just say she’ll brief you, whether you go or not.”

  The two young androids are stunned. Nyla’s ‘medical’ condition should have been a prohibitive factor for attending this mission. The very fact that Max and Alice deem her fit, speaks volumes about the doctor’s hopefulness to see them leave the nest, and experience unimaginable adventures; even if it breaks his heart. After all, they did have the free-will to choose their own destinies, and they both realize that their lives would have a greater impact on humanity’s survival, if they joined the mission.

  Wil enters his two-cents worth, as he addresses his parental figures. “Thank you both for the consideration, it’s a very intriguing offer.” He says genuinely as he glances at Nyla, and then back to Max and Shirley. “I think I can speak for both of us, when I ask that we give you our answer later today. It’s a subject that we hadn’t really discussed recently. We plan to tour a few of the facilities today, and see where we can be of the most assistance. That will give us time to consider. Will that be okay?”

  “Oh my yes, dear boy! Yes, indeed!” The doctor says, cheerfully. “You and Nyla take all the time you need. As long as it’s no longer than two weeks.” He says with a genuine laugh, before continuing. “Well, Shirley my dear, shall we attend to our daily chores?” He asks of his lovely assistant. It promises to be a busy day. In fact, every day, for the next couple of weeks, is going to be busier than the last.

  “Yes Max, let’s do” …. She and the doctor excuse themselves, and head out of the room. As they’re leaving, Wil hears Max asking Shirley to “be sure and contact the gang down in Belize. They wouldn’t miss the launches for all the tea in China!”

  After settling into one of the doctor’s sleek convertibles, Nyla and Wil head off to visit Higgs-Field, and some of the different facilities at Sohn Space Systems. Nyla takes the wheel, swerving all over the empty desert road, hoping to get a rise out of Wil. However, he knows better than to try and curb her stubborn-streak, which she has in great abundance. For her efforts, she receives a disinterested glance that pops her bubble. Settling down, she reaches and pinches his cheek with a demonic la
ugh. Short of her trying to fly, or drive by herself, he’s happy to just be there for her. In time, she may learn to relax in a way that will mitigate future anomalies.

  “What a beautiful day that almost wasn’t.” She says, over the windy noise flowing through the topless vehicle. “We sure picked a good time to join humanity, huh Wil?” She asks. “They can’t kill each other, or their world, fast enough. Why, if our species ever gets the chance to evolve, I hope we can learn from their mistakes.”

  “I know, Nyla. I know.... It’s in their nature to destroy themselves.... humans, I mean. Only time will tell if we as a species will follow along those same paths. But remember.... it was humans that designed and built us, and it was humans who initiated and influenced our basic psychological programming. In your case, someone who can’t drive, so it seems only logical to expect a high-degree of human psychological imprinting on our psyches. But I’m leaning towards helping them find the error of their ways. I mean, guiding a new generation from scratch and seeing if their animal instincts can be tempered, might be an interesting challenge.” He says, hoping his dig doesn’t get him destroyed.

  “While I find my driving exemplary, I like the way you think about going on the mission. I don’t want to be here when humanity geometrically collapses into history.” She admits, adding. “But, do you think we’ll be able to withstand the deep-time involved? I mean 175,000-years seems rather excessive, don’t you think?” She asks, wonderingly.

  “Well my dear, nobody knows how they’ll react to such a long confinement, but I’m willing to find out.... Or die trying.” Strong determination in his tone. Then turning to her, he says tenderly. “But I just want you to know that I’ll gladly stay here on Earth, if you decide that it’s too much for you, and change your mind.... or for any other reason. Because, I won’t leave you, Nyla. No matter what!” He says, with heartfelt conviction.

  That statement makes her circuits glow, in a good way. She could always depend on him to support any decision that she made. “Well you know what wiser folks than us used to say.... ‘Damn the torpedoes; full steam ahead’! I’ve made my decision, and won’t change my mind unless you do.” She puts the ball in his court for future reference, adding. “Let’s go to the stars, and help create a new future for humanity, and a new one for ourselves in the process!” Her face brightens.... like a new born star.

  Wil is please to no end that she’s so driven by the challenge. “We’ll inform Max and Shirley this evening, after they have dinner. I have a feeling that they would be surprised if we chose not to go. After all, Max has trained us well, and it would be a shame to let it all go to waste.” He says, as they pull up to the entrance gate of their first visit.

  “Well, here we are.” Nyla informs, as she nears their first destination of the day. Above the security checkpoint, a sign reads; ‘Sohn Space Systems: Genetics Facility’. Some people lovingly refer to it as the ‘shake-n-bake facility’, even though there is no actual baking going on inside. It’s where all the human genetic materials are processed and frozen, before being taken off-planet to a cryo-vault in Martian orbit.

  “I hope Zuri is working today.” she says, with a smile. “She always makes time for us.” Nyla speaks of Doctor Zuri Tinibu, director of the oocyte cryopreservation-anomaly department at the facility. Each of four starships will transport enough human genetic material and infrastructure, to initiate conception, support growth, and bring to term, at least 50,000 human beings over a timeframe of perhaps hundreds of years. Once a viable adult human population is achieved, the faster the material can be animated, and sent off to loving human parents.

  There’s an undiluted, level playing-field across all racial lines. Doctor Max feels confident that the safeguards he developed, will provide for an equitable racial representation. As long as the playing-field stays level, and corruption is kept in check by employing many layers of supervision, verification and random sampling. However, aside from the racial kumbaya, there is an extremely severe standard for genetic quality across all boundaries within the species. Unfortunately, with so much riding on this mission, humanity cannot afford to send serious genetic-anomalies; or at the very least, keep them to a bare-minimum.

  And as cold and cruel as this reality seems.... the universe is far colder, and infinitely crueler. Only the strongest and brightest will have even the tiniest chance for survival, during such a wild venture as this promises to be. A ‘desperate’ venture, is a more accurate description.... Genetic manipulation and analysis of quality, has come a long way in the past 200-years of humanity’s technological explosion. Many subsidiary laboratories across the globe are involved with the collection and freezing of genetic material from a wide selection of lower life forms that will accompany the mission. But only the facility at Sohn Space Systems is responsible for any ‘human’ materials that are going. The mission has quickly morphed into a modern day’s version of Noah’s Ark.

  The security people at the gate are very polite and efficient. They’re already familiar with the two androids. “Thank you, Miss Nyla.” The guard says politely, as he hands back her identification. “And thank you, Wil.” He says, before informing. “We’ve called ahead, and Doctor Tinibu will meet you at the main entrance. There should be plenty of parking. I hope you both have a nice day.” Then, a series of barrier-posts sink into the road ahead. Nyla thanks the guard and continues to the parking lot.

  As they approach the facilities entrance, Doctor Tinibu is just coming out to meet them. “Hello Nyla! Hello Wil! It’s so nice to see you two. It’s been too long! Where DOES time go?” She asks excitedly, as she’s shaking their hands.

  “Hi Zuri, it’s great to see you too! Thanks for making time to visit with us today.” Nyla says, before turning to Wil and asking. “Do you mind if I tell her our little secret?” She asks, with an excitedly expectant look on her bright face.

  “Hi Zuri.” Wil greets the doctor, then warns. “You might want to stand back some, because if I don’t say yes I think her head might explode!” He jokes, at great risk of getting an elbow in the side.

  “I’ll take that as a yes.” Nyla says, but begins the news with a more somber tone. “Well Zuri, I’m sure that you’ve heard about the tragic midair collision that killed Claire and Shane.” She makes it a statement, rather than a question.

  “Yes, those poor kids! They were so bright and cheerful, too. Never a complaint or discouraging word out of either of them. They will be greatly missed.” She says, sadly.

  “They were that and more, from what I hear.” Nyla relates somberly. “Well that loss, as terrible as it is, opened a window of opportunity for Max and Shirley to ask us if we might consider going in their place. Up until today, we didn’t want to break their hearts, but now the wind has changed, and they offered compelling reasons for us to go. So, after careful consideration, we decided that we’ll go in the place of those two brave aviators.” She says, admiration filling her voice.

  Zuri is floored. She always hoped they would end up going, but it never looked promising, as they are so devoted to the good doctor and Shirley. She springs forward, giving them both a congratulatory hug. “Oh, my god! I’m so happy for you two! There’s so much more for you two out there anyway. I say go forth, and multiply. At least that’s what we humans do, so why not you guys too? I understand that all the tooling, and materials needed for repairs and creation of new android people, has been installed on all four starships. So at least you won’t get bored. You’ll have all the time in the universe to do research and development.” She says, joyfully. Zuri escorts the pair of androids into the building, and guides them toward her office. The many clean rooms are off limits without rigorous preparations, so the three people just walk the corridors, catching up on personal things.

  “How much of the biologics have been launched and stored at Mars so far, Zuri?” Wil asks, during a lull in the conversation.

  “Approximately 98-percent.” She announces proudly. “We’re almost ready to launch the
final package to Mars. It’ll go up on one of the heavy-lifters, so my work is almost done here; it’s been a long road, but a very satisfying one. I’m so happy to hear that you two will play a part in the continuation of my work.” She adds, as they walk arm-in-arm down a long corridor to her office where they continue their visit for a short time. Then, after offering their services if needed, they bid farewell to Zuri, and head off to their next destination of the day.

  Wil is behind the wheel during the next leg of their tour. Dust flies into billowing clouds as the car zooms along the hot desert road. The star above, glares intense radiation onto the road surface. So many heat waves in the distance, it looks as though they might be driving into an ocean. Ahead, a Gila monster defiantly crosses the road, forcing Wil into the empty oncoming lane to avoid the creature’s death. This is its territory, and he respects that.

  ‘Sohn Space Systems: Cybernetics Facility’ Reads the sign above the security checkpoint where the two androids enjoy the same professional treatment as they received at the genetics facility. Derek Wilson, the director of neural-phase interface, meets them at the main doors. Derek has been working in this facility since well before Nyla and Wil were created, so they aren’t strangers.

  “Hello Derek.” Wil provides a firm handshake. “Hi Derek!” Nyla plants a kiss on his cheek. Derek turns several shades of red, giving her a warm hug.

  “How nice of you kids to come visit a lonely old researcher. You both sure are a site for sore eyes! He exclaims, and quickly changes the subject before he starts rambling. “Hey Wil, how about that little scare we had yesterday? Do you think we have clear sailing for the launches now?” Derek knows that if anyone could make an educated guess, it would be these two.

  “I wish I could say yes, Derek. But we may not be out of the woods yet. Two weeks is a long time in this crazy world.” He doesn’t pull any punches, setting a gloomy tone.

  Nyla quickly chimes in. “Oh now Derek, don’t you listen to old gloom and doom. I have it on good authority, that all is going to be just fine.” She indicates, taking his arm in such a fashion that he begins to escort them into the building. Wil follows, soaking in how she works her charms. “Soon, you’ll be retired, and living someplace special.” She prophecies, as they walk. “Maybe even someplace green, with lots of rivers and lakes to enjoy. Imagine a secluded place, where your grandkids can run wild in the forest, enjoying life. You just think of all that, when you get anxious about the launches.” Nyla chuckles mentally, as she realizes that she even has herself believing her own optimism.

  She got to tell the secret last time, so Wil speaks up as they walk through the lobby. “Hey Derek, can you imagine where Nyla and I will be next year at this time?” After noticing a quizzical look on the old mans face, Wil continues before Nyla can snap up the glory. “We’ll be 700-million-miles into deep space; that’s where!” He says proudly and excitedly.

  Derek stops in shock, as he instantly realizes that there’s only one way a person can get that far from Earth in such a relatively short amount of time. After all, there are now two empty seats available on one of the heavy-lifters.

  “No way! No way!” He repeats excitedly. “Are you serious Wil? .... Nyla?” He demands. “Wow, this IS big news!

  Congratulations! I can’t believe it! Well, the universe will only be a better place, with you two kids out there!” An honest assessment, from an honest man.

  They enter the facility and Derek leads them down a familiar corridor, to an alcove that’s a new part of the facility. It opens to a viewing area located above the CPU printing laboratory. Similar to the viewing gallery that medical students use to observe human surgeries in progress, this elevated gallery has windows that allow viewing, without interrupting the sterile environment inside the room.

  “This is a nice modification, Derek.” Nyla says approvingly, as she gazes down upon the automated printing mechanisms that are busily creating new processors for future androids.

  “Thanks, Nyla. The work on this observation gallery was completed just last month. We’re very happy that members of the public can now witness such an interesting process.”

  Below them, they can see four individual processing stations that are steadily laying down a matrix of microscopic material using a hybrid selective-laser melting process that will eventually form the 5½-kilo mass of mostly gold that is the android main CPU. A close-up of parts of the process is provided by video-feed, and displayed on high-definition monitors.

  “Have you been able to reduce the time it takes to complete this process?” Wil inquires.

  “Well, not very much, Wil. It still takes about 253-days for the process to run full cycle. We don’t want to mess too much with something that’s been working satisfactorily for so many years.” He informs, even though Nyla knew that it isn’t always so ‘cut and dry’ of a process.

  Without giving away her little secret, she asks. “What about external electromagnetic anomalies interfering with the printing process? Has that problem been eliminated, or significantly reduced?” She asks, as innocently as a wall flower.

  “Oh yes, Nyla. 6-years-ago we insulated the printing lab with sufficient shielding to absorb external electromagnetic radiations. We also instituted strict rules about taking unauthorized electronic equipment into the lab.” Derek reports, without giving away the fact that Alice Foster had consulted with him about her condition. He wants to talk with her about it, but promised Alice that he would keep himself out of the loop on this one. He feels so badly for her, and secretly wishes her the very best. Technological progress is often slow, and fraught with setbacks. Especially when working at an atomic scale, such as printing these extremely complex computer processors. His heart goes out to her.

  “That’s good, Derek. Quality progress is always good.” Is all she can manage to say, as she looks down on the future of artificial life forms. She ponders that perhaps someday, these future intelligent minds that she proudly calls family, will find a way to self-replicate, and develop a method for the automatic-regeneration of damaged structures and systems. However, she knows that kind of progress is just a pipe dream for now. Earth bound androids will probably remain dependent on their creators for the time being, and perhaps into the far future. She suspects that after the launches, humanity will greatly reduce the research and development of sentient life forms, such as herself. At nearly three-billion-dollars per android, there simply isn’t much incentive, beyond the need for interstellar crossing-guards, and babysitters.

  Derek suggests that they check out the recently remodeled manufacturing lab. This is where the design, and construction of the android skeletal structure and muscle groups occurs. “We’ve made some nice progress in these areas, but to be honest it’s not easy improving on such a beautiful design that you both exhibit,” he says, with genuine sincerity and pride, as they move away from the CPU lab.

  On their way along the corridor, they see Alice Foster coming toward them. “We promise to be here early tomorrow morning, Alice.” Nyla informs while passing.

  “Okay young lady, I’ll be ready for you.” She smiles and gives Wil a nice wink, as she moves on with her busy schedule.

  Because the laboratories that contain the skeletal and muscle-group manufacturing is not as sterile-critical as the CPU lab, the three are able to enter with minimal preparation. Paper-like jumpsuit and footies are sufficient. They enter a positive-air-pressure laboratory, where the android skeletal-structures are assembled and calibrated. The actual fabrication of the many different skeletal parts is accomplished at various facilities around the globe. As are many of the other mission-critical components that Sohn Space Systems require for a successful trip to the stars. It truly is a global effort.... for a global challenge.

  Inside the lab, four android skeletal-structures are in various stages of completion. Seven androids and four humans, animate the place. Assembling, inspecting, calibrating, and supervising, are among a plethora of other challenges to be met for comple
tion of the process. Nyla and Wil were assembled in this very lab, seven years prior. It was their delivery room, you could say....

  The android frame, is a relatively light-weight titanium-alloy, coupled with billions of electro-active polymer-strands, that make up the artificial musculature groupings. These two structure-groups make up about half of the total weight of the individual. While the electrical energy storage medium, weighs in at nearly the same proportion. All other required devises and computers, make up the balance of the 275-pound android body.

  Looking around the laboratory, something catches Nyla’s eye. Across the room, at a specialized work station, a technician tinkers with something that looks vaguely familiar. But, she can’t see enough from her current angle to satisfy her curiosity. “Hey Derek, can we go over there,” she points, “and see what that tech is working on?”

  “Oh yes, Nyla. In fact, I was going to take you guys over there anyway. Let’s go check it out. I think you’ll both find this very interesting.

  Approaching the work bench, Nyla and Wil are pleasantly surprised to see what looks like an arm being assembled. It hangs, suspended on a scaffolding of sorts, making for an eerie site. After reaching the bench, they see that it is actually a left arm; from the shoulder joint, down to the finger tips. And they just happen to know someone that could use a new left arm....

  Derek speaks first, as they get to the work area. “Nyla, Wil, it is my extreme pleasure to introduce the two of you, to Carter’s new left arm.” He says proudly, then indicating the technician. “Shawn has made it his priority number one, to get our hero back into the game, as soon as possible.

  “Hi.” Shawn greets politely. “You’re just in time to witness a little test.” He picks up a rubber ball used for testing muscle calibrations, placing it in Carters new hand. With a push of a button, the hand closes, gripping the ball with just the right amount of force. A wide smile, crosses the technicians face, as he monitors the transducers output. He loves it when things come together. With no external covering on the arm, Nyla and Wil watch with fascination as the billions of electro-polymer muscle strands contract and expand in a poetry of motion that causes the hand to grip the ball just so, and then release. “It looks like Carter is going to be married to his new arm a day early.” He informs, proudly. “Everything is falling into place like a charm.”

  Nyla can’t help herself. She reaches past the technician, placing her own hand into Carters. “It’s very nice to meet you Mr. Carter.” She says with a giggle.” Then, with surprising firmness, the hand grips hers and holds for a moment before releasing. She’s thrilled to be the first one to actually test the operation of the new device firsthand. “You’re doing exemplary work here Shawn. Carter will be pleased.” She puts a hand on his shoulder.

  Wil extends his arm, shaking hands with Shawn. “Thanks, my friend. Carter deserves the best, and it looks like that’s exactly what he’s receiving.” He sincerely priases.

  “Thanks, Wil. Thanks, Nyla. How nice of you to say. I’m just doing what I love, and the rest is icing on the cake.” The young scientist, relates honestly.

  The three, leave Shawn to complete his work. They head out to the parking lot. Once outside, Nyla can’t help but tease her partner a little. “Hey Wil, I think I found a new handball partner that promises to give you a run for your money.” She cryptically informs.

  “Oh, you mean Carter? I already know he can clean my clock.

  “No…. I mean just his new arm will do the trick.” She jokes deviously.

  “Oh, very funny. Very funny young lady. I’ll give you a run for your money!” He moves in, picks her up by her mid-section and athletically twirls a 360, with her in his iron grip. She screeches like a school girl, before being released unscathed. The unexpected move, leaves her feeling heated, as Wil’s juvenile yet romantic reaction fills her circuits with excitement. With an embarrassed expression, she thanks Derek for his hospitality, apologizing for Wil’s display of affection.

  “Oh, nonsense young lady!” Derek roars with a mighty laugh. “Why, if I were Wil.... I’d have twirled you twice .... or perhaps even thrice!” Then, the real father of the two androids laughs with such an exuberance, they both realize just how much they’re going to miss the gentle old fellow. Life is good, as they say farewell and head off to their next destination.