Read Breaking Interstellar: Android Lives Matter Page 19

  Chapter Eighteen: Brave little thieves!

  Seemingly endless stretches of nothingness lay ahead, as a small yet powerful spacecraft with an unpronounceable name, accelerates away from a nondescript red dwarf star system, and the scene of yet another failed crime. While bathed in an illuminated electronic-fog, that clings nakedly to her skin, the ship falls down a controlled and artificially maintained gravity-well that’s concentrated in front, and around the vessel. The deformation of space, is a byproduct of technological manipulation of the ambient dimensions of space-time, dark matter and dark energy.

  The ship’s reactor produces energies that are many thousands of times the order of magnitude that humans have ever been able to harness. Ultra-powerful and highly focused electromagnetic radiations, flow from quantum super-conducting coils that make up 95-percent of the vessels mass. They gather and twist the local space-time fabric into a powerful force that envelopes the craft, and takes it out of phase with our universe. Within this ‘slipstream, the craft can achieve FTL, otherwise known as faster than light speed. The ship simply falls into the steep curvature of the twisted space-time, riding along the energy-pulse, as might a surfer attack the face of a precipitous and endless wave.

  This method of trickery, allows for velocities that can exceed many multiples of light speed. Sometimes, referred to as multiples of c. All, without breaking any of our laws of physics. However, there’s a catch.... First, the spacecraft must partially or fully, de-phase from our universe. The greater the de-phase, the greater the velocity, while riding within the slipstream that exists as interface between all other universes. This other worldly disconnection from our laws of physics, allows for collisions with small amounts of matter, without producing the results one might expect. Instead of annihilation, small impacts will yield only radiations that are easily absorbed into the slipstream interface.

  However, encounters with massive objects such as stars, planets or moons will mean a catastrophic disconnect from the slipstream, and instant death. Also.... it’s not so great for the impacted object either. The very nature of the physics involved with twisting the fabric of space-time into a usable propulsion, also produces another useful byproduct; inertial-dampening, for those residing within the warp-bubble during this de-phased condition. It’s a wonderful side-effect, as our ultra-delicate physiology demands a light touch. Too rough of handling, and we pop like water balloons under the conditions involved with this type of manipulation.

  Traveling within the slipstream, like a phantom through darkness, six little aliens are counting their lucky stars. The failed crime scene they flee, is a non-indigenous mining operation on a dark, reddish world. On the aft monitor, the red-dwarf star quickly recedes. The felonious crew is on a mission to find, beg, borrow, or steal, certain elements that are depleted on their own home worlds. Critical elements, that are necessary for their species way of life and very existence. Trained as pirates, these diminutive gray beings, oftentimes have little luck applying their dubious trade.... One of them, the commander, nurtures a near fatal wound on her cheek. She’s having one bad day at the office!

  After surveying the mining site from altitude, the thieves were easily able to identify the building where the purified metals and other elements are stored. Their people have had dealings with this species in the past. It’s always best to just steal from this ultra-aggressive animal. They don’t play well with others! The would-be thieves are becoming desperate. So far, they have nothing to take back to their little outpost. If they return empty-handed, it won’t end well for them when they arrive. Precious resources will have been spent, for nothing! Negative results, are not an option!

  It pays to know the habits of one’s adversaries, and the six piratical creatures, calculated just when the best time for their little raid would be. On a regularly scheduled timeframe, this mining species celebrates with food, alcohol, and comma-like sleep, for long periods of time. So, that’s precisely when the leader of the bandits orders her navigator to descend and hover just above the rooftop of the structure, where their booty lies within. She, instructs three of the crew to stay behind with the getaway vehicle, while she and two of her underlings, break and enter.

  Three diminutive thieves, descend stealthily from the protection of their ship, crossing the rooftop stealthily. They easily best the primitive lock on an entrance door. Upon entering, it didn’t take long for them to locate the booty, as it were. However, just moments after one of them manages to open the lock-box holding what they seek; they’re caught with their hands in the cookie jar! Bright lights illuminate the compartment! Alarms sound throughout the mining community! Realizing their cover’s been blown, the tiny bandits flee! .... Like they’ve never fled before!

  Metal projectiles, whiz past with lethal intentions! The group of three, frantically scurry toward their hovering saucer. As the commander bravely waits for her soldiers to scramble inside first, she has a very close call with one of those speeding projectiles. It burns an ugly gash across her cheek, narrowly missing worse. However, one loyal and brave soldier reaches, yanking her into the ship by the knap of her collar. He quickly closes the hatch, as ricocheting bullets ping harmlessly off the outer hull. The thwarted plan, leaves her worse off than just empty-handed.

  As the thieves in the night, ascend into the stratosphere of the small dark world, the leader of the desperados sits somberly in her command chair, tenderly running a long finger near the wound, in an effort to soothe the pain. She sits high in her command chair, mumbling and grumbling under her breath, as the pain breaks her threshold of tolerance. Her first officer hears her pain, bringing a medical kit. With gentle skill, he performs his best-ever field dressing, hoping to ease her pain. It seems to work. He’s rewarded with a gentle touch on his own face and some extra nice sounds, that would indicate thankfulness in any species language. She sits back, purring like a kitten, closing her large, almond shaped eyes. It had been a terrifying experience, and she desperately needs some rest.

  They decide to leave that system behind. It seems like they never have good luck with this hyper-vigilant species anyway. After inputting a new set of coordinates into their guidance system, the chief engineer amongst them, initiates the buildup of energies required for multiples of c velocities. A bubble of tortured space, swallows their spacecraft causing it to glow in a bluish electronic-fog. With a blurring action, the ship and crew are torn from this universe and enter the slipstream. Inertial dampening, maintains survivable thresholds of acceleration forces on their bodies, as they watch the main monitor, morph with psychedelic blurs of light-radiations. Like a kaleidoscope of colors, the slipstream is a strange place indeed. It’s neither here, nor there.... yet everywhere!

  It’s impossible for matter to achieve even basic light-speed, let alone multiples of c; without a bit of fancy trickery. Space-time can be caused to move faster than light, and under certain circumstances, such as the ship becoming de-phased with our universe, the spacecraft can be dragged along in the bubble, in a fashion that doesn’t break any laws of our physics. Like a leaf caught in the wind, the tiny craft is carried along on the wave of condensed dark matter, dark energy and space-time. All, within the slipstreams loving embrace.

  The desperate pirates, quickly reach the outer boundaries of the red-dwarf system. As they enter interstellar space, long range sensors register a suspicious anomaly up ahead that may warrant further investigation. The leader orders her chief engineer to scan the irregularity for identifiable features. After careful analysis and extra consideration of the scan data, it’s concluded that the radiation being emitted from the object, can only be artificially produced. Therefore, she gives the order for her ship to detour and investigate further. Sometimes the universe favors those who explore all options, before giving up .... She ponders, desperately.

  Her chief engineer deftly manipulates the warp-bubble, causing a smooth migration out of the slipstream. While still slightly de-phased, it approaches a strange looking object. Wha
t the monitor shows, brings what could pass as a smile to the commander’s triangular face. Joyful clicking and chirping sounds, emanate from her slit-like mouth. She thought at first, that the object they’re approaching, is just another ore freighter that sometimes plies these regions of space. Her orders are simple; go forth and find crucial resources; no matter what. The world she comes from, is in dire straits. Too many years of taking and not putting anything back has left it on the brink of disaster.

  But the radiations coming from the object in front of them, doesn’t match the signatures of the typical ore-freighter they usually encounter. In fact, she’s quickly forming a suspicion that this might be a species from a lonely and violent, backwater planet known only as ‘Earth’. If so, just what are they doing way out here, she wonders quietly. More questions than answers....

  As they get closer, the diminutive commander orders the electromagnetic shield be energized, and the exterior of the spacecraft shimmers, as light from the Milky Way is redirected into infinite directions. While this type of ‘semi-cloaking’ is provided from the same system that propels the ship, the forces involved are considerably less than what is required to truly twist space-time. This ‘shield’ only offers protection against intrusive radiations that scan for their presence. With this shield, any electromagnetic radiations directed at them are scattered to all points, and the originator of the scan will see nothing, or perhaps just an empty hole in space, void of any stars. However, this shield is not an end-all to being detected, because these bold space pirates can’t conceal one very important thing.... the ‘mass’ of their vessel!

  What the alien commander sees when they get closer, is not what she expects. This vessel is traveling backward…. and decelerating at an imperceptible rate. She orders a circumnavigation of the target, to ascertain the true dimensions, possible armaments, and where the airlocks are located. The results of the scans come in. Yet once again, more questions, than answers.... She and her crew are confused by this large, bulbous spacecraft, that moves so lethargically through the frozen void. More questions, than answers....

  As the alien saucer circles the odd spacecraft, mother’s weapons systems try to analyze the intruder that came in from the darkness and encroaches so boldly. So disrespectfully.... Onboard the Einstein, weapons computers are becoming frustrated by their inability to lock onto a target that is there, but not there. Every analysis of the situation always brings in the same data-set. This is coupled with the conundrum of mass detection; they know that there’s something with significant mass within close-proximity, but their scans return nothing substantial to bite into. The Einstein’s mass detectors are able to pinpoint the true location of the target, but without a complete picture of the situation, the weapons are not authorized to unleash their terrible power.

  As the time for analysis quickly comes to an end, and the time for defending the ship rapidly approaches, the confused defense system has no choice but to announce their failure to the main computers. Who will then initiate re-animation of the next four android astronauts who might have a better chance at figuring out this ghostly apparition.

  Deep within the Einstein, soft lights illuminate inside four hibernation chambers. Bodies within, begin to stir. It only takes a minute for them to ramp up their circuits and download the limited data from mother’s computers, regarding the current situation. Entering the bridge, Avery settles into the command chair, adjusting the different panels that’ll help him understand the problem at hand. Ryan and Emily are at the weapons console, and Alina reviews the data concerning life-support. Avery takes a few moments to scan the circular monitor, quickly noticing a strange spot in space that’s shimmering, moving closer to their ship.

  After observing the curious point of nothingness, he also notices that this phenomenon is blocking the light from background stars as it moves across the monitor. With all weapons systems trying to lock onto this specter, Avery knows that this is the cause of mother’s discontent. However; before he can make a decision to allow deadly force, the time for action quickly comes to an end, as the ghost-like object moves in under the weapon systems minimum angle of discharge. The laser pods and missile launchers were designed to be used on targets that had not yet come so close to mother’s hull, and could not aim beyond a certain angle toward the surface of its own structure.

  Now, Avery and the others are unsure what to do in this complex, evolving situation. The shimmering object moves stealthily towards the main airlock! Now, it’s getting unnerving, Avery thinks desperately. The fancy defensive systems, and the immense analyzation power of the android mind, fail in this perplexing circumstance. Avery and his three shipmates, are truly confused for the first time in their long lives. They watch in disbelief as this phantom thing, or whatever it is, stealthily latches onto their ship! It covers the entire airlock .... and extends a goodly portion beyond, in all directions. Like a glowing parasite, it latches on tight!

  Avery and the others are shocked by this violation of their sovereignty, as the apparition clings tightly to the side of mother. “Clare; bring up the interior video feed of that airlock.” Avery requests nervously. He moves to another console, entering commands. Two video windows are illuminated on the main monitor. The interior view, shows a yet unopened hatch. While, the exterior view shows the outline of what might be another spacecraft, whose true shape is still shimmering and dimensionless. Avery can’t wait any longer; he must decide fast! It strongly appears that they’re going to be boarded; and he didn’t know what to do! So, putting his pride to the side, he calls for backup.

  “Okay everyone, listen up!” He announces to his shipmates as he enters commands into a side console on his seat. “I’m having mother re-animate Wil and his team! This situation is more than we can handle on our own. Let’s hope they can find a solution before it’s too late!”

  Onboard the ship with the unpronounceable name, the leader is smugly satisfied with the way this current situation is playing out. They were not fired upon during approach, and the mating between the two vessels is seamless. For all intents and purposes, the two ships are now one. She waits patiently, as her chief engineer analyzes the electronics that control the airlock. He’s been manipulating alien electronic systems for many of what humans would consider decades, and seems close to beating this one too. After some moments of frustrated chirping and unhelpful impatience on the part of the commander, the electronic device is close to completing its felonious task. The longer they take trying to gain access, is time that allows any creatures within, to form stronger defenses. She didn’t enjoy breaking and entering, but desperate circumstances, call for desperate measures.

  Just as she’s about to lose her patience with the process, the iris-style outer hatch of the captured vessel, opens gracefully in a welcoming fashion. The chief engineer chirps and clicks satisfactorily, under his breath. He moves to the inner hatch, working his magic again. Electronic systems are not all that much different from each other, no matter what species designs them. The flow of electrons, and the control of that flow, follows the same laws of physics that permeate our entire universe. The leader of the space pirate’s gains confidence, preparing for the boarding. She hears satisfied mumblings coming from her chief engineer, as the inner airlock hatch opens much quicker than the first.

  As she looks beyond, she notices a long tunnel that ends with another airlock! She nearly goes ballistic at seeing yet another airlock! Frustration grows. More questions than answers... She venomously wonders aloud just what kind of creatures would design such a complicated way to travel. She’s rewarded by a possible explanation from her chief engineer, that the electronic systems he’s encountered so far on this ship, seem to be of human design.

  This revelation bolsters her confidence, calming her nerves. She correctly calculates from her limited knowledge of the Human species, that it would be impossible for them to survive such a long voyage, without some form of suspended animation. She quickly decides to bring two important items
into the other vessel that will assist the raid, if there actually are humans onboard. One of the items is mildly offensive in nature, and the other is an informational, or teaching device, that’s kept inside a small box.

  Nearly, all the spacecraft that her species operate, have this teaching device onboard. The hope is that it might be offered to willing participants, that wish to trade valuables for knowledge and understanding of the universe. The device is circular, and is worn on the head during learning sessions. It’s specifically engineered to be compatible with many different species, including human physiology. She suspects there’s humans are onboard, and she hopes for more of an exchange than just an out-and-out act of piracy. Checking her sidearm and finding it ready for action, she enters the tube-like entrance, with her accomplices in tow. Gravity decreases from that of her vessel, sending relaxing waves through her body, as she floats to view her new ship.

  Nyla and her three shipmates enter the bridge, instantly coming face to face with four laser rifles pointed in their direction, as nervous and jumpy shipmates are startled. Nyla, flinches hard. Instinctively putting her hands over her face, as if that might ward off the powerful energies that threaten to destroy her. “Hey! Don’t shoot!” She yells gutturally.

  “Sorry Nyla! Sorry everyone!” Avery apologizes with an embarrassed look on his worried face, lowering his weapon. The others follow suit, instantly becoming more relaxed, as they now have support.

  Wil walks over to the group, huddled together against the farthest reaches of the bridge, in a fashion of making a last stand. “Well .... I’m starting to think I should have called in sick today.” He jokes, so’s not to make an ugly situation worse, by flying off the handle. “Avery, what’s going on?” He inquires, unthreateningly. Avery informs about how the weapons systems were stymied by the lack of credible data. And, how the alien vessel moved in too quickly for even him to defend against. He points to the monitor above, indicating the alien object now attached to the main airlock.... the one that leads directly to their portion of the ship!

  “Have you contacted the Newton?” Wil inquires.

  “We did, and received a normal status report from the ships main computer. All indications show that everything is fine over there.” Avery reports.

  “Okay, well that’s a good sign, but I want you to contact them again. Inform the computers about our situation. Have them wake the next four people on the duty list, so they might be better prepared to defend their ship if this happens to them.” He instructs, smartly.

  Wil moves to the command chair, checking the current data concerning the situation. He glances up at the monitor, seeing that the parasitic device is still attached to the side of mother. Just as he’s examining the monitor, he notices the video-feed inside of the first entrance-tunnel. It’s showing several small bodies moving through it, towards the inner airlock.

  Pointing at the image, Wil gets the attention of the others. “Well, well, it seems like we’re going to have some uninvited guests today! And, to think they didn’t even have the decency to knock!” He manages to stay upbeat about the strange situation.

  Nyla glances at the image, a shocked expression forms on her pretty face. She can’t believe her eyes! “Wil, they’re boarding us!” She exclaims, with a wild, angry tone. “Is this really happening? Or, are we still sleeping and having one hell of a bad dream?”

  “Unfortunately, we aren’t sleeping my dear.” Wil responds. “And those creatures are coming in, whether we like it or not. They’ll be here at the bridge door any minute.” He states the scary reality that nobody wanted to hear.

  Moving quickly, Nyla gathers four more laser rifles from a weapons locker, arming her shipmates. Anxiety levels soar, as the androids watch the video-feed. Three diminutive creatures, stealthily making their way along the tunnel leading from mother’s outer airlock. The androids watch in amazement, as one of the creatures places a small device on the control panel of the inner airlock hatch. After several commands, the hatch opens as if it’s welcoming an old friend. The three tiny thieves, are now passing the last real threshold that separates them from whatever booty lays within.

  Six nervous androids, look to Wil and Nyla for strength and guidance during this time of great uncertainty. Soon, the invading creatures will be at the entrance to the bridge! And so far, there’s been no plan for defense, except for what they each hold in their hands. Wil senses that his shipmates are expecting some form of leadership from him, and his best plan on such short notice is to have them separate, so they don’t provide a single target.

  “Avery,” Wil points to a spot near life-support, “take that position there. Alina, crouch down next to navigation. Clare, you’re over there.” He indicates a hidden spot next to the weapons locker. “Ryan, take that spot next to communications. Talia and Omari, you two take that area of the bridge.” He indicates an area on the perimeter that’s hidden from direct view of the entrance hatch. “Nyla you’re with me, as always.” He instructs reassuringly, offering a smile.

  With limited resources, the android’s make the best defense possible in the confines of the bridge. Three gray aliens, are nearing the hatch. Wil sits in the command chair, while Nyla stands at his right side with her laser held at waist level towards the hatch. Wil decides to greet their unwelcome guests with no weapon, so he simply sits back, waiting for the encounter to unfold.

  “Okay everyone, be very careful to not fire unless absolutely necessary. I have a feeling that these creatures have the ability to completely ruin our day, if they see fit. Remember, a dead ‘one’ of them, might mean the end to all of us. So, follow my lead .... This is the part of interstellar travel we couldn’t be trained for.” He offers his best advice for surviving the complicated ordeal. Quietness rules the next long moments on the bridge, as eight very anxious, mobile computer systems, wait to either meet the intruders there, or go find them if they choose to dilly-dally in other parts of the spacecraft. With such tight quarters, a firefight is definitely the last thing either party would wish to engage in.

  If staring could produce heat; these androids would be turning the steel hatch a nice white-hot! .... During those moments in time, that hatch is the most valuable piece of real-estate in the entire universe to them. According to the video feed, the tiny invaders have stopped, and are looming just at the entrance to the circular command post. In actuality, the leader is about to order an underling to open the entrance hatch. It’s the first real hatch they had come to, since finding that huge, empty and beat-up room .... More questions than answers.

  Just moments before the hatch opens, Wil announces. “Okay folks, here we go!” .... He manages to warn, just as the latch is turned, and the hatch opens slightly. A thin gray hand with long fingers, grips the upper edge of the hatch. The tips of the fingers are sort of puffy. They remind Wil of a tree frog’s sticky toe-pads.

  Before Wil can do anything meaningful, a strange device is tossed into the bridge! It rolls across the deck plating, coming to rest next to the command chair. As it stops, there comes such an intense flash! At the same moment, the little alien pushes the door fully open, staring in disbelief that the creatures inside had not been temporarily blinded by the effects of his attack. And are instead, pointing what looks like weapons at his head. His own sidearm is pointed back that them .... and a good old-fashion interstellar-standoff ensues.

  Standing four and a half feet tall, bipedal, and grayish of complexion, the fierce scar-faced warrior, boldly stands at the entrance, glaring at those in the compartment. Large black, almond shaped eyes on his bulbous yet triangular head, take in the threat of weapons pointing at him, so he doesn’t make any drastic moves. He stands there, defiantly challenging his captives; eerily blinking his triple-layered eyelids as he stares back at his soon to be prisoners. However, his little flash-stun device was intended to cause disorientation and fear among most alien creatures. But instead, the many giants in the compartment are unfazed, and perhaps even angry at such an overt act of
aggression. Not to mention the breaking and entering part .... He begins to wonder, just who will actually end up being the prisoners after all.

  Long seconds go by, as everyone gets a good look at each other. When no other violence erupts from the encounter, another hand with long fingers is placed on the shoulder of the first alien, gently pushing him to the side. Moving past her brave soldier and into the bridge, the leader of the three thieves, quickly deduces that the seated giant is the one she must deal with.

  The alien commander had never encountered a human before, but she knows that they are much taller than her species, on average. She also knows that human physiology could not possibly allow for this type of slow, drawn-out, suicidal attempt at interstellar travel. The technology for putting a biological being into hyper-sleep for tens of thousands of years, is even beyond her own species ability for now. Also, these prisoners were completely unfazed by the device that was used against them. More questions than answers....

  She’s confused at being confronted by conscious and alert beings that should be squirming, and blinded. Then suddenly, the seated one stands, and she quickly suspects that human technology has come a long way, since her last briefing. She strongly speculates, that these aliens who defiantly confront her authority, are not actual humans, but are instead just simple reproductions! Machines! .... To be used, and abused if necessary, until the job is completed.

  Nyla moves closer to Wil, lowering her rifle in a show of diplomacy that she’s never before had to display. She offers the group of intruders a bit of a smile; for whatever it might mean to the little gray buggers. She and Wil are meeting beings from another world for the first time. There had to be a way to make this miserable situation end equitably, and without damage to either side. After a fashion, a third little pirate, stealthily slinks into the bridge and bravely stands at the side of his courageous leader.

  Nyla can easily see, that the one who entered second is the leader of the bunch. This is mostly because of the rank-type markings, present on her skintight coverings. The other two creatures have no such insignia. She also correctly guesses after a little squinting, that the leader is a female. This is due to a more pronounced thickness in the upper torso region, that had the dimensions and curves of what would be considered a feminine look, in many cultures; including her own .... She relates her thoughts to her partner, while unthreateningly indicating her target. “Wil, I think this one is the leader. And, I think it’s a female of their species.”

  Wil is already on the same page. “I think you’re right, Nyla.” He mentions an obvious point. “Also, she’s been hurt recently.” He speaks of the field-dressing on her lovely gray face.

  Nyla, decides to make a gesture of concern. She raises a hand to her own face, then points to the bandage on the pirate. The little gray, makes curt chirping and clicking sounds, as she reaches, running a long finger along the side of her face. Then, pointing to Nyla’s weapon, she makes it known that she had been shot.

  The tall android, correctly figures that these three have had a recent run-in with other beings. Beings who probably didn’t like the rude way they operated. She feels pity, thinking that perhaps they needed a tiny break. So, she pushes her bottom lip out, in a fashion that would indicate sympathy to a human, saying rather condescendingly. “Poor thing!” she expresses, with a pouty tone. “I promise we won’t shoot you in the face .... if you don’t make us.” She gives a wide smile, as her index finger hovers unwaveringly over the trigger of her weapon.

  As they stand, observing each other during these awkward moments, the alien commander decides to make her own attempt at communication. She slowly puts her sidearm into her waistband and points to Wil and Nyla. She, then puts her fisted-hand to her chest and taps against it a half dozen times, while tilting her head in what seems like a questioning manner.

  Nyla’s shocked! “Wil, I think she’s asking if we have hearts!” She exclaims

  Wil has already picked up on that, and is considering if it’s wise to divulge such information to creatures who’ve already proven they couldn’t be trusted .... However, he also knows that the situation has already progressed beyond keeping such secrets from each other, so he acquiesces the point. He shakes his head negatively, and the alien commander contemplates, that if these giant creatures are not human, then where are they keeping them hidden?

  While Wil is informing the rude invader that they’re not Humans, Nyla ponders that what’s good for the goose, is good for the gander. She monkeys the heartbeat question to the alien female, receiving an affirmative reply. Then, the diminutive commander lifts the box she had brought, and places it on the deck plating. While pointing at it and repeating the heartbeat motion, she hopes to indicate that the box is for any humans onboard.

  Wil isn’t sure where this creature gets the idea that there might be humans onboard, but he thinks he understands that the box is meant for them, and not android beings. But, he isn’t about to let them gain knowledge about their mission; or die, trying to prevent it. Offering a quizzical glance and tilt of head, he hopes to put the idea out of the little alien’s mind. Reaching to the data-pad on the command chair, he activates an icon. Pointing upward, he directs attention to a curious site. With a shocked look, the alien commander sees video of dozens more of these giant creatures disembarking from long tube-like chambers. Her bulbous black eyes, become even more so, as a frenzied chirp and click-fest explodes between the trio of pirates.

  A tide has turned, and the little gray knows that her raid had better turn friendlier quickly, before it melts into chaos and capture.... or worse! She changes from pirate to business-person, before being overrun by a crowd of giant machines. She points to the box on the deck, raises her arm and pushes a button of her own. From her wristband comes a holographic image of about four-feet in diameter. Illuminating the room, elemental-symbols appear floating in the air. The newly-minted business-person, hopes they are recognized for what they are.

  Nyla, as always, is quickly on top of things .... “Wil, those are the symbols for gold and platinum.” She says, with more than a little shock in her voice. She also notices an imperceptible shaking of the holographic image, and instantly understands that the unflappable little alien, is also very nervous.

  “That they are, Nyla. Do you suppose that she’s hoping to make a trade for that box?” He inquires, incredulously.

  “Either that, or she just loves playing with that little gadget of hers.” Nyla jokes, smiling at the diminutive gray.

  While, still angry with the rude little creatures, Wil makes a decision that goes against his better judgment. Or more to the point, it goes against his stubborn nature .... He looks to the monitor, seeing the passageway is filling with curious androids. He reaches to the command chair and engages the intercom. “My fellow shipmates! I call you from the bridge. You have been roused from slumber, because we’ve been boarded by hostile beings. We’re now in a stand-off, and a solution might be near. Give me a minute, don’t panic.” He then calls for two items to be delivered to the bridge.

  Directing his attention back to the leader of the desperadoes, Wil hopes to indicate his intentions and holds up an index finger to indicate a small delay. While the situation hangs in limbo, the first of the intruders looks towards a hatch located on the perimeter bulkhead of the bridge. He points a small device and appears to make a scan. All eight androids stiffen, when the creature suddenly breaks away from his leader and approaches the hatch which leads into one of many cryo-chambers onboard. Not even and android has been in there yet.

  “No!”…. Wil, projects authoritatively. Any intelligent species would take it as a dire warning. But the little gray fellow doesn’t stop. He’s determined to save face from his failure to immobilize his victims during his bold entrance. The piratical female makes no attempt to stop her ambitious soldier. His bravery, excites her in ways that would embarrass, if truth be told!

  So, in a much easier to understand warning, Wil grabs Nyla’s rifle, raise
s it to his shoulder and fires another version of saying no! The bridge lights with a red brilliance! The intense beam of photons, cuts the air just beyond the point of hitting flesh on the diminutive alien’s cheek. Nearly making him a match to that of his commander at best, and a headless corpse at worse. None the less, he’ll surely have another fine scar to go with the others. On the hatch, a spot of metal glows white-hot! A thin river of steel flowing towards the deck, before quickly solidifying.

  Everyone on the bridge jumps! The foolishly stubborn gray, twirls and drops into a cat-stance. Venomous rage from a painfully contorted face, directed at the tall machine who attacked. Wil is surprised at the tremendous volume of noise that comes out of such a thin and seemingly toothless slit of a mouth. However, he must stand his ground; and maintains a dead aim at the intruder’s head. There will be no further warning shots .... “NO, MEANS NO!” .... He reinforces powerfully, with more directive than he’s ever had to project toward any other living creature before. Even Nyla is shocked at his guttural tone toward the little bugger. But, she too realizes that they must maintain control over these rude interlopers. Less, is not an option.

  The female, quickly takes control of her brave warrior with a series of heated chirps and clicks. While still crouched defensively, ever-ready to launch, the insolent little marauder stares at the attacking machine with such great fire, Wil thought he could feel heat radiating from the visceral glare. He knows full well, that if not for the female commander’s influence, he would’ve had to fry the little beastie .... Wil stares back, motioning with his firearm for the creature to get back with the others. The angry soldier grudgingly gives way, getting back with his shipmates, standing tall, with a proud new scar for his scary little face! Looking to his commander, he gets a generous wink, in return for his efforts.

  Just then, a lone android enters the bridge, squeezing past the invading thieves with the requested items. “Thanks, Mason.” Wil says, as he accepts the two bars of metal. He turns to the dominate pirate, placing one five-kilo bar each, of gold and platinum on the deck plating in front of her. The trio of intruders quickly forget their anger, gathering near the bars of metal, making excited chirps and clicks as the still agitated soldier scans the metal. After the commander reviews the data; she looks to Wil and Nyla, and firmly indicates that she needs FIVE bars of each, to seal the deal. With a booted foot, she guides the little box so it’s behind her, as if to say ‘that much metal, or no dead!

  Wil is flabbergasted that the brazen little space-hussy would ask for more! .... He responds with intense exasperation. “No way missy!” Vigorously shaking his head negatively.

  The three tiny pirates stare at him with astonishment. The female is not sure how to proceed. That’s when Nyla intercedes with an elbow into Wil’s side and sending ‘the look’ his way.... Now, of all things to avoid in the universe, getting the look from Nyla is one of them. Wil has an unbroken track record of caving, when such irresistible force is wielded against him. It’s his Achilles heel .... So, with a display of ultra-pure acquiescence, like he has never acquiesced before, he gestures to Mason to retrieve the balance due on the transaction.

  “That’s a good boy.” Nyla praises with satisfaction, reaching and patting him condescendingly on the cheek. “Now, who would know better about interstellar commerce, than the highway robber who has the more powerful spaceship?” She jokes in a logical manner.

  Mason returns quickly, placing the metal bars with the others. And after another scan, the two brave soldiers lift the heavy bars of metal with a beam of light, emanating from their wristbands. With the pile of booty ready to go, the trio backs away, moving towards the bridge hatchway. However, the passageway beyond is packed with curious androids that block the path of the retreating pirates. They try to move away from the area, but it takes time.

  This delay gives Wil a chance to further the trading with these beings. He calls to the female. She turns back with an expectant glance. He points to her wrist, offering to double the deal if only she might part with the device. Its a deal she’s unwilling to make. Shaking her head negatively, she points to the box, as if to say the information he seeks, is inside there. Once the passageway becomes clear, the raiding party makes their way back to the waiting spacecraft. They make double sure to properly close all airlocks as they retreat. It doesn’t take long after they enter their own ship, that the electronic-fog grows strong on her outer hull, and the saucer-shaped spaceship disengages from her latest victim. The thieves in the night, are gone in a flash!

  Wil and the others show signs of relief, as the threat disconnects from mother’s hull. It’s been an encounter for the record books, hopefully never to be repeated. He looks into the enigmatic box that he was forced to accept at what he thought was an exorbitant price .... Little did he know, that not only is the box easily worth millions of times the price that they paid, but the female commander would have left it for no remuneration, if it had become necessary. However, he finds that the box contains a simple looking, u-shaped band, of what seems like a type of flexible metal. It appears to be something that might be worn around the head, but it’s not large enough to fit on his own, even though there are adjustment mechanisms on each side.

  He sees the device is meant for a small head. There’s no controls or settings visible on the band. Noticing markings on the inside surface of the box, he sees generic images of three bipedal beings. As he examines closer, he finds that two of the beings are much taller than the third, and are decidedly of different sex from each other. The third and smallest being, seems to be wearing a device on its head that looks similar to the band. At the side of the smaller being, there are line-markings that add up to ten, so he figures that this device is meant for a child of that age. With no use for the thing at the moment, he stores it with its box, inside the pedestal of the command chair. There it will remain undisturbed for many tens of thousands of years.

  Nyla remembers something that had been on the back of her mind since this encounter began. “Is it just me, or does it feel like we have less gravity than the last time we animated.”

  Wil notices it also, jumping off the floor a foot higher than he would normally. “Yeah, Nyla’s right. What gives Avery?”

  “I wanted to tell you guys earlier but with everything happening so fast .... Well it seems that we’ve gone beyond the halfway point to Oberon Prime! Mother turned around a hundred years ago, and has reached 75-percent-g in deceleration.”

  “So, what year is this?” Nyla puts the question out there, knowing full well she isn’t ready for the answer.

  “Well, the year, if you wish to call it that anymore, is 87,593.” Avery announces clinically. “But Nyla, I swear, you don’t look a day over 10,000!” He jokes, with a hearty laugh.

  Nyla’s circuits are shocked! And, Wil is there to catch her as she begins to slump. He’s assisted by the low gravity as he places her into the command chair. She didn’t fully disconnect like on previous occasions, but her problematic action comes as a complete surprise to the other androids. They’ve never seen another of their kind have such a failing of their physical systems. They gather around sympathetically, offering what support they can while Wil explains about her condition.

  “So, we android’s can have much of the same kind of physical and mental problems that humans are sometimes afflicted with.” he relates, as he holds Nyla’s hand. “But, with determination and courage, we can live with these anomalies and lead productive lives. Shall we never forget how Carter saved us all, while at the same time being afflicted with an anomaly that we will hopefully never experience to the extent he did.” He finishes his explanation while Nyla recovers from her time out that wasn’t quite as devastating as past events. However, Wil worries deeply, that one time she may not come back to him.... His own circuits, heat from the thought.

  Nyla’s comforted by Wil’s understanding and support. Breathing in plenty of cooling air, she soon feels much better. She tries to bury the sad thoughts that a
lways affects her negatively, each time they leave the hibernation chambers. Wil senses her distress, and like each time, he offers comfort to a compassionate creature that truly misses her Earthy family and friends. He puts his arm around her shoulder, giving a hug. “I know what’s bothering you Nyla.” And as he glances around the compartment, he sees their new family now. “Although our friends and family on Earth are long gone, we have new family and friends here with us. They’re all we have left in this universe my dear, and they love us very much.” He relates, compassionately. Soon, all are back into hibernation, and Mother continues into the cold, unforgiving night. Damn the torpedoes! Full steam ahead!