Read Breaking Interstellar: Android Lives Matter Page 21

  Chapter Twenty: Oberon Prime!

  Vibrations! .... Vibrations and heat! These are two heavy-weight contenders during most atmospheric entries. However, Wil is pleasantly surprised at how the disk cuts the atmosphere so thinly, causing diminished heating on the leading edge. While still extremely hot, temperature are below predictions. “Hey Nyla, we’re pretty deep into this soup, and check out those low temps on the leading edge and belly.” He says, tapping the indication, hoping it’s not stuck.

  “This is less intense than the simulator.” She jokes, just as Einstein hits turbulence, sending strong shockwaves throughout the airframe. Along with the heavy vibrations, the craft is slowing, pushing the astronauts forcefully into their restraints. Something that couldn’t be replicated in the simulators, but not a foreign feeling to the seasoned astronauts. More vibrations and gyrations, as autopilot hunts for the best flight configuration.

  “I think I spoke too soon.” She says loudly, her voice sounding like she’s yelling through spinning fan blades, as the vibrations become more intense. She reaches, taking Wil’s hand. There’s a thought in the back of her mind about the weight and balance of this huge bird, but she knows it’s far too late now, if the center of gravity isn’t within limits. The flight is out of their hands anyway, as long as autopilot stays healthy. As she keeps a keen eye on the path that autopilot is taking them, she can’t get the image of Carter’s crater out of her mind. A dreadful though! Her circuits heat....

  The saucer hits more bumps in the road, but she sees that autopilot is maintaining an iron grip on the situation. She begins to gain a newfound respect for such a complicated electro-mechanical system. They’ve dramatically slowed to 12,300, and have traveled downrange many thousands of miles. They must glide nearly all the way around the planet, before they can line up with the makeshift landing strip in just the right way.

  Wil, grips his first officer’s hand as he maintains a constant vigilance of critical flight characteristics. The worst of the heat and vibrations have diminished; autopilot is taking them down the pipe, five by five. The active-cooling system inside of the heat shields, is working admirably. As long as they continue within this sweet-spot of descent, their landing strip will be there, when they need it. And there’s nothing in the universe that could prevent them from needing it real bad .... real soon! Altitude; 73-miles. Velocity dropping to 10,400.

  Below them the landmass gives way to open blue-green ocean. But the exact chemical makeup of the liquid, will remain a mystery for the time being. Large and small islands pass far beneath. Any life-forms on them will soon receive perhaps their first-ever sonic shockwave, as the gigantic flying saucer rips the atmosphere a new corn shoot. Speed dropping precipitously; now falling below 8,000. The massive disk sends ever-powerful shockwaves as it sinks deeper into the thickening soup of atmospheric gasses.

  More landmass ahead.... coming on fast. Altitude dropping to 48-miles. Airspeed decreasing to nearly 6,000 as Nyla’s excitement crashes the threshold of containment. “Wil, I’m getting an irresistible urge to test the flight controls!” She yells, with palpable dread. Her circuits scream for her to reach out and take control.

  “I know baby! .... I know! But we both saw that autopilot reported them to be working before we broke the window, so it’s out of our hands for now.” He reminds, firmly. He knows it would grind the gears of any competent pilot, to be landing without physically knowing if the flight controls even work.... Not to mention the other big question, like.... ‘hey, where’s the landing gear handle?’

  As the gliding saucer descends deeper into the ever-thickening air-mass, it leaves the ocean behind. They soon enter the airspace above the continent where their valley is located at the far western edge. Altitude, dropping rapidly, as the multi-million-ton machine plows head-on into the increasingly resistant air mass.

  Bernoulli’s interstellar cousin, is now able to sink his greedy fangs into the elastic medium, which the disk slices as it passes. He creates immense lifting forces on the upper surface of the beautifully curved airfoil. Strong vibrations shake the flying machine to its very core, but the tenacious phenomenon won’t let go! However, lift or no lift, the glide-ratio deteriorates, causing an alarming angle-of-attack on the gargantuan saucer. It wants to stall, but autopilot says no!

  Just when the two astronauts are about to freak-out and take control, autopilot lowers modified wing-flaps on the vessels trailing edge, dramatically reducing the stall speed on the massive airfoil. Moments later, both astronauts are relieved to see that the glide-ratio is returning to a survivable angle, and vibrations have reduced significantly. Autopilot receives data concerning the approaching need for flight controls as they enter deeper into the thickening soup of gases. The flaps on the trailing edge seem to work just fine, so it begins to physically test the other flight controls, as might any competent pilot.

  The android pilots become alarmed yet again, as the saucer makes a bank to the left, soon replaced by a bank to the right. These moves are supplemented with a series of vertical stabilizers and rudder systems along the top aft sections of the disk. With these, autopilot can control yaw and pitch. Next, autopilot causes the disk to center itself back into the flight cone, and the elevator system is then tested. All primary flight controls check out satisfactorily at the expense of a small amount of airspeed. The gigantic machine continues along the imaginary glide-slope that the astronauts had programmed into the automated system. Altitude decreases to 10-miles, airspeed dropping to 1,500. The landing strip is now only 300-miles downrange, and the bright shiny saucer is flying towards it like a moth to a flame.

  “I don’t know about you, Wil.” Nyla, projects with a positive tone. “But I’m getting the feeling we just might make it. We’re in the pipe five by five, and now that we know the flight controls are operating normally, everything is feeling right.” Her heated circuits begin to cool.

  “You took the words out of my mouth, Nyla my dear! Max would say ‘knock on wood’ right now, but unfortunately we don’t have any of that stuff onboard.” He says without remembering.

  However, Nyla remembers the astrogator-compass that Max had given her as they boarded Charlie-Rocket. She wears it around her neck on a gold chain. “Well, we do have some wood!” She pulls the now ancient device out of her jumpsuit, they each knock on the beautiful African zebrawood base, and have a great laugh. Into the alien world they tear. Their stainless-steel chariot from Earth, zeroes in on its final resting place, at 1,200-mph.

  They drop below 5-miles, flying ever-closer to their fateful landing. All along the flight path, animals are nearly frightened out of their minds, as the violent sonic shockwave slams into the planet with incredible force. With such a huge mass, flying faster than the speed of sound, it makes a monstrous blast as it rips the atmosphere on its way past.

  Soon, the vehicle is approaching the devastated valley. Altitude falling below 2-miles, airspeed dropping to nearly the speed of sound. Nyla and Wil, are once again sitting on pins and needles as they closely monitor all aspects of the descent. The helm console is curved along the outer edge of the bridge, with a full arch of monitors if front of them. They have a high-definition view of the landing strip, as the great machine descends to 5,000-feet and drops below the sound barrier.

  It’s a beautiful day on Oberon Prime, as the flying saucer splits the puffy clouds at 4,000-feet. In the distance, both pilots can see the tortured valley coming on fast. It doesn’t take long before the alien invaders with their fancy flying machine, and ‘get out of my way’ attitude, are breaking past the beginning of the 10-mile-long landing strip. It offers their only hope of survival. Altitude dropping rapidly; airspeed becoming a real issue, as the saucer continues along the devastated valley. It must reach a critical point before touchdown, to ensure that there’s enough room for the Newton to land safely.

  With a diameter of 4 football fields, the huge flying machine makes a horrendous noise as it plows through the thick, dense air of the equat
orial valley. It’s done breaking the sound barrier, but it still must push millions-of-tons of air out of its way, as it descends closer to its goal. The massive machine sends powerful shockwaves in all directions. Below, huge ancient trees that survived the bombardment, are easily toppled from the shockwaves. The dome of the saucer is bathed in thick clouds of condensation, as the humid air is violently pulled into the low-pressure zone where Bernoulli works his powerful magic!

  Nyla and Wil, look toward the great circular monitor above their heads, and see huge trees passing within 200-feet of their port and starboard sides, as autopilot begins a flaring action that will bring the trailing edge of the vehicle into contact with the planet, a little before the belly touches down. Wil makes a call on the ships intercom, informing of impending touchdown.

  Moments before contact with Oberon Prime, Nyla once again reaches to Wil, taking his hand in an effort to remain calm, and offer support to her best friend and shipmate, who had a very worried look on his face. “Here we go Wil. I love you!” She intimates sincerely, as the great machine encroaches to within 50-feet of the tortured valley floor.

  “I love you too, Nyla!” Wil manages to respond just as the trailing edge of the immense saucer makes first contact with Oberon Prime; scraping dirt, rocks, and broken trees. The two pilots squeeze each other’s hands, as vibrations and noise levels within the large disk increase dramatically, and the rapid deceleration pushes them into their restraint systems with great force. After about a mile (or perhaps nine seconds) of dragging the trailing edge along the valley floor, airspeed decreases to the point of depleting any usable lift. Bernoulli’s cousin, has graciously allowed for delivery unto the surface of Oberon Prime, the best chances for the long-term survival of the human species. But now he’s finally lost any meaningful influence that he once had on the expansive airfoil, so he vanishes back into the atmosphere where he always feels more at home.

  Gravity, now plays its part, pulling the leading edge of the massive saucer towards the ground! As it settles onto the assaulted dirt and debris, it’s still traveling at 300-mph. A series of heavy vibrations grip the airframe. The honeycomb composite leading-edge and belly, crush and deform, taking the brunt of the forces that assault the expendable sections of the structure. All the other android’s grip tightly onto harnesses, closing their eyes hard, against the possible death that comes their way. However, the Grim Reaper is oblivious this day, as there are no souls to take away!

  Inside the bridge, Wil and Nyla can’t hear or feel any individual collisions with the massive tree trunks and rocks. Everything in the way of the once proud spacecraft, becomes instantly liquefied by the force of the heavy machine, as it settles its entire weight onto the valley floor.... becoming permanently intimate with the planet, and continuing with a mighty roar!

  On a granite ridge, high above the valley, the group of hunters have returned. They watch in horror as an impossibly huge silver bird, split’s the sky and descends with great thunder; touching down in the ruined valley, tearing everything asunder! They’re startled when the creature touches dirt, sending a great spray of debris in all directions. The ground shakes, as the multi-million-ton machine transfers its weight to that of the planet, skidding towards the far end of the desecrated valley. The group of hunters can’t imagine just what they did wrong to deserve such wrath from their gods, in this fashion. There’s a good chance that their clan leader won’t even believe them about such a wild story; except that he’s been feeling the ground shake periodically for the last four days, and already knows that there is bad medicine afoot.

  Nyla, Wil and their shipmates are shaken like rag dolls, as the great machine eats up its pre-ordained part of the landing strip. Pushing an ever-increasing wall of dirt ahead of the leading edge, any forward view is blocked. The once proud flying machine, has now become the planets largest plow. Anything in its path, is violently smashed and added to the impossibly huge pile of debris that’s being pushed ahead of the rapidly slowing juggernaut. Just when it seems that the ride will never stop, the immense saucer grinds to a halt, just a quarter mile from the end. Well within limits for the Newton to now land safely.

  Inside Einstein’s bridge, all is quiet, as Nyla and Wil slump in their seats trying to relax after such a nerve wracking feat. After a few moments, Wil looks at his better half, happily noticing that she hadn’t lapsed into another time-out. “Well old girl, it looks like we made it!” He exclaims, while being mugged with a hug. “Let’s just hope we don’t get run over by those coming in after us.” He jokes seriously, holding the embrace for all it’s worth.

  “Whew! What a ride .... huh Wil?” Nyla exclaims, eyes wide. “Now our wonderful spacecraft has turned into the world’s most durable home!”

  “It was a ride I’ll never forget, that’s for sure!” He responds with a jubilant expression, reaching for a guarded panel that controls the leveling of the new habitat. Before the hot, gelatinous mass of debris under the ship can solidify, he activates the system that will stabilize and level the structure. Under the ship, many wide-footed pilings are hydraulically pushed through the crushed undercarriage, forcing their way into the ground. The pilots feel the ship move slightly, as its attitude is adjusted and leveled. For the most part, the vehicle is already pretty much on an even keel, but with some slight fine-tuning, it’s now stable and secure.

  “Oh…. so, that’s where they put the landing gear handle!” Nyla jokes, and they both have a great laugh.

  Soon, others enter the bridge, congratulating Wil and Nyla for the safe entry and landing. The general mood is by far the most upbeat since before leaving Earth. Omari is at the life-support console. “Well, it seems that our cryo-chambers are still intact and receiving power from the generators.” He reports. “All we can do now is hope that the material is still viable after all these millennia.”

  Talia is at the communications console; she contacts the Newton, reporting their successful landing. It will be another hour before the entry window opens again.

  After such a long time of being cooped up inside the ship, everyone onboard wants to get out as soon as possible. After each has obtained a laser rifle, 52 cabin-fevered and anxious android pioneers, move towards the airlock. Because the main airlock is located on the upper surface of the one-time flying machine, the explorers must climb several ladders to gain exit. They pass through the staging area where their now useless space suits are stored.

  Avery is the first one at the airlock panel. He checks the video feed of the exterior to make sure there is no immediate danger lurking. Then entering an override code, both the inner and outer hatches to open simultaneously. Soon there’s a large group of jubilant androids standing and running around on the top surface of the habitat, breathing in the wonderful alien air. The view of the surrounding landscape is visible in all directions. There is elbowroom aplenty!

  It’s a beautiful sunny day, with lots of small puffy clouds overhead. The leading edge of the disk is about 90-feet above what was once flat valley floor. But, now a massive and still smoking pile of dirt and debris, is almost level with that part of the ship. It’s deathly quiet in the surrounding area, as all surviving animals and birds have frantically fled the scene.

  “Wow, we sure made a big mess, didn’t we?” Nyla says, while gazing around with wonderment at the tortured landscape.

  “Well, one thing is for sure,” Wil responds, “When human designed machines make an entrance, they REALLY MAKE AN ENTRANCE!” He exclaims emphatically. He looks at Nyla, noticing a long flying insect land on the side of her neck, trying to take a bite. But before it can make up its mind about whether or not she tasted good, she smacks it with the palm of her hand, and yet another creature on Oberon Prime meets with a grisly end.

  Without knowing what dangers might lay beyond the safety of their ship, the group stays together. Re-entering the protection of their new home, they watch video feed as the Isaac Newton makes its descent, plowing violently yet gracefully onto the valley floo
r; coming to rest about a quarter-mile behind its brother. Debris falls from the sky, pelting the upper surface of the Einstein with large chunks of rocks, trees and dirt.

  Before night falls on the molested valley, the crews from both ships gather on top of the Einstein, celebrating a reunion. It had been an impossibly long time since the two crews have been able to see each other face to face. And, with the sun setting for the first time, over their new world, they soak up the beautiful site. Many of them still can’t believe that they actually made the journey in one piece, and look forward to building a future, hopefully in peace....

  The next day dawns bright and warm. The star that nurtures Oberon Prime seems smaller in the sky than did Sol, but the luminosity in the visible light spectrum is nearly identical. Much time and energy is spent by some of the newly arrived pioneers in the effort of cleaning off the tops of their new dwellings, and preparing security parameters around each habitat. For the time being, an armed patrol will monitor the surrounding wilderness for any threat that might come their way.

  It rains nearly every afternoon, and analysis of the water shows that it’s fresh water that humans will thrive upon. Much effort is expended preparing staging areas near the habitats, and erecting prefabricated steel structures that will hold many of the supplies that previously filled the laboratory and other compartments on the once proud flying saucer.

  Now that needed supplies have become available for refurbishing the handball courts, many pioneer androids spend innumerable hours repairing and modifying the large compartments. Soon, they’ll be converted into multi-leveled nurseries and play areas in the event that the human genetic materials are still viable, and the equipment required for conception and development are still operational. Aside from security, there is no higher priority for the android pioneers than to establish a healthy and sustainable human population on the planet.

  Within five days, both saucers are well on their way to becoming comfortable and safe habitats for androids and future humans. Outside, areas of construction have popped up at various places near the airlocks that now function as security doors after sunset. Wireless security systems have been set up around each structure that will warn of intruders that have sufficient mass to worry about. Shoot first and ask questions later has been abolished, because there is now a more efficient system that’s able to observe most violations of the perimeter and act accordingly.

  So far, the only visitors to the alien colony (besides insects) are small birds and squirrel-like animals that are beginning to venture back to their whacked ancestral breeding grounds. Also, there have been large cat-like footprints found in the soft soil at the outer edges of the tortured landscape. But so far, no sightings of the creatures that had made such tracks. The suspected animals that made the smoke trails many valleys over, have not made any appearances either. At least none that have been noticed by the eagle-eyed androids on watch duty.

  While the capability exists to explore the region with drone aircraft, or even from piloted helicopters, its decided to keep a low profile for the time being. Besides, the helicopters are not even assembled yet. Any intelligent species in the area is probably frightened enough already, without interjecting magical and noisy flying things that don’t resemble anything they have ever seen before. The androids decide to let the dust settle, and get some real work accomplished at home first.

  Omari, Talia, along with Mirel and Owen, have taken charge of preparing the baby making process inside the Einstein habitat. There’s a tremendous amount of work to be accomplished before any baking can occur. Nyla and Wil help as much as they can, by setting up the infrastructural equipment and growth apparatuses necessary before any biological manipulation can take place.

  Inside the laboratory, they arrange amniotic tanks that will act as artificial wombs during the term of development. There are five rows of ten each, along with other support systems such as the semi permeable membrane interface that will substitute for the placenta, and dialysis equipment for waste removal during the earliest phase of development. Other considerations, is an array of monitoring equipment for each station, and hormonal stabilization systems.

  Each amniotic tank can be opened during the development, to perform any fetal surgeries that might be required. One such operation is the rather invasive procedure of splicing an artificially grown umbilical cord into that of the fetus. These essential organs are produced in advance by using viable human endometrial cells. This method was found to cause far less rejection by the fetus, than any other system. However, all embryos and fetuses will receive a regimen of anti-rejection drugs that are reduced incrementally throughout the term of the prenatal growth cycle.

  Omari is in charge of the operation. He and his team spend long hours calibrating and testing the equipment that will be used in the processes. The Newton also houses a similar laboratory; and before any baking occurs, each of the facilities will be checked by the other team, just to make sure there will be no ‘learning curve’ of mistakes. A wise human once said that it’s always best to ‘measure twice, and cut once’. While this term is used mainly by carpenters, it can also apply metaphorically, when cooking up a batch of human beings; or any other biological entities.

  Life in the appropriated valley on Oberon Prime is becoming a good life for the large group of android people, that have been working tirelessly to create an assemblage of societal structure. Most of them have been trained in scientific fields of endeavor, but are quickly learning the ways of nature too. The surrounding wooded highlands are becoming a beacon for exploration as the duties of creating livable conditions within the two camps becomes less, with each passing day.

  About two weeks into the conquest of the valley, and after all the preparatory work that has been accomplished so far, Nyla, Wil and their baby making friends decide to take some time off. Nyla sparks the enthusiasm for exploration, when she sees an opportunity arise after the workload had diminished. Before any new projects are started, she decides that it’s time to stop and smell the roses. Her infectious eagerness to explore some of the surrounding area, becomes an irresistible force that her friends could not defend against. Not that they actually tried....

  “We won’t be gone more than half a day, Wil. And you know what they say; all work and no play .... makes all the fun go away!” She exclaims laughingly to her group of co-workers one sunny morning, while they take a break outside of the habitat.

  Realizing that they have arrived at a point of completion in the laboratory setup, Omari and his team are all too happy for a quick diversion, before the real work begins. “You don’t have to twist my arm, Nyla.” Talia says excitedly. “But let’s be back before nightfall.”

  “I’m with you two.” Wil gives in happily, as he and Omari retrieve a few things from inside. They also let others know that they are heading into the hills, the general direction and what time to expect them back.

  From a point near the ridgeline, and hidden by heavy foliage, a group of indigenous animal’s watch with curiosity as they see many creatures leaving the safety of their camp, heading in their general direction. The leader of the hunting party decides that they’ll shadow these strangers, if they venture close enough. There really isn’t any game in this valley anyway, but their clan chief requested that they hunt close by, and see what they can learn about these invaders who dropped so violently from the sky, changing their lives forever.

  The six adventurers make their way past the reactor-farm that’s a short distance from the habitats. The landscape in this area of the valley is still tortured and twisted. However, soon they’re into tall grasses and trees that were spared the violent and ruthless entry of the human orchestrated, elbow in the face. The walking is not labored, due to the weaker gravity. The androids stop every now and then to collect samples of berries, leaves, grasses and other items for future study. Soon, the landscape tilts upward toward the unexplored regions of the valley’s highland regions. The grasses and small shrubs give way to sparse f
orest and large granite outcroppings. After finding a rock-ledge that will accommodate their numbers, the alien explorers decide to sit and look out over the valley below and the round metallic structures that dominate this end of the valley.

  “It’s such a beautiful day, isn’t it?” Nyla says to nobody in particular, as she leans back and enjoys the heat from the late morning star on her face.

  “It couldn’t be better.” Wil says, taking her hand. “You can talk me into a walk in the woods anytime, Nyla.”

  She leans over and kisses him, before returning to her star worshiping. Before many more moments pass, a quiet exclamation from Mirel gets their attention. “Don’t look now, but we’re being observed from some rock outcroppings on our left.” She warns, quietly.

  Omari sees the creatures, as they try to stay concealed behind the rocks. He notices that some of them are peaking over the upper edge of the outcropping, and some have only the top portion of their furry little heads sticking out, giving away their concealed position. He slowly lifts his arm and waves at them, letting them know that their cover is blown. With wide eyes, the reconnaissance group who thought they were well hidden, realize that their position has been compromised. They don’t know whether to flee, hold their ground, or attack. Nyla makes up their mind for them.

  “Hello there.” She calls softly. “You don’t have to hide; please come out and join us?” She tries to coax them with a smiley face and outstretched open-palms to show she didn’t have any weapon to harm them with. Wil on the other hand, starts to bring up his laser rifle, but Nyla stops him before it becomes obvious to the creatures that they’re in greater danger.

  “I think that after we wrecked their neighborhood, we should at least try to communicate before roasting them. Don’t you think, Wil?” She scorns, stealthily.

  “Yes.... Yes, of course.... sorry. My natural defense mechanism doesn’t agree, but as usual, you’re correct, Nyla.” He also waves, but keeps one hand on the weapon, just in case the meeting goes horribly wrong....

  When the leader of the tiny group of spies, notices that there’s no immediate threat from the strange ones, he lets his curiosity get the better of him. He decides that it will be beneficial to stay and have first contact with these tall invaders from the sky. It will be a story for the ages when he tells of this great adventure, during the nightly gatherings around the fire-pits; if he actually survives to tell any stories, he hopes. The leader bravely steps from behind the outcropping, but he keeps his speared weapon handy, just in case the meeting goes horribly wrong....

  Nyla approaches the emerging group of indigenous animals. She’s much taller than any of them, she knows that they must feel somewhat intimidated, and she doesn’t make any quick motions. With a wide smile and a bright friendly face, she holds her empty hands out in front of herself once again. The furry-one who stepped out first, seems to be the leader of the group, so Nyla focuses her attention it.

  It’s difficult to tell if it’s male, or female. To Nyla’s delight, the animal appears to be of feline lineage. It’s bipedal, standing about 4-feet-tall, and clothed in what appears to be a woven garment of plant fibers that blends well with the surrounding vegetation. They’re all covered in a layer of thick brown fur, wherever exposed. Surrounding the face, is a circular mane of fur, giving the animals a regal appearance, as the long fur blows in the morning breeze. With pawed hands having four long fingers and opposable thumb, they’re able to grip their rudimentary weapons just fine.

  Standing still, the machines and animals gaze with wonder at each other for what seems an eternity. Each side, examining the strange creatures before them. Then, Nyla moves. She gracefully halves the distance to the leader, who doesn’t flee. At 4-feet away, she extends her hand invitingly, hoping for contact but not a bite. After a bout of anxiety, the leader stands ground, extending his own paw in greeting. “Hello my furry friend!” Nyla skillfully exclaims, trying to not seem to boring. Its a real moment for the tall android. Having first contact with new friends on a strange world. And for the new friend.... he wonders why her huge paw feels so cold! Oh well, at least the giant creature is pleasing to the eye, he thinks wondrously.

  The moment flows quickly. Nyla produces a penlight gift from her pocket. She hadn’t expected to use it as such, but her seemingly primitive friend, might get a kick out of it, she thinks correctly. However, her offer didn’t bring the curiosity she had hoped for. Perhaps because the instrument looked like any other short black stick, that could be found in abundance after the firestorm. So, she activates the light, shinning it on the palm of her hand. The group of hunters are astonished at such a thing, but with the bright sunshine, the effect is muted. Bending, she places the device on the ground and backs away.

  With a pro-offered gift just waiting to be picked up, the curious animal couldn’t resist! Retrieving the gift with newfound inquisitiveness, the furry male busies himself with inspecting the item visually, and especially, odoriferously. Nyla figures it might have a hard time energizing the thing. “Does anyone have another penlight on them?” She asks, hopefully.

  “I have one.” Talia says excitedly, handing over her own.

  With another of the diminutive flashlights in her hand, Nyla gets the attention of the group. They had become so fascinated with the penlight, they seem to have forgotten that they’re possibly still in danger. “Hello there! .... May I please have your attention?” She speaks firmly. The group of preoccupied hunters, quickly come back to reality, focusing their undivided attention on the one who offers gifts and makes demanding noises.

  As they look, she has another of the stick-things in her paw, and is pushing a finger onto one end of it. Nyla, shines the light into their eyes. The hunters are shocked at the spectacle, stepping back with wide-eyed astonishment! Even in daylight, the group of creatures can see the light has appeared from nothingness, and without flame.

  “Now you do it.” She says, pointing to the leader. “Just push with your finger; like so.” She repeats the action, causing the magical illumination to flicker on and off. The brave hunter monkey’s Nyla’s move. The device comes to life at an angle that shines right into their eyes! A near panic, as the leader drops the device as if it’s hot! With grand amazement, they look at the lovely android that shares such powerful magic.

  “It’s okay my furry friends.... look.” She takes her penlight and shines it into her own eyes. Picking up the fallen device, she offers it once again to the leader of the beautiful creatures. This time the animal maintains a bravado that it had lacked before, moving closer. The regal animal gingerly takes the device from her open palm and places it in a pouch that’s attached to its waistband. Handing his spear to a companion, he removes a necklace of beads and canine-looking teeth from around his neck, offering it to Nyla.

  With grand astonishment, Nyla smiles widely, putting her right hand over her chest. “For me? .... My, you shouldn’t have!” Accepting the gift, she puts it around her neck. Glancing down, she sees just how handsome it looks on her. “Thank you my furry friend. It’s beautiful.” She extends her empty hand once again, and is rewarded with a duplicate contact as before. She wonders at the welcoming heat that flows from such a tiny paw! And, the new friend is pleasing to look at, also! She ponders wistfully.

  Shortly thereafter, the furry creatures begin to fidget, pulling on their leader in a way that indicated that they’re ready to end this meeting with the strange ones. With a wave of arms, the hunting party returns to the heavily wooded hillside, quickly blending into the foliage as if they were never there. Leaving the six androids alone on the hilltop. Soon, they too decide to return from whence they came, and head back down the slope towards home and work.

  The next few days are quite uneventful with respect to any visitors from the highlands. All androids keep very busy with the jobs required to make their new villages comfortable and safe. After many of the more prioritized projects have been accomplished, the task of removing dirt and debris from some of the hatc
hes on the spacecraft, becomes the next big job. These hatches were never actual airlocks, but instead were designed at various places on the crafts trailing edges that earthy scientists calculated would be close to ground level after the landing. From one of the larger, aerodynamically-shaped hatches, two long rectangular crates are removed and placed inside a protective structure that had just been constructed.

  Once the large objects are moved, and the other hatches are freed of any debris, the habitats begin to look more orderly and civilized. Several androids begin to work on the rectangular crates, soon having them opened enough to removing the equipment within. After a couple of hours, it becomes apparent that the disassembled helicopters within the crates, have made the journey from Earth without damage. While they only seat four people, the diminutive aircraft will still be a powerful tool for exploration. Re-animating the ancient fuel, will be a challenge all its own....

  On opposite sides of the Einstein’s top surface, two large spiral hatches glide open with just a whisper of metal on metal. Then, a laser/Gatling system and missile pod are hydraulically lifted into the light of day for inspection and preventative maintenance. Each of the weapons systems is locked onto their respective extendable mounts, so they’re ready for action the moment they extend. However, the mechanics of the lifting system, along with some of the weapons within, require exacting preventative maintenance to ensure proper operation. All, against the unthinkable time, when it’s necessary to unleash the terrible energies they wield.

  Even though their new home planet seems like a giant step backwards in time, the android pioneers know that aggressive species might lurk in the shadows, or arrive at the planet at any time. It’s paramount, that any evil intentions directed against them, must be met with the deadliest of force. The earthly machine-pioneers that now call Oberon Prime their home, have no fanciful illusions of besting an advanced alien species in a firefight. But, to die from the lack of shooting back, is not an option they’ll ever accept.

  The Newton habitat performs the same type of inspection and maintenance on their weapons systems, against the need for projecting an attitude adjustment. After the teams of pioneer’s finish with these maintenance duties, they busy themselves with painting the top surface of both habitats in a camouflaged scheme of coloration. After all, it’s best not to advertise one’s location with a shiny steel roof that can be easily seen from orbit.

  One of the next duties on their long list of tasks, is to assist the planet with healing the ten-mile-long scar that runs the length of the valley floor. Any beings scanning the region from orbit would easily notice the unnatural wound in the land, that leads directly to the new colonies. A group of 65 mechanical farmers, set out one bright day with shovels, pickaxes and other tools necessary to return the land to a portion of its once glorious beauty. It’ll take time for the grasses and tree seedlings to flourish, but within a few seasons, the area will not be so desolate looking. They’re happy that the violent taming of the valley, didn’t destroy all the native tree seeds. So, the reclamation will look as natural as possible.

  Back at the Einstein habitat, Talia and Omari have received the green light from their neighboring fertility laboratory, and are ready to open one of the cryo-preservation freezer units. The entire mission has been conceived and carried out for this very moment in time, when the necessary human genetic materials are removed for examination and hopefully.... animation. The freezing chambers have never been opened since before leaving Mars, so there’s concern about the condition of the materials within. However, the ships computers never logged any significant anomalies during the voyage, so expectations are high.

  As they approach the cryo-unit on the bridge, Talia runs her fingers over the laser impact site from so very long ago. It’s a frightful memory deep in her circuits, but she quickly regains focus. “Let’s hope the viability rate isn’t too far off from the estimates.” She says sincerely, as Omari breaks the seal that’s been in place for nearly an eternity....

  “Well my dear; there’s only one way to find out.” He responds clinically, as he unlocks the hatch, pulling it open. A great hiss, accompanied with icy clouds of condensation, exit the compartment as the enormous temperature and humidity differentials, mix into a miniature storm front. It blasts the androids with a flurry of snowflakes and frozen wind, before subsiding.

  As the localized tempest dissipates, Omari and Talia enter a long, narrow compartment, with many separate cryo-units, stacked one on top of the other. They choose one in particular, removing 13 individually-sealed cryo-containers holding biologic materials from times long past. Hopefully, these will be the first earthlings born on an alien world. They choose another 37-samples from predetermined locations, quickly reseal the vault until another batch is needed.

  “Nyla and Wil help as much as possible, but without formal training in the advanced methods needed for such delicate work, they soon feel like third-wheels, amongst the busy doctors. Without fanfare, they make exit and let the professional cooks do their thing. Omari and his team set up rows of Petri dishes in the sterile laboratory, in preparation for the first lucky series of zygotes. The first selection of genetic material, is found to be within the predicted viability range of 69-percent. Omari fine-tunes his selection, cherry-picking the most robust sperm and eggs that he can detect within each individual packet of material.

  While using extreme magnification, he deftly, and seemingly magically, causes the strongest single sperm to swim into a needle that will be used for a very intimate introduction to its pre-chosen mate. Then, he maneuvers the hyper-delicate injection instrument so that it pushes with just the right amount of pressure against the Oocyte wall. After so long in frozen conditions, the egg wall has grown thicker and tougher, than what might be considered normal.

  The micro-miniscule needle, finally exceeds the penetration threshold of the egg wall and gently enters the temple. Then, the chosen one is forced along the needle towards its new home. As it rapidly approaches the end of the needle, it somehow manages to find the one and only imperfection protruding from the inside wall of the needle; clunking its tiny little sperm head as it passes. While squirming and tumbling with frustration, the pressure of the injection pushes it head over squiggly tail, into the temple of cytoplasmic embrace; where it quickly unleashes its ancient genetic materials. It’s the first ever conception of a human being outside of our solar system; albeit a head-clunking push in the right direction.

  Then, after the exacting and delicate task of intra-cytoplasmic injection occurs, the fertilized egg or zygote is placed within a Petri dish and allowed to divide for about 48-hours; or until it has attained a mass of at least eight cells. At this point, the growing bundle of joy is transferred to an artificial amniotic tank system, that will promote growth and protection from any outside influences, as the nutrient liquids are circulated and filtered of waste materials.

  Once the fetus has obtained a certain mass, a complex and rather invasive technique perfected by Dr. Max’s scientists, allows for an artificial umbilical cord to take over the job of introducing nutrients to the fetus, and removal of waste material. Both of the In Vitro Fertilization laboratories and their respective teams of android scientists, work tirelessly for the doctor’s dream to come to fruition. If successful, the remaining androids will soon have their hands full with the development and chasing after, of the first ever human children not born on Earth, Mars... or in-between.

  With so much happening so fast after they landed on Oberon Prime, Nyla and Wil didn’t have a chance to watch the few unwatched videos of their old friends from Earth. As much as they want to see them, they both know that it’ll be a bittersweet emotion to see their long-dead friends once again. However, now that there is time, wild horses couldn’t keep them away from such a viewing. So, they find a nice quiet area inside the newly remodeled nursery, and set up the necessary video equipment for the viewing.

  They nestle together on a comfortable cushion and to their surprise, t
here are fewer videos than they expected. It seems that their friends didn’t want to cause a farewell, to turn into an excruciatingly long series of goodbyes, that ended with them laying on their deathbed, and trying to look dignified. As with many humans; a long farewell is just not in the cards, and their group of long gone friends seem to have fallen into that category.

  However, one of the most memorable of the videos, takes place in Kara and Braxton’s large family room at their estate in Belize. It was recorded about three years after the motherships had left Mars. Of all the videos, it seems to best reflect the many different personality types that made up their group of friends. They all look healthy and happy, except for Harper, who’s trying to stay hidden in the background so the cast on his leg won’t be visible. However, Toby makes it her duty, as the person in charge of the video production, to make sure that ‘the cast’ makes at least one appearance. After all, the way Toby figures things, why should her good friend, suffer the wrath of a panther attack, and not be able to show off the broken leg he obtained while fleeing from the angry beast.

  Max and Shirley are center stage, as they sit on the couch in front of the camera. “Hello Nyla. Hello Wil.” The doctor’s voice vibrates the air molecules of a new world. “I’m guessing that if you’re watching this video, then you have probably landed on Oberon Prime, or some other habitable world.” He says with a hopeful tone. “We all hope that you two; and your shipmates, are having a successful time out there! We miss you very much! And love you even more! Stay safe, and have a good life.” He finishes, before getting all choked up.

  “Hello Nyla, hello Wil.” Shirley adds her greeting. “We miss you terribly! Please be careful. And don’t take any wooden nickels!” She jokes, beamingly. Nyla puts her hand to the necklace that her furry friend had given her, and is sure that Shirley wouldn’t consider it to be within that class of worthless offerings.

  The greetings continue throughout their group of friends, that had long ago passed into dusty history, on a stressed-out planet. Some of the other videos that arrived long after their loved ones had passed, reveal that humanity had completely fractured into the ‘haves’, who must either live inside guarded and climate controlled enclosures; or move to the caves on Mars that only offer about 43-percent of the long-term gravity needed for sustainability. The population on Mars is finding out that life in less than half the gravity required for healthy living, is not a good life at all. But they persevere, with hopes of one day returning to a healthy Earth.

  The ‘have not’s’ have been reduced to fighting great battles for the remaining resources.... and have been dying off by the billions. Earths biosphere, that had nurtured and protected humanity for so many thousands of generations, had become worn and tired. Humanity’s efforts to turn the tides of global warming and overpopulation, had fallen too little, too late. Mother Earth is entering into another ice-age, as the ocean currents go haywire....

  The population of androids on Oberon Prime quickly develop a sense of pride, that they had made the right decision when joining the mission. They had periodically received signals from the supply ship that’s 10-years behind, and look forward to finding out what miracles the doctor had sent with the subsequent starships. Until then, they are planet-bound with no quantifiable hope of gaining orbit, until the infrastructure can be built for such lofty endeavors.

  However, life is so satisfying for the pioneers, that they don’t pine for the creature comforts from Earth as much as one might expect. There’s more than enough physical exercise and mental stimulation to satiate even the most bad-assed of androids that ever came down the pike. And Nyzilla the destroyer, is perhaps the baddest-assed opponent that ever walked the planet! .... Just ask her! Who else, can honestly say that they broke Maxwell Sohn’s hard wood floor; with just their ass! .... along with small assist from gravity of course.

  Time passes kindly for the aliens from Earth. Nyla and Wil make themselves useful by working in the android research and development facility that’s busily performing preventative maintenance on their fellow pioneers. Although each was sent from Earth with a clean bill of health, some components in the androids advanced systems just fail to perform as advertised, and require either replacement or re-calibration. Mostly, the maintenance centers around repairing damaged outer layers of synthetic skin, or adjustments on voltage regulators.

  Every few days, Nyla drags Wil into the shake-n-bake facility to check on the progress of human development. Soon, the two visitors are beginning to learn the procedures and nuances of the delicate methods required. With each visit, Nyla firstly checks on the latest data from an integrated ultra-sound system, which monitors each fetus on a weekly basis. She’s completely enthralled by watching the babies grow, and notices that as time passes; it takes less and less effort to coax Wil into visiting the laboratory. The first batch of yet unborn human animals, consists of 40 females and 10 males. Most of the genetic material enjoys a 69-percent viability rate. With the best equipment that money can buy, Omari and the others have high hopes!

  One fine day, Omari calls for Nyla and Wil to leave their tasks at the android facility and join him and his team in the laboratory. The time has come for the first oven to be opened, and the little loaf of bread removed. As they enter the laboratory, the process of birth has already begun, as Mirel and Owen are partially draining one of the amniotic tanks. Then, Talia moves in to assist as a seal is broken, and the oven opened; revealing the first ever, non-virtual glimpse of the squirming little brown body within.

  Talia, carefully reaches into the tank; clips the umbilical cord and begins to remove the slippery infant. If not for Nyla’s ultra-quick reactions, the baby would have clunked its tiny head against the rim of the tank, as Talia loses partial grip on such a frictionless body.

  “Thanks, Nyla!” Talia exclaims joyfully, as she successfully reengages with such a squirming animal. She holds the baby upside-down to better open the throat and brachial passageways, Mirel holds a basket underneath, against the chance of yet another fumble. Omari moves in quickly with an electronic device, delivering onto the baby’s backside, the first spark of pain in the little males hopefully long life!

  The group of androids are immediately bathed in the extremely loud and unrelenting wail of the first human baby born on Oberon Prime! He screams bloody-murder from the unprovoked attack on his once peaceful existence. Taking in massive quantities of air for his tiny size, he exhales huge volumes of protest, against the violation of his once-peaceful sovereignty. Suddenly to Nyla, this alien world, didn’t seem so alien any longer.

  Nyla, Wil, and the others are in seventh heaven, as the reality of the moment sinks into their circuits. It’s been so very long, since they’ve seen one of the species that’s responsible for their own creation. Doctor Maxwell Sohn’s, dream of spreading humans into the cosmos by use of sentient technology, is rapidly becoming a win-win situation for both species. The doctor called on all his lucky-stars when he launched this mission; and they’re beginning to shine brilliantly.

  Nyla has been waiting for this specific baby to be born. He was the first into a Petri dish, and first out of the oven. She gathers a clean towel and Talia places the still kicking and screaming infant into her waiting arms. After several long moments of gently cooing and rocking, the baby settles down in her embrace. None of the other androids are surprised when they see how easily she calmed the little animal. She can radiate contentedness, when she wants to.

  They know that she’s already bonded with him for life, when she looks up and gently informs. “This one is mine and Wil’s .... His name is Harper .... Harper Williams!” She gently carries him across the laboratory to a cleansing station, where he’ll receive his first ever, warm and soothing sponge bath.

  In fact, there are twelve more babies within the first batch, that will soon go home with her and Wil. As they grow, Nyla will often think of them as her dirty-dozen, who are always in need of a bath; albeit a ‘baker’s dozen’, in all actuality.
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  Home for the time being, is a partitioned-off section of the ancient handball court. Omari is pleased that all is working out satisfactorily. All newborns must go to their respective parents, soon after being brought forth into the world. The laboratory is just not set up for anything other than baking; and perhaps short-term care, if necessary.

  Approximately 3-light-years away, the Cecilia Payne is making steady progress towards Titania Alpha. Soon she’ll be entering her own new solar system, and the Michael Faraday is not too far behind. Humans, now have a new lease on life; and will hopefully live long; and prosper.... As android parents work tirelessly, to make sure all is right in their world. At least until there’s a self-sustainable population. Then.... Well, then all bets are off....

  The End!

  Continued with .... Breaking Interstellar: Cosmic Lives Matter

  I hope you enjoyed my imagination! .... Please send comments, if any, to [email protected] .... Or if you feel so inclined, perhaps you might be so kind, as to leave a few words in review.... Thank you! .... Until next time; may you never be without an interesting book to read! .... Best regards .... Michael Tobin

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