Read Breaking Interstellar: Cosmic Lives Matter Page 16

  Chapter Fifteen: Born-Again little alien

  Life on Oberon and Titania is a good one for androids and humans, alike. The climate of both worlds remains comfortably stable, due to moons that maintain an axial tilt on the planets. Extremes of weather are no worse than what the androids had experienced on Earth. The demanding efforts of creating a settlement, and raising human animals, lessens as time passes. Each planet has approximately 500 humans, ranging in age from pre-born, all the way up to 18-years old. Titania Alpha has the eldest of the bunch. Much of the daily work required to maintain a health community, is now largely being performed by the elder youngsters. Some of them are already acting as parents to the newly born infants that are still coming out of the laboratories; albeit in smaller numbers, lately.

  Many of the android parents seem content with their role as surrogates. Even with the intrigue of finding an abandoned alien base on Oberon, and the excitement of recently finished space-elevators, domestic living is a bliss that pulls like the strongest gravity. Not everyone is moved by the prospect of outer space, even most the children seem more interested in just being kids, coming home with skinned knee’s, and mediocre report cards.

  However, for the minority that have exploration and science in their blood or circuits, the chance to go back into space is a visceral need that greatly transcends the desire for a tamer existence. The lure of outer space, pulls on their psyches as strongly as any black hole might pull on their atoms. Beyond the need to eat, or plug into a juicy electrical socket, the desire to explore, is the greatest of all. And, of all the humans that pine for the days of leaving safety behind and throwing all caution to the vacuum; Braxton Crane and Magnus Teach lead the pack. Competing with each other, every parsec of the way!

  In the second year after discovering the new learning tool, the headband-eleven was allowed to use, if they so wished. All, while under the eagle-eyed supervision of Omari, Talia and their team of fellow scientists. No clandestine cavern this time, but instead, inside medical with all the biometric bells and whistles. And of course, Nyla and Wil were always there too! Doting.... While the first device could only go so far, the second-one offered the users a graduation-kick, adding polish to the already absorbed basics.

  Results of the augmentation seem phantom-like, with no obvious manifestation or change to the individual’s personality. However, when in close-proximity to the alien equipment within the mountain, a strong sense of familiarity, and a sense of ‘I think I’ve done this before’ comes to mind. Or other times.... ‘I think I know what that does.’ Or ‘I think I understand that system’. All without prior conventional training. It’s a subconscious phenomenon, that doesn’t always transfer to understanding human technology. In fact, many of the kids still have a rough time passing the advanced mathematic courses mandated by android authorities. And for that matter, even a goodly percentage of the gray alien species, also disliked the numbers game.... Even though mathematics equals power, it isn’t for everybody!

  Soon after resuming the use of the headband, poor Max began to experience seizures during the sessions. He recovered quickly enough after cessation, but eventually joined with Harper and Ling, who never used the devices even once. Next, Shirley refused training, even though the sessions didn’t bother her. She didn’t wish to have something create a rift between herself and the one who means more and more to her each passing year. “It musses my hair too much.” She would joke to Max.

  However, for the ones who persisted with the training, a grand, general understanding of advanced technological subjects and languages, becomes second nature. Enough, to allow one to operate and maintain alien machinery, without knowing the exact details of their design and construction. In other words.... enough knowledge to make one quite dangerous, if not very very careful! But, the best thing about the heightened knowledge, is that it still allows a kid to be a kid, if he or she wants. And human kids love to be kids! .... sometimes, even into advanced age!

  The beautiful sunny morning grows late. Nyla and Wil, carry armloads of parachute into the commons. The dive from space left her feeling energized. She suspects the same happened for Esty, who still chatters in her earpiece. Rounding a bend in the vegetation, they come upon a site that would make any mother or father wince. High up on a rope, stretched tight between two trees, is Jax! He walks the rope, juggling balls, as a gaggle of neighborhood kids watch and taunt from below.

  “Mr. Jax Krauss!” Mother android yells; gray hairs growing like weeds. “You come down from there this very minute! .... Ohhhhhhh, you little scamp!” The crowd tries to shrink away into obscurity, so as to avoid her mighty wrath. When Nyzilla the destroyer raises her voice, it’s wise to be someplace else....

  “Awe jeez, Nyla! I can’t have any fun around here!” The agile young man flirts with double-triple grounding. Nyla can’t reach him up there, so he calmly finishes his walk with pride, head held high, juggling all the way. Finally climbing down the tree-trunk, he enters into the iron grip of authority.

  “Just who do you think you are, young man? .... Philippe Petit?”

  “Awe jeez no, Nyla. I’ll never be as good as him. But I’m sure he would’ve approved of the coup I have planned!

  “And just what kind of coup is that devious mind of yours cooking up this time?”

  “Well.... I’m going to hang a wire between Oberon Prime and Earth.... and walk on it!” He jokes, proudly smiling at the sneering crowd.

  “Well now, Jax.... I suppose you have 300-trillion-miles worth of wire just laying around? Perhaps under all the debris in your room?” She teases, finally allowing the boys feet to touch ground.

  “Oh no! Nothing like that! Why, I’m going to make it out of pure energy! I have it all planned! You’ll see!” He surprises, with his capacity for self-disillusionment. Jeers and laughs, rain in from the peanut-gallery, some holding their nose at such an odiferous idea.

  “Okay, okay young man.... Just don’t be late for dinner!” She has the last laugh, putting her arm around the young man’s shoulder. Then, turning to her own brood within the mischievous mob, she calls out. “Listen up! We’re having a meeting in robotics, as soon as you help us repack these chutes. You’re going to see what we’ve cooked up for your Aunt Esty.” All giggling within the dirty-dozen stops cold.... They suspected something was afoot, but none had been able to get any secrets out of mom or dad. The robotics department was frequented often by their parents over the past few months, but they just couldn’t crack the code of silence.

  Creating an android body for Esty, was of course foremost on the youngster’s minds. After all, it was common knowledge that the necessary equipment for android creation and development accompanied the mission from Earth. But the idea was muted by their parents, as a way to keep it secret from Esty. After all, kids will be kids, and loose lips sink ships! They didn’t wish to build false hopes. For a long time, the android-specialists weren’t even sure if they could achieve such a feat, but in the end, all obstacles melted away. A path emerged, where all of Esty’s unique problems could be addressed satisfactorily. Now, it’s time to let the cat out of the bag....

  With the parachutes repacked and stowed away, Esty is collected. The group enters the Einstein and makes their way to the robotics laboratory. “Nyla?” A disembodied voice emerges. “Is this going to hurt?” The little gray’s electrons, wince. Such a question for a brave soldier to ask! She scolds herself. The frightful inquiry causes Nyla to detour into the galley, where she finds a quiet table and removes her friend. Placing the little box on the table, she addresses the delicate subject.

  “Well Esty, I’d be lying if I said no.... But, I doubt it’ll rise above any level you’ve already met with, during your illustrious pirate career.” Nyla doesn’t hold any punches, adding. “What you’ll feel is nothing more than warming-pains as your circuits become accustomed to the android stimulus-sensory system.” She offers an analogy. “Esty, have you ever had your feet or hands so cold, they hurt when you warmed

  “Yes, I have.” A meek voice, answers.

  “Well, simply multiply that, times your entire body.... But, it won’t be bad for very long; I promise. In fact, I guarantee it.... or no money back!” She tries to boost her friend’s spirits, that seemed to have fallen from the lofty heights they enjoyed just an hour earlier.

  The mother of all sighs, leaks into Nyla’s earpiece. The poor thing just can’t get used to the idea of becoming a machine! Pain or no pain, it simply went against the grain of her species to become such a monstrosity. But, what she hasn’t truly realized yet, is that in her present form, she already is a machine! .... Just, one without mobility.

  “I trust you, Nyla.” More than a little self-pity in her tone. “Thank you, for helping me.”

  “You’re welcome, my dear.... Now Esty, I want you to do me a favor.”


  “I want you to close-down and go to sleep until awakened. Don’t be scared; it’ll be okay. And when you come back, it’ll be with a new lease, on a new life.” The lovely android, instructs compassionately.

  “Okay, my friend.... Until then” And with another world-class sigh, she’s gone....

  Upon entering the robotics laboratory, Nyla finds the youngsters gathered around a diminutive gray body that’s suspended on scaffolding above an operating platform. It’s an image straight out of an alien autopsy scene.... minus any blood of course. Electronic gear is all around, even hanging from the ceiling, reminding of the medical compartment in the mountain. There’s a peaceful expression on the patients non-animated face. Large, almond shaped eyes, closed. An armored plate is missing from its mid-section, revealing a deep cavity, and cooling system. With the absence of biologic internal-organs, this area of the torso is perfect for holding Esty’s CPU. Also, this location is easily armored against the chance of physical or electromagnetic attack. Surrounding the CPU, a robust air-pumping system keeps things cool, or at least it tries.

  “Cody, is that where her electro-polymer muscle-controller goes?” Max points to a connection deep within.

  “Oh my no, dear boy! Why, if I hooked her controller up to that, she’d do backflips instead of moving forward!” Such a laugh the poor boy receives from his merciless siblings. While if truth be known, they didn’t understand the workings either....

  “Okay, okay everyone!” Atara calls. “Take a good look-see, and leave us in peace.”

  The gang files solemnly past the body, staring at the strange creature, yet hoping for a successful animation. With the viewing past, they exit the laboratory. Ever mindful of the dangers involved with melding Esty’s alien CPU with that of the android neural-interface. Things can go horribly wrong. Worst-case scenario; Esty could lose power during the operation, and be gone forever. Of course, they realize that any android could go that route. Significant power loss would be catastrophic. With newfound maturity, they gather quietly in their quarters, trying to behave, as they’ve never done so before.

  Cody and his team, work six-hours straight. Half of that time, is spent undoing Nyla’s fine knitting-work when she jury-rigged the portable power system into Esty’s box. They commend her on what fine connections she had made during the field-surgery. Another big chunk of time, is spent bypassing the portable battery with that of the android power-supply. This is the most dangerous part of the mating, as far as Esty’s survivability is concerned. Taking double-triple care, the main electrical connections are mated with the power supplies located within her new legs. Now, Esty’s circuits are receiving electrical juice from her batteries, and without disruption of power. All, breathe a sigh of relief! For all intents and purposes, even though her little box still hangs by wires outside of the body, Esty is now an android! A brand-new floor model, with all the bells and whistles!

  “Well, she’s basically out of the woods now.” Atara, announces the successful milestone. “Let’s just hope that her CPU fits where it’s supposed to fit.”

  Wil inherits an unwarranted hug from Nyla, after the good news about Esty’s electrical condition comes in. And, in no small measure he also thanks his lucky stars. He would have honestly been saddened, if they had lost the little mechanical space pirate.

  “Oh, she’ll fit alright!” Cody exclaims with pride. “I checked and double-checked the dimensions so much, I thought I was going to puke transistors!” The team rolls with needed laughter, after such a stressful ordeal.

  With everyone at ease, Atara locks the last cannon-plug connection, completing the final link to Esty’s many polymer-muscle groups. Pushing a wire-bundle back into position, she carefully maneuvers Esty’s little box into its new home. She fits.... like a glove! Her little box, nestles into place, just where it should, and is secured. A series of test are performed. A few voltage-regulators adjusted. Within a maintenance bay at her lumbar region, test switches are exercised. Legs twitch, as per manufacturers specifications. Arms bend and extend, as per same demanding criteria. Hands with long fingers, grip and squeeze transducers, producing the correct amount of force. All systems seem to be performing admirably!

  Soon, happy technicians are installing the armor-plated panel on Esty’s chest, and performing cosmetic magic. It’s a seamless fit. Her skin texture, color and physical attributes all look as nearly real, as mother nature intended; at least outwardly so.... Hopefully, another satisfied customer, Cody thinks to himself, as he and Atara dress the new member of their community. Esty’s first set of clothing, is a tailored, tight-fitting jumpsuit of the fashion she loves so much. The color is a light terra cotta, accenting her skin-tone in astronomic fashion. She’s soon looking like the alien queen.... she was meant to be!

  Cody reaches for the computer-pad that will wake Esty from her slumber. He enters a series of commands, wanting to push the final key more than anything else in the universe. But, he defers the action to Nyla. “My dear, would you like to start Miss Esty on her way?” An inquisitive glance, with wink.

  Nyla is no dummy. She knows how much blood sweat and tears, the robotics team put into creating the miracle before her. “I would love to, Cody. But you and Atara deserve that privilege. Thank you, for all the uncountable hours, you and your team put into creating Esty’s new home.”

  “How very gracious of you, Nyla.” Atara, beams.

  As she and Cody ready to co-push Esty’s key, Nyla leans over to Wil, whispering. “Should I tell her that you woke her with a kiss, Prince charming?” Nyla plunges the virtual-dagger deeply, not being able to control her devious nature.

  “You do that, and she’ll leave this galaxy and come back with an army!” He retorts, with a mighty laugh.

  Esty’s button is pushed.... sending a wake-up call to her CPU. Now, it’s just a matter of time before true results of the melding can be measured. Everyone is anxious, even though they realize she won’t jump from the table and start tap-dancing. They know there will be a steep learning-curve for her to surmount, before any real coordination sets in. There are many nuances to operating an android mechanism. Just plug-n-play, will not be in the cards for Esty, or any other being that accepts this type of conveyance. But with perseverance, she’ll overcome any challenges while learning to balance and move through the world in a smooth, fluid motion, and not all herky-jerky, like some wind-up tin-robot from a mad scientist’s workshop of horrors.

  “Esty, can you hear me?” Atara whispers into the gray’s tiny mechanical ear.

  With imperceptible movement of lips. “Yes Atara, I can hear you.” A weak and strained voice, speaks back. “Am I inside my new body?”

  “Yes, my dear. How do you feel?” Atara inquires, as the others, crowd around.

  “Pain! .... Oh, the pain! .... It’s something I haven’t felt in a long, long time!” She squeaks out of her new voice box, glad Nyla explained about the phenomenon earlier.

  “Well, you poor dear! But, it’s to be expected, and won’t last long. Try not to move too much all at once. That will lessen the effect, while your CPU interfaces
with the electro-polymer muscles in your body.”

  Cody leans in, asking. “Esty, can you open your eyes for me?”

  After some slight facial twitching, the little gray android slowly opens her large almond-shaped eyes. They grow even bigger, when her CPU intercepts the video feed. “I can see!” Her voice cracks with emotion, as she tries to move her head to better view her surroundings.

  Before Esty gets too excited, Cody changes the subject. “Esty, can you please try to flex your left hand? It may help if you try to forget the circumstances of your existence just now, and imagine you are still biological.”

  Esty does as suggested, and after several moments of concentration, the team of scientists see twitching in her long gray fingers! Then, they slowly retract into a ball and extend. The team of cybernetic doctors yell out with joy, as Esty joins in too. “Eeeeeeeeeeeeee!” The gray alien exclaims with a mixture of pain and delight. “I feel I have movement!” She adds, excitedly.

  Nyla reaches and takes her hand, squeezing slightly. “Esty, can you feel my hand?” She inquires, and is rewarded with another long squeal, as emotion breaks the old girl’s threshold of containment. It’s been so very long since she had any physical contact with another being, and is now able to feel Nyla’s grip! She concentrates on squeezing back, and within moments her long thin fingers are curling around Nyla’s hand, gripping just right. The two machines are now truly able to greet each other in a meaningful way!

  “It is very nice to meet you once again, miss Esty!” Nyla exclaims excitedly. “I’m so happy there’s finally someone home in this body. And, you look marvelous!”

  “Oh, Nyla! I can’t believe I’m finally able to touch someone! I want to cry!” Esty gushes raw emotion that flows throughout the operating room.

  “Now don’t go and do that, Esty.” Wil interjects, softly. “You don’t want to get all rusty on your first day, do you?” He jokes, and all have a great laugh!

  Nyla moves in close, holding a mirror in front of Esty’s face. The room goes deathly quiet. The newest android on the block, gazes at the reflection with wide eyes. Her arm rises with no small amount of pain, fingers running gently along her cheek. Hopes run high within the room. Especially after the many long months of designing and crafting such alien looking features.

  “I’m beautiful again!” A meek voice exclaims. “My battle scar! .... It’s gone!”

  “So, you like what you see?” Atara inquires; a silly question.

  The little gray let’s her arm drop. The pain required for keeping it aloft, is too much to maintain. “Oh yes! I couldn’t even have dreamed of such a magnificent new body! Thank you! .... Thank you all for being such wonderful friends!” She praises weakly, adding. “Especially after the trouble I caused you, when I tried to steal this ship so very long ago.”

  “Oh, now don’t you worry about that, my dear!” Nyla interjects. “I think we’re all past that little misjudgment on your part. Right Wil?” She hopes for some back-up from Mr. Stubborn.

  Wil decides to not pull the juvenile little joke he had planned for Esty. He pushes the rolled-up brown-paper bag with almond-shaped eye holes, back into his jumpsuit pocket. He had jokingly planned to suggest she wear it so’s not to scare people. But after seeing her laying there so regal and proud, he realizes how hurtful a joke it truly would be. Especially, after all she had been through lately. Not to mention the extremely negative reaction he was sure to get from Nyzilla the destroyer. “I say, all is forgiven, Esty. Also, welcome back to the land of the living.” He reaches, taking her hand. “Besides, after we stole your fancy mountain hideaway, I think we’ll just call it even-steven.”

  “Thank you, my friend.” Esty, squeezes his hand in appreciation.

  Besides the cruel paper bag joke, Wil had brought another item into the operating room. “And to show there’s no hard feelings, I brought you a little something, Esty.” He removes the recently cleaned and polished anti-gravity wristband from a box, and places it around her forearm, snugging it just right.

  “This day just keeps getting better!” Esty projects her pleasure at feeling the long-absent device, weighing on her arm. Wil didn’t know it yet, but the tool has many more uses than just the fancy anti-gravity function. “I promise to find another one for you, Wil. And I’ll even teach you the other applications that you don’t know about yet.” She teases, knowing the tall android will spend much time wondering just what she means.

  However, there isn’t time for Wil to react, as Cody changes the subject. “Okay. Okay. Let’s give poor Esty a chance to rest. There’ll be plenty of time for everything, after she becomes acquainted with her new digs.” With that proclamation, Nyla and Wil bid farewell, with promises to come back soon.

  Esty’s progress with her new body is satisfactory. Her learning curve, is commensurate with expectations. The third day of her new life, arrives along with a visit from Nyla. She shows up each day to assist with physical habilitation of the little gray’s electro-polymer muscle groups. “A little more, Esty. That’s it.... more....” Nyla begs of her friend to extend a stretch even further. With a grimace of pain on her lovely alien face, Esty complies. Pushing like she’s never pushed before. “That’s my girl! No pain, no gain!” Nyla praises.

  “Easy for you to say!” The gray retorts with a laugh, as she releases her tortured limb from the stretch. Rubbing, she announces progress. “The pain isn’t so bad today, Nyla. I think I’m getting the hang of things now.”

  Nyla is relieved to hear those words, but the expression on Esty’s face, told otherwise. Still, another few days of this therapy will remove any doubts. “That’s wonderful, Esty! But, we’ll just keep pushing, until you don’t even have to think about it hurting.”

  The dirty-dozen come and go, each congratulating the gray commander on her incredible progress. Day after day, Esty is guided along her path of enlightenment. Soon the pain of being born-again, is a thing of the past. Coordination increases dramatically! And, slowly but surely, she’s introduced to the others within the community. They only knew her from video and voice from her little box, but this is way different! Now, she stands before them, beaming with energy and friendliness. She enjoys telling everyone that her new body is several inches taller than her original one. Now, at 4-foot-11, she feels like a giant! And, as strong as one too! Her new muscles seem like hydraulic pistons, compared with before. Life is good once again!

  Okay, Esty.... Keep trying.... I know you can do it.” Wil directs, firmly. He’s teaching Esty and the dirty-dozen the finer points of martial arts. “That’s good.... one more time!.... Yes, good one!” He praises, as her front kick hits his padded hand with a solid smack!

  Nyla enters the compartment. “Toby, take over the class.” The tall android delegates.

  “How’s she doing, Wil?” Nyla asks, as they move to the sidelines.

  He leans in with a whisper. “I think we’re creating another little monster! .... She’s good!”

  The compartment fills with a desperate cry.... “Oww! Owwww! Owwwwwww!” Adam surrenders, before his arm is broken.... suddenly sorry he volunteered to be the guinea pig.

  Toby releases, without making the poor young man cry out again. “And that’s how you do that move, Esty! .... Would you like to try?”

  Esty is quick, but not as quick as a wounded Adam! Holding his painful arm, he roles away from the two maniacs. Gaining his feet once again, he runs for his life. “Oh, no you don’t!.... I’ve had enough of this craziness.... I’m outta here!” And out he goes, running through a cacophony of jeers from the rest of the class, but knowing his other arm is safe from destruction.

  “Okay, who’s next?” Toby inquires with a demonic gaze.

  “Toby, that’s enough! .... You play too rough!” Braxton yells for all, adding. “What good is it to learn, if we’re all busted up after the lesson?”

  “Okay, okay.... I’ll lighten up. In fact, I’ll lighten so much, you can teach the class, Mr. Go easy!” She feigns insult,
leaving Esty standing there in the middle of the mat, looking puzzled.

  “Don’t mind if I do!” He seamlessly takes over the class, as it’s usually him or Toby who substitutes anyway. The practice continues unabated, and without too many screams. Esty, with help from willing others, quickly soaks up the nuances of self-defense, in a way that only a computerized machine can. Her former self, would not have been able to withstand the rigors of such physical demands. Her species had long ago developed technological methods for self-defense, not always to great effect. However, this new life, opens a world of new opportunities. She secretly begins to appreciate her new mechanical form, wondering if it might be the future for the survival of her species. After all, a body can deteriorate; even an android’s. But a digital mind can live indefinitely.... given proper maintenance.

  Time passes for the human and machine pioneers of Oberon Prime and Titania Alpha. For the most part, it’s a time of good fortune and peaceful existence, on strange worlds. But for the human inhabitants, their worlds are not so strange at all. They are home. And while home is where the hearth is, it’s also where you were born. Humanity has come a long way, since the days when it resided within only one solar system.

  Constant effort to make ends meet, is a staple of everyday life for the pioneers who strive for a sustainable existence. Esty’s mountain, takes extraordinary time and effort to bring back to life. However, efforts for everyday existence, takes precedence over rehabilitating the mountain hideaway. Only a small crew of humans, including the dirty-dozen, along with another dirty-dozen androids, of which Esty is one, continue the effort to make the mountain great again. Over the years, there’ve been heavy efforts to breathe life back into the flying saucers that wait so patiently for action. But technical glitches, and lack of spare parts, are seemingly insurmountable barriers. But, what good is life, without goals and hurdles to overcome?

  “Toby, hand me that wrench.... No, next to that one.” Cooper requests of the alien tool. They busy themselves with installing the new landing gear on one of the flying saucers. Other areas of the craft are finally getting attention after many years of preparations and engineering breakthrough’s. Thousands of years of neglect, have left the three machines in great need of tender loving care. The saucer they work on now, had been ruthlessly cannibalized to keep the other two ships operational.

  “Here you go.” Toby continues with her nearby task. “So, next week we turn 18. What do you think they have planned for us this year?”

  “Oh, my gosh!” Cooper exclaims. “I totally forgot about it! Jeez Toby, I haven’t heard any rumors. But, it’s been a while since we’ve seen the Zenarawan’s, so perhaps we’ll visit them. I’m sure ready for a break. We’ve been hitting this mountain pretty hard lately.

  “Yeah, me too.” Toby confides. “Sometimes, it seems we’re just hitting our heads against a wall here. Do you think we’ll ever get these things flying again?”

  “Well, Esty seems to be in greater spirits lately. So, I’m hoping the fruits of our labor might be close to paying off.”

  “I sure hope so.... I sure hope so.” Toby repeats, longingly....