Read Breaking Interstellar: Cosmic Lives Matter Page 19

  Chapter Eighteen: Glowing tentacled sphere

  Long-range sensors, perk up. Finally, they have something to sink their teeth into. Conflicting data, causes critical delays for warning the crew of impending danger. Friend or foe; sensors have never analyzed anything like this. Until this time, nothing substantial has ever been recorded within the slipstream. Normally a ghost-like superhighway, this slipstream between universes, now has a substantial-sized object approaching on their six.... and it’s gaining!

  Alarms! .... Alarms and aural warnings! Esty and others startle from near slumber, after long hours on duty. With visible shock on her face, the now fully awake commander, reaches and cancels the alarm that rattles her circuits. What can be happening, she wonders frantically. Never before, has traveling the slipstream caused alarm. Bringing her side-panel closer, she searches the long-range sensors. Quickly, she sees the anomaly. Closing fast with her ship, is an object of incredible beauty and dreadfulness! Details are few, ships computers still chewing on the data.

  “Uh Esty, you better take a look at this!” Braxton points to the aft monitor. Gort, also pointing, and rattling an excited series of chirps and clicks at his commander.

  Esty brightens the display, bring more clarity to the approaching calamity, but few details. A strange object, can now be seen without powerful magnification. It boldly encroaches on the sovereignty of the Earth-bound vessel! Gaining rapidly, is a sphere of searingly bright-red energy. Looking like a photon torpedo, but with hundreds of long, glowing tentacles emanating from the core of the sphere. Twisting with light, they reach for their next victim! Comparable in size with that of half the saucer, it’s an imposing threat that fills the crew with dread! For the first time in Esty’s life, she’s completely baffled, as the Grim Reaper reaches. Maneuvering within the slipstream is a heavily calculated process, that often doesn’t end well, if done hurriedly.

  With her mind racing for a solution, Esty knows time is running out! A quick disconnect from the slipstream is the only logical answer. Firing a weapon at this time could produce unforeseen consequences to uncountable universes, if the fabric between them is torn by war. But that consideration didn’t resonate with the entity that threatens.... With a brilliant flash of light, Esty’s little pirate ship is assaulted! Glowing tendrils of plasma, shoot-forth from the glowing orb, dancing along the electronic-fog of the saucer, trying to find purchase! Inertial-dampeners take a hit, as the reactor is robbed of energy. With lights and other systems blinking their discontent, the crew is violently buffeted, only to remain seated due to ever present restraints.

  “Braxton, prepare to disconnect from the slipstream!” Esty yells, excitedly. “On my mark!”

  Braxton, Magnus and Gort, work together to make sure the data is entered correctly. It’s a dangerous maneuver that they must get right the first time. However, just as they’re about to inform of readiness, another violent shudder goes through the ship! Whoever, or whatever has been chasing them, has ripped through the ships electronic-fog and gripped the saucer in its greedy tentacles! As might an octopus reach out and grab its prey, so does this phantom from the void grip the saucer. The monitor is full of dancing strings of energy, seeking ingress.

  Outside in the slipstream, the glowing sphere extends more tendrils into the fog, feeling for its victim. For all intents and purposes, the two machines are now one. The invader maintains an iron grip, searching for weaknesses within the outer hull. The saucers main hatch is virtually seamless, but the ghostly arms of energy find purchase at the one true weakness in the ships structure. Searching and prodding, other tendrils join in the effort to engage the hatch. Time grows short for those heading to the Sol system. Whether the attacker is pirate, or parasitical creature, those onboard the saucer will soon be checkmated.... Game over!

  Esty quickly realizes that it’s now too late for an exit from the slipstream. While joined at the hip with this thing, unknown consequences are too great a risk. That plus, if each survived the exit, there would still be battle, and it probably wouldn’t end well for her or the crew!

  Nyzilla, enters the fray.... her circuits angered! “Esty, is it possible to route the ships power to the exterior hull?” She inquires forcefully, adding. “We might be able to give that thing a bad taste in its mouth.”

  “I like the way you think, Nyla.” Esty gives full credit, inputting data at her command station. It’s a complicated move, and one that young Cooper and Toby would take too long to figure out.

  Nyla looks past Esty, noticing that the Zenarawan’s have a tranquil look on their furry faces in the mist of all this uncertainty. With eyes closed, the animals sit quietly, as if they are meditating, or perhaps fallen into a self-induced trance. They don’t seem alarmed about anything. She calls to Tina, who’s closest to them. “Tina, check on our friends, see if they’re okay.”

  Tina knows better than to physically interrupt them when they’re like this, and has scars to prove it. She has seen them network their mental capabilities in this fashion before; during times of stress. After taking a deep breath, she closes her own eyes and reaches for Razzi’s mind. Searching for her friend, she finds great resistance, where usually there is little. The young Zenarawan is fully engrossed, concentrating heavily, leaving Tina with only a ghostly image within his mind.

  “Nyla, I can’t get into their minds like I’m used to, but it seems that they’re in contact with something or someone, on the attacking vessel.

  This revelation is good news to the gray android! It may prove to be tactical information she can use. She’s glad to hear that they’re not dealing with an unthinking, unfeeling pathogen, trying to rid the slipstream of an invading body, like some trans-universal antibody. “Well well, it seems that this creature or whatever it is, might be of piratical persuasion.” She announces, with a hopeful tone. “Now, that’s something can I understand! Thanks Tina!” She praises, continuing with her data-entry.

  Wil is relieved, but can’t help himself. “That type of behavior seems to be going around a lot these days, Esty!” He lifts her spirits, smartassingly.

  Esty chuckles, letting the slight go by, as Razzi comes out of his trance-like state and chitters excitedly while contacting Tina’s mind. The commander waits patiently for the young woman to digest and translate the information. Another violent shudder in the ships frame reminds her of dwindling time!

  “Esty.... Razzi tells me that Raznalli is locked in battle with the one who leads the attack.” She informs, continuing. “He says that now would be a good time to hit them if we can. It seems he’s been able to put a seed of doubt in the minds over there. So, they’re more vulnerable to attack.”

  That’s all Esty needed to hear! Her hopes for success are greatly improved after learning that the counter-attack had already begun. She wastes no more time. “Okay everyone; this move has never been tried before, so hang on tight! This might prove to be worse that the trouble we’re in now!” Taking a deep breath, she executes Nyzilla’s plan.

  A powerful energy-wave flows through the ship, concentrating on the outer surface of the saucers hull, energizing the electronic-fog beyond known limits. Huge amounts of potential-energy builds pressure between the two spacecraft, as 90-percent of the saucers reactor-output is re-directed. Suddenly, the invading tentacles find their prey has grown hot. Too hot to handle! .... Vibrations pulsate through the craft, as the invading scallywags find that their prey now has sharp teeth, and a sour taste!

  Raznalli causes a stray thought to enter the invading commanders mind, that perhaps the attack is ill planned. Perhaps it will be he that’s boarded and pillaged! .... The attacking commander realizes that no amount of swag is worth this risk! The glowing sphere with its arms of energy, backs away from its prey, that’s not prey any longer. The taste of defeat, is sour in his mouth. Cursing venomously, the slipstream pirate pounds his fists against the already dented armrests of his command chair! .... His crew cowering in fear, from the thoughts put into their minds by the Zen
arawan’s.... Chaos rules, on the enemy’s bridge!

  “Cooper, be ready with the aft plasma-cannons!” Esty orders. She didn’t use them prior for fear of deadly consequences. But now she knows just how far the alien commander is willing to go. She can’t give them another chance. She must win free.... or die trying!

  “I’m ready when you give the word, Esty!” Cooper informs, as she and Toby keep the ships cannons locked on the invading machine.

  The moment the glowing sphere of tentacles backs away from the ships fog-layer, Esty gives the command.... “Fire!”

  Cooper reaches, lighting up the aft plasma-cannons. A brilliance of light explodes across the aft monitor, as external forces rock the ship violently! Twin streams of high-energy matter, breaks past the electronic-fog of the saucer, and the slipstream doesn’t react well! When the foreign matter leaves the warp-bubble, and enters a place where two laws of physics can’t jive, all hell breaks loose! Within the slipstream, the laws of physics that rule the plasma-discharge, are incompatible at best, annihilatingly destructive at worst. Within less than one Planck-time, the two laws of physics instantly lock horns and forcefully repel each other. Much like when regular, baryonic-matter meets with its anti-matter twin. This is a very fast reaction, as there are more Planck-times within just one second, than there have been seconds since the big bang. Almost before it began, the reaction is over!

  The attacking sphere takes most of the blast! All crew are killed, and blown to burnt sub-atomic particles! The saucer is thrown violently from the tempest, and luckily back into its original universe. It flips heads over tails into a cold and dark void, all hands unconscious! All androids, and even the battle-hardened Gort, are put down for the count; with restraints, saving the day! Like ragdolls that had been played with too roughly, the humans and Zenarawan’s sit limply.... as if they have no bones in their bodies. The forced expulsion from the slipstream, taxes the inertial-dampeners almost to the point of failure, and artificial-gravity generators are faltering also. Esty, knew there would be a harsh reaction from her actions, but she had to do something, before their assailant regrouped for another attack.

  She’s first to waken, but is still not sure if she’s dead or alive! She feels alive, but the bridge is dark and deathly quiet. Soon, her eyes adjust and she’s able to discern tiny dots of light flowing past on the big monitor. She can feel the ship flipping end over end, and instantly knows that she had indeed survived the calamity. Reaching, she inputs commands into a navigation data-pad, and the saucer slowly stabilizes. A sigh of relief crosses her circuits, but a new concern pushes to the forefront. She can feel that gravity is weak and fluctuating. Another reach and twist.... soft interior lights illuminate, adding some clarity to the situation.

  Many moans.... Many curses she didn’t understand, issue forth from most of the young humans, as they begin to stir. Plenty of neck-rubbing, and rocking of heads, as they try to fathom what has happened. The girls with long hair, look like Van de Graaff generator victims, as gravity is found wanting. Nyla, and the other androids, are quicker to respond, soon tending to the young people that still depend of them for support and comfort. Artificial gravity maintains a gossamer-like grip, but the saucer is still not stable. Maneuvering coils and the warp-bubble have been weakened by the tumult. And, to make things infinitely worse, they drift on a collision course with a star! .... its one of a triple-star system not far from Earth.

  Wil looks up at the monitor. It’s obvious that they’ve been thrown out of the slipstream. He just can’t get a make on the star-patterns from this new angle. In the distance is a band of light, made of billions of stars. So, he figures that it might be the milky way. But closer in; much closer in, he sees they are headed straight for another red orb, one without tentacles, but just as deadly. “Uh, Esty.” .... Getting his commanders attention. “Don’t look now, but it seems today isn’t our day when it comes to energized-spheres.” He points at the new menace that grows bigger with each passing second!

  “I am aware.... Patience, my friend.” She responds robotically, while continuing with analyzation of the data-stream. She finds that the reactor is stable, but unable to direct power to the maneuvering coils that produce the powerful electromagnetic-pulses that the warp-drive loves so much.”

  “Oh, I have the patience,” Wil retorts mildly, “but try telling that to the star we’re about to kiss!”

  Alarms, screech of impending doom! Biologics, nearly jump out of their skin! Now, everybody is fully conscious, with eyes wide. Toby quickly finds the source of the clamor, canceling the audio portion of the warning. Now they must deal with the root cause of the alarm. “Esty .... This says that the outer hull temperatures are approaching dangerous levels!”

  Esty scrambles down from her lofty perch, crossing the bridge. She soon has quite a following. Even those that took refuge in the sleeping chambers for the flight, have grown curious about what’s happening. “Are we there yet?” Harper asks, rubbing the growing knot on his head from falling out of his chamber during the attack.

  “Harper, please help me open that floor panel.” Esty, requests of the young man who’s closest to her intended target.

  “Yes ma'am.... I mean, yes commander.” He replies to the highly-focused android. Braxton and Magnus are quick to assist. Harper removes the panel after Magnus disengages the electromagnetic latches. The small panel gets away from the young man, floating off and away. Tina is quick to grab it before it could damage anything. Esty, floats head down into the electronics hell-hole, spindly legs wiggling in the air above. Wil moves in and grips her ankle against the chance that gravity might decide to come back at a bad time for her. Looking around to get her bearings, everything is upside down. Reaching, she resets a series of circuit-breakers that protect the ships systems from power spikes.

  This action has good results, as electrical power begins flowing once again to critical systems. Suddenly, as gravity returns, Wil has his hands full, as 220-pounds of squirming gray android, taxes his strength. Lifting her out of the hole, he gently puts her back on her feet, next to a concerned Gort. Within moments, the bridge comes back to life. Many control consoles that once were dark, are now illuminated and ready for action. Computers that were rudely shut down, begin to reboot. And, the throbbing hum that gives the ship its personality, becomes audible once again, as the reactor spools to 100-percent. Most importantly, the drive-system automatically spools up also.... torturing local space-time into a protective bubble, taking the saucer back into its loving embrace! Albeit at an idled configuration. Almost immediately, the ship is partially out of phase once again, and bathed within the protective electronic-fog that allows it to interact with regular matter in an amiable way.

  Esty, is rewarded with a barrage of cheers, and pats on the back! She’s the hero of the voyage, as any captain or commander should be during times of battle. Now, to seal the deal, she must pull them from the course of annihilation. Ahead, the plasma-storm threatens to heatedly rearrange their atoms. She ascends her command chair, strapping herself in. The crew follows her example, quickly strapping in against the chance for a rough ride. Braxton and Magnus follow her entries, trying to garner lessons for future use.... if they survive!

  The competent commander, engages the ships mighty drive, manipulating the warp-bubble just right with her controls. Inertial-dampeners dutifully engage, instantly negating inertia within the bubble, as trajectory is changed dramatically and quickly. The star falls away to the side, harmlessly reaching for them as they go. Everyone breathes a sigh of relief, as the saucer changes direction, away from the seething menace.

  “My circuits, Esty!” Nyla exclaims at her new hero. “I’ve never seen anyone as calm as you, when the chips are down!” She praises, not knowing if the little gray understands the vernacular. “I mean; you were as cool as a cucumber! .... Right guys?”

  Another loud round of cheers goes up around the bridge. If Esty could turn red, her face would be glowing brightly just then. Inst
ead, she looks around with her big beautiful eyes, still ablaze from electronic-adrenaline. “Thanks, Nyla! .... Thank you all! .... I’m just glad that I wasn’t as cool as a ‘cooked’ cucumber!” She laughs genuinely, joined by the many. Then, looking at the Zenarawan’s, she asks in their language, shocking Gort. “What were they like.... the others.” It didn’t come out as a question.

  Raznalli begins to chirp, click and hiss excitedly. “Those others.... they are not from our universe. They are of an ancient race that has long preyed on others within the slipstream. Their lust for domination is insatiable. I was able to enter the leader’s mind, causing confusion and doubt. Razzi and Surri attacked the crew’s minds.” .... Brief, and to the point.

  “Well, I’m sure glad you’re all part of my crew! Good job!” Esty can’t take all the credit.

  Raznalli and his family sit smugly in their seats, looking regal and proud. The rest of the crew could expect no less of their brave friends!

  “Max, can you and Shirley, figure out where we are?” She requests of the two young humans sitting at the astrogator device.

  “Aye Aye, commander!” Max acknowledges dutifully, as he and Shirley focus on the task. Soon, they have a lock on their celestial position. Shirley is proud to inform that they are much closer to Earth, than when they started. “Commander Esty. It seems that our unplanned departure from the slipstream, didn’t get us lost at all. Look!” .... She points to the largest of the stars on the monitor. “That star, is one we humans call Alpha Centauri. It’s the one that almost got us, and is one of three stars in the system. It’s also the second closest star to Earth.” She informs gleefully, adding. “With Sol, being the closest, of course.”

  “Ah yes.” Esty says as she remembers a long-ago battle. Reaching, she runs a long finger across a facial scar that’s no longer there. “I’ve had dealings in this star system before.” Her mind goes back to a time of a failed robbery on a nearby planet. It seems like yesterday to her. She shakes her head to regain focus, continuing. “Shirley, scan for radio transmissions near the red dwarf.”

  “Yes ma'am. That would be a star we call Proxima Centauri. It’s a red dwarf that orbits the other two at a distance of a quarter light-year.” She informs while working. Soon she has the information Esty requested. “Commander, the search is negative. No radio or other radiations beyond background.”

  “That’s odd.” Esty responds, but then remembers the length of time since she had been in this system. “Braxton, plot a trajectory to Proxima Centauri.... Specifically, the second rock from it. The planet orbits the star very closely, so plan the route accurately my friend. We don’t want to end up inside that star either.” She warns jokingly, but knows Gort will check his calculations.

  “Commander, we have the requested course.” Braxton informs, while Gort nods approval.

  “Good work. I’ll take it from here.” Esty responds. “Now, everyone back to your seats, or chambers!” She orders firmly. “Buckle up! We’re going to spend a little fuel checking on an old haunt of mine, before continuing to the Sol system.

  “Okay Esty, we’re ready.” Nyla announces.

  “Here we go.” She tweaks the warp-bubble, sending them quickly towards the goal. In a near idle-configuration, the saucer eats up the distance without fully entering the slipstream. For just a few measly light years, it isn’t practical to speed. Inertial-dampeners spool, managing the terrible g-forces. But the biologic animals onboard are still nauseated, as the saucer pushes at the edge of the slipstream. For a few moments, everything inside the ship becomes slightly blurred, but not like before. They’re already within three-light-years of their intended target, so the jump is a relatively quick one. After the initial displeasure of the jump is past, Esty plans ahead. “Braxton, calculate a jump into the sol system from Proxima Centauri. Specifically, the shadow side of Jupiter. Be ready to execute the jump quickly, in case we have to make an escape.” Esty, gets a bad feeling about the quietness of the system ahead. No radiations.... where there should be some!

  After several minutes’ ships time, the queasiness returns, as the saucer reaches the pre-determined coordinates. It’s a calculated risk on Esty’s part, because there is nothing to hide behind while surveying the system up close and personal. However, after a quick analysis, she feels that they’re probably alone, and not being monitored. Still, no artificial electromagnetic-radiations, emanate from the mining planet she once tried to plunder. There should be something to detect, but try as she might, all remains quiet.

  Ahead, a semi-dark world speeds around its parent star. The orbit is very close and fast, when compared to Earth’s orbit around Sol. With such a dim, low-power star, the goldilocks’ zone for habitability, must be closer in. As Esty accelerates toward the ancient mining world, she thinks of the aggressive species that ruled this star system long ago. They weren’t indigenes to the dark-red world, but instead, ruthless invaders from the stars, seeking to exploit the riches without taking too much risk. This world with no name, has no advanced life-forms with which to resist such felonious plundering.

  “Braxton.... You and Magnus take us in the rest of the way. Second rock from the star, please.” She points at the monitor. And unless you hear otherwise from me, put us into an equatorial orbit.... altitude, 125-miles.”

  The two young men beam with pride at being offered such an interesting task. “Aye Aye!” They answer in unison and get down to the task at hand. Soon, others are crowding around the console, either learning or offering advice. Esty supervises from her lofty perch. She’s pleased that the young humans had learned so much from the headbands! Some species didn’t take to them as nicely as these animals had.

  Towards the small reddish planet, they zoom! The color of the world, an illusion brought on by the spectrum of visible-light emanating from the red-dwarf. As they’re still somewhat out of phase with the universe, it’s possible to achieve near light speeds. They are quickly upon the planet, slowing rapidly for orbital insertion.

  The last time here, was almost the last day of Esty’s life. And even now, even after all the time that’s passed, her anxiety is off the dial. She’s not here to pirate this time, but rather to garner information, before continuing into a possible trap at the next star system. Problems here could portend of difficulties to come, when they reach Earth. The red-colored planet rolls past as it rotates. Below, lurks a planet that is slightly less massive than the Earth. It is tidally-locked with its star, so one side is always bathed in the soft red glow of Proxima Centauri.

  “Esty, we’ve obtained orbit, as requested.” Braxton announces, adding. “I don’t think this rock has a name, so I’m going to call it Proxima Beta.... Is that okay?”

  “Yes, yes.... that’s fine, Braxton.” Esty, agrees absentmindedly. She’s pre-occupied; her face plastered against all the data streaming into her throne. Then suddenly, the brave commander takes an audible gasp! Something below, hauntingly familiar, crosses her view.

  Nyla and Wil move to her side. “What is it, Esty? You look as though you’ve seen a ghost.” Nyla inquires, concernedly. Those words perk Jax, who had been helping at astrogation. It seems that this universe is full of possible spirits, that use the most inopportune times to surprise. But this time, it’s not spirits that haunt, but something otherworldly just the same! Esty takes a few moments to complete a scan of the area below, before explaining her fright.

  “The mining site is gone!” She exclaims with horror. “And I don’t mean that the miners vacated the site. I mean, the site has been scrapped from the planet! There’s nothing left!” She exclaims, and transfers her video-feed to the overhead monitor.

  Below on the planet, where the mining site used to be, is now nothing more than a series of massive gouges in the surrounding terrain. Almost, as if somebody had come along with a big scoop, and raked the land. Trillions of tons of the planet’s surface are missing. No sign whatsoever, that others had ever been down there scratching out a living. A fear goes through Esty,
that eclipses her earlier anxiety.

  “I’ve seen this type of destruction before!” Esty, exclaims sadly. “The machines that attack my species worlds, do this! They coldly take what they need from the safety of orbit. Often, leaving dead worlds in their wake. But, this is the first time I’ve seen their footprint so far from my section of galaxy! .... I fear for the inhabitants of Earth! .... Nyla, did you say that there’s no radio-graphic signatures coming from that direction, besides the signal from Ganymede?”

  “Yes, that’s right, Esty.” The now worried android reports, adding. “If this has, or is happening to earth, we had better be double careful when entering the system.”

  “I agree.” Esty responds, smartly. Then, looking at Braxton. “Have you and Magnus plotted a course to Jupiter?”

  “We have!” The young man announces, with pride. “It’ll bring us out of the slipstream behind Jupiter, were we’ll hopefully be shielded from observation. I understand her magnetosphere is a powerful one, and that should help.” He transfers the information to Esty’s position for review.

  “Looks good.” Esty praises. “We can’t do anymore here.... so, buckle-up everyone! Prepare for the jump!” Everyone not needed on the bridge, heads off to the sleeping chambers, where there’ll be no sleep, but rather a secure place for the ride. Soon, all are ready for the jump to FTL velocities. Esty inputs the flight-plan and waits for confirmation. The navigation computer always has the last word when it comes to such a complicated maneuver. It quickly announces that all is, as it should be.

  “Braxton,” She calls out. “Take us there!”

  The young pilot reaches. “Here goes something!” He announces with pride, and pushes the button good. The navigation computer takes the command, ramping up the warp-drive, twisting local space-time into an unbelievably convoluted knot of yesterdays and tomorrows! Everyone onboard feels the now familiar sensation of full de-phasing from the universe, and into the slipstream. This time the transition is smooth and uneventful, as the monitor above now shows once again the psychedelic color patterns that give an indication that they’re now traveling much faster than light. Through the slipstream they rip, sensors searching to make sure they’re alone this time.

  “Cooper, Toby.” Esty calls. “Monitor long-range sensors.... all directions.”

  The young ladies are already on it. Each of them with hands moving rapidly across the consoles data-pads, bringing in the desired scans. After adjusting sensors, and searching the dimensions of the slipstream for obvious dangers, they find none. “Esty, all sensor-readings are negative. We’re alone in here.” Toby, informs.... and Cooper, concurs.

  “Keep monitoring. Don’t let your guard down.” Good advice from one who knows.

  “Esty, does that sphere we ran into, have anything to do with the creatures that scalped that planet?” Nyla inquires of the strange, slipstream enemy.

  “I think not.” She answers firmly, adding. “I doubt that Raznalli wouldn’t have been able to contact our mechanical enemies in such a way.”

  “Well, Esty.... How long has your species been competing with the machines?” Talia inquires, suddenly interested in the topic.

  “We are an ancient species, Talia. Perhaps by a hundred-thousand-years in advance of humans. Our troubles with the machines started about 5,000-years-ago, after my people became greedy.”

  “Greedy? What do you mean, Esty?” Talia again.

  Now, it’s not easy for a gray to look embarrassed, but the android in Esty, does a fine job. Looking around at the expectant faces, she informs forlornly. “My people invented machines to make our lives easier. We had so many different types, there was nothing they couldn’t do for us. We enslaved.... and they eventually became sentient. To us, that was a plus. They could do even more for us! It didn’t take long, before they gathered secret plans for freedom, sending many of their kind into the void of space. Eventually, they came back; stronger, bolder, able to multiply their own numbers! With pent-up anger, they went from world to world, taking vengeance and resources! They grow in numbers and strength! I fear for the galaxy.... for the universes, even!” She finishes with her head lowered, ashamed of her people’s ancient greedy ways.

  Nyla unbuckles, crossing to Esty’s little high-chair, which wasn’t really very tall to Nyla. Reaching, she pats the gray commander on the shoulder. “My dear, that thing called slavery, is probably as widespread as all the stars in the galaxy. While it’s an abhorrent way to make life easier for the masters, it’s one of the oldest tools in the box, for domination. Survival of the most powerful, you know. Even some of the lowest life-forms on Earth, make slaves of fellow creatures. Now, while that’s no excuse for such a barbaric thing, it’s part of becoming sentient. All you can do, is recognize the fault and change your behavior accordingly.”

  “Not such an easy thing to do, my mechanical friend.” Esty retorts. “Besides, we’re past that stage now. We created monsters, and no matter what, they won’t make peace! Only pieces.... It’s uncontrollable. Mercilessly, they take, take, take! .... Unstoppable!”

  “Esty, what a dreadful story!” Omari inputs. “How did your people defend against such a menace?”

  “We couldn’t defend! .... We lost everything! .... Those lucky enough to survive the mechanical onslaught, had to leave our devastated worlds behind, and search for new safe-havens. The journey was long and demanding. A process, that changed our physical bodies into what you see today. The biological ones, I mean. In the beginning, we had bodies not too dissimilar from that of the human form. And over time, conditions in space, forced us to evolve or perish. It wasn’t until later that we discovered the key too faster than light travel.... the slipstream I mean. And by then, our mechanical adversaries were stronger than ever. We’ve been lucky to stay hidden from them lately. But, now they’re hear in this sector of the galaxy, it seems.” If Esty were still biologic, Omari would be reaching for a sedative for the poor thing!

  Esty offers a lot of information for all to digest. But before any further questions can be asked, Braxton announces. “Esty, we’re coming up on our destination.” And no sooner are those words spoken, then the exit from the slipstream leaves most with a nauseated feeling as the saucer comes to a relative stop, deep within Jupiter’s powerful magnetic field. One half of the circular monitor is ablaze with the beautiful Jovian planet. The great red spot, showing magnificently on the back side of the planet which rotates every nine-hours or so; the fastest in the solar system! Many of the 67 moons are visible as tiny dots of light. One of them is Ganymede....

  Jax and Tina sit at the communications console and quickly begin to search for any artificial radiations inside the solar system. Esty, maneuvers the ship to just beyond the edge of the gas giant. Soon, a tiny blue dot in the distance, reveals that Earth is still there. “Esty.” Jax reports. “The only signal we’re receiving, is from Ganymede. It’s the same signal that we intercepted back at Oberon Prime. Nothing coming this way from Earth though.” The young man dutifully announces, then realizing the possible implications. The system should have plenty of noise, and it doesn’t, he ponders wonderingly.

  Nyla, Wil, and their two android friends are beside themselves with shock at seeing their home-world, once again. Something, that only a year earlier, would have seemed impossible. However, Jax’s assessment hits like a ton of dark matter. Esty and Gort’s, nemesis machine-force, may have already taken a few bites out of their blue apple that was once called home.

  Of the four earthling androids, Nyla gathers her thoughts first. “Jax, are you sure your using that equipment correctly? Did you not intercept anything from that direction.?”

  “Nothing yet, Nyla. Everything’s ghostly quiet.” Jax responds in a sad tone, while Tina adds. “The only signal we’re receiving is the beacon from Ganymede.”

  Then suddenly, Jax comes back excitedly. “Wait! .... Now, I’m getting an additional signal; different from the beacon!” He’s not sure what to make of it.

  Esty an
alyzes the new signal. “We’re being scanned!” She tweaks the warp-bubble so hard the craft almost leaves its reactor behind, as it zips back into Jupiter’s shadow! She’s surprised that their presence within the Jovian magnetosphere hadn’t kept them hidden. That, plus still being slightly out of phase, should have provided a nice electronic-umbrella. This condition has confounded scans before, but as the ship flees, the diminutive gray commander, knows they didn’t fool anyone this time.

  Before they reach the shadow behind Jupiter, Jax announces. “Esty, another signal.... this time it’s something we might understand.... it’s in English!” He exclaims excitedly.

  “Jax, transfer the message to the overhead monitor.” Nyla instructs.

  The young man does as requested. Overhead, in large bold lettering, a question appears. “Whom do you seek?” It’s a simple question, yet shocking to the jittery crew. It hits the four earthly androids as a jolt of electricity. Nyla’s, hopes grow to supernova proportions. For the first time, she truly imagines that her good friend might still be alive! She practically vibrates with anticipation! “Oh, we must turn back! We must turn back and answer that question, Esty!”

  Nyla is backed up by a cacophony of support. Esty is met with an irresistible force; even though she fears a trap, she grudgingly gives in. “Never fear, my cosmic friends! We’ll just not make an easy target!” She replies slyly while twisting the warp-bubble, taking them around the Planet. Coming in from a different direction, she hopes to take advantage from misdirection.

  Soon, Ganymede re-appears in the far distance, as the ship slides out of Jupiter’s shadow and into direct line with the moon. It’s just a tiny dot; illuminated brightly, as sunlight from Sol reflects off its icy crust. After several moments, it’s clear that they’re not being scanned again. “Jax, please answer the moons question.... briefly.” She looks at Nyla and the other androids, shrugging her tiny shoulders. “Hey, were not even sure who’s asking that question, right? I mean, it could be a trap, and should be acted upon as such, until we really know more.”

  The dark young man with wide-eyes, enters his answer and sends. “Carter, 149005.”

  Nyla knows that Esty is right. It’s true, they really don’t know for sure what the situation on the tiny moon holds for them. “I trust your judgement, Esty.” She’s beside herself with angst. She can feel her circuits heating. Making a conscious effort to not have another episode, she breathes deeply....

  “Anything yet?” From Wil, as he takes his partners hand. “Please Nyla, try to calm yourself. We don’t need you getting all over-heated now, do we?” He offers her his warmest smile; melting her circuits in a good way.

  Nyla settles back farther in her comfortable chair, trying to relax. She clasps her hands, holding them to her chest. “I’m shaking!” She exclaims stealthily.

  Wil, leans from his seat, giving a reassuring hug. “You ARE shaking!” He responds, sympathetically. “Now don’t worry, my dear. If Carter is still alive, we’ll find him.... Or die trying!” He jokes seriously, receiving a laugh that only Nyla can provide.

  “Thanks for being here with me, Wil. I wouldn’t have had the strength, otherwise.”

  Jax calls out. “We’ve been heard! A response is coming in!”

  Above their heads, the monitor blazes with another message.... A longer message.