Read Breaking Interstellar: Cosmic Lives Matter Page 4

  Chapter Three: Squirming little meat-bags

  “Karrraaaaaa! .... Braxxxtonnnn!” .... The lovely android mom, yells into the hills above the saucer-shaped habitats. It’s a bright, sunny morning on Oberon Prime, and two of her soon to be 4-year-olds, are missing. It’s been nearly five-years since she and the other 103 androids had settled on the planet, to make a new life for themselves, and their human creators. Albeit the offspring of their creators. For Nyla, and her companion Wil, it’s been four glorious years of watching the babies grow like weeds. She and Wil had adopted thirteen babies from the first batch of humans. And since then, 190-others had been born into the two communities. The communities being the two saucers (Einstein and Newton) that landed them safely on Oberon Prime; never to fly again. It’s a gargantuan challenge for the many androids, but a satisfying one. So far, the overall mission is a success; although, there have been losses of human life, due mostly because of escapee’s who wandered into dangerous situations.

  “Karrraaaaaa! .... Braxxxtonnnn!” She yells yet again, becoming worried like any loving mother would. The two little-ones had slipped under her radar, and escaped to some magical playground, while she was busy getting the others into their little ‘harnesses-of-obedience’. Early-on in the experiment of becoming parents, Nyla and Wil had discovered that without further mechanical assistance, it was nearly impossible to get any real work accomplished after the babies became mobile. Soon after they began to walk, it became obvious that there was need for forced restraint during goodly portions of the day. It’s the only way to maintain sanity, whilst also completing the chores required for day to day existence on an alien world.

  Each of the saucer-habitats had converted handball courts that served as nurseries for the flood of human infants that poured from the laboratories, where they were baked. But, it soon became apparent, that the ‘few’ babysitters that were in charge of the ‘many’ children, just couldn’t keep up with the task. While the parents were out working the fields, or performing other necessary tasks to maintain a village, the children were constantly testing the patience and sanity of those who watch over them.

  When the fix finally came in, the children found themselves suspended from the ceiling inside harnesses. Comfortable harnesses to be sure, but they got the job done. Not even Houdini himself could’ve escaped once snared! Now, the few teachers can focus on teaching the many children, even if the squirming little meat-bags didn’t wish to participate. But, after initial objection, the young humans became accustom to the forced obedience, and enjoyed learning the ways of letters and numbers. Greatly saving their caretakers from blowing a circuit every day.

  Now, while this type of forced-restraint might seem barbaric, it had resulted in no more children being lost to wild animals or other calamities after escaping from overtaxed caretakers. It takes a tremendous amount of hard work and dedication to make ends meet, while balancing the needs of the children, against maintaining necessary infrastructure. But to the young children of earthy origin, Oberon Prime was not alien at all.... it was home. The learning-curve for the mechanical parents and teachers, was a steep and unforgiving one. To take eyes off the little monsters even for a moment, can mean real trouble, real fast!

  “Wil.... Kara and Braxton are missing in action; have you seen them?” She inquires worriedly, as her mate comes out to see what the yelling is all about.

  “Negative, pretty lady. In fact, I just finished with hanging-up the other eleven monsters. I think they’re getting too big for those harnesses.” He explains, and can’t believe Nyla had dropped the ball on watching just two of the little critters. But, he knows full well that even two, can be a challenge if you turn your back at the wrong moment. It would have paid, if the good doctor’s robotics engineers had designed them with eyes in the back of their heads, so as to have double advantage over the little escape-artists!

  “Stay here. I’ll be right back!” He instructs, turning to go back to the converted handball court. There, a group of 95 children are dangling from harnesses. Some dangle bored-like, others sleep peacefully, without a care in the world. But most are wiggling and squiggling energetically, arms and legs using up every bit of space that they can reach. Yet, try as they may .... try as they might .... they can’t reach their neighbor and cause a fight.

  “Alina.... Kara and Braxton are missing.” Wil explains, hurriedly. “I’m going with Nyla into the hills to look for them. We’ll try to be back for the noon-feeding.” He informs.

  “Oh, those little scamps!” She exclaims. “They were just running around in her a few minutes ago!” Then she’s off, chasing one who hadn’t been harnessed yet. “Good luck!” She yells over her shoulder.

  “Thanks, my dear.” He grabs his backpack, glancing towards his own brood as he turns to leave. Adam, Toby, Cooper and Jax, are sleeping in their harnesses; completely oblivious to the cacophony of noises in the compartment. Magnus, is flailing his arms and legs, making little Amy laugh. While Max, Harper, Ling, Shirley and Tina are bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, waiting for the show to begin. Ling notices Wil. She waves frantically.... giggling infectiously. Wil smiles proudly, waving back as he leaves to find the other little rascals.

  But Nyla isn’t anywhere to be seen when he exits the habitat.... “Nylaaaa!” .... He calls loudly into the hills, and is immediately rewarded by a call from his better-half.

  “Wil.... I’m up here!” She yells down the hill, continuing to call and search for the little-ones that are so dear to her. She would never forgive herself, if something happens to them.

  Wil runs, quickly catching up. “Well my dear, let’s hope we find them soon, because for the past several nights there’ve been large feline tracks found near the security perimeter.” He informs, cringing inside; he should have shared that information earlier.

  “I heard that too.” She responds, wishing she had mentioned it earlier. “I’ll never be able to forgive myself it anything happens to those little tikes!” She exclaims, quickening her pace. Circuits heating, due to the race.

  “Karrraaaaa! .... Braxxxtonnn!” .... They call frantically into the forested hills. Suddenly up ahead, a circuit-curdling roar reaches their ears, accompanied with a child’s high-pitched scream! It sends an icy chill through their circuits. “That’s Kara!” Nyla screams. “We’re coming, Kara! We’re coming!” The two androids, never moved so fast!

  Nyla, launches like a rocket! Up the hill, she maniacally scrambles! Wil keeps pace, but springing branches and flying clumps of vegetation are a constant torment as he follows in her wake of destruction. She’s become the raging bull in a china shop; aka Nyzilla the destroyer! Another scream! Closer this time! Migrating carnivores are a never-ending worry to the recently arrived earthlings.

  The heated androids draw closer to Kara’s frantic screams. Nyzilla has pushed her electro-polymer muscles, harder than ever before. Wil, is at her side when they crash out of the underbrush, and into a clearing. The terrifying scene they face, causes their circuits to skip! In the middle of the field, is Kara and Braxton.... and one damn big cat! Angrily poised to pounce, it is! Saliva, dangling grossly from snarling jaws. Another scream from Kara, as Braxton tries his best to protect her from the danger that threatens. He bravely keeps his impressive 43-pounds between her and the snarling beast. With a sturdy stick, he keeps the cat at bay with jabs at its face. The angry saber-toothed cat hisses great protest, flinching and pawing the air, as its eye is poked mercilessly by the strange little creature.

  Nyzilla, jumps into the fray with a robust stick she had picked up along the way. She moves quickly to grab the beast’s attention, trying to wedge herself between it and her children. She gains the animal’s focus with a few swings of her war-club. “Heyyyy! Heyyyyyyyy! Over here! .... It’s me you want!” Swinging and hitting only air, she’s able to lead the cat in a new direction away from the little tikes. At a safer distance, she’ll give the creature an attitude adjustment upside its snarling head. The cat takes the bait t
horoughly, gladly turning away from the tiny appetizers and focusing its rage on the taller, juicier-looking one. Dripping saliva from dagger-like fangs, it crouches, readying to pounce. A chill, flows through Nyzilla’s circuits, as a mighty roar assaults her senses. It’s a roar that would melt the bravery of a lessor being. But, this momzilla will win the day! .... or die trying!

  However, before she or even Wil, can do anything meaningful, a flash of fur launches at the crouched beast. From a rocky ledge, a four-and-a-half-foot-tall, bipedal, cat-like animal, screams loudly as it lands on the back of the angry cat. Its facial-mane flowing wildly in the breeze as it straddles the monsters neck, gripping tightly with clawed paws. With great skill, it maintains balance whilst biting viciously at the ears of the much larger animal. The menacing cat, instantly forgets all else, snapping at the thing on its neck. Nyzilla backs away, to reassess the new situation. The tone of the battle, has changed.

  The big cat swings its powerful neck back and forth, snapping at the creature who bites so ferociously at its ears. Nyzilla gets a rhythm of the action, moving quickly to assists her co-fighter. The raging beast focuses on getting the parasite off its neck, opening an opportunity for the angry android to move in for a strike. The snarling cat is a formidable adversary! At 4-feet-tall at the shoulders, and nearly 500-pounds of pure viciousness, its a terrifying prospect, even for an angry and desperate android mom!

  Before Wil can get a bead on the thrashing animal, Nyzilla advances with amazing speed and grace. With one well-timed fluid-motion she springs forward, winding up her war-club like an eight-day clock! Just as the enraged cat turns its head to bite, she swings with everything, hoping for a smite! It’s a swing to be proud of! .... One that would’ve made Babe Ruth turn green with envy, as the end of the club hits a home-run upside the creature’s big fat head!

  An abbreviated grunt of bad-breath issues forth from the one-time snapping jaws. The big cat falls heavily onto the forest floor; unmoving .... Just as Nyzilla recovers her balance, the furry-one on top, lets loose its jaws from the ear, reaches to a knife in its waistband, and deftly slits the fallen monsters throat. Blood squirts everywhere, telling of the still-beating heart within. Nyzilla is shocked at witnessing the coup de grace, but relieved it wasn’t she who killed the poor beast. After sealing the deal, the smaller feline-looking animal rolls off the fallen-one, breathing heavily. While still laying on its back, the furry hunter lets loose with a screech that would mean triumph in any language!

  With electronic adrenaline still flowing strong, Nyzilla spins like a cat, giving her two little darlings such a ferocious look! Scaring them as much as the attacking cat had done! But, when she notices Braxton’s brave and defiant stance, still shielding Kara from danger, she allows her angry features to soften considerably. Pushing her alter ego back into its dark cage deep in her heated circuits, she begins crossing the clearing, but instead falls to the ground; as unresponsive as the big cat. Wil is quickly at her side, cradling her head in his lap. Another episode of overheating has taken the lovely android down a dark path! Braxton and Kara, run to her side wonderingly. They’ve never seen their mom out of action before. Soon, Nyla stirs. Opening her eyes, she sees not only the sky, but four concerned faces looking down at her. One of them a cute, furry face. She immediately knows that yet another fainting spell had come and gone. After taking some deep breaths, her CPU cools significantly.

  Sitting up, she reaches and embraces her wayward little meat-bags, checking them quickly for damage. “You two are going to give me gray hairs, I swear!” Looking into the young sad eyes of Brax and Kara melts her circuits. She thanks her lucky stars, that things worked out this time. Learning curves can be precipitous and unforgiving on alien worlds.... second chances rare.

  Wil helps her up, brushing off the twigs that cling. Turning to her furry friend, she offers praise. “Thank you my cute little friend!” She speaks energetically, knowing the smaller-one can’t truly understand. But, smiling faces must convey friendliness throughout the cosmos, as the brave hunter knows when he’s being thanked. “You sure came along at the right time!” Pro-offering her hand, he takes it in his still bloody paw, surprised the tall-one didn’t shrink away from contact with a little gore.

  Reaching, Wil also thanks their friend of the forest. “You sure can hold on tight my furry friend! Where I come from, you could make an honest living breaking bronco’s!” A belly laugh to be proud of, before turning to Nyla. “And you! You’re going to have to teach me that move! You were amazing!” Another circuit-felt laugh.

  “I got lucky, Wil .... Let’s just hope we don’t ever have to duplicate it any time soon. By all the stars and planets! .... I don’t think I would still be in one piece, had I missed!”

  “Well, you sure nailed that beasty good, is all I can say! You’ll be surprised at yourself when you see the video!” He informs that he had saved the memory, for future reference....

  Wil reaches, bringing Braxton and Kara close. “I don’t understand what gets into your little brains all the time, that causes such bad behavior. But, I hope you now understand just what can happen; not only to you, but others as well. That animal might have kill us all.... you must be careful, and think of others before just running off. Don’t you think that’s a good idea?” The little-ones are still shaken as they agree that that’s a good idea. Poor Kara, still in tears and shaking all over from the adrenalin rush, as Nyla picks her up, comfortingly.

  When they turn back to the gruesome scene, they see five other furry hunters walking to the carcass, congratulating their brave companion for the glorious victory. Nyla waves. “Thank you, my little friends!” She calls out, but they’re too busy with field-dressing the kill, to pay attention to the tall-one who makes funny noises. The fallen cats massive body, will feed them and their families for weeks, or perhaps a little more. “I think we should leave them to their own devices, Nyla.” Wil advises, as they gather the tikes, and head back down the hill to the safety of home.

  Three light-years distance from Oberon Prime, a starship named the SPS Michael Faraday, has just been purposefully split in half as it orbits a world named Titania Alpha. It disgorges the saucer-shaped baby spacecraft from within. While the term ‘baby’ is used, it’s still a formidably huge vessel, that’s as wide as four football fields. It’s late arriving at the planet, when compared to its sister ship the SPS Cecelia Payne, which is already on the planet’s surface. They had both traveled together from Mars. But, had become separated during a slingshot maneuver in an attempt to avoid a rouge, stellar-mass black hole that had wandered across their flight path, on its way to no place in particular.

  The Cecelia Payne had arrived 11-years-earlier, because the slingshot maneuver had imparted much less velocity, for her to deal with. They had both shot past Titania Alpha during the attempt to slow for orbital insertion, but one was able to reduce those energies long before the other could do so. The new world that the Cecelia Payne found, was a world of giant trees, and ferocious animals. It seemed like a ‘pincushion’ of a planet, with many of the trees reaching nearly 300-feet-tall. Any areas that held promise for building a colony, were studded with these seemingly immovable objects.

  A small clearing on an equatorial location, offered the best chance for surviving a landing after a harrowing atmospheric entry. However, sometimes the ‘best chances’ are still insufficient, if luck proves inadequate. Even after softening the landing strip with high-energy kinetic impacts, the unbelievably difficult terrain proved to be one tough hombre. Long dead human engineers, had not planned on just one ship’s arsenal being expected to do the job, and without the Faraday’s assistance, the strip was inadequate at best. They should’ve waited for the Faraday with its own arsenal of kinetic devices, but cabin-fever can even strike androids that long for the freedom of open skies. And, 11-years waiting in orbit, was impossible to swallow at the time. Especially, after a 175,000-year transit from Earth!

  Atmospheric entry went smoothly for the Payne,
but the landing proved to be nearly cataclysmic for the large gliding-saucer. Many areas of the landing strip had resisted attempts to soften, causing the craft to ricochet off the tortured terrain and almost stall during landing. This near stall situation brought the disk down hard onto the planet, tearing open the belly on rocks and tree-stumps, and nearly breaking her spine. It had lost too much energy to complete the landing properly. She came to rest far short of the projected distance down the landing path in order to allow enough room for her brother to land when he arrived. Thankfully, the Payne would still be able to provide shelter, and all the brave androids within, also survived the horrendous landing.... Titania Alpha would never be the same again.

  Eleven years later; dirt, rocks, and chunks of huge tree’s, rain down on the Payne habitat as the Faraday unleashes nearly a hundred kinetic devices onto the planet’s surface not too far away. Hitting the ground with the energy of a tactical nuclear weapons, the ‘rods from god’ send copious amounts of debris in all directions. Big chunks, small chunks, atomized dust everywhere! Since the Payne was forced to land halfway down the strip, the ancient forest just prior to the strip required a good pulverization. Because much of the strip had already been prepared and plowed into submission, the Faraday could focus much more energy into a smaller area of forestation.

  “Bryce, we’ve dropped everything we have; are you still in one piece?” Commander Kimora requests half-jokingly of the situation far below.

  “Yeah Kimora, we’re still here! .... Shaken perhaps, but not stirred!” Bryce responds, laughingly. He’s still trying to get his wits back, after such a tumultuous event. The entire habitat shook violently, and an endless series of powerful thuds, rained down on the top of the saucer. It was a circuit-rattling event for the androids, and a nerve-wracking one for the young humans.

  Kimora gets a great laugh from hearing her friend’s voice crack with emotion. She can hardly wait to see him again in person. It’s been so very long! “Copy that Bryce.” She responds, still chuckling. “We have a window of entry coming up in 2-hours, so I suspect I’ll see you soon; depending on traffic conditions! .... Kimora out.” She gets down to the serious business of atmospheric entry. With preparations completed, she glides the machine into the window of opportunity that should take them to the landing strip. The saucer-shaped spacecraft SPS Michael Faraday, breaks the virtual-window at nearly 22,000-mph. Kimora and her brave first officer Jace, focus intently on the flight-data pouring in from autopilot. So far, so good....

  “Jace, keep an eye on the heatshield temps.” She requests of her first officer and mate, as they sit strapped into their seats at the helm. All other shipmates had retired to their respective hibernation chambers for the drop. While they didn’t enter into sleep-mode, the chambers are the best protection available, against the violent ride ahead.

  “Aye Aye commander.” Jace dutifully submits to her request, bringing up the all-important information to his main flight-data display.

  Vibrations! .... Vibrations and heat! .... These are two heavy-weight contenders that earth ships must endure during atmospheric entry. Kimora is pleased with the saucers stability, as they begin to squash gas molecules above their new home planet. Deeper and deeper into the ever-thickening soup they travel, as she gets an update from her competent first officer.

  “Kimora.... leading-edge temps remaining below expected targets.” Jace reports happily, just at the craft is gripped by vibrations propagating through the structure. Leading edges and belly of the craft, still very hot! But, active-cooling system working admirably. Soon, after sinking into the upper layers of atmosphere, the leading edge of the disk, turns red-hot briefly, then morphs to a white-hot, incandescent glow! Ionized streams of plasma, streak off the front edge and belly of the saucer, in long tendrils of dancing filaments, as the craft penetrates deeper into the ever-thickening soup of gasses.

  “Copy that Jace.... Autopilot is taking us down the pipe, five by five.” She offers the most important information, while continuing to monitor the health of the all-important autopilot. The huge saucer is being controlled by a system of computers and flight-control actuators that have a much higher level of sensitivity than can be offered by the two androids. In the event of autopilot failure, the two astronauts would have their abilities severely taxed, as the craft must have exacting precision to maintain stability. And, all this while circling the entire planet, in an effort to line up with the landing strip.

  Autopilot, performs like a champ. As the one-use spacecraft, now becomes a gliding-saucer. Bernoulli’s interstellar cousin, now sinks his greedy teeth into the elastic-medium of air that passes over the beautifully shaped airfoil. This keeps the large disk aloft in the alien atmosphere, as autopilot continually hunts for the best flight characteristics. The saucer banks left, then right, before testing the pitch and yaw capabilities. Everything is, as it should be, at the cost of a small amount of airspeed. The computer places the great machine back into the center of the flight cone. Now, the earthly spaceship is ripping the atmosphere of Titania Alpha a new corn shoot, as it enters into the thick, humid air, just downrange of its final destination.

  The planet below is blasted with violent sonic shockwaves, as the machine passes at nearly 3,000-mph, and an altitude of approximately 5-miles. “Landing strip 50-miles-ahead, commander.” Jace informs, as autopilot applies speed-brakes, bleeding off velocity and altitude rapidly. Both androids are pushed into their harnesses, as deceleration increases.

  “Copy that.... it won’t be long now....” Kimora replies, reaching for the intercom. “Anyone that isn’t paying attention, be advised; we’ll be experiencing a landing in approximately 2-minutes.” She cautions.

  After dropping to below the speed of sound, the still-hot disk, glides past the beginning of the improvised landing strip. With a nose-up angle-of-attack, it drags its trailing edge against the planet for 2-miles, in an attempt to ease on in. A horrendous noise spreads in all directions, as the huge craft pushes millions-of-pounds of humid equatorial air and debris out of its way. Many trees that had survived the earlier kinetic assault, are blown down from the force of the wind, as it tries to get out of the big machines way. Autopilot, fully engages the speed-brakes, and the saucer slowly sinks into the tortured landscape, as the leading edge and belly of the craft become intimate with the planet. Bernoulli, loses any effective influence on the now skidding machine, so he vanishes back into the atmosphere, where he always feels more at home.

  With a monstrous spray of dirt, rock and other debris, the once proud spacecraft skids on its belly as it eats up the remaining landing strip. Much of the honey-comb front-end has crushed, as designed to do. This absorbs and dissipates the tremendous energies, that threaten to destroy. Finally, after a harrowing flight, the Faraday comes to rest just 800-feet away from the SPS Payne. Barely avoiding an interstellar collision of grand proportions. After the saucer is leveled and stabilized, 52 android pioneers exit the once proud craft, feeling the freedom of spacious skies above the new world they had just become a part of.

  It’s a grand day, and one that seemed as if it were never going to arrive. The group of excited androids, climb down from the lofty heights of the saucer’s top surface, and meet with others from the Payne. It had been 175,000-long-years, since they had last seen each other in person, and it’s a glorious moment for all!

  “Wow! .... What a fantastic landing!” Bryce gushes, as he embraces his good friends Kimora, and Jace.

  “Hi Bryce! It’s so nice to see you again! My, you haven’t aged a day! Seems like just yesterday!” She jokes, facetiously, as they hold each other for long moments. “I hope I didn’t scare you too much. It’s not easy stopping a multi-million-ton machine on a dime.” She jokes enthusiastically.

  “Well, I can honestly tell you, we were getting nervous there for a few moments. But if we would have landed properly 11-years-ago, it wouldn’t have been an issue.” He admits.

  Kimora notices two people behind Bryce, that h
ad grown considerably since she had last seen them in video. “Well.... my my, these two have grown like weeds, Bryce.” She says of the young humans. She lets loose of Bryce, and approaches the two youngsters. “You must be Andrea, and Nolan! My, you kids are getting big! How old are you now?” She inquires of the young children who only knew her through brief video’s.

  “Hi Kimora.” This from Andrea, as she moves to greet the one who her father speaks so highly of. “I’m almost ten, same as Nolan; but I’m four days older.” She responds proudly, giving Kimora a warm hug.

  “Hi Andrea!” Kimora responds with sincere affection, turning her eyes to Nolan.

  The boy moves in, shaking hands with the pretty android. “Hi Kimora.... It’s very nice to meet you face to face. “Boy, that was some landing! It looked like it was scary!”

  “Well Nolan, I can honestly tell you that it was so scary, I hope to never have to do it again!” She replies with a mighty laugh. “But, the good old Faraday brought us down safely!”

  The next several weeks, find all pioneer androids at the Faraday habitat very busy. The necessary unpacking and organization of a new society, springs-forth on the thickly-jungled planet. A small group from the Payne, assists with the effort, but just a handful of workers is all that habitat can afford to lend. It’s not an easy endeavor living on such a primitive and hostile planet, whilst also trying to maintain a semblance of quality life. Raising and providing for human beings, requires efforts that are magnitudes above the needs of android beings. Basically, androids only require electricity, and perhaps a few hugs now and then, while humans require a laundry-list of needs. And also, some hugs from time to time, doesn’t hurt either!

  Along with the basic needs of android and human settlers, is the heavy requirements of the security perimeter. A much more robust set of precautions are required on Titania Alpha, than on Oberon Prime. Creatures on Titania Alpha are not only much more numerous, but are also way more threatening. Many of the larger and more ferocious, are reptilian in nature, and have appetites that are formidable. Some of the more memorable intrusions against the perimeter, involved animals with weights upwards of 10-tons, and some standing 15-feet-tall!

  In the early days, there were many times when deadly force was needed to get the idea into their tiny, peanut-sized brains, to stay away. More often than not, it was easy to persuade them with a poke from a laser beam. However, some persisted, employing stalking techniques that allowed them to penetrate deep into the community. Before humans were born on the planet, more than one of these large predators got the sour taste of hot electricity in its mouth, as it bit down onto an unsuspecting android. While repairs could be made on the android frame, provided their CPU’s and batteries were still intact, the same type of attack would be the very end of a soft human body.

  The Payne habitat has the largest and oldest population of human beings between the two planets (Oberon & Titania) With a population of nearly 350; and an age-range, extending between new-born and nearly 11-years-old. Now that there’s a serious human population developing, expansion and all that entails, is being developed by their android caretakers. First and foremost, is the completion of an expanded perimeter fence. One that’s tall enough, strong enough, and electrified enough, to dissuade the biggest and baddest of the native creatures that haunt the area. Using lasers alone, is no longer a viable option, as many families have been seeking ways to live outside of the steel disks. The animals must be physically kept at bay.

  While the Faraday team, transforms their spacecraft into an efficient community, the In Vitro Fertilization laboratory is prepared for baking. It’s a time consuming, and exacting job. It occupies the time of many. Along with preparing the laboratory and support equipment, the ancient handball court must be repaired and converted into a multi-level nursery and play area for the infants. All this, plus organizing and implementing necessary outdoor logistics, such as constructing storage facilities, and healing the planetary wound their landing created.

  Shortly after six months had passed, preparation of a viable community had begun to pay off. The shake-n-bake laboratory, is enjoying its first trimester, with fifty babies in their respective ovens. Now, the dedicated group of machine pioneers, have the luxury of taking some time for themselves. Even androids enjoy a get-together with good friend in the fresh outdoors.

  “So, it’s a date.... we’ll meet you at the Payne tomorrow afternoon. Is there anything we can bring?” Kimora asks of Bryce.

  “No, we have everything a body could need. Just bring yourselves, and leave the worries at the Faraday.” She suggests, friendlily.

  The next afternoon brings another fine day to the equatorial plain, where the two colonies gather next to the Payne habitat for a relaxing visit with each other. While the android body doesn’t require the biological necessities of the human animal, they certainly enjoy downtime for relaxation.

  “Kimora, you and the others have done a fine job of organizing the Faraday colony.” Carla, who is Bryce’s partner, compliments.

  “Thanks, Carla. What a fine thing to say. Of course, we both know very well that we had a much easier time of it after you, Bryce, and the others have tamed the land for us.” Kimora gives credit, where credit is due.

  Bryce joins in, with a sobering thought. “Now Kimora, use that word ‘tamed’ lightly. We still have that perimeter fence to finish.” He reminds, politely.

  “Well, of course that’s true.” Kimora agrees, adding. “But much of the preparation and planning, was a huge help to our settling in. Let’s face it; you guys had a much more difficult challenge than we did. And, without your assistance, we would still be unpacking.... All the while, having those beasties nipping at our heals!”

  Carla has a nice laugh. “Well Kimora, since you folks shook the planet with those kinetic weapons, those ‘beasties’ haven’t been seen very much around the area. So, there’s thanks all around.”

  “Well just the same,” Kimora adds, “now that we have things running smoothly over at the Faraday, we’ll be able to assist with finishing the fence. And with our reactors adding to the cause, there should be more than enough electrical power to leave a bad taste in the mouth of any predators that comes calling.”

  The words had barely left Kimora’s mouth when an excited android named Adak runs into camp, screaming of an attack on the very fence that was just being discussed.

  “Attack at the fence! .... Attack at the fence!” .... He yells loudly, approaching the group.

  The festive mood is extinguished, as Adak gathers his thoughts and explains the unfolding emergency. A terrible roar is heard in the distance, as a large and very angry animal voices its discontent.

  “Avery and I were walking the perimeter, when we’re attacked by one of those beasts! It was on the outside of the fence, but got caught up in the wires when it charged us. It’s still tangled, I think. Avery’s there, making sure it won’t get inside.” Adak reports excitedly.

  Bryce calms the excited android down. Another monstrous roar, shakes the jungle in the distance. The partially completed fence is a half-mile away, but the visceral scream from the angered animal seems like it’s just beyond the gathering!

  “Okay Adak, lead the way!” Bryce orders, as he and others grab laser rifles that are never far away. A group of twenty androids, head off into the jungle, while the rest stay and watch over the young humans that are being directed into the safety of the steel habitat.

  As the group moves through the thick jungle growth, nearing ground-zero as it were, a terrible commotion can be heard just ahead. Angry screeches reach them as they near the tumult at the perimeter fence. As they break out of the jungle and into the cleared area where the security apparatus is being installed, they witness a scene that might be comical if not so dramatically dangerous.

  “Avery! .... Avery! .... don’t shoot it!” Bryce yells to her, as she’s taking aim at the angry creature. With snapping jaws, it responds poorly to being tangled in the fence. Looking
similar to an earthy T-rex, it struggles maniacally to be free of the wire.

  “But how else should we deal it, Bryce?” Avery wishes to know.

  “Well, dead or alive, we have to get this animal off the fence. And it just wants to get away at this point, so we’ll cut some wires and let it free itself. If it won’t leave after that, we have enough power here to change its attitude.” Bryce reminds. It’s always best to not deal with Mother Nature in such harsh ways, as to attack a helpless animal in distress.

  Six brave androids approach the thrashing animal, readying their lasers. With massive, tooth filled jaws, the creature snaps angrily at the wires that bind. Taking aim, the android’s estimate the best wires to cut. “Avery, you take that wire.” Bryce points to a strategic point. “Adak, you take that one. Kimora, you have that one, and I’ll take the highest wire. Be ready to run when this thing gets loose! .... On three! .... One! .... Two! .... Three!” The air is filled with a red glow, as four beams of focused energy, seek targets. Wires glow red briefly, as the high-energy photons slam into them with authority. They begin to snap, as the frantic beast struggles against its bonds. As it thrashes, one rear haunch and its nose, are hit with beams of red. The cuts are painful beyond description, giving the creature incentive to trash even harder. With another spasm of anger, it’s free! It falls from the fence and into the semi-protected area of the compound! .... Androids scatter, like androids have never scattered!

  Regaining balance, the large beast lowers its enormous head, bellowing ferociously at the fleeing prey. A bout of sneezing grips the creature, as the painful wound on its nose sends waves of pain. There is no blood.... the wounds are cauterized. But the pain is off the scale! Turning in its tracks, the animal hears others of its kind calling from the jungle. With a mighty leap, it jumps back through the hole in the fence, disappearing with limp and whimper, back into the dark jungle from whence it came.

  “Wow!” Avery exclaims. “It sure made a mess of our pretty fence!”

  “Well, at the very least, we’re just lucky nobody got hurt.” Bryce responds logically. “Avery, stay here with Adak while we go get some new wire.” He turns to leave with the group, as a set of angry eyes in the jungle beyond, spy for new advantage.