Read Breaking the Rules: Ridgemont University Short Read Page 2

  Chapter 2

  Adam had woken up with thoughts of the flirtatious first-year, Connor, swimming in his head. He couldn’t shake the electricity of their first meeting. Connor had set off something in Adam that made him crazy with excitement. The first-year was unmistakably sexy and was clearly making a move on Adam. All Adam wanted to do in that room was kiss Connor’s enticing lips. But he had to resist. Making out with a student that he was supposed to mentor would definitely land Adam in trouble. He was skating on thin ice as it was, and if the resident head, Professor Steyn, found out that Adam was having extracurricular fun with first-years that he was supposed to be guiding through their first few days at Ridgemont, he would definitely be expelled.

  Adam had signed papers with Prof Steyn at the beginning of the week declaring that he acknowledged that he was on probationary re-admittance to Ridgemont and to Initia Nova, and if he had one more infraction, he would be expelled. Adam had spent way too much time the previous year breaking the rules, and he couldn’t allow his attraction to a first-year student to cost him his entire academic career. Adam loved being at Ridgemont. He loved the fun and excitement of summer days in Donovan Square, the late nights at Percy’s Pub and Hunters Bar, and rooting for the swimming and rugby teams at the intervarsity games. He couldn’t give up on all of that.

  Of course, there was also his studies to worry about. Adam had barely managed to scrape through his courses the previous year, and he had to focus all of his energy on being a good student. His parents would definitely stop paying his tuition if he began failing courses left and right. He had to limit his time around distractions like Connor Olivier. He had to make sure that he got through the next two years without incident.

  Adam got dressed in a hurry and waited on the quad at 7.50 a.m. Two bleary-eyed first-year students were already waiting for him, and another was pulling on his backpack as he ran to the center of the quad. “Am I late?” the student asked, and Adam responded, “You’re still early. Don’t worry about it.”

  All of Adam’s first-year mentees were present except for one: Connor. Adam looked at his watched and looked up to the second floor window where Connor’s room was. The sun was already beating down and Adam held his hand across his forehead to shield his eyes from the harsh morning rays. “Has anyone seen Connor Olivier?”

  The three first-year students stared at Adam blankly, and one shook his head. “Is he the shortish blond guy? Haven’t seen him yet,” the student said, turning his attention to his map of Ridgemont which was spread out in front of him.

  Adam tapped his foot at a steady rhythm. “We’re still a bit early. We’ll give him a few minutes. We have to leave at eight or else we’ll be late for the library orientation.”

  They waited together for a few minutes, the three first-year students awkwardly making small talk with one another. Adam watched as other small groups of students headed out of Initia Nova on their campus tours, and he felt his frustration rising. One of the other second-year mentors, Vernon, turned to Adam on his way out with his group of first-years and said, “Losing your students already, Adam? I thought you were going to change your ways this year. Looks like I need to pay a visit to Prof Steyn later today.” Vernon sneered at Adam, his thin lips and beady eyes making him look like a mouse who had just found his cheese. Adam sighed. Vernon was the one who had reported Adam the previous year after the… incident. Vernon would have liked nothing more than to see Adam expelled. Adam shook his head and turned back to his group of first-years.

  Adam was getting increasingly impatient. It was his job to keep the first-years in check, and he didn’t want to have to be a disciplinarian on the very first day mentoring them. But Connor was making them all late. “Wait here,” Adam said to the students in front of him. “I’m going to check on Connor. If he’s not ready, we’ll leave without him.”

  Adam marched over to the hall where Connor’s room was and climbed the stairs to the second floor. He knocked on Connor’s door, and when there was no answer, he opened it, calling Connor’s name. The room was empty, but Adam could hear the sound of running water coming from the showers nearby. Was Connor still getting ready? Adam felt his annoyance reach boiling point and went to the showers, his face locked in a scowl.

  He entered the communal showers. The showers were completely open, with only a row of four shower heads against a wall and no dividers or curtains. At the far shower, Adam saw a lone figure under hot, running water. The room was filled with steam, and Connor’s entire body was red from the heat. He was washing his blond hair, facing towards the shower head with his back to Adam. His arms were well-defined, his back slightly tanned and muscular. Adam’s eyes followed the contours of Connor’s body as the water streamed down it. He saw the curves of Connor’s slight frame, the bulging of his hips and the soft hairs along his arms and legs. And the magnificent shape of the prominent protrusions that immediately took Adam’s breath away. Connor was incredibly sexy. His tight, strong naked body was magnificent under the flowing water. Adam walked closer to Connor, trying to take his eyes away from the first-year’s body and directing them only to the back of his head. “Connor! It’s four minutes past eight. Why are you still showering?” Adam’s expression was still stern, but he felt weak in the knees.

  Connor turned his head to look at Adam, shock written all over his face. His hair was plastered on his forehead, the beads of water falling on his lips. “I… I overslept. I’m so sorry.”

  Adam was having none of it, and simply said, “Be outside in five minutes or we’re leaving without you.”

  Connor closed the faucet and turned around to grab his towel which was hanging over the railing on the far wall. Adam froze. He took in the sight of Connor, naked in front of him. There was a lot more to Connor than Adam had initially thought. Adam wanted to divert his eyes, but he couldn’t help but stare at Connor’s compact body. His flat stomach showed the outline of his abdominal muscles, and a gentle tuft of hair led down to his manhood. Adam suddenly turned on his heels and stormed out. But the image of Connor was burned in his mind. It would be even more difficult to ignore the intriguing first-year after seeing so much of him.