Read Breaking the Rules: Ridgemont University Short Read Page 4

  Chapter 4

  It was a warm summer night and Ridgemont was swarming with students eager to take advantage of the good weather and the opening specials at all of the local hangouts. Adam and Connor walked across Donovan Square towards Percy’s Pub, one of Adam’s favorite spots to start a night of partying. Adam felt bad about the way he had treated Connor before, and he realized that Connor was a lot less confident than he gave on. Adam had misjudged him: the way Connor had flirted with him on Connor’s bed when they had first met, and the way he had been so fearless in the shower, seemed to suggest that Connor was cocky. But Adam had seen a different side to him when he found him in the student center earlier that day. Connor seemed scared, like he was struggling to adjust to life at Ridgemont. It was Adam’s duty to make him feel at home. That was his job as a mentor, and Adam had to honor that. Showing Connor how much fun Ridgemont could be would be Adam’s way of making up for losing sight of the fact that Connor was still just a nervous first-year who needed some guidance.

  But there were other reasons why Adam had invited Connor out that night. He couldn’t shake the effect that this first-year was having on him. There was something intoxicating about the way Connor moved, carrying himself with broad, sensual steps, but his blond hair and soft features betrayed his sensitive nature. Adam had to get to know him better.

  Adam knew that it would be dangerous spending time with Connor. He had a weakness for guys who were sweet and innocent. And if Adam ever let anything happen between the two of them… it would mean the end to his time at Ridgemont. There was no way Prof Steyn would overlook Adam hooking up with a first-year that was put under his guidance as a mentor. It would look bad if anyone found out about it; it would seem like Adam was abusing his influence over an impressionable freshman. Being on probation was no fun at all.

  There were hundreds of students moving across Donovan Square, all dressed up and hitting the town hard. Food stalls and carnival games were set up on the square during the annual welcoming week, and Adam relished in the excitement. The year before, he would be up to mischief as soon as evening fell during welcoming week. But he had to stay on the straight and narrow.

  “There’s so much going on,” Connor said, turning his eyes shyly towards Adam as they strolled along the path. “It’s nothing like Saldanha. So many people…”

  Adam giggled. “Life is definitely fast-paced at Ridgemont. But you’ll get used to it. Soon you’ll be partying with the best of them.” Adam winked again, and noticed the discomfort in Connor’s face at the flirtatious gesture. It was strange seeing Connor so nervous when he had seemed completely comfortable around Adam before. “I’m sorry I had to act so tough on you this morning,” Adam added. “There are just too many eyes watching me this year. I need to make a good impression.”

  “Why?” Connor asked, a naughty glint in his eye. “Did you do something wrong?”

  Adam winced, scratching at his square jaw. He didn’t know how to explain his probation to Connor. “You could say that… Anyway, just know that if I act tough on you in front of the other guys, it’s nothing personal. There’s this guy from res, Vernon, who is on my case. He’s watching me like a hawk, just waiting for me to slip up so that he can report me to the resident head.”

  Connor gave a pensive smile, taking in what Adam said to him but clearly preparing a flirtatious comeback. “Why does this guy have it out for you? What did you do to him?”

  “He’s just sour because I had a bit too much fun last year. I got involved in some things that I shouldn’t have. He fancies himself the protector of Ridgemont’s image, and he thinks I’m bad news, so he’s waiting for me to slip up. But I’m turning things around this year. I’m just a regular old good Ridgemont boy now.”

  “I hope you’re not too good,” Connor replied, his smile broadening. “Everyone needs to be a bit… naughty sometimes. That’s why I came to Ridgemont. I’ve been good my whole life. I need a bit of fun for a change.”

  Adam was caught off guard again by Connor’s boldness. He was intrigued, and said, “Well if it’s fun you’re after, Ridgemont is definitely the place for you.” Adam pointed across the road from where they were standing, to the dimly-lit pub that was overflowing with students. “In fact, this place might just be where you have a lot of fun.”

  They walked into Percy’s Pub. The lights were low and a rock anthem was thumping in the pub, with the throng of students moving their heads to the beat. There was hardly room to move. The place held a cacophony of chatter, music and drunken singalongs. There were bright, multicolored lights on the dancefloor, and a small bar in the corner where handsome bartenders in tight black shirts were serving customers. Adam took Connor to a booth in the garden area out back, where the music was not as loud. He saw the look on Connor’s face, like a small animal caught in the middle of a busy highway, not knowing where to look or what to think. Adam smiled. This country boy, with his charming, innocent ways, was refreshing. They sat down at the booth and Adam ordered two beers from the waiter who came to their table.

  “What do you think?” Adam asked Connor over the music. “Do you like it?”

  Connor’s eyes darted around the room. “It’s… different. Exciting.” His expression seemed tense, and Adam felt the need to put him at ease.

  “It’s a lot to take in. But this is a place where you can be yourself. Do you see any guys you like?”

  Connor’s eyes shot open and he stared at Adam like a deer caught in headlights. “What do you mean?” Connor asked, trying his best to restrain his shock at Adam’s question.

  “I saw you standing at the Ridgemont Rainbow table today. I just figured… Or do you like girls? Do you have a girlfriend?” Adam tried to remain composed, but he dreaded the answer to his question.

  “I had a girlfriend, back in Saldanha.” The words stung Adam as they passed Connor’s lips. “But we broke up.”

  “I see,” Adam said, feeling dejected. He had thought that there was chemistry between the two of them, and it was disappointing to find out that Connor was into girls.

  Connor spoke again, clearing his throat as he leaned in so that Adam could hear him over the music: “But I’m looking for something… different now. I’ve been feeling like I need to expand my horizons for a long time. Now, I think, I have the chance.” Connor’s face broke into a sly smile, and he and Adam both giggled at the shared, unspoken acknowledgement of what Connor was implying.

  “Looks like you’re definitely in the mood for fun,” Adam responded, unable to wipe the smile off his face.

  Someone at the entrance caught Adam’s eye, and his expression brightened as he recognized the familiar face approaching his table. “JP!” Adam called out, waving his hand at his friend. Adam’s handsome, rugged friend from the swim team approached them. JP Terreblanche was one of the most talented swimmers at Ridgemont, and he had just recently started moving in Adam’s circles. Adam got up to hug his friend, and for a brief second he could see a flash of jealousy cross Connor’s face. “Come and sit down with us. How are you?” Adam asked JP, motioning for JP to sit next to him at the booth.

  JP was very good looking, with short, spiky blond hair and sharp features, and a five-o'clock shadow covering his jaw. Adam had become good friends with JP when Adam tried out for the swim team, but sadly he wasn’t good enough of a swimmer to make the cut. That didn’t stop him from making friends with the wild partiers on the team, which was the reason Adam landed in such hot water the year before...

  “Another year of raucous partying ahead of you, Adam?” JP asked as he sat down at the table. He reached out his hand and introduced himself to Connor, who was still looking apprehensive.

  “I’ve changed my ways,” Adam responded playfully. “Connor here is a first-year at Nova. He’ll take over from me since I’m retiring from partying.”

  JP laughed and slapped Adam on his back jovially. “I don’t think you could ever give up on the wild life, Adam. I’m practically old and boring compared
to you.”

  “That’s not true. You were the one who taught me how to party, remember?” Adam and JP both laughed and clinked their drinks together.

  JP turned to Connor, his intense blue eyes scanning Connor’s face, and he asked Adam: “So, am I interrupting a date or something? You two looked very intimate when I walked in.” Connor averted his eyes, his cheeks turning bright red.

  Adam shifted in his seat and responded to JP: “I’m showing Connor everything that Ridgemont has to offer. It’s completely innocent, I swear. But first, I think we all need fresh drinks.” Adam got up to get another round of drinks for everyone at the table, leaving Connor alone with the handsome stranger.