Read Breathe Page 56

  My lips started trembling as tears welled up quickly and slid out of my eyes.

  “My mother was murdered,” Miah continued and a deep hush stole through the already silent crowd. “My sister and I kidnapped and confined. But even with that, when they came into my life, I learned a lesson that was different than the one I’d been learning for three years. That this world was infested with dark and it can drag you in, hold you down and make you believe that’s all there is. But they taught me with the dark comes light and light is stronger and more powerful because it never gives up. That there were good people in this world who sense wrong being done and set about making it right. They didn’t talk about it. They didn’t think about it. They did it. It cost them time and money and emotion. All of this for a kid they did not know. But they still did it. So if there’s anything I want my fellow graduates to take away from today, from this speech, as they move on in their lives, learning to be adults, learning to fit into this world, no matter what they decide to do, who they decide to be, they should endeavor to be good and pure and right. They should be the kind of people who sense wrong being done and set about making it right. Not talk about it or think about it but do it. Because the wrong being done can be very wrong. It can destroy lives. It can eat away happiness in a way that it will never come back. But if it’s stopped and light shines through the dark, it could end in a kid who lost everything but his sister, had no power, was terrified but, years later, stands in front of a room full of people making a Valedictorian speech.”

  Miah’s red, wet gaze came to Chace and me.

  “I stand here because of you, my Aslan, my Faye, my protectors and I make the promise that what you gave me, what you taught me, I will live those lessons. I cannot repay you for what you gave me. That’s all I can do. All I can do is learn the lesson you taught me and go forward in my life good and pure and right.” His voice dipped to a whisper in the microphone and he finished, “Thank you.”

  Through watery eyes, I watched Miah duck his head and move away from the podium.

  I was quietly blubbering.

  The auditorium was on their feet.

  Chace’s arm tightened around my shoulders, I heard him clear his throat but I felt a little arm slide around my belly so I looked down at my son, Jacob.

  “Mommy, who’s Miah talkin’ about?”

  I lifted my hand to his cheek, looked into my husband’s beautiful eyes in my son’s beloved face and whispered, “Your Daddy and me.”

  Jake looked to his Dad then the podium and back at me.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine, baby,” I was still whispering. “Absolutely fine.”

  And I absolutely was.

  Because I knew, without a doubt, finally, that Miah was.

  * * * * *


  One day later

  “You can show me,” Miah said softly and Chace turned his head and looked at him.

  They were sitting on top of a picnic table by the creek just down from his grandparents’ home, feet on the seat, eyes, until Chace looked at him, on the rushing water.

  He’d grown up healthy and strong. Not tall, none of his kin were tall, he was five eleven. But he had a lean, straight body, long legs, growing broad near-to a man’s shoulders and he was a good-looking kid, that mop of thick blond hair, those unusual light brown eyes.

  He was popular at school. Ran track and cross country. Class president. Captain of the debate team. Editor of the school newspaper. National Honor Society.

  It didn’t surprise Chace that he chose sports where he competed individually, on a team but his performance was based on his personal endeavors but still, he found other activities where he could be a leader and each one he found he was the leader.

  What did surprise Chace was that he was popular regardless of his intellect, his continued voracious reading, the fact that he was quiet, not shy, not introverted, but an observer, soft spoken and he didn’t speak unless what he had to say meant something.

  “Had a chat with Ezra,” Chace told him.

  “I know,” Miah replied.

  “Ezra said you’re ready.”

  “That’s because I am.”

  Chace pressed his lips together because he was uncertain he agreed and he looked back at the creek.

  “Chace, I talked about it to the counselors a long time ago. To granddad. To you that time you and Faye were up here last year. I’m cool with it,” Miah assured him and Chace sucked in breath.

  He looked back at him. “Yesterday was your graduation and your party. In a few months you’re off to Columbia. Don’t wanna bring up bad shit when all you got is good happening and the same to look forward to.”

  “I want to do it,” Miah stated.

  “Miah –”

  “Chace,” he straightened but kept Chace’s eyes, “I want to do it. Show me.”

  Chace sucked in another breath then turned to the folder sitting on the table beside him, flipped it open, pulled out the mug shot and handed it to Miah. Miah bent his head and studied it.

  It was the mug shot of the man they suspected murdered Misty and Darren Newcomb.

  “He screwed up,” Chace told him. “Got him in Oregon. He took an assignment, took to the woods again and some hunters, both ex-military, were up there. Heard them comin’, they were experienced, got quiet, watched, didn’t like the look of things and hunkered down. Saw it start to go down and they moved in. Incapacitated him. Saved his target. He’s free-lance, not connected to any organization and there’s the possibility that he’s responsible for at least a dozen hits in eight states including two in Carnal.”

  “That’s him,” Miah said firmly and handed the mug shot back to Chace.

  Chace’s gut got tight.

  Shit, this was it. This was finally fucking it.

  “You’re sure?” he asked quietly.

  “Yeah,” Miah answered.

  “Was a long time ago, bud,” Chace reminded him, turning to return the photo to the folder and when he turned back, Miah again locked eyes with him.

  “You don’t forget that kind of thing. You know it. I told you about it. All of it. That’s him and I’ll testify.”

  Years ago, Miah’s grandparents had been informed that Miah was holding onto this knowledge and thus they’d informed his counselors. So years ago, his therapists helped him deal with what he saw which was not only Misty’s face getting raped but her subsequent murder. Jeremiah had seen the whole thing.

  “I’ll testify,” Miah repeated when Chace didn’t speak.

  “That’ll be tough,” Chace replied. “You were young, in a serious situation, if he’s extradited to Colorado to stand trial, the defense attorney will go hard.”

  “A kid, no matter what he’s going through, can’t make that stuff up,” Miah returned.

  “This is true,” Chace muttered. “But I don’t like that for you, that bein’ part of your future, the possibility of testifying.”

  “A wrong has been done,” Miah whispered, his gaze unwavering on Chace. “When that happens you set about making it right. You taught me that.”

  Chace closed his eyes and dropped his head.

  “I can do it.” Miah was still whispering. “I want to do it.”

  Chace opened his eyes and looked at the creek. “I hate this for you.”

  “I don’t,” Miah replied. “She was your wife. If I can do that, make him pay, then I can do something for you. So I want to do it.”

  Serious as shit, this kid was a good fucking kid.

  Chace lifted his hand, wrapped it around the back of Miah’s neck and gave him a squeeze while finding his eyes.

  “You’re a good kid,” he whispered and Miah grinned.

  “Not a kid anymore.”

  Chace shook his head and gave his neck another squeeze while rocking him gently before letting him go. “Nope, you’re still a kid.”

  “Amelia and I did it last night.”

  Chace blinked and his throat sounded clogg
ed when he asked, “What?”

  Miah grinned again. “Went all the way.”

  Holy fuck.

  “Jeremiah –”

  “We used… you know and we’re both eighteen. We’ve been seeing each other since we were sophomores and we’d always planned for graduation being the, um… main event.”

  Jesus Christ. Where did he go with this?

  Miah looked at the creek, still grinning and now muttering, “It was good.”

  “Was it good for her?”

  Miah looked back at him and his grin faded. “Well…” he trailed off and Chace shook his head.

  “Gotta make it good for her, bud,” he said gently.

  “I have with the stuff we’ve done, uh… before but last night it kinda went,” his face flushed and he finished on a whisper, “fast.”

  Chace fought back a grin and held his eyes as he advised, “You get that but you only get it once. You two carry on with this shit you do two things, you use protection, always and you see to her first, always. With her and, should things end with her and you find someone else, with them too. That protection is for her but it’s also for you. Don’t mess up your or her future by bein’ stupid and don’t take a woman, ever, without takin’ care of her.”

  Miah pressed his lips together, leaned forward, elbows to his knees and looked to the creek.

  Chace’s eyes followed his, he leaned forward on his elbows too and kept talking.

  “I get where you are, your age, you two bein’ together for a while, you think this is a natural progression. I know you and Amelia are tight. But I wish you’d talked to me before you went ahead with this. I’ll just say, I know you feel like a man, I know you’re lookin’ forward to independence but I’ll tell you you’re still young. You should be young and this shit is adult shit, Miah. The seal is broken and maybe there’s no goin’ back. But you’re a smart guy, always have been, I’m just sayin’ you should keep bein’ smart, think about this before you do it again with Amelia or any girl. It feels good, I know that. You’ll want it, I know that too. It’s probably pretty much all you’re thinkin’ about, I know that too. But it isn’t ever just about doing it and it is never just you doin’ it. Two people are involved. Always let her know where you’re at. It’s a connection, a closeness, an intimacy you two share and feelings can get caught up in that. You’re not feelin’ it outside of doin’ it, you let her know where you’re at so she doesn’t get lost in you. You with me?”

  “Yeah,” Miah whispered.

  Chace wasn’t done.

  “Amelia is going to the University of Wyoming, buddy. In a few months, you two will be separated. That could stay strong while you two are in different states or you or she might find someone else. Have a mind to that this summer with her and where you guys went last night. You leave, you find someone else in New York, she’s lost in you, you could hurt her. Think about how you feel about her right now, what that might do to her and handle her with care. You still with me?”

  “Yeah,” Miah repeated on a whisper.

  Chace fell silent and Miah didn’t speak.

  Then Miah spoke.

  “How did you know it was Faye?”

  Chace felt his lips tip up as his eyes watched the waters run. “Just knew.”


  He turned his head to Miah to see Miah’s eyes on him. “You see her, bud, the one that’s meant for you, you’ll know too.”

  Miah held his eyes. Then he nodded and looked back at the creek.

  Chace did too and they again lapsed into silence until Chace broke it this time.

  “Been years, Miah, lookin’ for that man. Wantin’ to put Misty to rest in my mind. Now she is. Thank you.”

  He heard Miah take in a breath before he said softly, “You’re welcome, Aslan.”

  Fuck, that socked him in the gut. Every time.

  Without taking his gaze from the creek he again lifted his hand, curled it around the back of Miah’s neck and gave it a squeeze. Once he was done, he removed his hand, returned his elbow to his knee and sat silently with his boy, no, his boy who was becoming a man and watched the waters flow.

  * * * * *

  One week later

  Chace stood outside the bedroom door, ass and back to the wall, feet out in front of him, ankles crossed, a grin playing on his lips.

  He did this listening to his wife reading to her sons, Jake and Silas.

  It wasn’t the first time. It wouldn’t be the last.

  As usual, listening to her melodic voice adding nuance and drama to the story, he enjoyed it for a good long while.

  Then he moved away from the wall to check on his sleeping baby girl, Twyla.

  * * * * *

  Three hours later

  Faye underneath him, his cock still hard inside her, Chace ran his tongue along her lower lip.

  The instant he was done, she ran hers along his.

  When she was done, he lifted his lips, kissed her nose then dipped his chin and caught her eyes.

  “You gonna read, baby?” he asked but he knew her answer.

  Still, she gave it to him.


  He grinned, bent his neck, kissed the indent in her collarbone and slid out.

  She slid out of bed and he watched her silk nightie fall over her heart-shaped ass as she walked to the bathroom to clean up.

  Chace rolled to his side of the bed, turned out his light and settled in. Then he watched his wife walk back into the room and climb into their bed.

  He threw the covers over her.

  She grabbed her book.

  Chace closed his eyes and fell asleep.

  * * * * *

  An hour and a half later

  Chace sensed the light going out and the bed moved as Faye settled into it.

  Sleepily, he reached out an arm, hauled her into him, tucking her under him and he curled into her body.

  “Done?” he muttered.

  Her hand glided down his arm until her fingers found and laced through his.

  “Yeah,” she whispered.

  “’Night, baby.”

  “’Night, honey.”

  He felt his wife’s body relax under him as he felt Apollo and Starbuck adjust and settle on and around their feet.

  And Chace drifted to sleep knowing that everything was right in the world.

  Absolutely everything.

  And he knew this because their kids were asleep in their beds under a roof he provided for them doing something he was proud of.

  But he knew this more because like the night before, and the one before that, and all of them, every single one since she gave him the gift of her virginity, Chace Keaton and his Faye fell asleep, tucked tight, holding on, together in their bed.

  The Colorado Mountain Series will continue

  returning to Gnaw Bone

  and the story of Graham Reece.


  About the Author

  Kristen Ashley grew up in Brownsburg, Indiana but has lived in Denver, Colorado and the West Country of England. Thus she has been blessed to have friends and family around the globe. Her posse is loopy (to say the least) but loopy is good when you want to write.

  Kristen was raised in a house with a large and multi-generational family. They lived on a very small farm in a small town in the heartland and existed amongst the strains of Glenn Miller, The Everly Brothers, REO Speedwagon and Whitesnake (and the wardrobes that matched).

  Needless to say, growing up in a house full of music, clothes and love was a good way to grow up.

  And as she keeps growing up, it keeps getting better.

  Discover other titles by Kristen Ashley:

  Rock Chick Series:

  Rock Chick

  Rock Chick Rescue

  Rock Chick Redemption

  Rock Chick Renegade

  Rock Chick Revenge

  Rock Chick Reckoning

  Rock Chick Regret

  The ‘Burg Series:

  For You

  At Peace

  Golden Trail

  Games of the Heart

  The Colorado Mountain Series:

  The Gamble

  Sweet Dreams

  Lady Luck

  Dream Man Series:

  Mystery Man

  Wild Man

  Law Man

  Motorcycle Man

  The Fantasyland Series:

  Wildest Dreams

  The Golden Dynasty


  The Three Series:

  Until the Sun Falls from the Sky

  The Unfinished Hero Series:


  Other Titles by Kristen Ashley:

  Fairytale Come Alive

  Heaven and Hell

  Lacybourne Manor

  Lucky Stars

  Mathilda, SuperWitch

  Penmort Castle

  Play It Safe

  Sommersgate House

  Connect with Kristen Online:

  Official Website:

  Kristen’s Blog:

  Kristen’s Facebook Page

  Follow Kristen on Twitter: KristenAshley68

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  Cover Art by DM Ashley



  Kristen Ashley, Breathe



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