Read Breathless: In Love With an Alpha Billionaire Page 1

  Breathless: In Love with an Alpha Billionaire

  Part 1

  by Shani Greene-Dowdell

  © Shani Greene-Dowdell 2015. All Rights Reserved

  All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above stated publisher. The scanning, uploading, and distribution of this book via the Internet or via any other means without the permission of the publisher is illegal and punishable by law. Purchase only authorized electronic editions, and do not participate in or encourage electronic piracy of copyrighted materials.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.




  What in the Hell?

  What is it about Jacob Turner? I wondered, as I sat naked in the center of his circular, king-sized bed in his presidential suite at the Marriott Marquis. I'd left my office to go get a cup of coffee around noon. Coffee. Then, explain to me why hours later a stranger had literally charmed my panties off. If anyone told me I would bump into the heir of Turner Enterprises and be in the billionaire's bed by nightfall, I would have cursed them out for suggesting something like that about a respectable woman such as myself.

  Turner Enterprises was the nation's number one commercial construction conglomerate passed down for generations through the Turner family. It had offices all over the United States. Turner Enterprises constructed every substantial piece of business property in the U.S.

  I could see how Jacob was such a persuasive man in business and in life. His family groomed him since he was old enough to walk to take the helm of the business. He was powerful and damned sure influential. He had manipulated me into forgetting all my values and coming back to his suite after only a few hours of mentally stimulating conversation.

  When I looked around the lavish room with gold trimmings, high back chairs and other regal furnishings, I suddenly felt out of place.

  "Jacob, I don't think I should be here," I said, while scooting to the edge of the bed. I scanned the room searching for my clothes.

  Jacob pulled me back flush to him, hard. My cool skin collided with his burning hot flesh instantly warming me to my core.

  "Stay," he breathed onto my neck. "We don't have to do anything you don't want to do, but please stay the night with me. I could use the company."

  I looked into his hazel green eyes of privilege. He was used to getting what he wanted, and he wanted me…to stay with him. Jacob could have any woman he desired. Why me?

  Questions floated through my mind but dared to leave my lips. I crossed my arms over my bare chest to cover my breasts.

  "Okay, I’ll stay a little while longer, but only under one condition.”


  “I need to put on my clothes.”

  It was my ex-husband, Montie's, weekend to have visitation with our children, so I really had nowhere to go. I just didn’t want to sit naked with a man I hardly knew.

  Jacob slid over to the edge of the bed so that he was sitting closer to me. Turning my face to his, he placed a soft, lingering kiss on my lips. His breath absorbing into mine and becoming a part of me made me forget that I wanted to put on my clothes. Instead, I had the urge to straddle his lap and swallow him completely inside my being.

  While running my rogue fingers over his smooth, tanned back, I struggled to maintain control of my actions. A deep sigh escaped my lips as I pulled away from him and looked away, breaking our intense stare. I was uncomfortable with how fast we were moving, and he sensed it.

  Jacob stood up, went to the closet, and returned with a robe. "Put this on."

  His protruding erection spoke his salacious desires loud and clear. But he respected my wishes enough not to press the issue, at least not at the moment. He sat on the sofa on the other side of the room and turned on the television.

  “What do you like to watch on TV?” he asked, while scrolling through the many channels available.

  “I don’t really watch much TV,” I admitted, my eyes never leaving his ruggedly handsome face, covered with a curly dark brown beard.

  "What is it about you, Destiny?" he asked as he watched me watch him.

  "What do you mean, what is it about me?"

  He bit down on his bottom lip. "I mean, what is it about you that has me so thrown off. I've never had a woman in my hotel room, unless it was for… you know. But with you, I'm satisfied with just watching you sit there."

  "You will have to tell me what it is. You're the one who invited me to your room, Jacob."

  "I invited you here, because I know what I want when I see it. And, I didn’t want our conversation to end at the coffee shop. I wanted to see more of you…needed to see more of you." His eyes raked over my body showing a strong need that I wasn’t sure he would be able to contain much longer.

  I needed to get the hell out of there before I did something I would regret. Let’s face it; I didn’t have what it took to screw a stranger. How I made it this far into this encounter was mind boggling to me. I stood up, put on the robe, and stood beside the bed.

  "Well, you’ve seen all of me. Are you happy?" I joked, as I tightened the robe around my waist.

  "I’m the happiest man alive.”

  “Yeah, right,” I mumbled. He really thought he was fooling me with the whole ‘act like she’s the shit’ game he was playing. “I’m sure you say that to all your ladies,” I added.

  “Come sit beside me," he said, patting the spot beside him. It wasn’t a request, but an order.

  “No, I’m fine right here, thanks.” I finally found my voice and started to use it for the first time since I got to this damn hotel. He was fine and all, but if I wanted any chance at not coming off as another thirsty female, giving it up within twenty-four hours of meeting him wasn’t the way to go.

  “Don’t make me get up and bring you over here.”

  “You’re making me uncomfortable talking to me like that,” I said.

  “Destiny, I just want to talk to you. It’s completely innocent.” He threw his hands in the air and the most harmless expression covered his face.

  “Uh, huh…” I said and walked slowly over to where he sat. He pulled me down onto the couch and pulled the string to the robe to release my bare flesh for his eyes to partake of, again. “Completely innocent, Jacob, this is not…”

  My words drifted away as he ran his fingers over my neck, admiring it as if it were a perfect sculpture. He then ran his fingers through my hair and pulled my face to his. Looking into my eyes, he crushed his lips against mine.

  Erotic moans escaped my throat alerting Jacob to my satisfaction. Too much time had passed since I’d been touched this way. The war of sexual frustration within was being won by the flesh that wanted what it wanted from the first moment I saw him at the café.

  I gave in to the sexual tension that grew between us. My arms flew around his neck as our tongues danced. Tension mounted to epic proportions. Both of our desolate hearts awaited a long, overdue release.

  I hadn’t had sex in months, and the way he owned my lips said he hadn't felt real passion in just as long.
I wanted Jacob in a bad way, and that insatiable craving of this man unnerved me. Being helpless to the overwhelming sensitivity emerging between my thighs pissed me off and drove me crazy, at the same time. My hands ran freely over his body, leaving no place that I could reach untouched. Once I reached his bulging erection, he pulled my hands together and placed them on my legs. He moved my hands to my own lap.

  "Touch your sweet pussy."

  Caressing each slowly, I moved my hands over each of my breasts. My right hand cascaded over my stomach, then to my thighs. Then, I propped one leg up on the sofa and inched my hand down to stroke my hottest spot, but he stopped me.

  “Stop right there,” he growled out and replaced my hand with his much larger one. Two of his thick fingers eased inside of me, going deep enough to bring my full attention back to his intense stare.

  The greediest eyes I'd ever seen searched my soul, even as a part of me struggled to come to grips with what in the hell I was doing. What kind of mind control did this eccentric, hairy, green-eyed Caucasian man had over me?

  I fell back on the sofa and began to wriggle my booty, thrusting my pelvis toward his ravishing fingers. When he intensified his strokes, I screamed out, "Jacob… oh… that feels good!"

  "I want it to feel better than good," he said as he removed his fingers, dropped down onto the carpeted floor, and slid my ass to the edge of the sofa. His face disappeared between my thighs, and he tongue kissed my lower lips, pressing his tongue hard against my clit and moving it back and forth in measured strokes.

  Jacob held my legs firmly in place, so I could not move, as a violent orgasm poured into his mouth. I jerked uncontrollably, experiencing some type of outer-body state that had never happened to me.

  "You are sweet, Destiny. Give me all of that sweet cum." He moaned his pleasure as he lapped up my nectar, not leaving one drop behind.

  He sprang to his feet and removed his boxers, as the last ripples of orgasm went through my body. He was bigger than Montie, which made me think hard about whether I wanted him to thrust his unyielding sword inside of my damn near virginal sex.

  Before I could say anything to the affirmative or negative, Jacob pulled me into his embrace and seized my lips. "I want to fuck this sweet pussy so bad," he said, rubbing his finger against my clit.

  "I want you, too," I said, taking in his magnificent physique. Strong jawline, broad shoulders, toned abs and thighs. He looked kingly as he stood up and walked to his drawer to get a condom out of his wallet.

  As I watched this perfectly sculptured, almond milk colored man walk away, I looked at my darker thighs that had lines of cellulite from when I was heavier, dimples and other imperfections. I sat up on the sofa and pulled the robe tight around my body.

  "What are you doing?" he asked as he walked back to me.

  "It’s cold in here. I just need to stay covered up," I lied while avoiding his gaze.

  As he applied his condom, he continued to study me.

  "Cold?" he said as he walked over to the temperature gauge and turned on the heat. He came back to me, took me by the hand and walked me to the bed. Standing in front of the bed, he kissed me so sweetly that I moaned recklessly into his throat.

  This. Us. He was confusing to me. I could’ve easily gotten it twisted and thought he actually gave a damn about me, if he kissed me like that one more time. I couldn’t resist my blazing attraction to him, and that was dangerous.

  I didn’t even notice him removing my robe again, until he threw it across the room, as if he never wanted to see it again.

  "I want to look at you while I make love to you," he said as he laid me down on the bed.

  I scooted to the center of the massive bed and opened my legs wide enough to accept him. He crawled on top of me and pushed my legs back further with his arms.

  "Oh!" I screamed when he entered me with precision, ripping my canal open without warning.

  "Shit, you're tight," he said, as my body gave way to the pressure of his size. Within seconds, he possessed me with every slow and deliberate stroke. I quivered with every thrust, with what seemed to be a constant orgasm.

  "What the hell are you doing to me?” I managed to ask between the jerking and quivering that once again, had, taken over my body.

  He sucked a pebbled nipple into his mouth.

  I trembled and released the hardest orgasm known to women. My release covered his condom clad dick and spilled over onto the bed. He bucked relentlessly inside of me, as my vaginal muscles contracted and released him uncontrollably.

  "Oh, shit you’re taking this cum from me. I'm coming right with you, baby! Ugh!" he said and collapsed down on top of me, holding me in place, as he jerked out his release.

  “Oh, Jacob,” I moaned my pleasures as I watched this amazing creature’s body move in awe.

  "Stay with me tonight, Destiny.”




  Earlier that day, before I “fell in bed with Jacob,” I walked out of Tazi's Cafe in downtown Atlanta, with a piping hot cup of coffee in my hand. Jacob approached the store walking with a measured stride. My surprised brown eyes zoned in on his soft, hazel green gaze. But that wasn’t all that had my attention. It was the gush of fresh air flowing alongside him, captivating me.

  "Here, let me get that for you," he said, handing me my briefcase that had, unbeknownst to me, fallen from my hand. His gesture of kindness snapped me out of the stupor I had fallen in to.


  I looked like a bumbling idiot in front of a guy who had surely just stepped out of a sexy male catalogue.

  "Thank you. I can be so clumsy at times," I told him, scrambling to retrieve my belongings from his outstretched hand.

  A handsome smile spread across his broad face, as my hand touched his. “It’s not a problem. It’s always my pleasure to help a pretty lady.”

  I smiled. "I’m on my lunch break and was rushing to get back. I’m so sorry," I added, embarrassed.

  "No need to apologize. The pleasure truly is all mine," he said as his tongue slid noticeably across his lips. His gaze was piercing as he ran his eyes over my body, inch by inch. Tazi’s was a small joint with a house full of regulars, so to see an unfamiliar face, his unfamiliar face, was refreshing.

  "I haven’t seen you here before. Do you work downtown?” I asked.

  "I'm from Atlanta, but I live in Florida. I’m only in town for a few days visiting my grandmother at her retirement home. And, she told me that I had to check out Tazi before I left Atlanta, so…" He humped his shoulders. "Here I am. What do you suggest off the menu?” He ran a hand through his silky, dark brown hair, as his eyes fixated on me, awaiting a response.

  Suggest? What if I suggested the sexy creature have me for lunch? I could’ve lain across the counter and let him feast upon me until he was full. My thoughts ran rampant with lust, until I remembered my mantra. Yeah, I was saved and single. Ever since I divorced Montie Brown, I walked the straight and narrow line of avoiding relationships that would lead nowhere but to the bedroom. So far, I did an impeccable job of avoiding fake love.

  I took a deep breath of his fresh air, because yes, all of the air surrounding me belonged to the man standing before me. I silently meditated for strength to breathe on my own.

  "So what do you recommend?" he asked again, to which a throaty voice I didn’t recognize belted from my lips.

  "Oh, I guess, the three-layer chocolate mousse cake is a winner," I replied with a firm clearing of my throat to rid myself of the imposter in my vocals.

  “I’ll definitely try the chocolate,” he said with a wink.

  An awkward moment passed between us, and I felt the need to fill the dead space. "Are you originally from Atlanta?" I asked.

  "Nah, my family has roots here, but I was born and raised in Miami."

  "Oh, well enjoy your first visit at Tazi's. You're going to love it." I took one last look at the sexy man and steppe
d around him.

  “I didn’t get your name,” he yelled out as I reached for my car door handle.


  “I’m Jacob.”

  “Nice to meet you, Jacob.”

  "So, have you tried the three-layer chocolate mousse cake before?" he asked, as he strolled over to me.

  I pulled my treat out of the small box inside my briefcase and said, "Yes, this is a smaller ‘to go’ version of the cake. I order mine this way, because I can't afford the calories of an entire slice."

  His eyes lit up, and I became self-conscious under his glare. I was about to open the door and jump in my car, when he said, "Every calorie looks good on you.”


  “Would it be too much for me to ask you to share a chocolate mousse cake with me?”

  I looked around at all of the skyscrapers downtown. Somewhere in the distance, my empty home office was waiting for me to get back to a pile of work.

  “I wish I could, but I really have to get back to work.”

  “You look like you could use a break, and I could use the company."

  I studied his chiseled, tan face and considered his offer. Something hid behind every word he spoke; something intriguing enough to make me drop my keys back inside my purse and say what the heck. It was a public place. It was just dessert. Just conversation.

  "Sure. I’ll have dessert with you."

  I entered Tazi's with Jacob and soon found out the reason he had me at hello. Our personalities meshed like yin to yin and yang to yang; we had so much in common. We just clicked as we laughed, talked, and ate dessert before ever sharing a meal together.

  Before the end of the night, I was entangled in his covers listening to Chris Brown and Jordin Sparks sing their duet, "No Air," on Pandora. I shook my head at the thought of being unable to breathe without a man. It was laughable. Something as essential as air was nonnegotiable for me, until Jacob Turner took my breath away.