Read Brewster's Millions Page 17



  Brewster was comparatively well and strong when he returned to New Yorkin March. His illness had interfered extensively with his plan ofcampaign and it was imperative that he redouble his efforts,notwithstanding the manifest dismay of his friends. His first act wasto call upon Grant & Ripley, from whom he hoped to learn whatSwearengen Jones thought of his methods. The lawyers had heard nocomplaint from Montana, and advised him to continue as he had begun,assuring him, as far as they could, that Jones would not proveunreasonable.

  An exchange of telegrams just before his operation had renewed Monty'sdread of his eccentric mentor.

  NEW YORK, Jan. 6, 19--


  Butte, Mont.

  How about having my life insured? Would it violate conditions?



  New York.

  Seems to me your life would become an asset in that case. Can youdispose of it before September 23d?



  Butte, Mont.

  On the contrary, I think life will be a debt by that time.



  New York.

  If you feel that way about it, I advise you to take out a $500 policy.



  Butte, Mont.

  Do you think that amount would cover funeral expenses?



  New York.

  You won't be caring about expenses if it comes to that.


  The invitations for the second ball had been out for some time and thepreparations were nearly complete when Brewster arrived upon the sceneof festivity. It did not surprise him that several old-time friendsshould hunt him up and protest vigorously against the course he waspursuing. Nor did it surprise him when he found that his presence wasnot as essential to the success of some other affair as it had oncebeen. He was not greeted as cordially as before, and he grimly wonderedhow many of his friends would stand true to the end. The uncertaintymade him turn more and more often to the unquestioned loyalty of PeggyGray, and her little library saw him more frequently than for months.

  Much as he had dreaded the pretentious and resplendent ball, it wasuseful to him in one way at least. The "profit" side of his ledgeraccount was enlarged and in that there was room for secretsatisfaction. The Viennese orchestra straggled into New York, headed byElon Gardner, a physical wreck, in time to make a harmonious farewellappearance behind Brewster's palms, which caused his guests to wonderwhy the American public could not appreciate the real thing. A carefulsumming up of the expenses and receipts proved that the tour had been abonanza for Brewster. The net loss was a trifle more than $56,000. Whenthis story became known about town, everybody laughed pityingly, andpoor Gardner was almost in tears when he tried to explain the disasterto the man who lost the money. But Monty's sense of humor, singularlyenough, did not desert him on this trying occasion.

  Aesthetically the ball proved to be the talk of more than one season.Pettingill had justified his desire for authority and made a name whichwould last. He had taken matters into his own hands while Brewster wasin Florida, and changed the period from the Spain of Velasquez toFrance and Louis Quinze. After the cards were out he remembered, to hisconsternation, that the favors purchased for the Spanish ball would beentirely inappropriate for the French one. He wired Brewster at once ofthis misfortune, and was astonished at the nonchalance of his reply."But then Monty always was a good sort," he thought, with a glow ofaffection. The new plan was more costly than the old, for it was nosimple matter to build a Versailles suite at Sherry's. Pettingill wasno imitator, but he created an effect which was superbly in keepingwith the period he had chosen. Against it the rich costumes, with theiraccompaniment of wigs and powdered hair, shone out resplendent. Withgreat difficulty the artist had secured for Monty a costume in whitesatin and gold brocade, which might once have adorned the person ofLouis himself. It made him feel like a popinjay, and it was withinfinite relief that he took it off an hour or so after dawn. He knewthat things had gone well, that even Mrs. Dan was satisfied; but thewhole affair made him heartsick. Behind the compliments lavished uponhim he detected a note of irony, which revealed the laughter that wenton behind his back. He had not realized how much it would hurt. "Fortwo cents," he thought, "I'd give up the game and be satisfied withwhat's left." But he reflected that such a course would offer no chanceto redeem himself. Once again he took up the challenge and determinedto win out. "Then," he thought exultantly, "I'll make them feel this abit."

  He longed for the time when he could take his few friends with him andsail away to the Mediterranean to escape the eyes and tongues of NewYork. Impatiently he urged Harrison to complete the arrangements, sothat they could start at once. But Harrison's face was not untroubledwhen he made his report. All the preliminary details had beenperfected. He had taken the "Flitter" for four months, and it was beingoverhauled and put into condition for the voyage. It had been Brown'sspecial pride, but at his death it went to heirs who were ready andeager to rent it to the highest bidder. It would not have been easy tofind a handsomer yacht in New York waters. A picked crew of fifty menwere under command of Captain Abner Perry. The steward was a famousmanager and could be relied upon to stock the larder in princelyfashion. The boat would be in readiness to sail by the tenth of April.

  "I think you are going in too heavily, Monty," protested Harrison,twisting his fingers nervously. "I can't for my life figure how you canget out for less than a fortune, if we do everything you have in mind.Wouldn't it be better to pull up a bit? This looks like sheer madness.You won't have a dollar, Monty--honestly you won't."

  "It's not in me to save money, Nopper, but if you can pull out a fewdollars for yourself I shall not object."

  "You told me that once before, Monty," said Harrison, as he walked tothe window. When he resolutely turned back again to Brewster his facewas white, but there was a look of determination around the mouth.

  "Monty, I've got to give up this job," he said, huskily. Brewsterlooked up quickly.

  "What do you mean, Nopper?"

  "I've got to leave, that's all," said Harrison, standing stiff andstraight and looking over Brewster's head.

  "Good Lord, Nopper, I can't have that. You must not desert the ship.What's the matter, old chap? You're as white as a ghost. What is it?"Monty was standing now and his hands were on Harrison's shoulders, butbefore the intensity of his look, his friend's eyes fell helplessly.

  "The truth is, Monty, I've taken some of your money and I've lost it.That's the reason I--I can't stay on. I have betrayed your confidence."

  "Tell me about it," and Monty was perhaps more uncomfortable than hisfriend. "I don't understand."

  "You believed too much in me, Monty. You see, I thought I was doing youa favor. You were spending so much and getting nothing in return, and Ithought I saw a chance to help you out. It went wrong, that's all, andbefore I could let go of the stock sixty thousand dollars of your moneyhad gone. I can't replace it yet. But God knows I didn't mean to steal."

  "It's all right, Nopper. I see that you thought you were helping me.The money's gone and that ends it. Don't take it so hard, old boy."

  "I knew you'd act this way, but it doesn't help matters. Some day I maybe able to pay back the money I took, and I'm going to work until I do."

  Brewster protested that he had no use for the money and begged him toretain the position of trust he had held. But Harrison had too muchself-respect to care to be confronted daily with the man he hadwronged. Gradually Monty realized that "Nopper" was pursuing the mostmanly course open to him, and gave up the effort to dissuade him. Heinsisted upon leaving New York, as there was no opportunity to redeemhimself in the metropolis.

  "I've made up my mind, Monty, to go out w
est, up in the mountainsperhaps. There's no telling, I may stumble on a gold mine upthere--and--well, that seems to be the only chance I have to restorewhat I have taken from you."

  "By Jove, Nopper, I have it!" cried Monty. "If you must go, I'll stakeyou in the hunt for gold."

  In the end "Nopper" consented to follow Brewster's advice, and it wasagreed that they should share equally all that resulted from hisprospecting tour. Brewster "grub-staked" him for a year, and before theend of the week a new tenderfoot was on his way to the Rocky Mountains.