Read Brilliant Stories - One Minute Reads (OMR) Page 4

instinct. Bundy had a premonition about certain things. A ping went off in the back of his head to throw a signal of something was not right.

  Evidence of each scene was shown to Bundy and he acknowledged how weird these murders were to others he’d investigated. There had to be an explanation?

  Detective Superintendent Emerson suggested these murders happened on a full moon of three day duration. There was one full moon left before the next cycle. She suggested they set a trap on the third night to find the killer at the same park as the other two victims were murdered. Bundy agreed.

  All was set, Bundy and Detective Superintendent Emerson hid in the bushes to watch for any action. Suddenly Detective Superintendent Emerson’s complexion changed from a human being into a were wolf type person, her fingers changed to claws, hair sprouted over her body, her face changed into a monster.

  Bundy drew his firearm when he saw this transformation, aimed his pistol at Detective Superintendent Emerson who cried out ‘you think you’re going to shoot me – take a ghoul like me, will you’, as bullets filled her body, she fell to the ground never to murder again.

  Word count: 461

  The Horizon

  This is a story of an under achiever. He didn’t know he was an under achiever because he couldn’t see the horizon or direction of where to go to complete his journey. He was lost in a forest of doubt.

  From an early age, his life was taunted by being constantly told he was an ‘idiot’ and ‘worthless’. A school teacher once told him, ‘if you had another brain, it’d be lonely.’ He never understood why these people discredited him.

  These taunts were like a heavy weight pushing his self-esteem to as low as it could go. He saw no escape. In return he acted as if he was an ‘idiot’, his reason he didn’t know; but thought if people thought he was an idiot, he would fulfil their desires.

  Throughout his schooling years he struggled until he commenced work. One day the Leading Hand gave him a job to complete. This task he did to the best of his ability and resulted in the Leading Hand acknowledging the good work by presenting him with an award.

  He showed his father the award and wanted his father to feel proud of what he’d achieved. Unfortunately his father laughed and said, ‘look you’re an idiot. Where did they get this – out of a corn flake packet?’

  Life went on and many years later this lad wanted to join the police. Ever since he could remember from the age of four years old he wanted to be a law enforcement officer. After two attempts, he succeeded.

  Fixed in his mind, the old record of ‘him being an idiot’ surfaced. Constantly he fought these demons and eventually went on to become a detective.

  After a serious investigation, his Boss expressed his appreciation on carrying out such an important investigation. He didn’t know how to receive this accolade because he felt he was an ‘idiot’ and ‘worthless’ and how could he be recognized for valour.

  Life continued and after many years still continued to live in the forest of doubt until one day he acknowledged to himself he was not an idiot or worthless and would do his best to reach his horizon of success.

  It took many years of hard work, at the same time he kept his eye on the ball reaching for the horizon of success. He continues to this day without the constant reminded he was an ‘idiot’. His motto – Never Give Up!

  Word count: 408

  Rear – Sets and Clips – Ons

  ‘How many fatal motor cycle accidents do we have on our roads?’ Minister for Transport asked the Police Commissioner at their morning briefing.

  ‘Almost five hundred per year, Minister.’ The Police Commissioner reported.

  ‘Isn’t there anyway we can stop or reduce these fatal road accidents from happening?’ The Minister asked.

  ‘There could be a way to reduce the fatalities.’ The Police Commissioner expressed.

  ‘Then how?’ Minister replied.

  ‘Speed is a contributing factor, and don’t kid yourself, if you race motorcycles, more than likely they will crash.’ The Police Commissioner advised.

  ‘Well, what do we do to stop them racing and crashing.’ The Minister wanted to know.

  ‘We could introduce Rear – Sets and Clip – Ons.’ The Police Commissioner expressed.

  ‘Alright, tell me about these Rear – Sets and Clip – Ons.’ Minister inquired.

  ‘There are things you can do to try to minimize damage to the rider and pillion passenger during a crash. We’ve found the easiest way to try to minimize crash damage to the bike is by replacing the stock handlebars with clip-ons with replaceable bars, replacing the stock folding footpegs and mounts with rearsets and solid footpegs, and installing frame savers.’ The Police Commissioner explained.

  ‘Well, then I’ll pass a law in parliament to have these things carried out immediately.’ The Minister implied.

  ‘There are a couple of ways that clip-ons work.

  Handlebars basically consist of aluminium tubes and clamps to hold them into the forks, can help in a crash. They are longer than a stock handlebar and can be adjusted to hold the upper part of the bike off the ground when the bike is on its side.’ The Police Commissioner reiterated. He spoke as if he knew much about these Rear – Sets and Clip – Ons.

  ‘How do you know so much about this subject?’ The Minister asked.

  ‘Ah, I have them on my race bikes and I know they save lives.’ He expressed.

  ‘If you say its okay, Police Commissioner, I will take it to Cabinet to pass the law that all motorcycles in Queensland immediately have these Rear – Sets and Clip – Ons on all motorcycles.’ The Minister said.

  ‘Thank you Minister.’ The Police Commissioner replied and thought, ‘corruption is not over.’

  Word count: 373

  You Are As Young As You Feel

  At times I feel as though I’m a teenager. An example was falling in love at fifty-six years of age. This definitely made me think I felt like a teenager again.

  My wife of thirty-one years lost her fight with cancer and two years later I met and fell in love with another woman who came into my life. I never in my wildest dreams would have thought it possible. I honestly thought I was destined to be a widower for the remainder of my life.

  Love made me feel young and alive. In fact before I met this new person I felt my life was sliding quickly down a dark hole. I saw no future with another person. It was tough to go through the process of grief, sorrow and loss of the love of your life.

  When this event happened, falling in love again, I mean, my heart swelled so much it almost burst from my chest. This feeling carried me back in years to when I first fell in love with my wife.

  Although I was twenty-three years old and she was nineteen, the first time I saw her was ‘love at first sight’. My mother always told me, ‘you’ll know when the right one comes along,’ and her words rung true.

  For the following thirty-two years we loved each other very deeply – it hurt to think we’d ever be separated.

  Unfortunately life has many bends and turns and at the age of fifty years old she lost her fight with cancer and departed from my life.

  Through this period I felt old and haggard, with no motivation toward life and the future. I struggled to keep going. I felt old.

  I’m unaware if there is a God however, there must be a higher power more forceful than us human beings. You see, I needed to ‘get out and meet people’ and on one of my weekly visits to the local café on a Friday morning to have coffee; I met this wonderful warm person who recently lost her husband.

  Obviously it must have been fate we met because as soon as I saw her face and heard her voice, my mind flashed back to when I first met my wife all those years ago.

  At the end of next month will give us seven years together. I honestly feel I could live on forever and I feel young again, not in mid-sixties but more in mid-thirties. I have much to live for and enjoy each moment of the time I have left.

  Word count: 435

rs & Nurses

  I want to share with you a story from my personal experiences about doctors and nurses. You see, if I didn’t have a doctor examine me at a particular time in my life, I wouldn’t be here to tell you this tale.

  My life was running along quite well, when suddenly my chest filled with fluid and I felt light headed. After awhile I regained my posture and thought no more about what had happened only ten minutes before.

  Later in the afternoon after this experience I decided to visit a doctor to see if everything was still working the way it should have been. At the time I considered I didn’t need a doctor and it was only at the persistence of my wife, I made the visit.

  In his surgery I didn’t know what to tell him when he asked ‘what my problem was’. I lifted my shirt and he placed his stethoscope on my chest around the region of my heart. His face changed to concern at the same time moving his stethoscope further around the chest region.

  ‘What’s wrong?’ I said in an alarmed voice.

  ‘I can’t hear your heart beat.’ He answered.

  I’d been told many times I didn’t have a heart but when a doctor tells you, it is time to listen and forget about those remarks made by others.

  ‘You’re to go directly to hospital – to the emergency department.’ Were his final words before I was whisked out of his surgery and driven to the hospital by my wife?

  At the hospital nurses took over, plugging me into a machine. Another doctor stuck a needle into the back of my hand and extracted blood like a vampire. I had no idea what