Read Broadway Lights Page 13

  "D it is then," Austin pulls me over to the backdrop. He wraps my hands around his waist and then he wraps his hands around mine. We stand nose to nose. "Make that two Ds. We want two poses." He winks at me and the photographer gets ready to shoot.


  For once, I don't mind the flash at all.

  * * *

  After we've danced to "Love Story," "Say," and "The Climb," it's time to take a break from the dance floor. Austin grabs us two glasses of punch and we sit down at our table. Only Rob and Allison are sitting there and they're deep in conversation so I don't interrupt.

  Clark Hall went all out for the decorations. Allison and Beth were on the committee and they made sure the place felt less like a boring windowless conference room, and more like a tropical paradise. There are fake palm trees covered in little white lights dotting the corners of the room. Blue streamers cover the ceiling and the strings hang over the dance floor (Beth told me they were trying to go for that under-the-sea feel), hitting the tops of some of the guys' heads. There are grass leis covering the food and drink area and the DJ is wearing a coconut-covered hat while he spins. On every wall is a mural of the tropics from the classic setting sun on the sand to a look at the ocean floor complete with scuba divers. (Pictures of Principal P. and Mr. Hanson hang where the scuba faces should be, which is pretty funny.)

  Looking around the room, I see a lot of familiar faces: Austin's teammates, Allison's and Beth's friends, even my enemies--Lori and Jess, who tortured me when I was enrolled here, smile huge and wave every time I turn their way. I manage a small smile, which takes a lot of effort.

  "So tomorrow we're hiking up to the Hollywood sign, then having lunch at Slice of Heaven again, then we're meeting with Seth for coffee, swimming at my house, and going out to dinner in Santa Monica," I tell Austin.

  "Is that all?" Austin replies with a wry grin.

  Being with Austin makes me feel like I never left. We have no trouble with conversation when we're together. It's the phone that is a major problem.

  "Is that too much?" I twirl a heavily hair-sprayed lock innocently.

  "Absolutely not," he says and offers me a bite of coconut cake. "You are going to love the hike to the Hollywood sign." Austin smiles, excited. "A bunch of us did it two weeks ago and the view was amazing."

  "I didn't know you hiked it already." I frown. Our plan was to do it together.

  "Didn't I tell you?" Austin asks. "It was the day after the meet against Southside. If we won, Coach said we could have the next practice off and do the hike, remember?"

  "No." I shake my head. I didn't even know he had the meet against Southside. The guys have been riled up about them all year. They're number one in their division. "Maybe I forgot," I lie. I would have been all over the Southside meet if I had known. Then again, it's not like Austin has asked me yet about play rehearsals. He knows how worked up I am about Riley and performing live. Doesn't he? I know I told him how anxious I am about doing a good job. At least I think he knows. "Between rehearsals, meetings, SNL stuff, and my quest to find the perfect cupcake, I'm beat."

  "I thought you were waiting for me to try some of the cupcake places," Austin points out. "I just read about one called Buttercup."

  "Never heard of it." I look at the packed dance floor. "I've only tried a handful of others. They're my sanity savers. That and Shake Shack."

  Austin groans. "Burke, we were supposed to go there together too."

  I'm surprised. I so don't remember that. "I'm sorry," I apologize. "I went with Sky the other day after she had this meltdown about her show getting axed."

  "How is team SKAT?" Austin's mouth twitches.

  "You've heard the nickname too?" I marvel.

  "Hayley told me," Austin admits. "I didn't realize you two were around each other enough to warrant a joint name." Austin keeps getting more and more surprised. "I thought she left after that charity kissing booth thing you did. You know, the one where you kissed Dylan." He gives me the strangest look.

  I blush. "She stayed in town. I told you."

  "I think I would have remembered you talking about Sky." The two of us stare at each other.

  I guess we haven't talked all that much since I've been away. It's not all my fault. I call all the time. I think about blaming the time change again, but I can't blame that for everything. Things feel tense for a moment, but I shake it off. "I guess we do have a lot of catching up to do." I smile. "We can do it this weekend."

  "Are you sure we'll have time with everything else you crammed in?" Austin jokes, although I'm still a little stung.

  "Don't forget we're also viewing our favorite Clone Wars episodes," I remind him and he laughs. Yes, the series is technically a cartoon, but Austin and I both agree it is far superior to Star Wars: Episodes I, II, and III. The only thing that makes me sad when I watch them is how much I like Anakin. It's like in Wicked--I so don't want Elphaba to be the "bad" girl. I don't want Anakin to become Vader either.

  "I've been TiVo'ing them for you." Austin livens up. "I even waited to watch the last three so I can't give anything away." Oops. Were we supposed to wait? I think I watched the last one with Matty. I'll keep that to myself too.

  "So, Kates, are you going to come to Texas and see us play this summer?" Rob yells across the table.

  "Absolutely." I grin, relieved for the interruption. "I hope you guys have some games on a Monday. I can't get off any other day of the week."

  "I'm sure we do." Rob combs a hand through his long brown hair. "We have about half a dozen games a week. Practices for six hours a day in that sticky Texas heat. Man, I don't know how we're going to do it all and still impress the scouts."

  "You'll manage." Austin gives him a huge smile and puts his wing tips up on an empty chair, going adorably boyish at the talk of camp. "This guy has more stamina than anyone."

  "Thank God you two are roommates," Allison says more to me than to the boys. "You can keep each other in check. I don't want either of you passing out on some muddy field from heat exhaustion."

  "Can that happen?" I worry.

  "Nah, they have us practicing early and then very late in the afternoon," Austin promises. "During the heat of the day we're off. "

  Good. The last thing I want to think about is Austin being hurt and me not being able to get to him. He's always been able to get to me.

  "The girls can't handle the fire so they have to go easier on us guys too," Rob says with a slight roll of his eyes, making Allison nudge him. "Sorry! But it's true. If it was an all-guys camp, they'd have us out there all day and night. Toughen us up. They're afraid the girls will faint."

  "I had no idea you were such a Neanderthal." Allison sounds more than a little annoyed, but I've zoned in on another detail.

  "Girls?" I ask no one in particular. "Did you say 'girls'?"

  "Yeah, Burke. It's a coed camp," Austin explains. "Didn't you know that?"

  "No." I shake my head slowly. Ugh, I can't believe we're back to this.

  "I know I told you," Austin insists, but he looks slightly confused. "Didn't I?"

  "I think I would have remembered if you told me the camp was coed." I keep my voice light, but it's hard to keep the edge out. Austin definitely notices.

  "Maybe it was during the same conversation that you told me you had kissed other guys at the charity event," Austin says smoothly. I notice Allison raise her eyebrows.

  God, does he have to keep bringing that up? It was a charity event! I glare at him.

  "The camp is completely coed," Rob says, oblivious to the tension. "They've got coed dorms, coed eating areas, field trips. If I had known, I would have had us pick a different camp, man."

  "Do you have a problem with girls playing lacrosse, Murray?" Allison snaps.

  The two start to have a heated discussion, but I tune them out. "Coed dorms?" I exclaim. Are they crazy?

  "Burke," Austin says, softening a bit and grabbing for my hand. "This camp was the best one around. Coach picked it for us bec
ause scouts attend it more than any of the others in the area. Some of these guys have gotten scholarship offers right there on the field. It's a great opportunity."

  "I know." I sigh, even though all I can do now is picture girls swarming to Austin's room. How could they not? Look at him! And I'm going to be hundreds of miles away. No, thousands! I think.

  "SPARE ME!" I hear Allison's voice rise over the music, interrupting us both. She throws back her chair and stomps off.

  "Al! Allie, wait!" Rob begs and hurries off after her.

  Whoa. I do not want our night to end like that. I have too little time here to get into an argument over this. And besides, Austin's right. He trusts me, I trust him. Everything will be fine. There are girls here at school and I've never worried about that. I'm being paranoid because we're so far apart, and that's silly because it's not like Austin is worried with me being in New York. I can be big here. "I'm sorry about the kissing booth," I tell him gently.

  "And I'm sorry I didn't tell you the camp was coed--even though I swear I did." Austin puts his arm around me and pulls me close. I can feel his heart beating. "Not that it matters, Burke." He touches my chin. "You know I only have eyes for you."

  "Same here," I agree, and we kiss. Again.

  "You'll see how fast the time goes," Austin says when we finally pull apart. "I'll be in New York in two weeks for your premiere and then you'll get to Texas to see me and before you know it, we'll both be home."

  "You're right. It's only a few... months." I gulp. Geez. We still have two months to go. This separation feels too long already.

  "Exactly," Austin says cheerily. "Ready to get back out there?" he asks as we hear Ne-Yo pump through the loudspeaker. I nod and then he takes my hand and spins me back onto the dance floor.

  Friday, June 19


  Have Nadine ck A's lacrosse camp enrollment. How many girls??!!

  Meet A at 9:15 AM.

  Seth at 2:30 PM.

  Flight back to NYC: Sun. 10AM.

  Mtg. @ SNL: Mon. 3 PM.

  KAITLIN'S SCHEDULE--Week of June 15th

  FUTUREPREZ: Kates, UR schedule is PACKED this week so I've put together this itinerary. Print a few copies--1 4 car, 1 4 dressing room, 1 4 home. I will have extras. Driver has copy 4 addresses. Hope it helps!--N


  10 AM--Rehearsal for play

  3 PM--Meeting for SNL. 17th Floor, 30 Rockefeller Center, Lorne Michaels's office. Discuss your thoughts for the show and any skit ideas

  5 PM--Your mom's charity dinner at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden (I know, I know, you don't want to go. I don't think you have a choice!) Private event so give your name at the gate.

  ***NOTE: Liz is officially an NYC girl now. She'll be unpacking all day, but she wants to meet up for dinner. Place TBA. She'll call you.


  10 AM--Rehearsal for play

  2 PM--Photo shoot for play coverage

  3:30 PM--Interview with Dylan and Riley for Seventeen

  5 PM--Fittings for SNL followed by photo shoot for SNL.


  10 AM--Rehearsal for play

  2 PM--SNL weekly read-through (Audition for skit ideas that were greenlit on Monday. Warning: meeting could last up to three and a half hours. You will then meet with the writers and the producers to discuss which skits will be used going forward.)


  9AM--EARLY! Rehearsal for play

  1 PM--SNL rehearsal for larger skits followed by shooting promos (approx. 2 to 4) to air for SNL prior to recording. (LONG REHEARSAL)

  9:45 PM--Interview with Playbill for Meeting of the Minds followed by interviews with People, Entertainment Weekly, and Teen Vogue (that interview will be done with Sky for SNL).


  10 AM--Rehearsal for play

  2 PM--SNL Blocking--aka where you'll be standing, etc., in each skit followed by more rehearsal

  7 PM--Photo shoot for Teen Vogue with Sky (*Time could change if your rehearsal runs long for SNL)


  10 AM--SNL run-through

  4 PM--Arrive back at SNL for final prep, last costume fittings

  7:45 PM--Dress Rehearsal for SNL, Studio 8H, followed by brief meeting with Lorne Michaels to see final skit run-through

  11:35 PM--Live Show

  2 AM--SNL after-party. McCormick & Schmick's Seafood Restaurant.


  Rest! Yay!

  EIGHT: Live from New York, It's Saturday Night!

  SKY'S CELL: K!!!!!! Where R U??????????

  KAITLIN to SKY'S CELL: In a fitting. WHY????

  SKY'S CELL: Spoke 2 PR. Thought it would be cool 2 tweet during the live SNL broadcast tonite. What do U think?

  KAITLIN to SKY'S CELL: We have like 2.5 secs 2 change hair/costume/makeup. How R U going 2 do that?

  SKY'S CELL: Trust me. I can.

  LIZ'S CELL: Kates, I M on my way! How R U holding up?

  KAITLIN to LIZ'S CELL: Good! Thx. How did project go?

  SKY'S CELL: Getting coffee. Need?

  KAITLIN to SKY'S CELL: Yes, please, double shot of espresso.

  LIZ'S CELL: GROAN! So tough. Spent 4 hrs. in Washington Sq Pk trying 2 get perfect 1-min. footage of pigeons being pigeons. SO WEIRD.

  KAITLIN to LIZ'S CELL: I'm sure URs will be GR8!

  AUSTIN'S CELL: Hey you. Just touched down. Ready 4 2nite?

  KAITLIN to AUSTIN'S CELL: HEY!!! There U R! Tried U all morning, last night too. Glad U R on the ground. Getting ready. Nervous. Excited.

  SKY'S CELL: Got U X-LG coffee. 2 shots espresso. Will pass 2 Rodney.

  MOM'S CELL: Kate-Kate, Matty wants 2 come backstage. How do we do that?

  KAITLIN to MOM'S CELL: Send him 2 security. Ask 4 Rodney.

  AUSTIN'S CELL: Sorry. So busy. Last minute stuff. Crazy week. Sorry didn't check on U more. U will rock.

  KAITLIN to AUSTIN'S CELL: Yeah, busy week 4 me 2. Real busy! Still tried 2 call U...

  AUSTIN'S CELL: I left U 2 messages 2...

  KAITLIN to AUSTIN'S CELL: Sorry. Just stressed. Miss you, that's all.

  AUSTIN'S CELL: Miss you 2.

  DAD'S CELL: Kaitlin, this is Dad. Mom upset. Security won't let Matty through. Can you come out and talk to them? I'm sure you're busy, but Mom is worried that she is being, and I quote, "disrespected in a way a host's mother should not be disrespected." I'm not sure what to END MESSAGE

  LIZ'S CELL: And Suz, this girl in class, was there doing it at the same time and I was so nervous we would have the same footage.

  AUSTIN'S CELL: Miss U 2. Will talk 2 U before U go on.

  LIZ'S CELL: U'd think they'd give us all different assignments? No?

  MOM'S CELL: SO RUDE! Security said to wait outside. I said, "Do you treat Justin Timberlake's mom this way?!" Tried to stop Andy Samberg, but he looked at me like I was crazy! I don't like his attitude, Kaitlin. I hope you're not doing a skit with him.

  DAD'S CELL: Dad again. Sent last message too early. Mom is getting a little wild. Waving her arms madly, upset. Can you come out here? PLEASE.

  MATTY'S CELL: K, need 2 get backstage!!! MOM IS EMBARRASSING ME! SAVE ME!

  SKY'S CELL: K, don't like wig 4 skittles #. Come down here so we can change it.

  LIZ'S CELL: I would have done cockroaches if I could, U know?

  AUSTIN'S CELL: UR hard to reach so in case I don't talk to U later, Love U. Knock them dead.

  KAITLIN to SKY'S CELL: Love U 2!! Thx 4 being here 4 me.


  KAITLIN to ALL: Oops. Sorry. Crazy message meant 4 Sky. All others ignore. 2 much texting @ once.

  "What was that message about?" Sky yells as she barrels into my fitting 2.3 seconds later. She looks ridiculous--which is what we're going for--in an oversized Skittles bag with just her long legs sticking out. Her hair is classic Ava in a big, blond bouncy curls way. She taps her ye
llow tights and black tap-shoed foot in aggravation. "You love me? Um, eww!"

  I burst out laughing. "I'm sorry. It's just I've never been screamed at by a monster-size bag of candy before." Clara, the seamstress crouched at my feet who is finishing my own Skittles costume, can't help but giggle.

  "Do you think you look any better over there?" A small smile escapes Sky's lips despite the obviously annoyed tone of her voice. When she walks over and her cellophane wrapper crinkles as she moves, I lose it completely. Tears are running down my face. "Stop! You'll ruin your makeup!" Sky barks.

  "Sorry." I wipe my eyes. "You just look so funny. You are the last person I ever thought I would see looking like this." Sky crosses her arms. Or at least tries to, but her costume is too bulky for her to reach the whole way. "Okay, I'll stop. But as for your original question, no, I don't love you. That text was meant for Austin."

  "That's a relief. " Sky gives me a strange look. "I mean, I know I'm awesome and you've been having a lot of fun with me in New York, but that's not the way I roll."

  I roll my eyes at her. "It was too much at once. Everyone was texting me, I got annoyed with Austin, and my mom was flipping out about not getting backstage. I freaked."

  "Your mom is taken care of. " Sky waves me off. "I saw her on my way over here and made them let Matty in. She was really grateful. Although I think your brother and father may have been more so, just to get her out of their hair." Sky plays with her wig, pulling strands slowly. "I did, however, maybe, just sort of, leave Liz out there and claim I didn't know her."

  Thankfully Clara has finished her work, because I dart forward with a sound like crumpled trash. It's going to be hard not to crack up every time I move in this costume. "Sky! Why did you have to do that?" I ask, annoyed, and she follows after me as I head down the hall, the two of us crinkling and crackling as we go.

  "Because it's fun." Sky shrugs her hidden shoulders with a crumpling sound.

  "Do you two have to torture each other?"

  "She's the one who purposefully ordered me chicken and broccoli for dinner from Yummy Noodles last night when I distinctly said tofu and broccoli." Sky sniffs. "Do you have any idea what the meat could have done to my delicate digestive system?"

  "Kaitlin?" Parker, one of the pages working on the show, comes running up to me. "I saw Liz outside and let her in early to go to her seat. She has tickets for the dress rehearsal and the live show, right?"