Read Broken Page 17

  ‘It’s a manoeuvre police use sometimes, and if it goes to plan the Bugatti will end up sideways in front of us. And, while stationary, I will distract Mr Zavier, giving you time to help Jordan into the Lambo. Then the three of us take off and live happily ever after.’

  ‘Has this become a game to you?’

  Her sarcastic tone surprises me. Amber is never usually testy. ‘Of course not. I was just trying to keep it light.’

  ‘And if your scenario doesn’t play out right, what then?’

  ‘I don’t have a back-up plan . . . yet,’ I add quickly.

  We’re quiet for a few minutes while I navigate through a winding stretch of road.

  ‘Honey, you’ve really surprised me with how good a driver you are.’

  ‘Thanks, Amber. But . . .?’

  ‘Have you performed this manoeuvre before?’

  She knows I haven’t. As I open my mouth to answer, she lifts her hand. ‘I get it – you’re learning as you go.’

  ‘I won’t let Jordan get hurt. I physically can’t. I would throw myself in the line of fire every time for him.’

  ‘Yeah, yeah, I get it, the G Bond.’ Her uncharacteristic sarcasm is starting to worry me. ‘But have you noticed we’re on a steep, narrow, windy road and you’re driving unbelievably fast?’ She glares at me. ‘Jordan is in the car you plan to make crash, you know!’

  ‘Are we fighting, like . . . now?’

  ‘I don’t know!’ she screams, and covers her face with her hands.

  I notice then how much they’re shaking. Shit.

  ‘Amber, the manoeuvre is what I’m saying sorry for,’ I tell her gently. ‘Are you going to be OK? Do you want me to turn around and take you home?’

  She lowers her hands, revealing red teary eyes. ‘You would do that? Even with your bond and everything?’

  I don’t have to think about that for long. Amber is like my sister. We’ve been friends all our lives. ‘Yeah, I would.’

  She folds her hands in her lap. ‘OK.’

  ‘OK, what?’

  ‘Keep going.’

  ‘Will you be OK?’’

  ‘Yeah, I’ll be fine.’

  ‘Are we still good?’

  ‘Of course we are.’ Peering ahead, she gets back to keeping watch, murmuring under her breath, ‘God help us all.’

  A straight stretch of road gives me the chance to overtake the sedan. To distract Amber I keep her talking while I increase the car’s torque and shift into the oncoming lane, ‘You know, once I’m living in Avena, the bond won’t have the same power over Jordan.’

  She glances sideways. ‘Really?’

  ‘Really. So my leaving Earth is going to bring some good things too. You wait and see.’ Smoothly, I accelerate past the silver sedan and slip back into the appropriate driving lane. Now there’s nothing between Mr Zavier’s car and mine.

  ‘You sound more accepting of your angelic roots today, even of your move to Avena.’

  ‘I don’t want to leave, but it’s important for Nathaneal that I do. It will be hard, though, especially if Mum and Dad are not found by then. I can’t stand the thought of being so far from them when they return. They’ll think I abandoned them for my “real” family.’ I glance at her and ask, ‘If it happens that way, will you make sure to let them know how much I missed them, worried about them, love them?’

  She nods and gives me a watery smile. ‘Of course. But you’re not going away for a long time yet.’

  ‘I would like to finish school here.’

  ‘That would be great.’

  A thought suddenly occurs. ‘I know where Mr Zavier’s taking Jordan.’

  She looks at me, confused. ‘Where?’

  ‘The portal!’ Still wearing a blank look, I explain, ‘You know, the entrance to the Crossing, deep inside Mount Bungarra’s forest.’

  ‘Why would Mr Zavier take Jordan to the portal?’

  ‘The Crossing is the only way back to Skade or Avena. And there are only two portals to access it. One is up there.’ I point to the northern ridge tip, which is just becoming visible. ‘The Brothers built their monastery there, setting the Watchtower on the highest point so they could keep an eye on any angelic or demonic activity.’

  ‘So where’s the other portal?’

  ‘Alaska. There’s a community of dark angels that live there and keep it safe for Prince Luca and his kind to come and go. It’s where Luca and his elite force of twelve Prodigies made their entrance last time he came to Earth.’

  ‘I remember how all the birds of the world flew in the opposite direction.’

  ‘And freaked your mum out.’

  ‘Not just Mum! Do you remember how Dad went looking for his last will and testament?’

  I smile at the memory, though at the time no one was laughing.

  ‘So what happens if Mr Zavier manages to take Jordan into the Crossing?’ Amber asks. ‘Can we go in after them?’

  ‘Not without wings. The landscape moves around too much. According to Nathaneal, when you enter the portal, you only get a glimpse to prepare yourself, not enough time for a human mind to make the decision whether to stay or go. That’s why we have to stop Mr Zavier before they reach the summit. It will be much harder to escape once we’re on the ridge because it’s too close to the portal.’

  By now Mr Zavier is aware I’m behind him and closing in fast. He exerts more power and takes off, flames shooting from his exhausts.

  It’s time to take charge and do this my way.

  I catch up to his tail, then fall back a little as we take a sharp bend. Once clear, I move up again and brace myself for action. There’s a waterfall coming up just past the next hill with a pull-over bay for tourists who want to stop and take photos. The wider roadway will help make this manoeuvre a little safer. I keep close behind the Bugatti while we climb.

  At the top of the hill the road sweeps sharply into a right angle. We both go round screeching sideways. When I exit the curve, I’m relieved to see the road ahead is clear of oncoming traffic. I depress the power button Jordan used when the dark forces chased us home from Mr Zavier’s house, the button Nathaneal told him was for emergencies only.

  ‘Shi-i-i-it!’ Amber cries out as the Lambo projects forward like a jet on take-off.

  ‘Hold tight, Amber.’

  ‘Oh, I am!’

  Mindful of the high speed we’re both going, and with the waterfall now in my sights, I shift into the oncoming lane and hold the wheel as steady as I can. Then, when my front tyres are parallel with the Bugatti’s rear ones, I turn the wheel towards the green car, tapping it gently with the Lambo’s front passenger end, then swiftly drop back.

  Instantly, the Bugatti spins across the road in front of us. It’s almost a perfect move, except I didn’t take into account the soapy effect that the waterfall spray would have on the road. The Bugatti hits the slippery stretch and slides all the way across the other side, its rear end hitting the guard rail meant to stop vehicles from dropping down an incredibly steep cliff.

  My heart stops.

  Amber screams relentlessly.

  I pull over, and we watch in horror as Mr Zavier tries but fails to gain control of his vehicle. The Bugatti pings off the guard rail, leaving a deep V dent in the centre, but mercifully it holds. The small green car then careers back across the water-sprayed road, spinning in a full circle twice before crashing head first into a rocky pond at the waterfall’s baseline, leaving its front wheels spinning in air.

  ‘I know this looks bad, Amber, but we still have to do what we came for. I’m not sure how, but you have to get Jordan out of that car and into this one. Go! Hurry!’

  I jump out too, but before I take off I notice the silver sedan pulling up behind us. Oh no, helpful civilians I could do without right now.

  The couple start running to the crash. I run in front of them, lifting both of my hands into the air. ‘Stop. Stop! If you value your lives you will both turn round, get in your car and drive away without looking

  ‘What? Why?’ the man asks, looking past me.

  The woman says, ‘I’m a nurse. We can help.’

  I glance over my shoulder and see Mr Zavier getting out. He slams the door and thumps the roof, denting it. He’s looking for me, his face screwed up, his body language stiff and full of rage. ‘See that man? I know him. He’s dangerous and will hurt you if you get in his way.’

  The man stares at me like I’m insane, but the woman reaches out, one hand touching her partner’s arm, the other circling her lower belly. While there is no rise or swelling yet, her instincts are to protect her growing family. ‘Come on, Kyle,’ she says, flicking her head towards their car.

  ‘Are you sure we can’t help?’ the man asks again.

  ‘The best you can do for me is to leave and warn anyone coming not to interfere.’

  ‘Can you handle that man alone? He looks kind of . . . crazed.’

  ‘I’m not alone. There are three of us. Only one of him.’

  Just then Mr Zavier decides to roar, whether to scare these innocent human beings away, or out of sheer frustration, I don’t know. But he sounds like a beast that belongs in a jungle.

  The couple retreat, and while jumping into their vehicle the man yells, ‘We’ll call for help!’

  When I turn back, I see that Amber has helped Jordan out of the car, their legs knee-deep in water. Jordan is limping with his hands chained together, right shoulder slumped and a whopping big bruise on the side of his face.

  A red haze appears before my eyes. I feel my anger beating like a drum at my ribs. Looking at me, his head shaking from side to side, Zavier says in conversational tone, ‘Why did you do that?’

  The haze deepens. ‘You hurt my Charge.’

  ‘Apparently not enough since he’s still walking,’ he says. ‘I should have dislocated his knees.’ And in a beat he’s standing before me.

  He lunges for my arms. I manage to block him, but his hold on my left wrist is so tight he’s cutting off my circulation. Reacting on instinct and my lessons with Nathaneal, I concentrate on shifting energy to the palm of my free hand, then shove it as hard as I can into Zavier’s face.

  He releases me instantly, yelling something foreign and probably quite foul. When he turns back, his nose is oozing blood from both nostrils. ‘Who taught you that little move, niece?’

  ‘Cut the crap and stay away from me. I don’t want to fight you. I’ve come for Jordan. That’s all.’

  He looks at me with pretend pity. ‘I’m sorry, my lady, but I can’t let you go. You see, my employer is waiting for you. And he’s not particularly patient. It’s my job to take you to him, and that is what I am going to do. So why don’t you come along quietly and I will consider letting your friends go.’

  My friends make it to the car.

  ‘Don’t listen to him, Ebony,’ Amber says.

  The red haze turns purple at the edges, and I’m sure this haze has to do with the energy I’m feeling pulsing inside me right now. I remember how I trashed the living room and brought down a chandelier.

  I squeeze my fingers into balls, imagining I’m holding poisonous darts.

  Reading his body language, I can tell Zavier is about to attack. He lifts into the air. In the split second before he lands on top of me, I fling my hands at him, imagining I’m releasing the darts at supersonic speed.

  Purple flashes of light fly from my fingers into his chest, flinging him backwards at least ten metres before he drops on to his back and slides a bit further away.

  Jordan whistles and cheers, annoying Amber, who is completely focused on getting him in the car. ‘Come on,’ she yells, lifting his injured leg inside before slamming the door closed after him. Then she yells at me, ‘Get in, honey!’ She jumps into the back seat. ‘Come on, come on!’

  I get the driver’s door open only to find Zavier already behind me. ‘You are not getting away from me this time,’ he says, pulling me back by the waist, and trying to wrap his arms round mine.

  I manage to keep one arm free, and kick him. But my legs feel weak and my foot only reaches his thigh when I was aiming for his head. I don’t know why I come up short, but I don’t like it.

  Amber climbs over Jordan into the driver’s seat and grabs my free arm. Zavier backhands her. She slumps, slithering downwards until her head comes to rest on the steering wheel.

  ‘What did you do to her?’ I feel the pulsing anger of my power build again, but the red haze is fuzzy and I can tell it’s not as strong as before.

  Zavier pulls me towards him far too easily. I latch on to the car door and grip it with every skerrick of willpower I have. Suddenly we hear sirens in the distance. They’re still a fair distance away, but there’s no doubt they’re coming here. The couple in the silver sedan must have alerted them.

  From the corner of my eye I see Jordan making his way round the front of the car, just beyond Zavier’s scope, his hands still in chains, and wincing silently with each step. I force myself not to look at him in case it gives his position away.

  I hold my breath as Jordan, who is now directly behind Zavier, raises his arms, and in one fluid movement brings the chain down across the angel’s neck, pulling it with as much strength as his injured human body can summon.

  I can tell right away that Zavier is too strong for Jordan. I need to help out, but to do that I will have to step further away from the car. Amber stirs and starts to come to. Relief gives me extra momentum, but before I use it the sky darkens overhead and my stomach sinks at the sight of twelve dark angels circling us like hawks zeroing in on their prey. I recognise Prince Luca’s Prodigies, the same team he brought with him from Skade the last time he tried to take me away with him.

  They touch down without making a sound.

  Interestingly, I notice how they’re all wearing black wrap-around sunglasses. This must be how they’re tolerating the intensity of the Earth’s bright sun. So how long have they been on Earth? I have a sudden terrifying thought that they’ve been here since Nathaneal’s battle three months ago.

  By now Zavier has flung Jordan’s chain off. Amber stumbles out and helps Jordan get back into the car, motioning to me to hurry.

  Meanwhile the soldier I recall being Luca’s lieutenant strides past Zavier with an arrogant look and turns to me. I’ve ended up a metre from the car door, a metre too far from the protection I need right now, and I start taking tentative steps towards it.

  The lieutenant smiles at me. It’s the lazy, lecherous look of a predator confident his prey has nowhere to run. I can only imagine the perversion his soul would reveal to me if he were not wearing block-out sunnies and I could look into his eyes.

  The sirens grow louder. It sparks the lieutenant into action, calling out four names and giving them orders to get rid of Zavier’s car and fix his mess. He then points to two other soldiers. ‘Ezekeal, Tobias, you take the boy. Now!’

  ‘Take?’ Zavier queries. ‘Saul, I have orders for the girl only.’

  ‘Your orders have changed,’ Lieutenant Saul says.

  Amber cries out, ‘Ebony, get in quickly.’

  But Amber doesn’t understand who these twelve angels are, nor what’s about to happen. As Ezekeal and Tobias reach into the car for Jordan, I swing round and make Amber look at me with one hand on either side of her face, stopping her from seeing Jordan being yanked out of the car and carried away. ‘Listen to me, Amber. Listen! You have to leave now.’

  She whimpers, ‘Why can’t you just get in?’

  I glance at the two dark angels lifting Jordan higher and higher into the sky. ‘They have taken Jordan. And they’re going to take me.’ Tears sting my eyes. ‘But I can’t risk them hurting you. I couldn’t bear it.’

  We smile grimly at each other as tears run down our faces. Behind me I hear Lieutenant Saul command another member of his team, ‘Sarakiel, you and I will take this one.’

  ‘Amber, I need you to go the monastery.’ Four arms start dragging me backwards. I call out to Am
ber, ‘Wait there for Gabriel. Tell him what’s happened.’

  She doesn’t move and I have to yell at her. ‘Go! Amber, go now!’

  I hear the engine click over and then the sweet sound of the Lambo reversing. Relieved she’s getting away unharmed, I spin round and start fighting. First I break their holds on me, shoving my assailants off with a kick to Sarakiel’s groin, and a well-aimed punch to Saul’s jaw.

  They fall back, their massive chests heaving. The lieutenant holds his hand out towards Zavier. ‘Did you bring it?’

  ‘Yes,’ Zavier says, ‘but, Saul, we don’t need it yet.’

  ‘Give it to me!’ the lieutenant commands, grumbling, ‘Obviously she hasn’t hammered you in the head yet.’

  ‘Ebony,’ Zavier calls, ignoring Lieutenant Saul’s command, ‘you’re a very smart girl. You can see that you’re not getting away today, can’t you?’

  ‘Where have you taken Jordan?’

  ‘Come with us calmly and I’ll take you to him.’

  How can he even think I would trust him now? ‘Tell you what, Zavier, you bring Jordan back here, now, and after I watch him leave I’ll go with you calmly.’

  He groans, shaking his head. The lieutenant folds his arms over his chest. ‘Now will you give it to me, Zavier?’

  Zavier remains quiet.

  ‘Give me the damn syringe!’

  ‘All right!’ Zavier snaps. ‘But I’ll do it.’

  ‘Wait!’ I start moving backwards. ‘What are you talking about?’ If I can distract them long enough for the police to arrive, maybe they will fly away so they are not seen.

  ‘What’s in the syringe, Zavier?’ I ask.

  He pulls out a hypodermic needle like the vets give to horses. ‘Just a sedative, my lady.’

  ‘Stop calling me that!’

  The sirens are so close now. I glance over my shoulder and spot two police cars with flashing blue lights tearing up the hill behind me. I turn and run in their direction. Obviously a stupid idea since these guys can all fly. Where are my wings when I need them? Two come down behind me, two directly in front. I aim my left foot into one angel’s face, knocking him backwards. I throw my right fist into another’s gut, misjudging my aim a little too high. He doubles over anyway so I must have hit a tender spot. I spin round to do the same to the two soldiers behind me, but more of them come down, and now they completely surround me.