Read Broken Page 24

  ‘Stop babbling! Tell me what Nathaneal was doing here.’


  ‘Excuse me?’

  ‘This is the part I didn’t want you to know.’

  ‘Go on.’

  ‘He came to Skade with a team of six, and . . . hasn’t left yet.’

  It starts to sink in. Nathaneal has been here all this time. It’s what Gabriel hinted at but wouldn’t tell me for weeks. I go over conversations I had with him and try to put together why Nathaneal came – is still – here. The Courts made him pay restitution for his crimes in the form of good works. They wanted him to regenerate a forest wiped out in a cosmic storm, but Nathaneal nominated his own form of restitution. He was to descend into an underground world beneath a . . . Oh! Oh! Oh no!

  ‘He’s looking for my parents, isn’t he?’

  Before Zavier confirms or denies this, I remember something troubling. ‘But you said my parents were stashed on an island that will explode at the slightest weight change. Is that why Nathaneal hasn’t returned to Earth? Did he . . . ? Has he . . . ? Zavier, is Nathaneal at the bottom of some bizarre underground ocean?’

  ‘Try not to worry, Ebony.’

  ‘Try not to worry! Are you insane?’ My head begins to ache. This can’t be happening. While I’ve been safe at home, snug in my bed, complaining about everything, Nathaneal has been in a horrible place searching for my mum and dad. My mum and dad!

  ‘Where is he?’ I glance at the Gatekeepers. ‘Do they know?’ I start to run over, but Zavier drags me back with a stern warning in his eyes and a brief glance at our three guards, who follow every step I make with their eyes.

  ‘If the Gatekeepers know anything,’ he says, ‘they’re not going to tell you.’

  Meanwhile Prince Luca moves on to hear the last Gatekeeper’s report.

  ‘Do you think Nathaneal is all right, Zavier?’

  ‘The truth is, Ebony, I don’t know.’

  I point with my chin at the tall female Gatekeeper practically preening herself before her king. ‘What’s her name?’


  ‘What is Lailah telling Luca now?’

  He sighs. ‘She’s just flirting.’

  ‘You’re kidding! Well, she can have him!’

  ‘Ebony, shush!’

  The prince notices. He stops and turns his head to me. His eyes meet mine and I scramble my thoughts like Jordan told me works for him. Thinking of Jordan makes me wonder where he is. The last time I saw him was . . . was . . . in the cave, chained to a wall. Thanks to the sedatives, I have scant memories.

  The Gatekeepers’ reports over, Prince Luca selects two Prodigies and snaps orders at them.

  ‘He’s sending them on ahead to notify the palace of our imminent arrival,’ says Zavier.

  ‘And . . . ?’

  ‘He has asked for the handmaiden Mela to prepare a room for you in the north tower, and to have a warm bath waiting, along with the kinds of things you like.’

  I raise my eyebrows at him. ‘Such as?’

  ‘Your favourite toiletries. Shampoo. Clothing.’

  ‘How does “Mela” know what toiletries I like?’ I sneer.

  He shrugs. ‘Mela is very intuitive. You will be safe in her hands.’

  Safe? In Skade? ‘What did Luca mean by preparing a room for me?’

  ‘Your own bedroom, of course.’

  ‘I won’t have to share h-his?’

  ‘I assure you, Ebony, he won’t share your bed until you turn eighteen and are married.’

  ‘Goodie, I have a whole year and a bit.’ I glance down at the bridge, the very same bridge Nathaneal crossed an unknown number of weeks ago. If only he were here now. ‘Prince Luca has warned me he is going to share my bed, if not tonight, then tomorrow.’

  Zavier stares at me, and is quiet for such a long time I think he’s not going to say any more. But then he shakes his head. ‘No, I don’t think –’

  ‘Zavier, I saw his intentions. I felt his obsession. He wants to own me and he doesn’t think he can wait.’

  Zavier turns me so my back is to the prince, our profile away from the guards. ‘Listen to me,’ he whispers. ‘I’ve noticed the way he looks at you. It’s just that after waiting thousands of years to choose his perfect bride, why would he take risks that might endanger the health of his unborn children? Making a mother out of you before you’re ready, before the law allows, could result in an illegal marriage or, worse, imperfect babies that he would drown like a litter of unwanted kittens.’

  My stomach churns. ‘Zavier, help me. You can’t leave me with this monster.’

  His eyes fill with shame, regret and pity.

  And I know then Zavier isn’t strong enough to fix this.

  His inability to protect me, his gutlessness, makes me so angry it’s no surprise when I see a red haze in front of my eyes and feel my power begin to pulse inside. I hammer at his chest with my fists. He does nothing to protect himself and the sad thing is this doesn’t surprise me. ‘You should be defending me, guarding me, saving me, not handing me to the vilest creature in the universe in exchange for ten million dollars. It’s despicable. You are despicable. I hope, for as long as eternity lasts, I never set eyes on you again!’

  Prince Luca suddenly appears between us, and taking my wrists he covers my fists with his hands. ‘Enough, Princess,’ he says calmly.

  Over the top of my head he barks orders at the three perplexed bodyguards. Bringing my hands together he holds them gently, warming them while his hungry eyes burn into mine.

  For the first time I notice he’s taller than Zavier. He might even be taller than Nathaneal. His hair is like Nathaneal’s too, except a few shades darker. For someone recovering from horrific injuries, his hair and skin are in amazing condition. His face is a vision of unblemished perfection, except for some minute areas of loose skin around the eyes and neck.

  ‘Come,’ he says, turning me towards the gates. ‘So that you may see your new kingdom, I have ordered the gates be thrown open.’

  Hearing this, Zavier shrugs off the bodyguards. ‘All twelve, my lord?’ He sounds shocked. I flick him a glance, but he’s not taking his eyes off Prince Luca. ‘Is this wise, sire? We’re a small group. We could pass virtually unnoticed. It would give Ebony time to rest and freshen up before her first public appearance tomorrow.’

  The prince’s green eyes glow. ‘You have lived so long amongst the humans you’ve picked up their ways of questioning their superiors.’

  ‘My lord, I assure you, my words are borne out of concern for Skade’s future queen. If you recall, it was the plan.’

  ‘Are you questioning my memory now?’

  ‘No, not at all, my lord.’

  The gates are heavy. Spaces open up between each pair slowly. My first sight is of a dark sky with bulbous grey clouds, streaked blue and red. It could be dusk or dawn, I wouldn’t know.

  I start to tremble. This is really happening.

  A dark purple orb, maybe a moon, sits high in the sky but is so large it looks as if it might drop at any moment.

  This is certainly not my beloved Earth. I’m so far from home! A sob rises into my throat. I take a deep breath and force it down. Now is not the time to come unstuck.

  As the gates open a little wider, I find myself walking towards the edge, where I catch my first glimpse of a city far below, though I can’t see much because of a dense layer of grey fog obscuring almost everything. The top portion of a high-rise building and the towers of a white palace are the only structures tall enough to rise above it.

  But it’s the sky that tells me so much. I lift my eyes and fall backwards with a gasp as a second orb comes into view, low on the horizon. Another moon? Or is this the sun, obscured behind the toxic grey clouds that apparently surround this world?

  Oh, Thane, where are you? This place . . . This place is so strange.

  While dwelling on Nathaneal, I miss what’s going on behind me. Prince Luca has ordered Zavier to leave, and not just
for now, but for all time.

  ‘Your job is done to my satisfaction,’ Prince Luca announces formally. ‘But from this day forward you are forbidden to pass through the Gates of Skade unless I summon you.’

  ‘But, sire, the arrangement was to deliver Ebony to your palace and see that she settles into her new surroundings.’

  ‘You’re not listening!’ Luca bears down on Zavier with an arm outstretched, staring at him and pointing down to the blue light. ‘Leave now!’

  Zavier stumbles backwards, cowering and wincing with pain. Prince Luca is squeezing his brains.

  ‘My lord, what has changed?’

  The prince stops right in front of Zavier, but doesn’t speak.

  Zavier moans and grips his head with both hands.

  I run over and help Zavier to his feet. ‘You should go. I’ll be all right.’

  ‘It appears I have no choice but to leave you, my lady.’

  Zavier takes my hand as he straightens to his full height. ‘My lord, I ask permission to say goodbye privately to my niece.’

  Luca’s eyes narrow as he stares at Zavier without speaking.

  ‘After all I’ve done to ensure she becomes your queen, don’t I deserve this one request? My lord?’

  Prince Luca assesses us both with a look that chills my bones to the marrow.

  Sensing defeat, Zavier growls, ‘No one else could have pulled this off for you, my lord, and you know it.’

  Prince Luca peers at the gates, nearing half open, and looks at me. ‘Do you wish this foolishness too, Princess?’

  Not sure why, I give the Prince a slight nod and he says, ‘You may say your goodbyes until I call you.’

  Zavier scoops me up in his arms, shoots out his big brown wings, and whisks me off to the solitary southern end. ‘Listen carefully,’ he whispers as he sets me down on my feet. Keeping his back to the prince, he grips my shoulders. Something has changed. I don’t have time to explain how I know this. Blink twice if you can hear me.

  I blink twice without realising it, startled by how clear his thoughts are in my head.

  This is a trap. I don’t know what shape, or form it will take, but I’m sure of one thing: right here on this bridge is where he wants Nathaneal. Now that he has you, Luca will use you to lure his one true enemy into an ambush.

  I start to gasp but pull myself up quickly, close my mouth and try with all my might to forge a mind-link with the person, who until recently I have hated with all my heart. Why?

  Nathaneal is too powerful. When he revealed his powers are strong enough to annihilate a king, he became too great a threat.

  So Luca is luring him here to . . . to . . .

  Destroy him.

  How do you know Nathaneal will come?

  Zavier tilts his head and a small, coy smile forms. For you, Nathaneal would walk through fire and ice. Luca is counting on it.

  But, Zavier, I don’t know where Nathaneal is. You said no one could survive rescuing my parents from Mi’Ocra.

  That was before I knew it was Nathaneal who led the rescue.

  Why are you telling me this?

  He shrugs. I don’t know, Ebony. Perhaps finally I am developing a conscience.

  ‘Zavier! Time is up!’ Prince Luca yells. My three bodyguards approach with a purposeful stride.

  Ebony, Zavier says in my head again, now is the time to have faith, to believe unconditionally in what you are.

  You don’t know what you’re asking of me.

  Yes, I do. I’m the one who created the environment that ensured your distrust would germinate and blossom.

  But I’ve only ever heard Prince Luca’s thoughts in my head clearly enough to have a conversation. Once or twice I saw Jacob’s thoughts, but in images.

  And now you’re communicating with me.

  I nod. Is it because we’re blood relatives that I can hear you?

  Ebony, it’s because you can! You must believe in yourself for your powers to believe in you. Why do you think Lord Luca goes to such lengths to ensure you are the one he weds, that your blood will run in the veins of his heirs? He is desperate for you.

  The three soldiers close in. Zavier, what should I do?

  You must convince Nathaneal to abort his plan to rescue you. His destiny is to be a king, and once crowned he won’t need permission to extinguish the existence of another crowned king. He is the hope of –

  The soldiers grab Zavier from behind and start dragging him back towards the blue light. ‘Leave me be, I’m going!’ He shoves them away all at once, lifting into the air with the solid beating of his wings.

  I call out to him with my thoughts, What if I can’t convince him to stay away?

  He glances over his shoulder. You must! The world cannot lose its one hope for everlasting peace!



  We find a perch on a high mountain ledge with a north-easterly view of the shimmering Gates of Skade. Below, an impenetrable fog blankets the capital. The sun, rising in the distant east, lightens the dark sky with streaks of indigo and crimson, staining the fog below with splotches of purple. It’s a dull morning in the capital, which is starting to awaken from its long slumberous night. One of its moons, the smaller Thoran, on the last day of its elliptical cycle before it swings out into space, appears low and intimidating on the horizon.

  Solomon assures me there’s been no sight of Prince Luca or his Prodigies at the palace yet. No sight of Ebony. So for now I’ve ordered my team to take a much-needed rest.

  How are John and Heather faring? I ask Jez in a mind-link.

  Heather’s heart is strong, she says. She’s doing well. The deep sleep we put her into, in that cave on Mount Mi’Ocra, is helping her body to repair itself.

  And John?

  He’s holding on. The deep sleep is helping him too, but he’s still critical and needs more healing before I can be sure he’s going to live.

  Do what you can for him, Jez. His traumatic journey is nearing its end, and when we wake him he will see that he has many reasons to live.

  Isaac hunkers down beside me and peers between one of several rocky outcrops providing cover. How long do we wait?

  Until a gate opens.

  Why don’t you get some rest while I keep watch?

  I glance at my exhausted team. How many days and nights have we flown with so little to sustain us? Since finding Ebony’s parents we haven’t stopped until now, and without a whisper of complaint. I couldn’t be prouder of my team, who have become close as family to me. That Tashiel had a vision that one of them could betray me is as improbable as the sun falling from the sky. Thanks, Isaac, but there will be time for all of us to rest soon.

  Solomon approaches with his eyes cast downwards.

  What news, Sol?

  Reports of extensive troop movement are filtering into the palace. My informant is trying to find their location. The official word is that soldiers are preparing the streets for the return of their king and his new, ah . . . future queen.


  So far, my informant can’t see them. They’re not anywhere near the palace. He shrugs. I’ve asked for a wider search.

  Good idea. And, Sol, when your source says ‘extensive’, how many soldiers does this mean?

  Solomon rakes his fingers through his wildly knotted hair. A legion, my prince.

  A legion!

  Hearing Solomon’s disturbing report, Michael crawls over. That’s a lot of ‘missing’ soldiers. Could your informant be exaggerating?

  No, Solomon says. Not about this.

  If they’re not ground soldiers, and they’re not airborne, where are they? Michael asks the question on all our minds.

  Keeping low, the four of us spread out along the ledge to look for signs. Skade’s capital is rather unique in that volcanoes, dormant for millions of years, surround it on three sides, making a defensive barrier like no other city I know.

  It’s a trap!

  I look across to Michael, Sol and then Isaac. Did
any of you hear that?

  They each reply in the negative. My pulse jumps, and a frisson of anticipation courses through my heart.

  So no one heard that warning?

  They look at me with blank expressions, and my hopeful hunch that this voice belongs to Ebony has my heart yearning to break free and shout it from the mountaintop.

  Michael returns to where I’m crouching with a smile and a golden eyebrow arched high. So what did the little one have to say?

  Unable to remove the grin from my face, I lift my hand as another mind-link enters my head. You must leave! Nathaneal, if, by the grace of our High King you’re hearing this, please . . . please do not come for me.

  Is this really you, sweetheart?

  Nathaneal, you’re alive! You can hear me! Are you all right? Are you anywhere nearby? No! Don’t answer that. I have a message you must abide by – do NOT come through the gates. You need to find another way home, or wait until he’s gone. Please, Nathaneal, you have to stay away from the entrance.

  She bears grave news, and she’s worried and scared, but . . . I’m hearing her voice! She is so close! We made it back in time! Moisture rushes my eyes, overflows, and the salty tears of relief are sweet on my lips, so, so sweet.

  Michael squeezes my shoulder, while Isaac and Solomon inform Uriel, Jez and Tash.

  Ebony, are you injured?

  No. But, Nathaneal, don’t worry about me. I’ll be all right.

  Where are you?

  Just inside the locked gates with twelve Prodigies and twelve Gatekeepers, but you can’t set one foot on this bridge, Nathaneal, do you hear me? I can’t stress this enough. Prince Luca wants to destroy you. I don’t know his exact plan, but he’ll probably hurl you into space from the Crossing, or some other way angels can be destroyed.

  There are a few other techniques.

  Are you taking me seriously?

  I hear the fear from her heart, woven into the fabric of her words. I’m sorry, Ebony, hearing you is such a relief after so long without you.

  She’s goes quiet and I ask, Are you all right?