Read Broken Page 6

  She should say something. Do something. But her hands were twisting in front of her and her mouth had gone dry.

  I’m alone with him. And, as he closed in on her, Eve realized that she’d never been more aware of him. He was tall, so tall, and his muscles stretched the T-shirt he wore. This guy was powerful and strong, and she wished that she knew more about him.

  Why did I leave with him? She should have stayed at the shelter.

  “It’s all right,” Gabe told her softly. Could he see the fear on her face? “You’re safe with me.”

  She didn’t feel safe right then. “Maybe I should go back to the shelter.” She felt so out of place in that penthouse. Too rich. Too . . . everything.

  “I circled back to that place three times before I came in and got you.” His jaw hardened. “And it was so easy to get inside. Too easy. If you are Jessica Montgomery, a target is going to be on you. The Lady Killer will come after you.”

  Those words were not what she wanted to hear.

  “I’ll keep my hands off you.” His hands were off her. He wasn’t touching her at all. Just standing about a foot away. “You don’t have to worry about that.”

  Eve shook her head. “I wasn’t worried.” And she hadn’t been. Not even a little bit.

  The lights were on in his penthouse, and his blue eyes seemed to blaze even brighter at her words.

  “I, um, I should have said thank you.” Now her cheeks heated. “You’re really going above and beyond for me. Especially considering that I haven’t paid you anything.” Shame burned through her. “Maybe I can start doing some paperwork or filing at LOST for you. I could—”


  She liked the way he said her name. Liked the roughness of his voice.

  “Wait until we figure out what the hell is going on. Then we’ll talk about payment.”

  But she didn’t like being so indebted to him. To anyone. “I didn’t expect this.” Her hands rose helplessly to indicate their surroundings.

  His face seemed to soften. “It’s just a home, Eve.”

  No, it wasn’t. Her home had been a shelter. This place was something entirely different. A whole other world.

  “I did some government contracting over the years that turned out to be quite . . . lucrative.”

  She thought that might be a serious understatement.

  “But LOST is what matters most to me.”

  Her gaze held his. There was a sincerity in his voice that couldn’t be doubted.

  “And, Eve, I will help you.” Those words sounded like a vow, and the tension between them just increased. But then he pointed to the hallway on the right. “The guest room is that way.” Then his hand moved to the left. “And my room—if you should need me—is over there.”

  I do need you. She’d bared her soul to him earlier. Told him how she felt. He’d stared at her with a clenched jaw and glittering eyes. Did he want her? She didn’t know. The man was so hard to read.

  But . . . he tempted her.

  I’ll keep my hands off you.

  That had been his promise. Not hers. So Eve put her hand on his chest. It was rock-hard. Seriously—hard. She leaned onto her toes and pressed a quick kiss to his cheek. “Thank you.”

  He was as still as a statue before her.

  Embarrassed now, Eve started to pull back.

  In a flash, his hand flew up and his fingers locked around her wrist. As she stared into his gaze, Eve stopped breathing.

  He wants me.

  She could see his desire. Right there. In his eyes. In the hard lines of his face.

  “You can only push so much,” he warned.

  She wanted to push him more.

  But Gabe shook his head and stepped back. His hand freed hers. “You’re a client.” It sounded as if he were trying to remind himself of that fact. He turned away from her. Ran a hand through his hair. “Get some rest. Tomorrow is going to be a long day. One of my LOST agents, Wade Monroe, he’s already made contact with Pierce Montgomery.”

  She didn’t say anything. She’d met Wade. After her interview with Sarah, Wade had come into the office and, well, she was pretty sure that he’d been there just to keep an eye on her. He hadn’t said much, just watched her. Unnerved her with his golden eyes.

  She knew Wade, but Pierce Montgomery? He was—

  Gabe looked over his shoulder. “Jessica’s brother.”

  Eve swallowed.

  “The guy lives in Birmingham, so it won’t take him long to travel here. After Wade talked to him, Pierce insisted on coming to town. He wants to meet you.”

  Jessica’s brother.

  “DNA will prove if you’re Jessica. And a brother—he’d know his own sister.”

  Her fingers were trembling.

  “So get some sleep,” he advised again, his voice even deeper. “And maybe tomorrow you’ll even get your life back.”

  Maybe she would.

  And that thought terrified her.

  Eve turned away and hurried toward the guest room.


  She stopped.

  “If you need me, I’m here.”

  He didn’t mean the words to be a sensual promise. She was sure he didn’t, but . . . I want him.

  She went into the guest room. Closed the door and slumped against the wood. What is happening to me?

  Ben had been in her life for weeks, and the doctor had made his interest obvious. He was handsome, charming, and he made her feel nothing.

  But Gabe . . . Gabe touched her and . . . she melted.

  Her breasts were tight, aching, and a hot, sensual yearning had filled her sex.

  All from his touch.

  What is wrong with me?

  She had to get herself back under control, right away. Too much was happening. Too much was at stake. Pierce Montgomery was coming to town. He could tell her if she really was Jessica or if she was just a stranger to him.

  Desire, need . . . that could wait.

  It can wait.

  She hurried toward the bed. Climbed up on a mattress that was as soft as a cloud. She kicked away her shoes but didn’t undress. She never did, not when she slept. She hadn’t bothered to turn on the light—in that room with its big windows, there was no need for extra light.

  She lay in that bed, too aware of the silence. There were no other people near her. No snores. No Sue talking in her sleep. There was only silence. Unnerving, total silence.

  Gabe is close by. So close.

  She stared up at the ceiling. I’m safe here.

  Her breaths came, a little too fast and ragged.

  Tomorrow, I might get my life back. Tomorrow . . .

  She just had to get through the night first.

  HER SCREAM TORE through the night. High, terrified, and abruptly cut off.

  Gabe leapt from his bed and ran to her. His bare feet flew over the hardwood floor of his penthouse and he shoved open her door. “Eve!”

  She was sitting straight up in bed, still wearing her T-shirt and jogging pants. Her hair streamed over her shoulders and her body shuddered. “I’m sorry! I—I haven’t done that in weeks.” Eve jumped from the bed. “I’m sorry.” She backed away from him, edging toward the wall.

  Gabe’s fist slammed into the light switch and illumination flooded that room. Eve’s eyes were wide, stark, the green terrified and—and her cheeks were wet with tears.

  As he stared at her, her hands lifted and she quickly swiped away the tears. “I didn’t mean to wake you.” Her back hit the wall. “I’m so sorry.”

  He advanced toward her.

  Eve tensed.

  “It’s okay,” Gabe told her, lifting his own hands in what he hoped was a reassuring manner. “You were probably just having a nightmare. That happens.” It happened to him plenty.

  He could almost feel her terror filling the room.

  “I’m sorry I woke you,” she said again. Her face was far too pale. “I—I used to wake the others in the shelter. If I hadn’t stopped . . . stopped
screaming, they were going to make me leave. Ms. Georgia said there wasn’t a choice and I—”

  She broke off.

  He was right in front of her. He wanted to pull her into his arms and hold her. Her scream had sent adrenaline and a killing fury surging through him. When he’d heard her cry, he’d been afraid that the killer had found Eve. That she was in danger, hurt, and he hadn’t been able to get to her fast enough.

  “You scream a lot?” he asked her carefully.

  “Sometimes,” was her hushed confession, “when I sleep.”

  “How did you stop screaming at the shelter?”

  Her gaze lowered. “I just . . . I didn’t sleep much. Didn’t sleep too deeply. Pauley . . . he likes to keep guard out front. I spent some nights out there with him.”

  No wonder she’d seemed so on edge when she first walked into his office. The woman had been living in terror for weeks. “You felt safe here,” he realized, “and you let yourself sleep.” A deep sleep that had let her nightmares slip in.

  “I’m sorry—”

  He touched her. Wrapped his arms around her shoulders. So much for keeping my hands off her. “Don’t apologize again.”

  Her lashes lifted as she met his stare.

  “Don’t,” he told her. Her eyes are fucking gorgeous. “Not to me, do you understand? You have nothing to apologize for. Everyone has nightmares.” He could feel the heat of her skin through that thin T-shirt.

  “You don’t.” She gave a laugh that seemed to be part laugh, part sob. “I bet you don’t fear anything or anyone.”

  “That bet’s wrong.” And his left hand slid down her arm. Gabe caught her fingers. Lifted them to his chest. He’d run right from bed, and he only wore a pair of black boxer shorts. He put her hand on his bare chest, so close to his heart. Over the thick scars that would always mark him. “We all have nightmares.”

  Her breath caught. Her gaze lowered to his chest, and he saw her eyes widen.

  “There’s a reason I’m not a SEAL anymore. The last mission almost took my life.” He’d been trapped in that hospital bed for weeks. He turned carefully, giving her his back. Her fingers trailed over his skin. “He shot me in the back first. When I fell, he kicked me, rolled me over, because he wanted to see my face.” Gabe turned back toward her. “He smiled and he aimed his weapon at my heart.”

  Her hand lifted again, and her fingers pressed to his wound. The scar that reminded him to be careful who he trusted.

  Enemies were everywhere. Far too often, they hid in plain sight.

  “He thought I couldn’t fight back. He was wrong. Even as he fired, I shot my weapon, and we were both soon on that ground, bleeding out.”

  Her fingers seemed to scorch him.

  “Medics got to us. At first they thought I’d be paralyzed. That first bullet had come so close to my spine . . .” He’d wanted to paralyze me. To make me weak. Easy prey. “But in a war zone, you don’t always get a perfect shot. He missed my spine and he missed my heart.” I was always a better shot than you. “I didn’t.”

  Eve didn’t remember the life that gave her nightmares. Gabe could never forget his past. Only in his nightmares the bullet hadn’t missed his heart.

  And his teammate had been laughing when he shot him.

  “Nightmares can’t hurt you.”

  She still had her hand on his chest. Her touch made him too aware, it— Bullshit. Hell, she just made him aware. His boxers were stretched to capacity right then even though he was talking about the second worst night of his life.

  The worst night? That had been when he found his sister’s body.

  And that night caused other nightmares. Nightmares that he’d never escape.

  “Scream if you want,” he told her, rolling back his shoulders but not stepping away from her. He liked her touch too much. “I don’t mind.”

  Her lips trembled. He wanted those lips. Wanted her mouth beneath his. Wanted to know how she’d taste. Would she be as sweet as she smelled? Would her lips part beneath his? Would she lick him, arch toward him?

  She needs comfort now. Back the fuck off.

  He sucked in a deep breath. “I should go now.” He should. Damn well should.

  But Eve had just bent forward. Her lips pressed to his scar. Gabe’s whole body locked down. Her lips feathered over him.

  And desire erupted. Fuck me—

  Eve pulled back, flushed. “I—I’m sorry. I don’t know what I was thinking! I shouldn’t—”

  “Told you,” Gabe managed to rasp out. “You don’t apologize to me. But I’ll sure as hell need to apologize to you . . .”

  “To me? Why—”

  “For this.” And his control was gone. She’d pressed her lips to him, and there was no holding back. He had to taste her. His head lowered toward Eve’s and his mouth took hers. Her lips parted, just as he’d wanted them to do. Soft, silken lips, and his tongue swept into her mouth. He should have made the kiss gentle. He knew that he should have been more careful—

  Her tongue licked against his.

  Screw careful. He pushed her back against that wall. Caged her there, and just feasted on her. Her taste wasn’t sweet—it was rich and sensual. Like the chocolate he’d always snuck as a kid. And he wanted more. So much more.

  His body pressed to hers. He could feel the tips of her breasts—her tight nipples—thrusting against his bare chest. She had to feel the thick erection pushing against her. He wanted in her.

  He caught her hands. Lifted them and pushed them back against the wall. He drove his tongue past her lips again, and when she moaned he greedily drank up that sensual sound.

  Get her naked. Get her in the bed. Take and—

  Gabe jerked back. His breath heaved out, and his cock seriously protested his move.

  “Told you . . . sorry . . .” The guttural words were all he could manage. Shit, he should have known it would be like that. He touched her, he tasted, and he went nova.

  He retreated, one fast step back.

  She was standing there, her hands still up against the wall, looking like the sexiest woman he’d ever seen.

  Gabe took another step back. “It won’t happen . . . again.” He wished his voice didn’t sound like a growl, but he was too far gone for much else.

  Her right hand slowly moved. Her fingers pressed to her lips.

  She needed to say something.

  “You’re a client . . .” Now he was rambling. And still wanting in her. “I don’t have sex with clients.”

  Her hand fell.

  “I don’t—”

  “I can still taste you,” she said.

  Shit. His cock was so hard he ached—for her.

  “You’re the first man to kiss me.”

  Okay, she was about to break him. If he didn’t get out of that room in the next five seconds, he wouldn’t be leaving.

  And I like being her first.

  A primitive surge of possessiveness had risen within him. He was in serious trouble because he sure wanted to show her all kinds of firsts.

  Get. Out. Of. The. Room.

  Because he knew Eve could have another lover out there. A boyfriend. God fucking forbid, a husband.

  If she isn’t Jessica Montgomery, then she’s someone else. Someone who may have a family waiting.

  Desire and anger churned within him.

  I don’t want another man to be waiting on her.

  He was almost to the door.

  “I didn’t realize . . . what I was missing.”

  His eyes squeezed shut. He needed to keep walking instead of freezing and picturing her naked. Seeing her beneath him in that bed.

  “Is desire always that powerful?”

  His hands gripped the door frame. Hell, at least she wasn’t terrified any longer. “No.” His reaction to her had gone far beyond the norm. He didn’t usually touch a woman and go from zero to sixty in two seconds flat. He’d have to be careful around her. So very careful. She tempted him too much.

  “Then why is it like
that between us?”

  Hell if he knew. But keeping his hands off Eve was going to be even harder now that he’d had a taste of her.

  He stepped out of the room. Started to pull the door shut.

  “You don’t have to apologize to me, either.”

  She’d crossed the room on soundless steps. He looked up and got caught in her gaze. A gaze that could probably make a man beg.

  “I’m glad you kissed me. I wanted you to do it.”

  If he didn’t get out of there, she would be beneath him in that bed.

  She smiled then, and her face lit up. “Thank you for teaching me about desire. I was so scared, then you came in . . .”

  He cleared his throat. “You don’t have to be afraid.”

  “Not when you’re close.”

  He hesitated. Maybe she should be afraid of him. If she knew half of the things he wanted to do with her. To her . . .


  “Good night, Eve.”

  “Good night, Gabe.”

  He closed her door. Didn’t move. He could hear her, moving around in that bedroom. I can taste you.

  He could still taste her, too.

  He needed a fucking cold shower.


  She glanced up at Gabe’s low voice. They were back at LOST, specifically in his office, and Eve was so nervous that she worried she might actually pass out. She’d thought about sitting down in that lush chair of his and putting her head between her knees. Seriously, she was getting that desperate. Maybe she could find a paper bag to breathe into.

  Gabe shook his head. “You’re not breathing.”

  Her breath rushed out.

  “He’s on the elevator. He’ll be here in a few minutes.”

  He . . . Pierce Montgomery. The man who might be her brother. Gabe’s associate, Wade Monroe, was escorting him up to meet them. She’d been calm, mostly calm, anyway, until about five minutes ago.

  Then the nervous panic had set in.

  He could be my brother.

  “Stay beside me,” Gabe told her, voice quiet. “The whole time. If the guy looks familiar to you, if you have any flashes of him . . .” His fingers caught hers. “ . . . then squeeze my hand.”

  She was going to hold tightly to that hand, like it was a lifeline. It was.

  “It will just be me, you, Montgomery, and Wade. We’ll be the only ones in here for this meeting.”