Read Broken Angel (Bad Things Book 4) Page 10

  Yes, he was. “Are you in the mood to hunt?”


  Good. “I think there are some humans on the perimeter. They’re watching the cabin. Waiting because they think they’ll be able to pick us off, one by one.” He smiled. “Instead, you’ll be the one taking them down but…keep the leader alive, will you? I’ll want to talk to him.”

  “And where will you be?” Julian demanded. “While I’m hunting?”

  Trying to find answers. “An angel hasn’t fallen in a long time. I need to learn just what she can do.” He headed for the door. A wave of his hand had it opening for him. “I’d hate to kill the woman I just healed.”

  But his life had never been about making easy choices. And in the end, he would do whatever was necessary. For himself.

  For those close to him.

  If Lila becomes what I fear, I can’t let her destroy Rayce.

  He’d have to take steps to protect the werewolf because Rayce wouldn’t see the danger coming, not when it was wrapped up in such a perfect package for him.


  Lila’s eyes flew open. Everything around her seemed so bright. Too bright. Her eyes immediately squinted, and she lifted her hand, trying to shield herself.


  The voice was close—deep and rumbling and when she heard it, her whole body shuddered. Lila lowered her hand. She turned her head. And there he was.

  Rayce sat on the edge of the bed. His thick hair was mussed and his eyes were shadowed as he stared at her.

  “Where are we?” Her voice sounded rusty to her own ears. And her body—it didn’t feel quite right. Too hot. Almost feverish. Her skin seemed to itch.

  “We’re back at the cabin.”

  The cabin. The bedroom. Her gaze flew around. Yes, right, she knew this place but…Her hand lifted and Lila rubbed the bridge of her nose. “We were in the snow.” It had been so cold. “I couldn’t fly us any longer.”

  “You should have left my ass behind and gotten to safety.” Suddenly, his fingers were curling around her chin and forcing her to look at him. “Next time, forget me. Take care of yourself.”

  She didn’t want there to be a next time. “No harm done.” Lila tried to smile for him. “We both seem okay.”

  If possible, his face hardened even more. “You don’t remember anything, do you?”

  “I remember hitting the snow…” And worrying that he was dead.

  His fingers slid down her throat and her pulse raced beneath his touch.

  Lila wet her lips. “I thought you were going to die.”

  “Shifters can heal from just about anything. Especially a shifter like me.”

  Good to know.

  “You needed help.”

  Unease slithered through her. His fingers were still over her throat. “What kind of help?”

  His jaw was clenched. “The kind that required both Luke and Leo.”

  She almost jumped out of the bed.

  “Easy.” His voice was low, soothing—or as soothing as Lila figured he could be. “Leo is long gone. He has no reason to come back.”

  Of course, he did. She was an angel, and she was one of the beings that supposedly was under his charge and—

  Rayce’s eyes were shadowed, and his handsome face seemed so grim. “Why are you sad?” Lila whispered. The bed covers slipped down and she realized that she was nude.

  Another thing she didn’t remember.

  His eyes took on a low glow. “You are perfect. Do you understand that? You are perfect exactly as you are.”

  Perfect was the last thing that she’d ever been.

  “I thought I was going to lose you. That can’t happen. It won’t.” His hand was still on her neck, and his touch felt like some kind of brand. “I waited for you. I would do anything for you, and you’re not going to slip away. Death can’t have you. If I see that asshole, I’ll tell him to fuck off.”

  Had she really been that bad? She’d been weak, yes, and Lila thought she remembered a few bullets hitting her wings. Her hand started to lift in reflex, wanting to check her wings—

  Rayce kissed her. It wasn’t a soft kiss. It was rough and hard and his mouth just seemed to take hers.

  His tongue slid past her lips. Her heart jerked and a fire ignited in her.

  Just that kiss—so rough and raw—and need was spiking. Pulsing and twisting in her. Her reaction to him couldn’t be natural.

  As if there is anything natural about me.

  “You are perfect,” he rasped against her mouth. “Don’t ever forget it.”

  Then he was kissing her again, but with more seduction, as if he’d somehow managed to yank back his control. Only she didn’t want him to have control. Her breasts were aching, her sex tightening, and she wanted him.

  Lila remembered the pleasure he’d given her before. Only pleasure. No pain.

  He was kissing her neck. Lightly using the edge of his teeth on her. He still sat on the side of the bed, and he’d leaned over her, caging her with his body and his arms.

  “I don’t mind the pain,” Lila whispered.

  He stilled.

  “Because I want you.” She knew something terrible had happened to them both. No, maybe she didn’t remember everything, but she recognized fear when she felt it. She’d been desperate to fly him to safety because he’d been close to death.

  I could have lost him.

  The thought seemed such a shame, and it made her heart feel oddly heavy in her chest.

  “Be very sure, Lila. Once I have you, I won’t be able to let you go.”

  She was absolutely sure she wanted him. He was a fire in her blood, and every breath she drew just made her want him more. But Lila didn’t speak. Instead, she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and she pulled him closer. She kissed him, sliding her tongue into his mouth and then tugging on his lower lip with her teeth. When he growled, she knew her werewolf had liked that move. So she did it again.

  He pulled the bed covers away from her, and she felt the rush of air against her skin. Her nipples tightened even more and when his fingers caressed her breasts, she pressed ever closer to him.

  He’d been able to touch her everywhere before. Touch her and taste her. She wanted to do the same to him.

  Her hands slid down his chest. She grabbed the hem of his shirt and tugged it up. He helped her and they tossed that t-shirt somewhere. She didn’t really care where it fell. As long as it wasn’t in her way. Then her fingers were sliding over his rock hard abs. She loved the heat of his body.

  Silver bullets had blasted into him.

  Lila stilled.

  Silver poured from him like blood.

  “Stay with me, sweetheart.” He kissed her again, and then he was pushing her back onto the bed. Lust was bright in his eyes as he finished stripping. “I’ve wanted you for too long.”

  And she wanted him. She’d never known physical desire for a man until him. Until his kiss. It was as if he’d woken something in her.

  Lila didn’t intend to go back to sleep.

  His mouth was on her breast. His hand was between her legs. With every moment that passed, his touch became more demanding. She arched up against him as his fingers plunged into her.

  “Need you ready,” he groaned. “Need you…mine.”

  She wanted him to be hers, if only for a little while. She wanted to pretend.

  His fingers slid out, then pushed in, seeming to rub right over the center of her desire, and Lila’s whole body went bow-tight.

  “You first,” he growled. “Have to…give pleasure…first…”

  And it hit her. A sharp burst of release that made her gasp. She called out his name and tipped back her head.

  But he was still between her thighs. She felt the broad head of his erection at the entrance to her sex. She was shuddering with her release even as he caught her hands and pinned them to the pillow. Then he drove into her.

  The world stopped.

  He’d said there would be pa
in. And maybe there was. The smallest flash, gone in an instant. His heavy length filled her completely. Hot. So hot. She lifted her hips, wanting more because her heart was racing too fast and the trembles of her climax were building once again.

  He withdrew, then thrust deep. “Can’t…hold back…”

  “I don’t want you to,” she said as a sensual hunger grew within her. She twisted her wrists in his grasp, but he didn’t let her go. “Don’t hold anything back.” She was challenging him, arching against him, wild and free for the first time in her life. “Give everything to me.”

  He locked her wrists in one hand. His other slid down her body. He yanked her hips up higher and, if possible, she took him in even deeper. Lila couldn’t catch her breath and she didn’t care. He was pounding in and out of her, and when she looked into his eyes, she saw her own stark need staring back at her. Her hips slammed against him. She was wet and eager and wild—a wildness she’d never felt before.

  Release was close—more powerful than any pleasure she’d felt before. She wanted it. As she’d said, Lila wanted everything. And she’d have it.

  His mouth was on the curve of her shoulder. She could feel the edge of his teeth pressing against her. There was a sharp flash of pain—

  I like it.

  Her body jerked. His cock slammed deep.

  He bit her again. She started to climax. The shudders shook her core and they didn’t stop.

  “Yes, you’re so fucking beautiful, yes.”

  He’d sunk so deep into her. She loved the way he felt.

  Give everything…

  “Trust me, Lila.”

  Her eyes opened. She didn’t remember closing them.

  “Trust me. Always.”

  She managed a nod but then he was withdrawing from her. No! No, she wasn’t ready for the pleasure to end. She didn’t—

  He flipped her over onto her stomach. He lifted her onto her knees.

  “Grab the headboard.” His voice was guttural.

  Her hands flew out blindly and curled around the headboard.

  “Hold it tight. Don’t let go.” His breath blew over her shoulder. Then she felt his teeth again. When he bit her, pleasure raced along her body. His hands curled over her hips, and he pulled her back against him just as his thick, aroused length drove into her.

  Her lips clamped together so that she wouldn’t scream. But what he was doing to her, every long, hard thrust…she was losing her control.

  Her nails scraped over the headboard.

  “Hold it,” Rayce ordered.

  He withdrew, plunged deep. He was wild, frantic, and she loved it. This desperation was what she’d needed, and she hadn’t even known it. His furious hunger inspired her own, and she heard her own desperate pants.

  Then his hand was between her thighs. He was stroking her even as he pumped into her, and there was no stopping the flood of pure, mind-numbing pleasure that whipped through her. She did scream then. She screamed and she climaxed and he was with her. Lila felt Rayce erupt inside of her. He called her name as he thrust into her and then his mouth was on her shoulder once more.

  But this time, he wasn’t biting her.

  He was kissing her.

  Her breath heaved out. Her heartbeat slowed.

  For a moment, she almost felt…cherished.


  Lila was sleeping next to him. She was soft and warm. She had no idea what he’d done.

  He was a selfish bastard, Rayce knew that. When he found something he wanted, he took it. He’d taken her, and he didn’t plan to let her go. He pressed a kiss to her shoulder, marveling at her smooth, silken skin. She was so delicate next to him.

  A beauty and her way beyond fucked-up beast.

  There were no other sounds in the cabin. When he’d taken Lila, he’d known the others were gone. And that was why he hadn’t held back. There had been nothing to stop them. She’d wanted him, and he hadn’t been fool enough to turn from her.

  No way.


  He needed to go find Julian. If he knew the other shifter, then his friend had gone hunting. Rayce wasn’t going to let him hunt alone. Especially when those bastards came after what was mine.

  He dressed, then slipped from the cabin. It only took a little spell tinkering to make sure that the paranormal safeguard both stopped outsiders from getting to the cabin and stopped Lila from leaving. Only there would be no pain for her if she stumbled into that barrier again. The invisible wall would contain her, but not hurt Lila. Rayce didn’t want to risk her waking and walking into danger.

  So he was trapping her. Not his nicest move ever, but, actually, not even close to his worst, either.

  He walked out of the cabin and stripped off his clothes. The snow was starting to fall again. What perfect camouflage.

  His woman was safe. His wounds had healed.

  And it was damn well time for payback. His lips peeled back into a snarl, and he hit the ground on all fours. He could smell blood in the air—the blood of his enemies. And this time, they would be the ones to fall.

  Chapter Ten

  Rayce followed the scent of blood and the sound of screams. He saw two wounded humans on the ground, trying to crawl away. Their scents were familiar.

  The bastards who’d shot me. Who’d shot Lila.

  The wolf made sure they didn’t escape, and as he attacked, his blood lust grew.

  Lila. They hurt Lila. She lost her wings…

  He bounded through the woods. The snow was red in his wake. He found a third human, taking aim at a big, dark panther who stalked in the snow.

  The human never got off his shot. The wolf took him down, then the beast took his throat.

  The panther watched. His old friend. How many times had they hunted together? How many times had they killed?

  A gunshot blasted, too close to the panther’s head. The beast turned with a snarl, its razor-sharp teeth flashing. Then they were both bounding toward the shooter. The only human left. Rayce could hear the man’s desperate breathing. His frantic scrambles for safety. The shooter was afraid.

  Good. He should be. The human didn’t have the advantage any longer. Rayce hadn’t walked into an ambush. This time, the human was prey.

  And he’d soon be dead.

  His paws slammed into the human even as another shot went off. The blast echoed around him, and Rayce sank his claws into the bastard’s chest. He heard bones snapping and popping behind him. Julian was changing? Why? Usually, his beast loved a good kill just as much as Rayce’s wolf did.

  “D-don’t…” The human beneath Rayce gasped.

  Don’t? After that fool had hurt Lila so badly? After he’d tried to kill Rayce?

  He raked his claws deeper, and the human screamed in pain. This one’s death wouldn’t be easy. This one…he’d been the leader of the humans. Rayce had heard him barking orders.

  He knew the bastard’s voice.

  The wolf sank his teeth into the man’s side. The human screamed and yanked up a knife. He tried to stab the beast, but Rayce was ready for him. He twisted his head, caught the guy’s wrist in his mouth, and he broke the human’s wrist with a vicious jerk.

  “Keep him alive.” Julian’s voice was low.

  Rayce ignored him. His prey’s blood was in his mouth and an image of Lila—so still and broken—was in his head. This man deserved death. He deserved pain. Rayce would give both to him.

  “Rayce.” Now Julian was closer and his voice held a distinct edge. “Keep him alive. This guy’s just the errand boy. We need him to talk to us. Luke wants to question him.”

  Fuck Luke. Fuck Luke and what he wanted—

  “When you needed him, Luke came to heal your angel.”

  She’s not an angel any longer. His claws pressed deeper into the human’s chest. It would be so easy to claw the man’s heart right out. The bastard was trying to fight him, but without his silver bullets, the guy was no match for Rayce. It would be so easy to kill him…

  “You owe

  Snarling, Rayce leapt away from the human. He hated it when Julian was right. Blood was in his mouth, and adrenaline pulsed through every vein in his body. He wanted to destroy the human.

  But Luke had saved Lila…

  Rayce stalked away and let the shift sweep through him.

  So I’ll let the human live, just a bit longer. And maybe that human would lead Rayce to the next target on his list…the soon-to-be-dead bastard named Kale.


  Lila woke with a jerk. Her heart was racing in her chest, and she was sure that she’d heard the thunder of a gunshot. “Rayce?”

  The cabin seemed oddly still. Too quiet. Lila slid from the bed. Her body ached a bit, and she rolled back her shoulders. She was naked as she crept across the room. “Rayce?”

  No answer.

  Alarm flared within her, and she cracked open the door. She didn’t see anyone through that crack. Had Rayce left her? But…why?

  She turned around, and her gaze darted over the bedroom. She should dress. Dress and then find him. The fact that the werewolf had vanished on her—right after the first time she’d ever had sex—that didn’t sit well with Lila. That wasn’t the way things were supposed to happen, was it?

  She made her way to the bathroom. Lila turned on the faucet and tossed some water onto her face. It was actually like she could still feel Rayce. His touch on her skin…his touch in her.

  She patted away the water with a towel and then glanced in the mirror.

  At first, she just saw her eyes—too big, a little haunted, and, strangely, brighter than she remembered. It took a moment for everything else to register.

  Or rather, for her to register what wasn’t there.

  My wings. Where are my wings? Her hands flew up and slapped against her back, but she only touched cool skin. She spun around, craning her neck so she could look in the mirror.

  Her back was smooth. Unblemished. And there were no wings.

  “No!” Her voice was too loud and too sharp. “No!” She’d had the wings…she’d flown with Rayce. Sure, she’d been losing some feathers and her wings had been weaker, but this…this was different. This was as if she’d never had them at all. Her back was completely different. No scars. No lines. Nothing at all to show where my wings once were.