Read Broken Angel (Bad Things Book 4) Page 3

  Fear fisted around her heart. “Why are you doing this?” She used all of her strength to struggle against him, but his hold was unbreakable.

  Or maybe I’m just not that strong.

  “I’m doing this because your buddy Leo has his own hunters after you.” He kept marching determinedly forward. “Because I don’t know who those fuckers were who tried to take you at the bar. Because I will keep you safe.”

  He wanted to protect her?

  They were near the edge of the highway. She glimpsed the pavement from her upside down position.

  “I’m getting you the hell out of here, and once I have you at my cabin, then we’re going to clear the air.” One of his hands was right over her ass.

  She squirmed again and that hand on her ass—it tightened.

  Lila immediately stilled. “You…you shouldn’t touch me this way.”

  Was he caressing her? Lila could have sworn that he was.

  “And you shouldn’t run from me.”

  She blinked. That was not the response she’d expected. The guy was a savage. What did I expect from a werewolf? “Let me go.”

  He kept walking.

  “I don’t want you touching me.” Her nails sank into his back. She pulled up her power. Physically, she might be no match for him. But…

  Lila had a few tricks that she could play.

  His hand moved away from her ass and curled securely over the back of her legs. “Better?”

  No, he was still touching her and she could feel the heat of his touch all the way through her clothing. That heat was making her feel weird. Her breasts were pressed tightly against him, her heart was beating too fast, and all of the blood was rushing to her head. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  He laughed.

  She could hear the growling approach of a vehicle. Okay, this would be her chance. “Put me down,” Lila continued, “so I don’t have to hurt you.” Why was her voice husky?

  He kept walking. His grip stayed firm and hard on her. “Go ahead, angel,” he invited, his voice drawling a bit. “Hit me with your best shot.”

  Her hands pressed to his back. The last thing she’d felt…it was the cold. A bone deep chill. Another trick that she’d learned since being earthbound? She could replicate the last thing that she’d felt and send it out…so she sent the cold right at Rayce—a hard, arctic blast that went straight to his spine.

  His body shuddered. His grip loosened, just for a moment, and she barreled out of his grip. Lila landed on her ass as he stared down at her in surprise.

  “How did you—” Rayce began.

  But she was already on her feet. She could see the lights from a big rig coming toward her, and Lila ran right toward it. She was frantically waving her hands to try and get the driver’s attention. If he’d stop, she could get a ride and escape.

  Then she realized…

  I don’t have my bag! Her precious bag of money. She must have dropped it when Rayce threw her over his shoulder. “No!” She spun away from the truck.

  A long, loud honking filled the air, and then Lila was hit—strong arms flew around her waist and lifted her into the air as the truck barreled to a screeching stop. She found herself on the ground—back in the snow—with Rayce right above her. For a moment, everything seemed to still as she stared up at him.

  Even though it was dark, she had perfect vision. A paranormal perk. She could see his bright green eyes and the flecks of gold near his pupils. His blond hair was thick and mussed, curving over his high forehead. His lips—full, sensual—were pressed into a thin line and his square jaw was clenched as he glared down at her. “Do you have a death wish?”

  Her breath heaved out.

  She could smell burning rubber and could still hear the screech of brakes.

  “Fucking big rigs can’t stop on a dime,” Rayce snapped at her. His body still pinned hers to the snow. “And you don’t run in front of one, not unless you want to get that beautiful body of yours torn apart.”

  The brakes had stopped screeching.

  A door groaned as it opened. Footsteps pounded across the pavement.

  “He’ll live or die because of you,” Rayce whispered. “Remember that. The choice is on you.”

  Her eyes widened. What?

  “What’s happening there?” A man’s voice called—his voice was high and breaking. Scared. He’s scared, Lila realized.

  Rayce pulled Lila to her feet. He kept his hand locked around her wrist. When she’d created the clothing for them, she’d gotten herself another thick jacket—the better to hide her wings.

  She’d realized—early on—that humans tended to freak out when they saw her wings.

  “Sorry,” Rayce responded curtly. “My lady didn’t mean to cause trouble. She’s had a bit too much to drink.”

  Her jaw dropped. She’d never had anything to drink. Maybe she’d wondered what alcohol would taste like, but she’d been too busy fighting to stay alive—and to stay ahead of all the hunters after her. She hadn’t exactly had time to get drunk and enjoy herself.

  “Miss? You okay?”

  Her gaze turned to the man who stood uncertainly near his truck. He was a small man, or at least, small compared to Rayce. The human’s shoulders stooped and a grizzled gray beard covered his jaw. He had dark eyes and those eyes were narrowed as he stared at Lila.

  He’ll live or die because of you. Rayce’s words rang in her head.

  The human’s face tightened. His hand moved to his jacket.

  Does he have a weapon? And would he use that weapon on Rayce? A human gun wouldn’t do much to a werewolf, but if the man attacked, Rayce would fight back.

  He’ll live or die because of you. “I’m okay,” Lila blurted. “I was just…confused.”

  Confused. Desperate. Scared. All of the above.

  The guy’s hand was still near his jacket, and he cast a suspicious glance Rayce’s way. “What are you two doing out here?”

  “My car broke down,” Rayce said smoothly. “We were just walking back to the bar up the road. Thought we’d get help there.”

  The guy peered around them. “Don’t see any car.”

  “It’s a bit back down the highway.” Rayce pointed vaguely at nothing down the long, twisting highway. “Thanks for stopping—”

  “Didn’t have much of a choice—your lady came flying at me like the devil himself was after her.”

  Not the devil, just his right hand man. Lila rocked forward onto the balls of her feet.

  “She looked scared.” The guy shuffled forward. “She still looks scared.”

  Rayce moved his body so that he was in front of Lila. “You can get back in your truck now. We’re okay. It’s not a far walk to the bar.”

  She peeked over his shoulder. The human was hesitating. His posture was stiff, and his expression uncertain. Did he have any clue how much danger he was in?

  His jacket moved a bit, and she saw the guy was definitely carrying a gun.

  He think he’s safe. That his gun will protect him. But the human was standing so close to Rayce…one swipe of Rayce’s claws, and the truck driver would be dead.

  “Don’t!” Her hands flew out and locked around Rayce’s shoulders. She rose onto her toes, and he leaned toward her so that she could put her mouth to his ear as she whispered, “Please, don’t hurt him.”

  Rayce’s hand slid around her as he pulled Lila to his side. “Sorry for the scare,” Rayce called out, his deep voice seeming to vibrate right through her.

  The driver grunted and then he looked back at his truck.

  The snow was starting to fall again. Lila could feel the flakes whispering over her cheeks.

  “The bar, huh? Would that be Maverick’s place?” the human asked.

  Yes, the bar they’d been at had been named Maverick’s.

  “Don’t know that you want to go there.” The driver looked back at them. “Heard on the radio that some guy tore the place up. One big ass fight caused by some tough sonofabitch. The cops are
on their way there now.”

  She slanted a quick glance at Rayce. She was staring at the tough sonofabitch in question.

  “Well, I’m sure the cops can help us,” Rayce said slowly. “Thanks. Good night.”

  Then he steered her away from the truck.

  “I can give you a ride,” the driver called, sounding anything but happy. Sometimes, that happened…the basic good instincts a person possessed could push him or her to make the right choice—even when the person didn’t like the choice.

  Rayce turned to glance back at the man. “We’re good.” The words rumbled with a strange darkness. And Lila looked at Rayce’s stare just in time to see his glowing eyes.

  The human nearly tripped as he rushed back to his truck. Moments later, the big rig was barreling down that dark highway. Even a human’s basic good nature wouldn’t let him stand up to a monster.

  She shoved against Rayce’s side. “Did you have to frighten him?”

  He just shrugged. “He was lingering. Seemed like a good way to get rid of the guy.”

  “Isn’t that against the rules or something? I thought you couldn’t reveal what you were.”

  He just shrugged. And then he started hauling her back down the highway.

  But Lila dug in her heels. “No! I have to get my bag.”

  Rayce stopped and slowly turned to face her. “You’ve got magic. You can just close your eyes and create any clothing you want.”

  It wasn’t clothing that she needed. “My money is in that bag.” And she didn’t know how to close her eyes and make that. Her power didn’t work that way. “Please, I…I need it, okay?”

  He stared at her.

  “I dropped it when you grabbed me. And you have no clue what I had to trade for that—”

  Rayce pulled her close. So close that her body pressed to the hard, muscled heat of his. Her head tilted back as she stared up at him.

  “What did you trade?” His voice was back to being growly.

  Why did she kind of like the growl? “Are we going to stand in the snow all night?”

  “What. Did. You. Trade?”

  Her gaze fell. “Fine. If you must know…A feather…”


  She shoved against him. He didn’t let her go. Damn him. “I had nothing! I was starving! You don’t know how long it’s been since I’ve eaten.” She didn’t even know, not exactly. “I’ve been running, hiding, barely surviving, and I needed money! The feather was all I had! I needed—”

  His face had changed. Gone slack with shock. And perhaps what could have been pain. She still couldn’t quite read people very well.

  Was he angry with her? Or…did he feel sorry for her?

  I don’t want anyone’s pity. But she managed to clamp her lips together and stop the wild tide of words that wanted to erupt.

  She was just so tired. And hungry.

  And cold again.

  Maybe she should try to create more dry clothes.

  But magic saps my energy. I’m barely standing right now.

  “That’s why you were in Maverick’s. Because you were hungry. You needed money for food.”

  She managed a nod. Lila had to blink away the snowflakes that clung to her lashes.

  “What’s the going rate for an angel’s feather these days?” His voice was so hard and rough.

  She licked her lips and tasted the snow. “One thousand dollars.”

  He swore. “Where’s the fucking bag?”

  “I told you…I-I lost it when you picked me up.”

  “Stay here,” he ordered. He seemed to like giving orders. Then he was trekking back toward the woods. Lila watched him a moment, trying to figure him out. Rayce…Rayce Lovel. She’d known his name before he introduced himself. She’d made it a point to learn as much about him as she could.

  Know your enemy. It was only smart to learn about the man who was hunting her. Not that he was a man. He was a very, very dangerous werewolf.

  So dangerous that—if the stories were true—he’d been turned out of his own pack. A rogue wolf was the most lethal beast there was. But he wasn’t just rogue. One very helpful paranormal friend had even told her that Rayce was an alpha.

  The baddest beast on four legs.

  And he was currently stalking back toward her, with her bag gripped tightly in his hand. She reached for it, but he yanked the bag away.

  “Not so fast, angel. You aren’t getting the money. You’re getting that sweet ass back to the bar with me. We’re getting in my SUV, and then we’re getting the hell out of here.”


  His eyes glowed. “We’re getting the hell out of here.” When he spoke, she could see the flash of his fangs and the hand that gripped her bag? His fingers were sporting claws. His beast was very, very close to the surface.

  And Lila was very, very tired. So tired that she feared she might fall at any moment. Flying away wasn’t an option, not right then.

  But escaping later? When her strength came back and his guard was lowered?

  I’ll be the one getting the hell away…from you, werewolf.

  Chapter Three

  The angel was hungry. Fucking hungry. Her body was too thin, her bones too breakable, and as she sat beside him in the SUV, shivers slid over her body.

  She’s cold, she’s hungry, and she’s weak.

  A growl broke from his lips as his hands tightened around the steering wheel.

  “I wish you’d stop doing that,” Lila said. Her voice was soft and husky and sexy. Sexy, dammit. When she spoke, his cock jerked because a stark hunger flooded his veins. He was trying to keep his control in place. She didn’t get it—did angels even understand lust? Physical need?

  Because he needed her mouth beneath his. He needed her body beneath his—or on top of his, anything as long as he was in her.

  And she’s hungry. She’s scared. She’s lost.

  He was such a bastard.

  “You don’t have to growl at me all the time,” she continued as she shifted in her seat. Her scent—that sweet, tempting scent—filled the interior of the vehicle. “I get that you don’t like me, okay?”

  Not like her? He wanted to devour her.

  “You’re doing your job, and I’m not going to fight you tonight.”

  He was driving down the road—too fast—and his headlights cut through the darkness. They’d gotten back to the bar, and he’d snuck them in his vehicle and gotten them out of there just as the first cop car had arrived at the scene.

  And, yes, he’d left the dead body in the parking lot. Luke would be pissed about that situation. Oh, well. Not like the cops will ever trace the body back to me. Cops tended not to think of werewolves as suspects.

  So they’d cleared out of Maverick’s, and now they were just minutes away from his cabin, a safe house for them. They’d crash there for the night and then when dawn came, he’d start making arrangements to take the angel back to the Florida Keys—back to the Lord of the Dark.

  That means I have the whole night with her. Oh, the things he could do in a night. The things he could show her. Do to her.

  Rayce cleared his throat. “I don’t…dislike you.”

  She laughed. His cock twitched eagerly. Her laugh…oh, hell. It was going to be such a long night.

  “You shouldn’t lie to me. Humans and paranormals lie far too much.”

  He didn’t look at her. If he looked at her, he’d want to touch her. If he touched her, he’d kiss her. If he put his mouth on her…he wasn’t going to stop.

  And he had plans. Fucking plans that he had to take care of first.

  “Don’t sell any more of your feathers.” The words snapped from him. Hell, his tone had been too rough. No wonder she thought he didn’t like her. He cleared his throat and tried again, “I’ll take care of you.” Had those words been softer? Maybe?

  Maybe not.

  “No, you’ll just turn me over to your boss and then Luke will use me in his war against Leo. I’ll be some kind of pawn?
??until they destroy me.”

  He wouldn’t let that happen. “The man who bought your feather…was that the driver who got away?” The tall, thin bastard?

  “Yes.” Her voice had gone even softer.

  “He tried to take you, Lila. The bastard wasn’t happy with just one feather. He wanted all of you.”


  “You know I’m right,” he pushed. She had to see the truth.

  “I didn’t think he realized I was an angel, at least not at first. I just…I told him I found the feather.”

  Seriously? “Angel, you have got a whole lot to learn about the monsters that walk the earth.” He was pulling into the long, winding drive that led to the cabin and snow was everywhere. He’d grown up in a place like this—a place surrounded by heavy mounds of white snow. His wolf liked the snow—it was so easy to disappear into it. But being there…it also made the bad memories stir in his mind.

  Memories of blood. Of pain. Of death.

  So while the wolf might like the snow, the man he was hated it. He couldn’t stand the cold. He wanted the warmth of the Florida Keys.

  Rayce braked the car. “The guy knows what you are—and angel feathers are more valuable than gold. He’ll want more.” Her feathers—or rather, the magic in them—they were the reason that she’d been held captive before. So for her to willingly trade a feather for money…that told him just how desperate she’d been.

  Rage burned in his blood. “Let’s get inside.” He jumped out of the vehicle and hurried around to the passenger side. He opened her door and pulled her close as they headed to the cabin. The snow was falling harder now, and he wanted her inside where she’d be safe and warm.

  By the time they reached the front door, the snow had covered her hair. He led her inside then made sure the door was locked behind him. After quickly setting the alarm, he headed toward the fireplace. The heat was already on in the cabin. It wasn’t some rustic shack but a state of the art, damn-near-mini-mansion that Luke owned. Luke had places like that scattered all over the US—and abroad.

  “You should get out of the wet clothes,” Rayce said as he turned on the fire. It was a gas fireplace so the heat came out quickly. “Do your magic again and—”