Read Broken Angel (Bad Things Book 4) Page 5

  Lila fiddled nervously with the spoon. Her long lashes had lowered, but he saw the quick glance she cast his way. “I…I didn’t think…” Her breath blew out. “I don’t understand you.”

  And I don’t know what I’m supposed to do with you.

  “You killed a man tonight.”

  He rolled back his shoulders. The wounds he’d gotten from the jerk had already healed. As soon as he’d shifted into wolf form, the healing process had begun. Shifting always helped him to heal fast. “He’d stabbed me with a silver knife and the joker thought he was going to come at me again.” But that hadn’t been what signed his death warrant. One of Rayce’s hands flattened on the table. “He thought he was going to take you.”

  Her lashes lifted so that those amazing eyes of hers were focused completely on him.

  “That wasn’t happening,” he told her quietly.

  “Do you…have you killed a lot of people?”

  He gave her a grim smile. “You shouldn’t ask the question if you don’t really want the answer.”

  She looked back at her soup. Then she started eating. And he watched her, enjoying the way her pretty lips curled around the spoon and the way she’d occasionally lick away the soup broth from her mouth and—

  “You make me nervous when you stare at me.” She turned her head to once more meet his gaze. “Why do you stare?”

  “Because you’re fucking gorgeous.” He thought that was an obvious answer. Surely the angel had looked into a mirror?

  But she blinked, as if that thought had never occurred to her. As if she didn’t even realize what she looked like.

  Oh, right. Angels weren’t supposed to be big on vanity. Was it a sin or something like that? Probably.

  His hand lifted and his fingers trailed over her cheek. “Many men will stare at you. You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”

  She shook her head. And when she moved her head, her lips brushed over the back of his hand. Desire jackknifed straight to his groin.

  “I’m not lying to you, angel.” His voice had roughened.

  “But you…you will lie. And you have before.” She turned back to her soup. Finished it slowly. When the bowl was empty, she sat there a moment, still not meeting his gaze. “What are you going to do with me?”

  Oh, the things he wanted to do…

  She rose from the chair, pushing away from the table suddenly. “I’m going to bed. It’s after midnight.”

  A glance at the clock showed him that, yes, indeed, it was 12:03. “A new day,” he murmured.

  Her stare cut to him. “Yes.” And she almost seemed sad. Her shoulders rolled back and the robe gaped open a bit more. “I think I’ll try and get some sleep.”

  He stood and watched her as she walked away. “Lila?”

  She looked back.

  “Why are you in Colorado?”

  A faint smile curved her lips. “Because I was running. I could feel the hunters closing in.” The smile vanished. “I think I could feel you.”

  So she’d just been running blindly?

  She slipped into the bedroom and shut the door. Doubt nagged at him. It was odd, but Rayce wasn’t sure he believed his angel.

  Had she been running blindly? Or had she been running to something? Someone?


  The cabin was as quiet as a tomb. Lila barely breathed as she cracked open her bedroom door. She’d lain in that bed for an hour, waiting, listening to every creak and groan of the home. She’d wanted to be sure that Rayce was asleep before she made her escape.

  Her bag of cash was still on the kitchen table. She picked it up, glanced inside—the money is still there. Then she began to tip-toe toward the front door. A frantic look around assured her that Rayce was nowhere to be seen. She thought he was up in the loft. She’d heard him climb the stairs while she’d been in bed. Though he’d…hesitated…right outside of her bedroom door. For one wild moment, she’d actually thought he might come into the bedroom with her.

  And then what would she have done?

  He’d kissed her before. Actually pressed his mouth to hers and put his tongue in her mouth. And she’d liked it. His kiss had caused a riot of feelings to surge inside of her. Hot, aching feelings. Her body had been straining, almost yearning for something more.


  She needed to tread very carefully around the werewolf.

  Her hand flew to the right, and she quickly typed in the security code to disengage the alarm. She’d watched Rayce before, so she knew the code now. The red light turned to green. Her breath whispered out. Time to go. Time to run.

  Because she had no intention of being dragged to the Lord of the Dark. She didn’t want to be some pawn in his game with Leo. She wanted nothing to do with Luke or Leo.

  Freedom—that was what she craved.

  Lila reached for the lock on the front door. She turned that lock, holding her breath because she was afraid the clicking sound as it disengaged would be too loud, but—no. Silence.

  She opened the door. It made the faintest creak. Surely that sound had been too soft for even Rayce to hear—

  “Don’t, Lila.” His voice cut through the dark and her breath left her in a desperate whoosh. She glanced over her shoulder, then looked up—he was standing in the loft with his hands curled around the wooden balcony. His eyes were glowing in the darkness, and they were on her.

  If she didn’t move—and fast—it was going to be over for her. Lila yanked open the door fully and ran outside.

  “Don’t!” His bellow roared after her.

  Lila peered back just in time to see him hurtle over the edge of that balcony. Oh, no. She let out a quick cry and surged forward. The snow was falling, it was thick on the ground before her, and she sank into it, fighting her way to freedom. She’d palmed the SUV’s key earlier, a move she didn’t think he’d even seen after she’d finished her soup. If she could just get to the vehicle—

  She hit a wall. Or at least, that was sure what it felt like. Lila slammed straight into the wall and all of the breath left her body. Only there was nothing there, nothing she could see, anyway, but it seemed as if she’d rammed right into an invisible barricade.

  In the next instant, pain hit her. It burned through every cell in her body and she screamed. Her body shuddered as she screamed again and again.

  “Fuck, no, Lila!” Rayce had her in his arms and he was running back to the cabin. With every step he took away from that strange wall, the pain faded.

  Her screams died away.

  Her body shuddered.

  Then she was back in the cabin. He’d slammed the door shut. Locked it. Reset the alarm and—

  “Lila, look at me!”

  They were in front of the fireplace. She wasn’t exactly sure how they’d gotten from the door to the fireplace.

  He shoved off her coat. She looked down and saw more feathers fall away. Her wings…they felt even lighter now.

  “You’re hurt. Where in the hell are you hurt?”

  Everywhere. But the pain…pain was like her old friend. It was the first thing she’d known in this world. And she wasn’t fighting the pulses as they still slid through her body. She embraced them.

  Her wings felt even lighter. Her body seemed colder, despite the fire.

  She smiled at Rayce.

  His face hardened. “Sweetheart, I was telling you to stop. There are paranormal safeguards in place, courtesy of Luke. I didn’t have time to take them down when you ran out of the door…”

  Her hand lifted and touched his face.

  “Lila? Lila, are you still hurting?”


  “Then why are you smiling?” His eyes were narrowed and full of worry. Worry from a werewolf was kind of charming. “Shit, just hold on, okay? I’ll make the pain stop.”

  Her smile faltered. Pain…it was bad, wasn’t it? Things were confused in her mind. No…she was confused. That was her growing fear. That something about her was all mixed up, maybe even
wrong. Rayce was acting like the pain was a very, very bad thing.

  But pain made her feel alive.

  His fingers curled around her chin. And then he was stripping her. Shoving all of her now wet clothing off her body. His hands were sliding over her skin, caressing her, massaging her, and the pain vanished completely with his touch.

  But she didn’t want to go back into that void where she felt nothing.

  Wherever he touched her, warmth spread. A tingle…a glow.

  Pleasure? Was that pleasure?

  He lowered her until she was sprawled in front of the fire. She was naked. She should be embarrassed by that, right? She should summon new clothing or push him away or do something.

  But she didn’t because his hands were running over her arms, her shoulders…down her stomach, over her legs, sending warmth wherever he touched, and Lila liked that.

  She liked him.

  “Is it…any better?”

  “Yes…” Her voice was soft, breathy.

  His head snapped up. His eyes—those incredible glowing eyes—met her gaze. “Lila?”

  She wanted to say, Touch me more. Don’t stop. But would that be wrong? There were so many rules in this new life, and she didn’t understand them at all.

  The faint lines near his eyes deepened as he stared at her. “You lied to me.”

  Her heart stuttered in her chest. Suddenly, she didn’t feel so warm. A dangerous edge had entered his voice. His hands were around her hips, holding her tightly, and he was positioned between her spread legs. “I…didn’t,” she faltered.

  “You told me you weren’t going to run.”

  “I said…” She licked her lips and felt his hold clamp down even tighter around her hips. “I said I wasn’t going to run…tonight.” She’d been very careful with her wording. She didn’t like lies. “It’s after midnight,” she reminded him softly. “A new day.”

  Rayce swore. “Fucking semantics.” He leaned over her. He was so big, his body so strong. She should fear him right then. This wasn’t the same man who’d made her soup because she was hungry. This was…a predator. Angry. Fierce. She could see the sharp edge of his canines peeking out behind his lips. Rayce’s beast was very, very close to the surface. How was she supposed to handle an enraged werewolf?

  Her eyes closed. She took a deep breath and she turned her head, baring her neck to him.

  “What are you doing?” His voice wasn’t just rough. It was downright guttural.

  He knew what she was doing. Submission. That was the way to calm an enraged wolf. Show submission. She was so tired and her emotions were all over the place. She didn’t want him angry at her. She’d tried to run, yes, and she would again, but he didn’t need to know that fact. He didn’t need to know that she was convinced something terrible was growing inside of her. Something dark.

  He didn’t need to know about the dreams she’d had. Whispers of such terrible darkness that she could not let be visions of her future. Visions of herself surrounded by snow and ice…and the dead. So many dead, frozen all around her.

  “Lila…” He’d bent over her. She could feel the stir of his breath against her neck. Her eyes were still closed. What would he do now? What did she want him to do?

  Then…she felt his lips on her throat. Not in some fierce bite. Not in punishment for her having tried to escape him. Instead, he was…kissing her neck.

  She shivered.

  “You like that?” His voice was still a growl, but she didn’t feel a threat coming from him. That growl sounded oddly sexy to her.

  And, yes, she liked that.

  “There is so much more I can show you.” His voice rasped and then he was licking her. Sliding his tongue over her skin and her whole body jolted. He was still between her legs—still wearing his jeans. Only jeans. No shirt. No shoes, nothing but the jeans. They were rough against her inner thighs, creating a friction that she…liked?

  She could feel his erection shoving through the jeans. Thick and hard and heavy. And maybe she was arching her hips up against him. Maybe she enjoyed the way the jeans and his heavy cock felt against her sex.

  Maybe she wanted more.

  The edge of his teeth raked her neck in a light, sensual bite and a moan broke from her. The sound was so breathy and desperate that it shocked her. And what shocked her even more? She realized that her hands were wrapped around him. Her nails were sinking into the powerful muscles of his back and she was urging him on.

  “Oh, angel, you need to be careful with me.”

  She’d spent centuries being careful. What had that gotten her? Betrayal. Pain.

  This new half-life.

  “Because I could just eat you up…”

  She was getting wet between her legs. She could feel it and her breasts were aching. Her whole body was tight, and the tenseness had nothing to do with pain. “Do it.”

  He shuddered.

  “It doesn’t hurt. I…I like it when you touch me. I feel good.”

  “I can make you feel a whole lot more than just good.” Rayce’s words were a dark promise. His head lifted. His face was absolutely savage with his need, and she should stop him. She should try to get away.

  She didn’t move at all.

  “I won’t hurt you.”

  Like she was supposed to take the word of a werewolf.

  “But I will make you scream.”

  Her breath caught in her throat.

  He smiled and it was pure wickedness as his dimple flashed at her. “I want to make sure that you never run from me again.” His lips feathered over hers.

  My second kiss.

  He was kissing her lightly.

  She’d liked his harder kiss. Liked it rougher.

  Because I’m changing? “Rayce…”

  “That’s right, angel. Rayce. Another bastard taught you about pain, but I’ll be the one to teach you about pleasure.”

  He…he’d been angry with her. Because she’d run. But he was being so gentle now. And pleasure? Yes, she wanted to know about pleasure. She had never desired anyone, not until the werewolf had kissed her. Not until his mouth had touched hers and a flood of need had filled her.

  That consuming need was back. As his kiss deepened, Lila found herself arching up against him. Rubbing her bare sex against his jeans. Lila wanted Rayce to show her everything there was to know about pleasure. She was sure that she could be a fast learner.

  His hand slid to her breast. At the first touch of his fingers to her nipple, she gave a surprised jerk. He was stroking the nipple, teasing, plucking, and she liked it. Her breath came faster as he worked her, caressing and stirring the need she shouldn’t feel. But she did feel it—her lust for him was rocking through her whole body.

  Then his head bent. His mouth closed over her nipple. She bucked beneath him, pushing her sex hard against his jean-covered erection. A stab of warmth filled her and she did it again, arching up against him because his cock was rocking in just the right spot…

  And he was licking her nipple. Sucking it. Kissing it and driving her need into a frenzy. Lila couldn’t catch her breath. Her nails raked down his arms and her body seemed out of her control. Her wings were spread behind her. She was twisting and arching and moaning, and his right hand wasn’t on her hip any longer.

  It was moving between her thighs.

  Then he was touching her sex. His long, strong fingers were sliding between the folds of her most intimate spot. Her heart thundered in her chest. Her head tipped back just as he pushed one finger into her.


  “You’re wet and hot. Got to taste…I warned you, I could just eat you up…”

  He moved fast then, and in the next breath, he was crouched between her thighs. He spread them even wider. She pushed up onto her elbows, uncertainty stirring within her. “Rayce?”

  “Only pleasure, angel. Only that.”

  Then he put his mouth on her.

  His tongue licked and stroked, even as his fingers dipped into her sex. She fell ba
ck, gasping, and Lila couldn’t hold back the storm of feeling that burst over her. He’d promised no pain, and pain was the last thing she felt. Her body was aching, on the precipice of something…so close, but just out of her reach.

  His fingers thrust deeper. He licked.


  He worked her harder. He was feasting on her, and she loved every wicked movement of his tongue. Her hips were pressing eagerly to his mouth, her sex rocking against him and then…

  She exploded. Lila screamed as the pleasure ripped through her, so intense that the whole world went dark, and she could only shudder and tremble as she rode out that wave of bliss. His fingers were still inside her, and her sex was squeezing him in quick contractions. The pleasure wasn’t stopping. She couldn’t get her breath. She could only feel…

  And she felt good.

  “That’s the first taste, sweetheart.” His voice was a rumble. His breath feathered over her sex, and an aftershock of pleasure rolled through her. “With me, I promise, I can give you so much more.”

  Her breath was panting out. Her legs were open. He was staring at her—seeing every inch of her. There was no shame. With this much pleasure, there was no room for shame. No wonder humans seemed to enjoy sex so much.

  It was amazing.

  But his fingers trailed over her thighs. Then his hold tightened on her. “Next time, I’ll be in you when you come. There might be some pain, at first, but then…it will be so much pleasure that you won’t care about the pain.”

  Next time?

  “But tonight, I promised you no pain. I’ll keep my word, and you’ll see that you can trust me.”

  No, trusting a werewolf was foolishness. He was one of the bad things she’d always been taught to fear. He was evil. Dark.

  He was…lifting her into his arms. She felt limp and sated, no, more than that—Lila felt safe so she found herself snuggling against him. Rayce carried her back into the bedroom. He put her on the bed then carefully covered her up.

  The pleasure was still rolling through her.

  She thought he would leave her.