Read Broken Angel (Book 1 in the Chronicles of a Supernatural Huntsman series) Page 10

  I stood alone in a dressing room with bright lights glaring down on me from the industrial ceiling with exposed beams. A wood-framed full-length mirror leaned against the back wall. I turned around and looked at myself from behind and then again from the front. I barely recognized myself in the training uniform.

  The material was like nothing I had ever felt before. It was thick like leather, but tight and flexible like spandex. The black pants hugged my legs as if it were an extra layer of skin. They tucked into a pair of black combat boots. The black athletic cut tank top tucked into the pants and the jacket zipped all the way up like a turtleneck. I had to admit I looked pretty badass.

  When I walked out to join the others, I had the clothes I arrived in bunched up in my arms.

  “You can bring your old clothes to me along with any electronic devices,” David Yu said from the center of the room. He had several large bags at his feet. “They won’t work down here and when you’re up there we don’t want you tweeting to your friends about the totally rad vampire hunt you’re on.” It sounded like a joke, but there was once again no amusement in his voice.

  A collective groan from the group rang out as they deposited their life’s treasures into the bags. I held on to my mother’s sweater for a moment longer. Even though it had been so long since she held it, I still brought it up to my face and took a large whiff hoping to catch her scent on it somewhere. When I looked up, David was staring at me with those dark, vague eyes of his. I quickly shoved the sweater, clothes, and cellphone into the bag.

  “All right, let’s head back to the hall for the swearing in ceremony.”

  Ryker Alexander shoved me aside with his boney elbow to be closest to David. I rubbed my arm and glared at the back of his head. The boys’ uniforms weren’t as tight as the girls. They got to wear black straight leg jeans as opposed to the stretchy fabric we had to wear. Their jacket also fit slightly looser. I wanted my jeans and baggy sweater back. The boots, I could get used to. They were comfortable and light in weight.

  Back in the cavernous hall, the newly outfitted group stood around in a fidgeting clump. Everyone seemed nervous about the upcoming ceremony—everyone except Ryker. He stood at the forefront with his chest puffed out and his head held high. He bragged to anyone who would listen about how far back the Huntsman lineage went in his family and all their impressive accomplishment. Several people rolled their eyes and ignored his boasts while others hung on his every word.

  Two young men in particular couldn’t get enough of what he said, whether there was any truth to it or not. One was a squat boy with buzzed dirty blonde hair. He had done no athletic training to prepare himself. His round face made him look like an overgrown baby, but the muscles hidden under the layers of fat in his arms told me he was someone not to be messed with.

  The other one was his polar opposite. The only thing they shared was the air of intimidation that hovered around them like an aura. He was tall, slender, and toned. His skin was as black as night with eyes to match. Dreaded hair gathered into a ponytail at the back of his head. He had his hands shoved into his pockets and his eyes trained on Ryker’s mouth as it moved endlessly.

  The double doors swung open and the group snapped to attentive silence—faces forward, shoulders squared, mouths shut. Even David Yu, who was off to the right, stood stiff like a soldier awaiting orders. I followed suit.

  An older woman with brown skin and gray hair cut into a bob at her chin strut into the hall. Her black high heels clicked on the concrete like the ticking of a clock counting down to the end of normality. Even though her body wasn’t what it might have been forty years ago, I could still see the definition in her calf muscles exposed below her deep purple business skirt.

  Behind her followed a small, meek-looking middle-aged man with perfectly combed brown hair, frazzled eyes, and an odd, hurried walk. He clutched a stack of folders in his hands along with a clipboard resembling David’s. I spotted a pin on the collar of his black robe in the shape of the Chamber’s crest, emblazoned with the shotgun and sword crossed in the middle.

  “Welcome fellow Chamber members and future Huntsmen,” the woman said in a deep, warm, and friendly voice with her hands spread out. She then clasped them in front of her and continued with her speech. “I am Eleanor Buhari, Head of the Chamber of Darkness here in the United States. My father was the Head in Africa as was his father before him and his before him. I served as a Vice-Head for thirty years. Before that I was Head of the Department of Records. I started my career at the age of twenty-one, like most of you here, working as a clerk in the Powers and Abilities Registration Department. Anyone can make it to the top if they work hard enough.”

  She turned and presented the man behind her with a slight gesture of her delicate and manicured hand. “This is Casimir Rutherford. He is my Vice-Head and has been for seven years, and I can promise you his background is even more impressive than mine. With any luck on my part, he’ll be with me for many more years.”

  There was a small twitch in the Vice-Head’s left eye, like a nervous tick. He was a quiet, odd fellow, like the kids who were too smart for their own good. I wondered how he ever made his way up to Vice-Head. I had pictured the leadership of the Chamber to be strong and fearless. Casimir Rutherford, on the other hand, looked to be almost cowering in the shadow of Eleanor Buhari as he hunched over trying to contain the towering stack of papers and folders he carried.

  “Most of you are very familiar with the rich heritage of our Chamber and the roles that Huntsmen play within it,” she continued. “For some of you this is entirely new. But I want all of you to know that what you are about to swear into here is not to be taken lightly, whether you’re a descendant or not.

  “These are dark times and we foresee them only getting worse before they get better. We need each and every one of you to go into this whole-heartedly or not at all. If this sounds like it is not the job for you and you would like to leave, now would be your chance.”

  She paused and looked into every eye for a brief moment. When her deep-set eyes met mine, I thought I saw something in them, like she was trying to convey a message. There was a twinkle there. She must’ve already known who I was, being one of the only two non-descendants, but she wasn’t glaring at me like the others had. There was no judgement or malcontent, but a secret understanding.

  “Good,” she said lightly when no one answered. She clapped her hands together and gave a spokeswoman worthy smile. Her perfectly white teeth were all the same in length, made to look even whiter by the plum lipstick she wore.

  “Now, this is the first time in a long time we’ve welcomed non-descendants into the Chamber. I know that it was not a unanimous decision, but I feel it was one we had to make. Though some of you may not agree with me, I expect you all to accept it with grace and dignity. If I hear otherwise…there will be consequences.” She accentuated her last words. Her jawline was stern and her eyes narrowed. In an instant, like the flip of a switch, her face relaxed and she was back to smiling. “I will call all of you individually to come forward so I can officially induct you into the Chamber of Darkness as Huntsmen initiates.”

  She held out her hand behind her without a word. The Vice-Head un-wedged the clipboard from between two folders and did a jig to prevent the rest from falling to the floor. He handed it over and took a few steps back to his place behind her.

  “Right, we’ll start with…Ryker Alexander,” she called out.

  The arrogant and well-groomed boy stepped out from the group and strutted his way up to her. He stopped in front with his chest out. It was obvious he felt he rightly deserved the position by birth alone. No one in that room had sacrificed what I did to be there.

  “Do you swear to uphold our laws and regulations and never stray from the path of Lightness?”

  “I swear,” he projected for all to hear.

  “Then by the power invested in me by the Chamber of Darkness, I hereby welcome you into the brotherhood of Huntsmen.”<
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  There was a dull roar of applause as she shook his hand. I patted my hands together, but my heart wasn’t in it. Being trapped underground with Ryker for six months was not my idea of fun. All I could hope was that we wouldn’t be put into the same training group and I would never have to see him.

  “Atticus Magee,” she called out next.

  One of the twins stepped out and walked forward. His lips twitched upward in an involuntary smile, but he suppressed it. A serious moment called for the utmost of serious facial expressions, even for someone who couldn’t be serious for two minutes at a time.

  “Achilles Magee,” she called after Atticus swore in.

  They moved along quickly. Everyone who swore in lined up behind the Head. One after another, the crowd thinned around me. After fifteen minutes of reading off names, Holly and I were the only ones left standing with all the mentors behind us. The room was heavy with impatience and boredom. None of them wanted to stick around to watch two non-descendants be sworn in.

  “Holly Everest,” the Head called out.

  I was all alone once Holly meekly made her way up to the front of the hall. My legs shook. I thought my knees would give out at any moment. They had better hurry and call my name before I passed out on Don’s dirty boots. I couldn’t tell if my body’s response was from excitement or from being nervous. It was most likely a mixture of both.

  “Kamlyn Paige,” she finally said.

  My name echoed throughout the great stone hall. My head spun as my feet moved forward. I could do it. All I had to do was go up there, stand still, say I swore, and take my place in line. That was it. I could do it.

  I kept encouraging myself the entire way until I stood within a foot of the Head. She smiled at me warmly without showing her perfect teeth. Her face wrinkled around her eyes and mouth. With one quick nod, she started the swearing in process.

  “Do you swear to uphold to our laws and regulations and never stray from the path of Lightness?”

  “Yeah. Yes! I do. I mean, I swear,” I stumbled.

  I could feel all the blood in my body rushing up to my face as it burned with embarrassment. I swallowed and didn’t blink once as she raised her hand to shake mine.

  “Then by the power invested in me by the Chamber of Darkness, I hereby welcome you into the brotherhood of Huntsmen.”

  If I wasn’t mistaken, there was an extra added sentiment in her voice when she spoke those last words. She had smiled at everyone, but there was something special about the look she gave me. I would like to say it put my worries to rest and the next six months were nothing but smooth sailing, but nothing is ever that easy. It did, however, give me a small boost of confidence to get through the first night quietly.

  Once we were all in line, the Head stepped aside and held out her hand to display us to our mentors. They clapped wildly for the prodigies they had all worked so hard to prepare for that very moment. Don’s hands remained folded across his chest. The corners of his thin lips turned up into a soft smile and he nodded his head. That was enough for me.

  “Thank you all for this evening. I will let you proceed from here, Mr. Rutherford,” Head Buhari said. She gave one last wave and walked out the double doors.

  “Next on the agenda is your room, group, and class assignments. Once the groups are called out, any mentor to a member of that group can then volunteer to be the group mentor as well,” he said robotically, digging again through his pile of papers.

  He busily named off pairs of people who either smiled in acceptance or scowled in disapproval at who they had to be bunkmates with for the next twenty-four weeks. Inside, I was begging for mine to be Holly Everest. She was sweet, quiet, and a non-descendant like me. She also seemed to know more than I did about this new world I had been thrown into. I knew she would be willing to help get me up to speed before I was drummed out.

  “Ryker Alexander, you’ll be with Atticus Magee.” This solicited a discernable groan from both parties.

  “Achilles Magee, you’ll be with Lance Anders.” I looked around to see who the second name belonged to. The boy with the dreads hung his head as Ryker poked at him and laughed. Neither of the Magees were in a good position.

  “Kamlyn Paige, you’ll be with…”

  My heart stopped. I held my breath. Please be Holly. Please be Holly.

  “Holly Everest.”

  The cheerful redhead skipped over. “I’m so glad we’re roommates!” she said with a smile so big I was afraid it would split her freckled cheeks in two.

  “I am, too. Now, let’s just hope we’re as lucky with our group.”

  The two of us stood closely together as the Vice-Head rattled off the last of the roommates and fumbled for the list with the groups.

  “The first group—” he said and read through the seven names.

  They were no one I had heard of. I must have missed the names of at least twenty of the thirty five people during the ceremony.

  “Group two will be Miss Everest, Miss Paige—”

  My eyes widened as Vice-Head Rutherford spoke with a slow drawl.

  “—Mr. Magee, Mr. Magee—”

  I raised my head to look for the twins. They were doing the same and each thrust vivacious thumbs up over the heads of the surrounding people. I let out a sigh of relief as Holly laughed.

  “—Mr. Anders, Mr. Scott, and Mr. Alexander.”

  Well, it was almost perfect. The four of us groaned together and let the smiles fade from our faces. Maybe Ryker and his two cronies wouldn’t be so bad once we got into the training. I turned to look over my shoulder. Ryker stared daggers at me with his sunken, dark eyes. It was a look that promised me a living hell for the next six months.

  I narrowed my eyes and matched him glare for glare. I would not allow him to get to me. My son was the reason I was doing all of this and there was no way some sniveling boy would stop me from having my revenge. I would do whatever I had to do to make sure he didn’t get in my way.

  “I volunteer to be group mentor,” a gruff voice said from the back. Don’s tattooed arm raised high in the air.

  “Mr. Vander, you will be the mentor for group two, then.” The Vice-Head scribbled on the papers inside a folder and then closed it and pulled out a few more.

  He handed each of us our group class schedule. At six in the evening we met with someone named Rashne, no last name, for creatures and beings class. Aside from weapons training, it was the longest class we had in a day. Then, at nine we had physical training with David Yu. I assumed that meant we would lift weights or run in circles. At ten we took a break for lunch. After that, at eleven we had a technology class with Kyle Zander. I wasn’t sure what that would entail, but it raised my curiosity. At midnight we had weapons and hand-to-hand combat training with David Yu. (Three weeks with 9mm pistol, three weeks with shotgun, three weeks with sword, and three weeks with katana.) It was the only time I hoped to be paired up with Ryker Alexander so that smug kid could get what he deserved. At three in the morning we met with a Maria Geovanni for Latin. Four o’clock was herbs and repellants class with Sasha Mayhem, whatever that was. At five, we had a research class with Lisa Malone. Six was dinner. From seven to eight in the morning there was a block period for us to meet with our mentors if they were available. If they weren’t, it looked to be our only free time. Eight in the morning was our suggested time to go to bed. Any studying I wanted to do would have to come out of my sleep. At the bottom of the paper it said the schedule was only valid for the first twelve weeks. It didn’t say what we would do after that.

  Once all the groups were assigned and mentors had volunteered, the Vice-Head turned back to the weapon’s instructor and said, “They’re all yours, David.” His lips flickered up into a hurried smile and then he rushed awkwardly out the doors.

  I snapped out of my daze and waited to be released to our room. The fact that I hadn’t slept in over a day had finally caught up to me. My limbs felt heavy as I stood on my aching feet.

  “Okay, i
t’s gonna be a long night, folks, so follow me and we’ll assign you weapons and get you started on your first lesson.”

  I restrained my urge to groan. My feet dragged as I followed everyone out through the double doors. I looked back at Don one more time. His gray eyes met mine and wrinkled in the corners as he gave an encouraging smile.

  Weapons Training