Read Broken Arrow Page 10

  She wasn’t wearing a bra.

  She leaned in, her hands offering her breasts. “You’ve got two to choose from. Pick one and put it in your mouth before I go looking for duct tape.”

  He grinned and grabbed her, pulling her down on top of him, sucking her right nipple into his mouth, his hand cupping her left breast.

  “There you go, babe,” Justin said. “You’re a quick learner.”

  “I try,” she said before her moan broke through as Cody sucked on her nipple.

  Damn, it felt good.

  Better than good.

  It felt fucking fantastic.

  Two hot, eager guys who wanted her.

  All of her.

  Even the bent and broken bits of her.

  As Justin reached around her and started working on getting her shorts unfastened, he asked, “What’s off limits?”

  “Um, nothing?”

  He nibbled on the side of her neck, making it difficult for her to think between that and what Cody was doing to her. “Anything you don’t want us to do to you?”

  “Get me pregnant? Or give me, you know, like a disease or something.”

  “We’re clean,” Justin said. “We’ll get new tests for you. And you for us, because fair’s fair. But do you have condoms?”

  She froze.

  Aw, dammit!

  The rabid, coke-crazed rodent of her libido sat back on its haunches and howled in misery.

  So close.




  “No,” she whispered, almost in tears. Dammit! Why hadn’t she thought about that!

  “That’s okay,” Cody said, relinquishing her breast for a moment. “We’ve got some. If you had a brand you preferred, we would have used those.”

  “Wait a minute. You brought condoms?”

  Cody looked a little confused. “Um, yeah?”

  “You were sure you were going to get laid?”

  “No, but isn’t it a good thing we did, since you don’t have any?”

  Her mouth snapped shut on her indignation and their assumptions. “Good point. Carry on.”

  “No, not yet,” Justin said. “Are you on the pill?”

  “Are you kidding? The president’s kids were still in grade school the last time I got laid.”

  Justin made her turn and look at him. “Well, since you just said you don’t want to get pregnant, and we’d need a lot of talking and time between the three of us to get to that point from this point, it might not be a bad idea for you to get that taken care of, too, so we can do away with condoms once our test results are back and your pill kicks in.”

  “How can you be so rational and think at a time like this? I’m so fucking horny I can barely see straight, much less string two coherent sentences together.”

  Justin smiled, an infuriatingly handsome smile that didn’t help her concentration. “Because we’re Dominants, that’s why. Kind of something we have to be good at, negotiations. Even if it’s for sex and no play.”

  “Okay, fine. Damn your Dom logic, and can we please quit talking now and get back to the fun? Otherwise I’m going to get invested in whatever Chris Hardwick is about to sa—”

  Justin kissed her, one hand buried in her hair. More correctly, he wrapped her ponytail around his fist and tightly held her in place as he crushed her lips with his.


  He slid one hand down the front of her shorts and into her panties, where his fingers unerringly found her clit.

  Finally, the little coked-up rodent of her libido fell still and sighed with pleasure.

  “Didn’t someone say it’s been a long, long time since they had sex with someone else?” Cody teased.

  “Uh-huh,” she mumbled underneath Justin’s lips.

  Justin’s fingers started playing with her clit, taking the strength right out of her knees and sinking her down onto Cody’s hips. The outline of a very nice-sized cock rubbed against her through his shorts and hers.

  Cody reached up and cupped her breasts in his palms, rubbing the pads of his thumbs over her nipples and sending shudders of pleasure through her.

  Justin lifted his lips from hers and eased in behind her, pulling her body against his so he was supporting her. He kept her head tipped back against his shoulder, his chin pressing into the top of her shoulder as his fingers showed her what a clit was damn well supposed to be used for.


  “We plan on getting at least a few out of you before we even think about getting off,” Justin softly rumbled in her ear. “We’re going to see how loud we can make you moan, want to hear what you sound like when you’re coming for us. One other rule we have, baby—never fake an orgasm with us, all right? If you don’t get over, we’ll try something different. You won’t hurt our feelings, believe me. But we want to know that when you’re coming, it’s for real.”

  She was coming, all right. Her back arched from the force of it. His hand sped up, driving her harder and faster over the edge into the first orgasm.

  Multiple times? She knew that was theoretically possible, but she usually stopped at one herself.

  Nice to know they were a couple of overachievers.

  Justin pressed a tender kiss against the side of her neck. “That’s one,” he said. “The first of many.”

  She didn’t care what they did to her at that point. That orgasm felt sooo good, so much better than anything she’d felt in…well, ever, that she’d let them pretty much do whatever they wanted at that point.

  On the TV, The Talking Dead played, unwatched.

  Sorry, Chris. I’ll catch up with you tomorrow.

  * * * *

  Cody wriggled out from under the two of them and Justin lay back with her nestled against his body. Cody got her shorts and panties off her and tossed them onto the floor to join her T-shirt.

  Justin spread his legs, which spread hers, and gave Cody his opening. He lay down between her thighs, even though most of him hung off the other end of the couch, and buried his face in her pussy.

  She let out an adorable squeal and one hand tried to push his head away, but then Justin spoke up.

  He caught her hand. “You want us to stop anything, you say red. Unless or until you do, we’re not stopping. We want to hear you come, and we’re going to hear you come. Maybe you don’t want us Topping you for BDSM play, and that’s fine. But in bed we’re in charge, and that’s the only way we know how to be. So you’re just going to have to enjoy it.”

  He glanced up to see Justin lace fingers with her, then raise her hands back over their heads while he kissed her.

  Fuck, that was so hot he nearly creamed his own briefs right there, watching Justin kiss her, lovingly restraining her.

  He buried his tongue in her pussy, taking his time to build up her next one, working his arms under Justin’s thighs so he could reach around and rest his hands on top of her thighs, holding her still down below.

  She moaned, muffled by Justin’s mouth.

  Maybe she didn’t want to do impact play, but they could show her this, the Dominant sides of themselves, love some of her bad memories away. They could fill her life with laughter and smiles. One thing Eliza had told them that night at the club while Brooke excused herself to the bathroom was that Brooke wasn’t the same person she’d been before. Wasn’t carefree, wasn’t full of laughter and smiles and energy.

  No shit, based on what she’d gone through, but the men had gotten Eliza’s point.

  They wanted to be that carefree zone for Brooke, the solid, dependable guys who would do whatever it took to make her smile, make her happy.

  Because in just a few short days, he knew he was falling for her, and hard. Even if it didn’t work out and she only wanted to be friends, he still wanted to be there in her life, if she’d let them.

  To try to make her happy.

  Her hips rocked against his face and he knew Justin had to be under serious strain himself from the feeling of that friction against his cock und
erneath her. He resisted sliding a finger into her pussy yet, wanting to build up to that. They didn’t have a vibrator with them, and unless she had one, they’d have to rely on good ole-fashioned manpower to get the job done.

  No use setting the bar sky-high five minutes into the evening and leaving her less than impressed after what they’d already promised.

  Note to self, always pack the Hitachi.

  The second orgasm had her writhing and squirming and struggling against Justin, but still she didn’t safeword even when Justin lifted his mouth from hers and asked, “Are you safewording? If you are, say so. Otherwise, we keep making you come until we’re ready to continue. Understand?”

  Cody glanced up and saw her nod.

  Grinning, he dove in again, lightly flicking her clit with his tongue, letting her idle without cooling down all the way.

  * * * *

  The second orgasm took her breath away. No shit, she’d read that crap in romance novels and thought it was a joke, but…

  Oh, my…oh…ohfrackingmmm…

  If this was the men’s usual standard of excellence in terms of making love…well, Brooke suspected she had a lot of fun times ahead of her. When Justin asked her if she was safewording, it was all she could do not to.

  She laid back and let her brain detach from her body again, the men in control of her…and her pleasure.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Justin knew not only were they having to do this without a mechanical assist from their good friend the Hitachi, they were also fighting against the clock with Brooke’s usual bedtime. He didn’t want to wear her out just to have her fall asleep before the grand finale.

  They could take care of each other at home, but he really wanted to slide his cock inside her sweet pussy and feel her come while Cody used that fantastic tongue of his on her clit at the same time.

  The first time a woman came like that for them…it was always mind-blowing.

  Once Cody pulled number three out of her, and while she was still gasping for breath, he released her hand and reached down to tap Cody on the head.

  He sat up. “Yeah?”

  “Time to move to the bedroom.”

  Cody got up, effortlessly scooped her into his arms, and headed toward her bedroom. Justin rolled himself off the couch and followed, his cock aching and straining in his shorts as he tugged and tried to adjust everything to a slightly more comfortable position.

  Tonight they wouldn’t be doing anything wild like DP. No, tonight was about her, making this a night she’d never forget, and hopefully the first of countless nights the three of them would be spending together for the foreseeable future.

  Cody laid her down on the bed and started stripping, fishing the condoms out of his pocket and putting them on the bedside table. As Justin started stripping, he noted the way her eyes widened when she got her first look at their cocks.

  And that look, a little bit of lust, a little bit of wary prey, was all he needed to make his cock twitch.

  Justin climbed onto the bed—dammit, a queen, not a king—and buried his face in her pussy. She collapsed back onto the bed with a moan, burying her hands in his hair and this time holding on instead of trying to push him away while Cody kissed her.

  He only stayed down there a couple of minutes, just enough to rev her up again. Reaching for one of the condoms, he ripped the pouch open and rolled it on before sitting on the edge of the bed. Cody got her up and standing in front of Justin, still kissing her, backing her up until she was straddling Justin’s lap.

  He grabbed his aching cock and slowly swiped the condom-clad head of it up and down between her pussy lips until he found his target and pressed for entrance.

  She let out a loud, low moan as he reached around her and cupped her breasts, once again playing with her nipples. “Take your time, baby,” he hoarsely said. “Take all the time you need to work all of that inside you. Because we’re not doing anything else until your gorgeous ass is all the way in my lap and my cock’s all the way inside your pussy.”

  She moaned again, louder, slowly rocking herself back and forth on his shaft as he lightly pinched her nipples.

  * * * *



  She was no virgin, although the majority of her sexual experiences had been when she was younger, before her…accident.

  These two guys had cocks that belonged in porn, not in her!

  Not that she was complaining.

  No, she wasn’t going to safeword for this. Hell, no.

  She was also beginning to have serious doubts about her abilities to get all of his cock inside her, until she finally felt her ass touching his thighs and she let out a thoroughly satisfied sigh of relief to know she’d done it.


  His arms wrapped securely around her and she let out a startled meep as he spread his thighs, forcing her legs apart and her body back against his.

  “Shh, I got you,” he said.

  Cody dropped to his knees in front of her, grinning before he shoved his face into her pussy again and started working on her with his tongue.

  The only thing she thought at first was that maybe the house had exploded. Until she realized the noises she was hearing were mostly her, combined with both of the men chuckling. Well, Justin was clearly chuckling, and it felt like Cody was chuckling between her thighs.

  Her pussy clenched down on Justin’s cock, hard and fast as wave after wave of pleasure even better than the first several orgasms swept through her and it became hard to breathe without making a whole lot of noise in the process.

  “Go ahead, baby,” Justin said. “Scream your head off. I feel you coming on my cock. It’s okay. Just enjoy what we’re doing to you. Believe it or not, this is a kind of domination for us, making your body respond to us like this. We get off on this kind of control almost the same way we do with a scene. So you just keep coming.” He nibbled on her earlobe.

  There were no…it was just…


  * * * *

  Oh, they had her, and Cody damn well knew it. He’d keep this one rolling through her for a little longer before Justin would start fucking her. And as soon as Justin finished, he’d be ready to swap places with him, this time not having to wait her out while she got used to his cock first. Justin was a little bigger than him, but not by much. They’d figured out it was a lot more fun for the woman to have Justin go first for the adjustment part of the activities, then Cody could get as wild as he wanted and fuck her with abandon and not worry about her being uncomfortable.

  Plus Justin was better at holding back longer than Cody sometimes was.

  Logic, yo.

  He reached over and grabbed a condom, getting it ready, rolling it on and waiting as Justin started fucking her. Justin rolled her over onto her stomach on the edge of the bed, more moans escaping her as he started fucking her, harder and faster but still with a controlled restraint that was beauty in motion.

  When Justin came, Cody was already perched on the edge of the bed, waiting. Justin stood, still breathing heavily, and lifted her to her feet as she moaned. He pulled out, turning her around and helping Cody get her in place.

  Then Justin dropped to his knees between her thighs and, as Cody spread her legs for access, Justin’s mouth closed over her clit.

  She stretched back against him, wordless, nonsensical moans escaping her as she tried to fuck her body against them.

  Cody’s cock strained, aching, throbbing, wanting to plunge into her and fuck her silly, but he waited. Justin could almost always get one more out of the woman, a nice sexual symmetry to the evening leaving everyone happy and their partner wrung out in the good ways.

  * * * *

  At some point, Brooke was pretty sure she was no longer speaking English and had switched to speaking in tongues.

  She didn’t care, either.




  She threw her head back and moan
ed as another impossible orgasm flooded her body, making her pussy squeeze Cody’s cock as Justin’s tongue forced more pleasure than she thought she’d even survive out of her clit and into her nervous system.

  * * * *

  Justin kept it up until Cody nudged him with his foot, meaning he was pretty sure she’d finished.

  He gently rolled her over onto the bed and started fucking her while Justin stepped into the bathroom and disposed of the condom on his wilting cock.

  Justin returned in time to see Cody’s tight ass flexing, squeezing, and then his last grunts as he came and filled the condom inside her. He rose up on his arms, catching his breath, running his lips along the back of her shoulders and kissing her.

  Justin pulled her into his arms and climbed into bed with her, holding her tucked against him as the last waves of pleasure finished echoing and settling down inside her while Cody stepped into the bathroom.

  She didn’t move for a few minutes, even though he heard from the sound of her breathing that she was still awake.

  Cody returned from the bathroom and the three of them squeezed into the bed together, Justin right on the edge. If Cody wasn’t on his side, he’d be half off the bed.

  Finally, she took a long, deep breath, and let out what he desperately hoped was a contented sigh.

  “Are you okay?” he finally asked.

  She laughed, a beautiful sound that turned into a giggle fit that made both men smile even as they kissed each other over the top of her head.

  A job well done.

  One they were looking forward to repeating, as often as possible, with her.

  For as long as she’d have them.

  “Yeah,” she finally managed. “I’m better than okay. Waaay better. I don’t think they make a word for what I am right now.”

  “Well-laid?” Cody playfully asked.

  “I think technically that’s two words,” she said, “but it is accurate.”

  * * * *

  Brooke lay there in her bed, which had, before tonight, felt enormous and empty, and now felt like a home to a full traveling hockey team as she was comfortably wedged between the men.