Read Broken Arrow Page 12

  “I say we take pics and text them,” Cody said. “Sort of speaks for itself.”

  “We’re going to have to find a new place to live,” Justin said, still sounding stunned. “Guess we should look into building that house sooner rather than later, huh?”

  “You have a place to live,” Brooke said before she realized what she was saying. “You’ll move in with me.”

  They all turned to stare at her. Eliza looked even more shocked than Brooke’s men did.

  Cody found his voice first. “You don’t have to—”

  “I know I don’t have to,” she said. “I want to. I have an extra room. If you guys get on my nerves too much, you can move into there. It’s stupid for you to waste money renting when you can live with me and share expenses.”

  The men looked at each other. For a moment, Brooke worried they were going to say no.

  Then Justin said, “Well, I guess we’ll have to move our bed first, because that tiny thing of yours won’t comfortably fit all three of us every night.” He smiled, pulling her in for a hug. “Thank you, sweetheart. You didn’t have to do this, and we promise we’ll try not to get on your nerves.”

  She enjoyed it even more when Cody embraced her from behind, lovingly pinning her between them.

  “Love you, babe,” Cody murmured in her ear. “Wish I’d said it sooner, but this was a hard lesson to learn and, frankly, scared the crap out of me.”

  Her heart pounded as Justin softly added, “I love you, too, Brooke.”

  She closed her eyes and willed herself to keep breathing slowly and deeply and not to hyperventilate. “I love you guys, too. And I don’t care if you’re Dominants, if you ever freaking scare me like this again, I’ll get all Toppy on your asses. I swear I will.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  By dawn there were over twenty of their friends there, with vehicles, helping the men salvage what they could. Kel went through first and documented everything with photos and video so they could file their claim with their renter’s insurance.

  It was almost seven a.m. before Brooke realized she wouldn’t get her run in today, and that she’d better make sure Bob or Carl could go in and open the shop, and why.

  Which immediately brought another round of issues to mind—she couldn’t very well tell them she was in a relationship with Cody and Justin, because they would immediately relay that info to her father.


  She hadn’t talked to him much about the men. She’d kept her talks couched in terms of going out more with Eliza and other “friends.” Yes, she’d mentioned teaching the men archery, but they were customers, acquaintances. She’d not come right out and said they were gay partners, but knew she didn’t have to connect those dots for her father.

  Lying to her father about her relationship with the men didn’t feel right. Hiding the men from him didn’t feel right, either.

  While her father was always fairly liberal, she wasn’t sure he’d be this liberal.

  I’ll start small. I’ll mention they’re staying with me because of storm damage. That’s neither a lie, nor an evasion.

  That it wasn’t the full truth left a slightly foul taste in her mouth, but it would be better than diving into those dark waters, head-first, without knowing what lay beneath the surface.

  Maybe in a few months she could start dropping hints, ease her way into things.


  She realized she was looking long-term at the future and didn’t even know if that was what the men wanted.

  When the hell did I start doing that?

  Maybe when you realized you were in love with them, dumbass.

  Yes, she was in love with them. Absolutely, without question.

  Those ponderings would have to wait. For today, she needed to oversee getting the men moved into her place.

  She and Eliza drove with some of Cody’s books back to her place. She moved a very pissed-off Dixon, along with food and water, into the guest bathroom where his litter pan was and closed him in, taping a note to the door that the cat was in there and to please not let him out.

  Then Eliza helped her get her bed stripped down and move things around in the guest room to make space for some of the men’s belongings. It would end up being a mess regardless, but they’d have to worry about that later.

  There was some room in her garage, but most of the men’s furniture would have to go over to Kel’s for now.

  They were just getting ready to head back to the men’s house when the first three trucks, driven by the Collins brothers, rolled up. The men, with several other friends riding shotgun, wouldn’t let the women help with the heavy unloading. They had the men’s bed in that load, and they helped Brooke get it swapped out with hers and loaded hers to take over to Kel’s place.

  All throughout the morning, it was a parade of friends bringing stuff, helping Eliza and Brooke sort and organize, redistributing things to go to Kel’s, and even bringing in food and coffee for the volunteers.

  By noon, the men’s house was empty, except for the overturned cars and the stuff in the garage blocked by Justin’s car. Everyone congregated on Brooke’s lanai for pizzas.

  Poor Cody and Justin looked shell-shocked. Brooke couldn’t blame them. Their lives had been uprooted, their belongings now spread between her house and their friend’s place. Hell, the men didn’t even know where their clean underwear was.

  At least Brooke did. She’d been careful to make sure all their clothes had ended up in the spare bedroom. Some of them still folded in dresser drawers belonging to dressers that were now over in storage.

  A little after one o’clock, the three of them were alone again and Brooke had to drive them back to their house to meet with insurance adjusters. Around four, they headed over to Brooke’s shop, where Carl and Bob had been holding down the fort all day.

  And she was shocked when she walked into the office to see who was sitting behind the desk. “Dad? What are you doing here?”

  “Bob called me this morning after you talked to him. He came and picked me up and brought me in. I told him I’d work the office today.” He nodded to Cody and Justin. “You must be the refugees,” he said in a joking tone.

  “Yes, sir,” they said, nodding back and nervously looking to Brooke for guidance.

  She walked around to the key box and retrieved Cody’s keys. “Their cars were both destroyed by the storm,” she said. “At least they still have the Ranchero.”

  They were both going to pick up rentals that evening, covered by insurance, until the settlement checks came in and they could replace their rides. Two wreckers had taken the better part of an hour to get Justin’s car winched out of the garage and flipped, and then uprighting Cody’s car, so they could remove them from the property.

  All things considered, the men had gotten off easy. One of their neighbors had been severely injured by flying glass, and others had lost most of their roof decking, the rain ruining their belongings. The men had been able to salvage nearly everything they owned, except for the cars and what was now buried in the garage under debris. And that was a task they still had to do.

  Her dad eyed the two men and slowly nodded. “Where you all staying meanwhile?”

  She bit the bullet. “With me, Dad. They’re friends, and I have the room.”

  He slowly nodded again. “Honey, can I talk to you for a minute? Alone?”


  “It’s okay,” Justin said. “We need to get showers. We’ll head on back to the house.” They walked out of the office to get Cody’s truck.

  Her father leaned back in the chair and stared up at her.

  “What?” she finally asked.

  “What is really going on? How well you know them guys?”

  “Are we talking in a biblical sense?” she snarked before she could stop herself.

  He arched an eyebrow at her. “Don’t get smart with me, young lady. Just answer my question.”

  She slumped down onto the desk. “Do you reall
y want to have this conversation with me, Dad?”

  “I want to make sure my daughter isn’t about to get her heart broken.”

  That pulled her up short. “They’re good men,” she finally said when she couldn’t come up with a better answer. “We have a lot of friends in common, and they all say great things about them.” When he didn’t interject, she continued. “They have good jobs. Cody’s an electrical contractor, and Justin is a plumbing contractor. They work for that big company, Sarton, handling projects for them.”

  Still nothing.

  “They’re Eliza-approved.”


  She soldiered on. “Dixon likes them.”

  That finally got a smile from him. “Well, if that scruffy mofo cat likes them, they can’t be all bad, can they?”

  “I appreciate you being concerned for me,” she carefully said, “but they’re an important part of my life, and you’ll probably be seeing a lot of them in the future.”

  He held up a hand. “Good enough.” The hand closed into a pointing finger, aimed at her. “I trust you to take care of yourself and not put yourself into a situation that would be harmful for you.”

  Breathing a sigh of relief, she leaned in and kissed his cheek. “Thank you, Dad.”

  “I just have one condition,” he said, holding his finger up.

  Wasn’t there always a catch? “What condition?”

  “They’d better start coming to Thursday breakfasts with you. If we need to do it earlier because of their jobs, that’s fine. But if they’re part of your life, I want to see them on a regular basis to make sure they’re not slacking.”

  Relief. “Yes, Dad. I’ll tell them.”

  He pointed the finger at her again. “Do you know why I’m not freaking out about this?”

  She successfully held back her laugh over him using that term. “Why?”

  His expression softened. “Because in the past month you’ve looked the happiest I’ve seen you look since you returned home from Walter Reed and…everything else. I sort of wondered if something more wasn’t going on. If they’ve done that for you, and they’re the reason you’ve suddenly found peace and happiness, then I’m going to trust you and your judgment. Because, so far, they seem to be good for you.”

  She had to blink back the tears as she leaned in again to hug him. “Thank you, Daddy,” she softly said. “Yeah, they make me happy.”

  “Okay, then.” He dropped his voice. “Not sure what we’ll tell Bob and Carl, though. They might not understand. Let’s just say they’re your good friends and gay roommates for now, huh?”

  She laughed. “Agreed.”

  * * * *

  After checking everything was all right, Brooke headed home. The Fairlane was parked off to the side, leaving her usual parking spot free. Dixon greeted her at the front door with a silent glare and a stiff shake of his tail before turning his ass to her and sauntering into the kitchen. That was where Cody stood, hair damp, and dressed in nothing but a pair of shorts, while he washed up a few stray items in the kitchen sink.

  He looked up as she walked in. “Everything okay with your dad?”

  She kissed him. “Yeah, but get ready for a change in your weekly schedule.”


  “Dad has pretty much ordered that the two of you will come with me to Thursday breakfasts.”

  “Really?” He pulled her in, holding her close. She rested her head against his shoulder and closed her eyes.


  “Is that good?”

  She looked up at him. “It’s not bad. He understands there’s more going on than we’ve outright said. He also said as long as he’s satisfied that the two of you are making me happy, he’ll pretty much stay out of it.”

  He blinked, shocked. “Wow. That’s…really cool.”

  “I thought so. Where’s Justin?”

  “In the shower. We weren’t sure if you wanted us using your bathroom or not, so we took turns in the guest bath.”

  “Of course you can use mine. Duh.”

  “We didn’t want to assume. And we’ll need your help finding our clothes so we can go get the rental car. They didn’t have two of what we wanted. We’ll only pick up one tonight and get another after work tomorrow.”

  “I need a shower, too. Let’s eat out and then come home and collapse.”

  “Sounds like a plan to me.”

  She showed Cody the system she and Eliza had used for stashing the men’s clothes in the guest room. Once he had it figured out, she left him there while she went to grab her shower. When she emerged from her bedroom, her hair damp and hanging free, and wearing a tank top and a long skirt, she found the men waiting for her in the living room.

  They had dressed in slacks and button-up shirts, a delicious look she wouldn’t deny melted her.

  Justin pulled her close, enveloping her in his arms. “If we didn’t say it earlier in all the rush, thank you for coming for us. You didn’t have to do that, but it means more to us than you can ever know.”

  That was when the tears she had struggled against all day finally broke free. “I was so scared,” she admitted as Cody moved to stand behind her, his arms around both of them. “I was terrified you guys were hurt or…worse. And I hadn’t even told you how I felt.”

  He pressed his lips to the top of her head. “Guess we should have just spent the night with you,” he said. “Would have meant a nasty surprise in the morning when we went home, but at least we would have only lost one vehicle and not scared you. I feel bad about that.”

  “Not like you did it on purpose,” she countered, poking him in the chest. “If you do it again, though, I meant it when I said will get Toppy on your asses.”

  Cody chuckled. “Remind me to limit your time with Tilly, Abbey, and Eliza,” he joked. “You’re already dangerous enough. I can only imagine how scary you’d be with some Domme training under your belt.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  After Justin picked up the rental car, Cody, driving Brooke’s Cherokee and with her riding shotgun, led the way to a restaurant not far from her house.

  As the weight of the day settled on top of her, she tried to breathe, to relax.

  Woulda, coulda, shoulda were words she knew she should damn well be past trying to cram into her mental dialog, but just the same, it was a scary reminder.

  She didn’t want to waste her life with regrets. She had two guys who loved her, who wanted her, and who were more than ready to show her their love in any way she wanted.

  When they got home, she hoped they’d have enough energy. There was something they hadn’t done in their several weeks of frequent boinking that they’d hinted at, but not yet worked up to. As they crawled into bed together, she said, “I want you guys both tonight. At the same time. And not a spit-roast.”

  The men sat up. They’d started doing anal play with her, toys and fingers, something really hot when one of them was fucking her pussy at the same time.

  She wanted to go all the way.

  “You sure?” Cody asked.

  She nodded.

  Justin slowly smiled. “Any idea where our condoms and lube ended up?” She’d found them in their side table drawer and had packed them in with bathroom supplies that ended up in her bathroom.

  She nodded.

  He leaned in. “Then you’d better go get them. And a towel. Because I’m too tired to do more laundry tonight.”

  “Darn,” Cody said. “That’s what we didn’t get. We had a load of clothes in the dry—”

  “Focus,” Justine and Brooke said in unison.

  He smiled. “Sorry. I’ll get the Hitachi. I know where the toybag is.” He bolted off the bed.

  They met back in bed and Justin lay on his back while she knelt over him, sliding his cock into her pussy after she’d rolled a condom onto him. She was on the pill now, but it wasn’t quite safe yet to risk not using condoms.

  As Justin filled her, Cody gently pushed her down onto his chest. “Sorry
this’ll be fast tonight,” Cody said as she heard him rip open a condom pouch, “but I think after the day we all had, it’s forgivable.” He squirted lube onto his fingers and she softly moaned as he gently started probing her ass.

  It took him a few minutes to get her loosened up before he pressed the head of his cock against her rim. Justin held the Hitachi at the ready as Cody slowly worked just the thick head of his cock past her rim. Then he pulled her up enough Justin could wedge the Hitachi between her and him and switched it to high.

  The orgasm hit her almost immediately, making her pull and strain against Cody’s firm grip on her arms as her body wanted to fuck.



  “That’s it, baby,” Cody cooed. “Let it feel real good.”

  She let out a gasp as she felt his cock slide all the way inside her ass, another orgasm slamming into her as she tried to adjust to the pleasant, pinching burning ache of both of them filling her body.

  “There you go, baby,” Cody said. “I’m going to let you get used to me there for a minute before I start fucking you.” He pulled her farther back, stretching her body against his, exposing her clit even more to Justin and the vibrator.

  With a better angle, he pressed it against her clit and she cried out, the two cocks tightly fisted inside her pressing on every good nerve ending she apparently owned down there and making her remember the mind-blowing experience of their very first night together.




  “She’s speaking in tongues again,” Justin teased. “I think we’re on the right track.”

  She basically would start moaning in gibberish whenever they got her coming so hard she couldn’t remain coherent any longer. And she’d now hit that point, wanting to fuck their cocks, and the delicious thrill of them controlling her, forcing orgasms from her, making her wait on them before she could make the next move.

  After a couple more minutes, Justin shut off the vibrator and put it aside. She slumped onto his chest as Cody laughed. “We didn’t break you, did we?”