Read Broken Dove Page 57

“Say it.”

  “I love you, baby.”

  He slid his cock back and it caught right where it needed to be.

  But he didn’t go inside.

  “Say it again.”

  “I love you, Lo.”

  He gave me an inch.

  I strained for more and wrapped my arms around him, lifting my knees high at the sides.

  “Again, poppy.”

  “Love you, Lo,” I breathed.

  I got another inch.

  I bit my lip and slid a hand up his back to clench my fingers in his hair.

  His voice was rough when he ordered, “Again.”

  “Love you.”

  Another inch.

  “Love you, honey,” I repeated without his prompt this time.

  And that was when I got it all.

  Then again, I already had it all.

  Apollo had given it to me.

  He was just giving me more.

  He moved and I moved with him, hearing his quickened breathing in my ear, feeling it tingle over my skin.

  He moved faster, thrust harder, and I listened to his breathing as it turned labored, my body tingling everywhere, pressure building.

  I clutched at him with my hands, pressing my thighs tight to his sides, and gasped, “Baby.”

  “Take it, Maddie,” he grunted, driving deep.

  I took it, holding tight, pushing my face into his neck, he kept pounding into me as my climax shook through me and I held on.

  Then he sank his teeth into my earlobe, the nip of pain radiating down and becoming something else altogether, before he released it and groaned in my ear.

  I held his weight, absorbed his warmth, his strength, as mine left me and his left him.

  Then I felt him kiss the side of my neck.

  Down, pulling out slowly, he kissed my shoulder.

  Down again, he kissed my chest.

  And down, he kissed my midriff.

  And down yet again, where he kissed my belly.

  Lifting his head, he caught my eyes and slid back up. He touched his mouth to mine, lifted slightly away, and reached to the nightstand.

  He brought a cloth back and his eyes came back to mine as he gently pressed it between my legs, cleaning him away, before he tossed it to the floor at the side of the bed.

  His arms going around me, he took me with him as he rolled and lifted to blow out one lamp, doing the same with the other.

  Finally, he settled us with me on top of him, taking my weight, hopefully absorbing my warmth, but also pulling the covers up high over us.

  I pressed my face into his neck as I wrapped my arms around him as best I could.

  “Happy?” I whispered.

  “Absolutely,” he whispered back.

  “Hold tight to that, baby.” I kept whispering, and his arms went super-tight around me.

  And against his skin, I smiled.

  Chapter Thirty

  The Plan Is in Place

  “Oh my goodness,” Élan breathed. “Is that the Black Prince?”

  I didn’t answer at first. I was too busy staring at the man and woman standing at the top of the steps of an a-freaking-mazing palace that was in an a-freaking-amazing city at the base of some, you guessed it, a-freaking-mazing mountains.

  I knew the woman was Cora, the Gracious.

  I also knew the man was Prince Noctorno of Hawkvale, ruler of Bellebryn, known as the Black Prince. I’d seen his pen and ink pictures in the papers from the Vale too.

  They just did not do him justice.

  In any way.

  And staring at him as I drove our sleigh closer to the steps (or, more to the point, the horses moved there without much direction from me seeing as I wasn’t paying attention), I was wondering if all this craziness wasn’t about Frey commanding dragons and such, Lahn being mighty and such, Tor sharing his soul with his wife (and such), and Apollo commanding the wolves.

  I was thinking those witch bitches were jealous because our men were hot.


  I fought to find my voice and said, “I think he is, honey bunch.”

  “Wow,” she replied.

  She could say that again.

  I pulled her closer as I started paying attention and guided our sleigh to a stop. This I was able to do after I tore my eyes off the tall drink of hot water that was the Black Prince. I then looked to the other person on the steps with Tor and Cora.

  She was a woman with very straight posture, her eyes aimed down the length of her nose, wearing a cloak made of dark brown pelts so lustrous, they were almost (almost) as fabulous as Élan’s hair.

  A woman who took regal to extremes.

  A woman who had to be Finnie’s mother (kind of, she was the other Sjofn’s mother, but she’d claimed Finnie).

  Queen Aurora.

  I no sooner stopped the sleigh when Finnie dumped Viktor right in my lap, put a hand to the side of the sleigh and threw her legs over it.

  She then raced up the steps and even as the Queen of Lunwyn stared down her nose at her and didn’t move a muscle, Finnie didn’t hesitate to throw herself in the woman’s arms.

  I watched the queen roll her eyes to the chilly blue skies.

  I also watched her arms close tight around her adopted daughter.

  How sweet.

  I could watch no more because Apollo filled my vision and he did this to reach in the sleigh and lift Élan over the side.

  She giggled when he did this for no apparent reason other than it afforded her the opportunity to giggle.

  So I smiled when she did for no reason except I thought she was cute.

  I moved Viktor to my hip as I stood and the fur blankets dropped away from my lap.

  Apollo opened the door to the sleigh and Frey was there.

  He reached for his son and I handed him over.

  He took hold with a murmured, “My gratitude, Maddie,” then turned and sauntered up the steps.

  I exited the sleigh at the same time Apollo called, “Chris!”

  Chris had dismounted and was moving our way. I felt Apollo’s hand clasp mine and bring it up. He smoothed it around the inside of his elbow and I moved closer to him as he took Élan’s hand.

  To my utter delight, delight that meant my head whipped around and tipped back so I could aim my beam of happiness to Apollo, Chris took his place beside me.

  Taking in my smile, Apollo’s lips twitched and he turned his attention to the palace.

  Thus, we all moved to the steps.

  And when we did, Apollo murmured, “This pleases me.”

  It pleased me too.

  Big time.

  “What, Papa?” Chris asked.

  “That Maddie will be meeting Prince Noctorno in a normal fashion, not in the throes of a needed rescue.”

  I wasn’t beaming at that. I turned a glare in his direction.

  He grinned down at me.

  Chris burst out laughing.

  I instantly quit glaring.

  Apollo tucked me closer to his side and turned his attention to the steps, leading us up.

  I wished they had cameras in this world so I could have a picture of our progression. I really, really did.

  Alas, they didn’t.

  So I committed the moment to memory.

  “Aurora is our queen, Maddie,” Apollo said quietly. “You curtsy.”

  “Okeydokey,” I mumbled in reply and that got my hand tucked deeper into his side.

  “Remember, my precious girl, you curtsy too,” Apollo instructed his daughter.

  “All right!” she chirped.

  He stopped us two steps down from Queen Aurora and I could feel Lahn and Circe trailing us. We waited while she leaned in and touched her lips to her grandson’s cheek then Frey moved his family from Aurora toward Cora and Tor and Apollo guided us up the last steps.

  He let myself and his daughter go and swept into a deep bow.

  I did my best to drop into a curtsy.

  “Rise,” she murmured practical
ly the instant we all got into position, something I thought was nice considering a curtsy wasn’t the most comfortable position I’d ever held.

  We all straightened and I felt Chris get closer to me.

  My heart swelled.

  “You are well, my general?” Aurora asked Apollo.

  “I am, your grace,” he replied and tipped his chin down to one side then the other. “You know my children, Christophe and Élan.”

  She looked to the kids, murmuring, “Of course.” Then louder, “I’m pleased to see you both.”

  “Same here!” Élan squeaked.

  Aurora dipped her head to her then to Chris, who said nothing, and finally her eyes came to me.

  “This is Madeleine, Lady Ulfr,” Apollo stated, his hand in mine pulling both of them up to press tight to the side of his chest.

  “Madeleine, Lady Ulfr,” she said softly, eyeing me. Then she looked to Apollo. “Heartfelt congratulations, Apollo.”

  He inclined his head.

  She turned to me and I took it as good that her lips curled up slightly at the ends.

  I didn’t know what to say, so I winged it. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, your highness.”

  “Knowing Apollo since his youth,”—her gaze swept him, me, Christophe and Élan, before settling back on me and it could not be missed her eyes were exceptionally astute—“I can assure you the pleasure is mine.”

  Okay, she was a little aloof, but she was definitely nice.

  I smiled at her.

  The ends of her lips tipped up another millimeter.

  Apollo moved us away and Circe and Lahn moved in behind us.

  I wanted to watch how they met the queen since I didn’t suspect Lahn bowed to anybody, but seeing as Apollo was guiding us to Tor and Cora, I focused on that instead.

  When we stopped, as they, too, were royalty, I dipped down into another curtsy.

  “Oh, we don’t get into that kind of thing,” Cora said the instant I did.

  “She doesn’t,” Tor muttered and it sounded exasperated.

  I straightened out of my curtsy to see Tor and Apollo shaking hands. But I only caught a glimpse because Cora was yanking me into her arms.

  She swayed me a bit side-to-side, saying in my ear, “So cool to finally meet you. The people here are awesome, but it’s good to have friends from home.”

  Okay, being duped by the other Cora?

  Total idiot.

  I knew the real Cora approximately a nanosecond and this chick was the bomb.

  I hugged her back. We let each other go. Apollo presented me and his children to Tor. Tor did not give me a hug but he did give a gallant bow to Élan (which, unsurprisingly, made her giggle). Then Apollo guided us to where Frey, Finnie and Viktor were standing so Lahn and Circe could say hello to Cora and Tor.

  Queen Aurora didn’t allow them much time before she called, “Let us get out of the cold. I have refreshments and something special prepared for the children.”

  She said this as she swept majestically to the front doors where two servants in weird uniforms of leather shorts, wool tights, boots, sweaters and slanted cloaks jumped to open them before she even had to hesitate a moment to await entry.

  We were barely in when three women swooped down on Finnie. As other servants moved amongst the rest of us divesting us of our cloaks and gloves, they hugged, exclaimed and gabbled like girls.

  Aurora allowed this for all of thirty seconds before she ordered, “Sjofn. The girls are here to take care of the children. Adult refreshments are awaiting us in the drawing room.”

  It was Finnie’s turn to roll her eyes but Frey handed off Viktor, Circe and Lahn gave over Isis and Tunahn and Apollo bent to Chris and Élan.

  “Go, make sure those maids take good care of our wee princes and princess,” he urged.

  Chris nodded formally, his chest puffing out, clearly feeling this was an important assignment.

  Élan jumped forward to give her father a loud kiss on the cheek before she skipped off toward the waiting women.

  Apollo turned me Queen Aurora’s way and I saw she had her arm extended to something. I found that something was a someone when Finnie came forward, latched onto it and leaned heavily into her mother.

  They led.

  Frey behind them, Apollo and I behind Frey, the rest behind us, we followed.

  Thus I was in the position to hear Aurora say to Finnie, “Must you wear breeches when you come to Fyngaard?”

  And thus I was also in the position to hear Finnie reply, “You traipse after a toddler in a long dress.”

  “My dear, you are not the first woman of Lunwyn in this generations or dozens before who managed to raise a child wearing a gown. In fact, I achieved this same feat.”

  “You had servants,” Finnie retorted.

  “You could too, if you installed your family at the Winter Palace where the future king of Lunwyn should be raised rather than sailing off into the sunset.”

  “Okay, you convince Frey not to sail off into a hundred sunsets,” Finnie returned.

  We entered an extraordinary room that seemed entirely made of dark intricately carved wood, including the wood around the blue velvet padding of the furniture, as Aurora retorted, “Your husband would anchor himself to a block of granite should you ask.”

  “No, I wouldn’t,” Frey entered the conversation. “So, wife, do not ask.”

  Finnie threw a smile over her shoulder but did not unlatch from her mother. “I’d never do that, husband.”

  He made no reply because he probably knew this.

  I had to admit, I found it beautiful the way Princess Sjofn (who was not really Princess Sjofn) was with Queen Aurora.

  I wasn’t privy to the entirety of the story that led to them being that way. I just knew the Sjofn of this world chose to leave it. This was for some reason considered a traitorous act and thus she could not return or she’d be hanged (a little gruesome but then again, a lot of this world was).

  Being in love with her man, Finnie never wanted to go. And anyway, she’d never done anything traitorous, questionable or otherwise, in fact, the opposite. So she took the other Sjofn’s place.

  I knew Finnie had grown close to the king before he passed and was obviously close to the queen. Very close. Even if they weren’t blood.

  And I was happy she had that. It was sweet.

  I hadn’t asked after Ilsa’s parents, my mother and father of this world, and Apollo rarely mentioned them. However, if they knew of my existence, the way they lost their daughter, it would be doubtful they’d welcome me with open arms.

  But it was a moot point. They’d both passed since Ilsa’s death. They’d lived to see their only child leave this world far too young, and then they both went.

  When I’d learned this additional sadness, I didn’t dwell on it.

  And I didn’t dwell on it now.

  Instead, I sat on a velvet cushion mostly because Apollo planted me there. He followed me down and sat close to my side. The others were doing the same around the four couches that faced each other in a square.

  Once settled, I marveled at how warm it was in the room.

  Then again, there were two massive fireplaces on each side of it, both of them blazing.

  Although we were settling in, and the Winter Palace was the abode of the Winter Princess (meaning it was Finnie’s), that didn’t mean that Aurora didn’t lord over that residence as well.

  However, the way she was, I figured she just lorded over everything.

  “You could cease this delay with bringing about my second grandchild,” she said, turning her reproaches to Frey. “The longer you wait, the more spoiled Viktor will become.”

  Frey draped his arm around Finnie where they were on their couch, which was down from Aurora on the same couch, and drawled, “Fret not, my queen. I’ve seen to that and enjoyed the endeavor. Finnie’s with child.”

  I gasped in delight as I felt Apollo come alert at my side.

  But Finnie turned to Frey a
nd slapped him on his stomach. “Are you crazy? You don’t tell a grandmother she’s going to be a grandmother like that!”

  He turned unperturbed eyes to his wife. “How odd. I just did.”

  She glared at him.

  I forged into the breach, saying, “Oh my God! That’s so exciting!”

  “Yes, indeed it is,” Aurora said softly, her lips tipped up two whole millimeters more than I’d seen them when she’d smiled at me which I took to mean she was super-happy. “Very exciting. Congratulations are in order. We must send away this tea and order champagne.”

  She looked about ready to move to do just that but she didn’t when Apollo called in a strangely tight voice, “Tor?”

  I looked to Apollo then to the couch Cora and Tor were sitting on.

  He had her tucked close to his side, as Apollo had me, and Frey had Finnie, and also (at a quick glance their way), Lahn had Circe.

  And my glance was quick to Lahn and Circe because Cora looked stricken and Tor looked alert, and not Apollo’s earlier my-cousin-just-suddenly-announced-(somewhat inappropriately)-he-was-going-to-be-a-dad-again alert.

  And both their eyes were on Circe and Lahn.

  I looked back to Circe and Lahn.

  Lahn looked scary and not his usual hot guy scary. A hot guy concerned scary which was a whole lot worse.

  Circe look worried.


  “Cora’s with child,” Apollo guessed quietly.

  “Yes,” Tor replied curtly. Then he clipped out, “Lahn?”

  Everyone looked their way.

  “My golden queen carries another warrior or princess,” Lahn confirmed.


  All eyes came to me.

  Oh shit.

  I threw out a hand. “I’m not—”

  My hand suddenly dropped into my lap as I did the mental math.

  Then I got freaked out and redid the mental math.

  Then my entire body strung tight.

  “Poppy?” Apollo called.

  Before Brunskar.

  My last period was before Brunskar.

  How could that be?

  Slowly, I turned my head to Apollo.

  “Does pennyrium always work?” I whispered.

  His eyes held mine but they weren’t entirely focused.

  He was doing the mental math too.

  He got the same result as I did, I knew this when he did something Apollo Beautiful.