Read Broken Tenets Page 16

  Chapter 10

  By the next morning, they were entering inhabited lands. Tenet was in awe at the tiny little community of hunters. He had assumed that they had camps here or there, no real homes. But this was a stable community, complete with stores, restaurants, and an old-fashioned barber shop.

  “I had no idea you people lived like this.”

  Scarab gave a harsh little laugh. "No, our kind could never have actual houses. We roam the deserts in wild packs like camels."

  Tenet ignored her sarcasm. “Why didn't I know about this?”

  Scarab shrugged. “Hunting's far from the most admirable of professions.”

  Tenet looked at the community and sighed. “Is there anything I actually know?”

  Hark cackled with laughter. “Oh, now, professor. Don't feel bad. No one knows about this that don't have to.”

  “Who built this? Isn't this supposed to be dead land?”

  “Almost. Borderland's less than two hundred miles north. This is as far as is settled. Government built it for the likes of us.”

  They pulled their rig in front of a large building, and Hark ordered them to put on their masks. “Can't go flauntin' who I got just yet,” he said. He left his mask on, and rolled the window down even though it was full daylight.

  “It's much cooler here,” Scarab whispered when Tenet questioned the safety. “Just keep your mouth shut and look tired.”

  Tenet nodded, then dropped his head, not enough so that he couldn't see what was happening, just enough to make himself look defeated. A bounty that had been apprehended.

  In a minute, a tall man walked up to the car and looked inside. “Well, I'll be! How's it going, Hark?”

  “Better than it was yesterday!” the old man cackled.

  “Enna? My god,” said the younger man at the window. “How long has it been? You're looking great!”

  Enna grinned. “Hello, Mank. Nice to see you again.”

  “What in the hell brings you up here?”

  “We had a rescue.” Hark tossed his head toward the backseat. “Poor kids had a nasty scuffle out with wraiths.”

  Mank nodded sadly. “Rough season.”

  “It ain't right,” said Hark. He leaned in closer to the man and said quietly. “We're just stoppin' here to bring you all a little present.”

  Mank's eyebrows went up. “That so? Whatcha got for us?”

  “Go on back an' take a look-see in the hatch.”

  Mank walked around to the back and peered into the window. Hark chuckled when he heard the boy gasp. He raced back to the window and leaned in closer, whispering in an excited rush, “Those what I think they are?”



  “Hell yeah.”


  “One shot. Two intact.”

  Mank looked like a kid at the holidays. “Oh, wow! I can't believe it!” He stepped back and motioned towards the building. “Get your ass in there. Weevil's gonna give you a freebie for this!”

  Tenet looked at Scarab and cocked an eyebrow, and she shook her head. “They're rough,” she whispered. “Expect a little...bad language.”

  The vehicle lurched forward into the big hangar, and Hark called to Mank, “Find us for a drink later. On me. You can fill me on on the local gossip.”

  “Sure thing! Nice to have some class in this place,” he said, winking at Enna.

  They entered the hangar, and it took a minute for their eyes to adjust to the dim light. “Ok, kid, listen up. Keep the suit on. Keep yer head down. Missy, you follow my lead.”

  They got out of the car and Scarab grabbed Tenet's arm. “Out, you,” she said, loudly enough for a worker nearby to stop pushing his cargo load and stare. She jerked his arm, pulling him out of the car.

  “Hey!” he said.

  She kicked his leg and said, “Shut up.” She turned to the worker and shook her head. “Friggin' bastard lead me halfway to Border South.”

  The worker whistled and shook his head. “Fricken bounties. You'll get yours, ya little bastard.” He shook his head again and resumed his work.

  “You don't have to enjoy it so much,” whispered Tenet, his shin throbbing.

  “Move it.” She pushed him behind Hark and they walked towards a room in the back.

  “I gotta see Weevil,” said Hark to weak-looking man at a desk.

  “He ain't in.” The man went back to fiddling with a stack of com cards on the desk.

  Hark looked to Enna, his eyes wide with surprise. “Why you impudent little...”

  Enna grabbed his arm to keep him from teaching the boy a thing or two. “Young man, this happens to be the bounty hunter Hark.” The boy's eyes went wide and they had his full attention. “I suggest if you want to keep enough of yourself together to do your job you get off that insolent ass of yours and tell Weevil we're here to see him!”

  Again there was a flash of the hunter she could be, and Tenet hoped the boy listened. It sounded like a coin toss just which one, she or Hark, would do the ass-kicking.

  The boy had enough sense to be interested in self preservation, and took off like a rocket into the room behind him. In seconds, the door flew open and the most unusual person Tenet ever saw came flying out in a mad flurry of crazed hair and flailing arms.

  “Enna! Love of my life!” He launched himself at Enna and threw his arms around her. “Oh, darlin'! How long has it been?”

  Tenet looked over to Scarab, but she just elbowed him and he dropped his head again.

  The man spun around and saw Hark. “Hark! The love of my life!” He threw himself at the old man, who batted him off, cackling with delight.

  “Weevil, you odd ass son of a bitch! Glad to see you haven't changed!”

  “I haven't changed? Shit. Gotta work on that.” He stopped and stared at Scarab, giving her a little wink. He obviously recognized her, but said nothing to blow their cover. He then turned his gaze on Tenet, looked him up and down, and then his eyes went wide. His whole demeanor changed. “In my office. Now.”

  The boy shuffled past them as they filed into the office. “Not one friggin' interruption, you little worm," Weevil said as he passed. "Not one or I'll slice another toe off!” Weevil shook his head and said to Hark, “Can't find good help. It's a wasteland up here.”

  They walked into the office, and Tenet was stunned. He figured it was a small room, judging by the rest of the hangar. He couldn't have been more wrong. Easily as large as the hangar where they parked, Weevil's “office” was a two story spread of machines, computers, and gadgets, humming and beeping, a modern mad scientists lab.

  “Like it, kid?”

  Tenet turned, surprised to find Weevil was staring directly at him.

  “Take off that mask. I know who you are.” He turned to Scarab. “Oh, the real love of my life!”

  She took off her mask and unsnapped the top collar of her suit. “Can it, Weevil.”

  “My best beloved from all my lives, what brings you here? Finally accepted the lap of luxury I've offered in vain so many times?”

  Scarab couldn't help but smile. “We're screwed. Why else would we be here?”

  Weevil placed his hand over his chest, a look of pain crossing his face. “I'm hurt, Scarab. Wounded to the core. You mean you're not here for my sweet, sweet loving?”

  Tenet gritted his teeth over the familiarity.

  Weevil threw a glance in his direction. “Ah, the boy objects to my freedom with you. Oh well.” Tenet's face turned bright red and he looked away. But Weevil wasn't long on the subject, his tone changed in a heartbeat. “Yes, dear. You're screwed. You're screwed on a scale you cannot comprehend.” He raced over to a desk and rummaged around in a pile of com chips. “Dammit! Get in here you weaselly little waste of air!” The door opened and the boy from out front rushed in.

  Weevil turned on him. “Were you playing in my com stacks again?”

  “I...I was trying to organize...”

  “People who lie find themselves
without tongues, you snotty little slug trail. Haven't we talked about your snooping before?”

  “Yes,” came the annoyed answer. The boy crossed his arms over his chest and rolled his eyes, unimpressed with the threats.

  “Then I suggest you stop searching for porn and get your ass over there,” Weevil pointed to his mess of a desk, “and find me the com chips I was using earlier!”

  The boy walked slowly over to the desk, shuffled around in the pile, then held up three chips. “Here, slave driver.”

  Hark raised his hand to send the little twerp flying, but Weevil stopped him. “I appreciate the offer, my friend, but I have my own punishments. He'll pay for his insolence in the bedroom.”

  Tenet's eyes went wide, making Weevil burst out in laughter. “Until Scarab stops crushing my tender heart, it's all I got, boy.” He flipped his switch again, becoming all business. He inserted the first com chip into the dock. “The lesson for the day kiddies is how to bring a world of shit on yourself.”

  The voice on the com playback filled the room. “Government issue bulletin. Attention all bounty hunters: Missing persons open bounty issuance for hunter Scarab 03321.” Weevil looked over and winked at Scarab, smiling as if he was enjoying the horrible words on the com. “Payment upon reliable information as to whereabouts, incentive for live apprehension. Repeat, incentive for live apprehension only. Contact...” Weevil switched off the com chip and traded it out for another.

  “Blah blah call us to tattle. You got yourself a bounty, my sweet desert rose!” He snapped the other com chip into place. “But wait. It gets better.”

  “Government issue bulletin. Attention all bounty hunters. All hunters are hereby notified that aiding and abetting a consignment results in loss of league license. We would also like to remind you that accepting a consignment without a license is a capitol offense. If you suspect any illegal activity in your chapter, contact...” Again, he switched it off before it was finished.

  “I don't see what that has to do with....” Enna began to object.

  “Aha!” Weevil said, holding up a finger. “The last piece of the puzzle. Never had a bulletin like this one.” He snapped it in place, then turned up the volume so everyone could hear it clearly.

  “Government bulletin. Attention all bounty hunters: It has recently been brought to the attention of the exalted Leader that his outlaw son, Bradwin, Tenet, IV, who has several warrants out for his arrest may be evading authorities under the guidance of a corrupted hunter.”

  Weevil paused it and pointed to Scarab. “You naughty little vixen, you.” He un-paused the playback and turned the volume up even louder.

  “It has further come to the attention of the government that the pair was last seen in the aid of another hunting team of unknown origin. Assistance in this flight from the law has indicated a rampant disregard for regulation by the Bounty Hunter League at large. As a result, the government has no choice but to suspend any consignments and bar future bounties until the matter has been fully investigated. Your cooperation with our investigation is mandatory. Failure to comply with investigatory requests will lead to permanent suspension of license and felony charges to be brought to trial before the Council.”

  Weevil looked over to Scarab and rolled his eyes, then turned it up even more. “The important part.”

  “Anyone who sees the bounty hunter Scarab 03321, Bradwin, Tenet, IV, or knows the names of the pair aiding and abetting their illegal activity is hereby ordered to contact your local sector headquarters immediately. Do not attempt to apprehend any involved. Early reports indicate that all are armed and extremely dangerous. Failure to report information will lead to criminal charges. Contact...”

  Weevil switched it off and gave the stunned crowd a look of triumph. “Told ya.”

  Scarab frowned. “I've got a bounty on me,” she said simply.

  “Yep. Boy howdy, they must think you've really got something on 'em. Never heard of a bounty on a hunter before.”

  Hark swore softly and shook his head. “Well, least they don't know us.”

  “Yet. They will.”

  “How the hell could they possibly know all this?” said Tenet in disbelief.

  “I'm glad you asked, sonny boy.” Weevil sat at another station and punched some buttons. In a few seconds, the call for help Scarab recorded at the beacon began to play. When she groaned, he punched more buttons, then the call for help Tenet himself sent played. “They had you there, but not really. That's not really what got em in a tizzy.” He punched at the keys again, and the call Tenet sent out to the government played for them all.

  “You called the govers?” screamed Scarab. “What the hell did you do that for?”

  “I didn't know what I was doing,” Tenet said in his own defense. “I thought for sure they'd come and get us...”

  “And then what, brainiac?”

  Hark stepped in. “Settle down, missy. As I recall, you was kinda outta it at the moment.”

  She whipped around. “Stop defending him, Hark.”

  Weevil snapped off the message. “Hark's right. The kid knew enough to lie.”

  “Yes, but they had his bounty on file," she said through clenched teeth. "They knew it was a lie.”

  Weevil shrugged. “You gotta admit, the kid's got balls to even try. So they knew where you were. Big deal. Doesn't explain how they tracked your moves after that. Doesn't explain how they know about Hark and Beautiful there. Unless...”

  “Unless what?” Tenet was secretly jumping for joy inside that he was defended by both Hark and the weirdo.

  Weevil chewed his lip for a second, then said, “You had to be followed.”

  Scarab shook her head. “No. We'd have known.”

  “Another hunter?” asked Enna.

  “No, Gorgeous. I've got no doubt Scarab's right. If it had been a hunter, she would have known.” Scarab nodded her thanks at him. “No,” he continued. “I'm thinking something far worse.”

  Hark started swearing a blue streak.

  “What?” asked Tenet, as the others started talking quickly among themselves, knowing something he did not.

  “No way. No way,” said Scarab. “I mean, I suppose it's possible. But why would they?”

  “Sons of bitches been makin' more an' more regulations fer years....”

  “Yes, but we do their work,” Enna pointed out.

  Weevil looked to Tenet and grinned, enjoying being the one to start the hoopla. “Keepin' up ok, boy?”

  Tenet shook his head. “I'm not getting it.”

  Weevil rolled his eyes and ran his hands through his hair. “For the love of... The bots, moron! The fricken bots!”

  “No. Why? It makes no sense.”

  Weevil rolled his eyes and looked to Scarab. “He's joking, right? Please tell me he's joking.”

  Scarab stopped her back and forth with Hark and Enna and looked to Tenet. “Nope. He's as naïve as he sounds.”

  Weevil got angry then, jumping up and racing to within an inch of Tenet's face. “How is that possible? You're the son of the exalted Leader for god's sake! How is it possible you got through life this long with your fricken eyes closed? Don't tell me you didn't know. It's not possible.” He stepped away suddenly, his eyes wide. “A plant. You're a plant.”

  Scarab sighed and rolled her eyes. “He's not a plant, Weevil. Just a kid who was kept in the dark even more than us.”

  Weevil continued giving Tenet the evil eye for a few more seconds, then nodded slowly. “Yeah. Yeah, I get it. Brilliant! Keep the kid in the dark, then encourage this trip and have him lead 'em right to us. Absolutely diabolical! I love it!” He looked Tenet up and down. “Yep. You sure look like the perfect patsy.”

  Tenet frowned and crossed his arms over his chest. “Now you look here. I'm not a patsy. My father had no idea I was...”

  “Planning this trip and he'd never approve and certainly he'd stop it and would you grow the hell up already?” Weevil ran his hands through his hair, making it stan
d on end. “God. You played right into it.”

  “Weevil, the boy didn't know nothin'.”

  “Does it matter?” He turned to Hark. “Will it matter when they come bursting down the door and rip me from my kingdom? No. Not a bit. Thank you, game over.”

  Tenet turned to Scarab. “Am I a patsy?”

  For some reason, it struck Weevil as incredibly funny and he burst out in laughter. Scarab sighed and said, “No. I don't think you are.”

  “Naive, naïve, all the world is naïve.”

  “Shut up, Weevil,” she said with true menace.

  He put his hand over his heart. “You wound me so. Hark, to the mobile! Word on the street is you got a couple bots for me. Let's see if we can hack the government.” He pulled Hark out of the room, calling over his shoulder for Enna to follow and let the kiddies work it out among themselves.

  When the rest had left, Tenet sat down hard in a chair. “You think he's right?”

  Scarab frowned and shook her head. “No. It doesn't make sense. We work for them, we take care of their mistakes. Something's not adding up.”

  “You don't think I'm just a patsy?” He looked so dejected.

  Scarab laughed. “Well, if you are, I'd say it worked. If you're not, it might work out for them anyway. Either way, you didn't know. It's not your fault any more than it is mine. I know how things work. I should have smelled a rat, if there was one to smell.” Scarab rubbed her eyes and sat in a chair next to Tenet. “I just don't know.”

  Tenet looked at her. She looked so very tired. “You need some rest.”

  Scarab laughed. “You look like hell too, kid.”

  “I didn't say you looked like hell,” he said defensively.

  “Oh, calm down. I wasn't offended. And I am tired. I'm royally fricken' tired.” She rubbed her face again. “I feel fourteen seasons on my shoulders all at once.”

  “Turn your chair,” Tenet ordered.


  “Just do it.”

  Scarab was too tired to argue. She turned her chair, and he moved his behind her back. “Hold still.”

  “What the hell...”

  Tenet's hands slipped under her suit, and she tensed as if she had been burned. “Hold still,” he said again.

  She felt like killing him. She felt like running. “Get off,” she said between her teeth.

  But he didn't. He held her there with firm hands, and seemed to have no plan on moving. “No. Sit.”

  She tried to get up, but his arms were stronger than she thought. “You get your hands off me before I...”

  “What?” asked Tenet lightly. “Call for help? Let every unscrupulous hunter in this establishment know that they can secure their future by turning us in? Weevil doesn't seem like the type...but do you really feel confident that the others will be as honorable?”

  Scarab seethed. He had her trapped and she knew it. And damn if he didn't sound like he was enjoying it! “You'll get yours,” she promised.

  Tenet threw his head back and laughed. “Oh, I know. But it's worth it!” Scarab had stopped struggling and was sitting on the edge of her seat, every muscle in her body tensed rock hard. Gently, Tenet began moving his hands on her shoulders. “If you relax, you might find that you enjoy it.”

  Scarab scoffed. “For your information, I never plan on enjoying being groped.”

  “Oh, for the love're not being 'groped'. What's the matter? Never had a massage before?”

  “For your information, no. I know it might surprise you to hear, but not everyone has money to squander on some two-bit shyster's hands!”

  Tenet laughed. “I'm not saying a massage you pay for. I'm talking about the kind from a friend. Or...Weevil."

  The color crept up Scarab's neck and burned her cheeks. “Careful, bounty,” she said in a shaky voice. “You're overstepping your bounds.”

  Tenet smiled to himself. He could embarrass her for once! And with such a harmless comment, too. All rough and tough and worldly, yet so easy to rile. He was in control finally, and it was fun. Maybe he should push it just a bit further. “Pardon me, ma'am. I just assumed by the way Weevil was talking...”

  Scarab tried to turn around and give him the wallop he deserved. “Why you even insinuate that...”

  Tenet laughed, secretly relieved at her outraged reaction. That settled one uneasy question in his mind. “Oh, calm down. I'm only teasing.”

  “I'll have you know that Weevil talks like that to everyone. Or hadn't you noticed?” She was still burning with rage and humiliation, and her tone told Tenet he went a step too far.

  “It was a joke. Don't be so touchy.” He felt her annoyance grow with the knowledge he bested her. Too angry to speak, she crossed her arms over her chest and sat ramrod straight. But, he noticed, she didn't really pull away. Tenet decided it was worth risking his life to continue.

  In truth, Scarab wasn't angry so much as hurt and offended that he thought so low of her. Weevil? The two of them together? Oh, he said he was joking. Maybe he was. But sometimes jokes hit a little too close to home. He didn't mean it. Hell, if she could just calm down, she'd realize that Tenet probably didn't have any clue as to what he was really joking about. In his sheltered world of arranged dates and structured courtships decided by other people who never met either party, she doubted he'd ever had so much as an unsupervised hand-holding session. There was no way this sheltered boy could know how desperate the lives of many in her situation really were.

  Weevil, as vile as he may be, was a better option than many in her place ever got. More than once when she was pinned in some cave by the driving ice of a winter storm she even considered it a viable option herself. He would have taken her in. He would have given her a home, a real home. Shelter. Regular food. Clothes...of his choosing, and probably without much material to them, but still. And in return, it would only have cost her body. She considered it. In her lowest moments, at the darkest times, in the most brutal situations, she considered it even though it made her skin crawl. There was no way Tenet knew that, or could understand even if she told him. And there was certainly no way he could possibly know it was her most shameful secret. It was that knowledge that made her override her gut reaction to run.

  He rubbed in silence for awhile, and eventually she calmed down and her muscles began to relax. He circled his hands back and forth over what he could reach, but it wasn't enough. Holding her in place with one hand, he unclipped more of the suit. When she moved to object, he said soothingly, “Trust me.”

  Trust him. Scarab tried to swallow the lump in her throat. Trust her bounty? Trust him, when she had never before trusted anyone? Her heart raced as he unclipped the locks, further and further down. She tried to tell herself it was alright. She was fully clothed, after all. It was just the suit. Not the clothes. Just the suit. Soon her shoulders were completely exposed, and he gently tugged the suit down her arms, freeing her entire upper body.

  “Ah, that's better,” he said. His hands were back on her shoulders in no time, large and warm and strong. She tried to ignore the feeling, tried to look around and not think about it. But the longer he rubbed, the more she wanted to feel. The thought scared her, and she desperately tried to focus on something, anything other than the feel of his hands.

  He started talking while he rubbed away her tension, low, soothing words. “See? I told you it wasn't so bad.”

  Scarab wanted to pull away, and was certain she could. He wasn't holding anymore, just rubbing. But her rebellious body was leaning towards Tenet, not away. A few more minutes, and she'd put a stop to it. It was better than a foot soak at the end of a long, hot day.

  “When my sister was young, she got into an accident,” he said softly, nothing but love in his voice. “She was playing on a silo, walking along the beam, and slipped. She permanently injured her spine and had to have physically therapy on a daily basis. Still does.”

  “I'm sorry,” mumbled Scarab, in her new-found heaven.

>   “Every morning Mother would rub her back, but sometimes when we were out playing, she'd cramp up and need some help.”

  There was an ache in his voice she hadn't heard before. It was the first time she heard any kind of longing in his voice. “You sound like you miss her.”

  “I do." He gave a little chuckle. "And I don't.”

  “Why not?”

  He sighed. “The accident...being the princess of the family maybe. Something made her very demanding and overall unhappy. Don't get me wrong. I love her to death. We're only a year apart and thick as thieves in most things. And maybe I was blind to it intentionally. Maybe I always felt responsible for her accident. I don't know. I miss her, but I don't miss apologizing for her attitude and cold words.”

  Scarab's guard was completely down. The wonderful feel of his hands on her, his gentle cadence of speech. Without thinking, she said, “I miss my sister.” She realized what she said but for some reason didn't feel the embarrassment she expected.

  “Of course you miss her.”

  He said it as if he was sure. Just like that. No question about it, none of the torture and confusion she herself had carried most of her life. “ wasn't fair,” she said quietly.

  He knew she meant everything. Her life, his, everything. “No. It's not.”

  She sighed and felt like crying out her bottled up tears. All the years of pain and rage, humiliation and self-loathing were about to rush out and she knew nothing she could do would stop it.

  Fortunately, Tenet put a stop to it himself. On impulse, and out of desire to offer comfort for the pain of it all, he leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on the back of her neck. It was all the reality Scarab needed to snap her back into the present and she bolted out of the chair into the safe land behind her iron walls.

  “What the hell was that?” she sputtered, rubbing at the burning imprint on her neck.

  Tenet sighed and rolled his eyes. “A kiss, dummy.”

  Scarab held up a hand. “Oh no. Don't you dare try to sweet talk me. You had no right to do that, Bounty.”

  The 'bounty', said in a cold and callous manner, made Tenet's body move without thought. In an instant he was in front of her, backing her into a corner. “I've had just about enough of this 'bounty' garbage. I'm your 'bounty' only when things get a little too close, a little too familiar."

  "You're my bounty until I...I.." She stumbled and stammered and couldn't think of any argument.

  "Until what? Until you turn me in? Until I run away? Come on, Scarab. What's it going to be, then?"

  She wasn't going to turn him in. That just wasn't going to happen and everyone involved knew it by now. Run. He should run. She should let him escape and... And what, exactly? How in the hell was this kid supposed to make it on his own with the govers hunting him down? The little driving voice of a hunter inside her head screamed that she was a moron.

  "I'm not just a bounty, Scarab," Tenet said quietly.

  He wasn't. But that didn't mean she knew what category he did fit into.

  Tenet took her silence for admission. "I'm at least a friend," he said in almost a whisper.

  Scarab swallowed hard. "I...I don't have friends," she insisted, wishing she sounded more convincing.

  Tenet was drawn closer to her by something he'd never felt before. His heart skipped as he looked in her eyes and leaned in for...

  The door burst open and a chattering trio of people with horrible timing made the two jump apart like they'd been burned. Scarab turned away from him and began shoving her arms back into the safety of her suit. He swore under his breath and ran a hand through his hair. He was surprised to find it shaking. He took a deep breath when Weevil called out for them. Since Scarab was still fumbling with her suit locks, he answered for them.

  “Back here." He cleared his throat again to get the waver out of his voice. "We're just looking at your, uh, interesting collection,” he said, stepping out from between the racks of heads, hands, and what looked to Tenet to be even more personal anatomy, preserved in large glass jars, suspended in some pinkish liquid for all to see.

  Weevil nodded and beamed. “You like it? Spent years collecting. Got specimens there you won't find anywhere else on the globe. Where's my little love muffin?”

  Scarab was still trying to get her suit back on with shaking hands, fighting fear, disappointment, and confusion all at once. She knew he had been about to kiss her. She knew it was coming. And she stood there, waiting. Not trying to think of a plan of escape, not bringing up her elbow to his nose, not trying to stop it: waiting. And that annoying voice in her head insisted she was not only waiting, but wanting. She was furious with herself, and even more so with the people that invaded the moment. "Here," she snapped out, pushing past Tenet. "And I'm not your fricken love muffin, got it?"

  Weevil held his hands up. "Ooh, someone's feeling a mite testy! Did I interrupt a hot date, hm? A little canoodling in the back of the classroom?"

  It was so close to home that her eyes went wide with surprise before they narrowed into her best scowl.

  Weevil looked at Tenet. The boy was equally shaken. Though he wasn't surprised, something in him still felt a pang of disappointment. No, he never really had a shot with her. Hell, he'd probably get sick of her as soon as she submitted. But it was the thrill of the possibility that he felt he lost once and for all. He sighed and rolled his eyes, then dragged the bot he was carrying over to the desk. “Nice job with the chips, Scarab,” he said.

  “Thanks,” Scarab said, seizing the change of subject like a lifeline. She cleared her throat. “One got shattered.”

  “Only in half, my sweet baboo, and I'll be able to read it anyway. Sorry it took so long, kiddies, but I'm guessing you didn't mind so much.” He waggled his eyebrows at Tenet, who turned a darker shade of red. “We were setting you up with first class accommodations.”

  “We'll be in the Lawrence house,” said Enna quietly.

  Scarab only nodded.

  Tenet felt the mood in the room turn somber. “What's the matter with the Lawrence house?”

  “Nothin's wrong with the house, son," said Hark. "Just that Lawrence hisself won't be there.”

  “Oh. And he doesn't mind our using it?”

  Hark cackled, and got a smack from Enna for it. “Aw, come on, dear. I didn't mean anythin' by it. He's dead, son. Went out last month and they brought back his suit last week.”

  Tenet swallowed. “Just last week? Then we shouldn't stay there.”

  Hark sighed. "And waste the only bit of good luck we had since we started this shitstorm?"

  Tenet looked shocked. "Good luck? How can you say that? A man is dead!"

  Hark nodded. "Yup, sure is. And that's just a shame, him bein' a friend and all. But facts is facts. He's dead. He don't need it no more. We're alive. We do need it. Simple math, son."

  Tenet couldn't believe how callous they were being. "Surely we can find another place to rent out of respect..."

  Scarab swore. "Get over yourself, Tenet! It's just a house, not a damn shrine."

  “Tenet, listen,” said Enna more kindly, shooting Scarab a stern look. “It's the way things work. Lawrence knew what he was getting into with this life. We all do. And we also live by a code. He couldn't take the house with him, could he?"

  "Well, no, I guess not..."

  "Or the food or clothing or any of it, right?"

  It still didn't feel right.

  Enna patted his arm. "It's very nice of you to want to respect our dead. It means a lot, truly."

  "That it does," echoed Hark.

  "But you also have to respect our ways of living, too. If I die, I trust that the crap I leave behind will go to someone who needs it. Otherwise, I die in vain, don't I?"

  Tenet had never looked at it that way before. Most possessions went with those who died in his circle, added to the pyre as a homage to all they'd accomplished and earned. Houses were not destroyed, of course, but there was a standard period of waiting and a c
omplete strip down before someone else could inhabit it. It was someone else's life, after all.

  “It's my new castle,” said Weevil, cleaning the ash and sand from the chips. “Not Lawrence's. If it helps to think of it in those terms, then do. You're staying there one way or the other, so you best get your mind around whatever helps you sleep tonight." He brushed his hands off and looked Tenet, his eyebrow up and clearly waiting to see if Tenet would continue to argue. When he saw the boy clamp his mouth in a firm line, he gave a nod. "Good. Consider it your playground. Utterly safe in every way. Anyone who'd dare say two words about even thinking of going in there will end up on my specimen shelf, and they damn well know it. It's completely enclosed. No windows.”

  “No windows?” asked Tenet.

  Scarab sighed, throwing her hands in the air. “Oh no. Here we go.”

  His innocent question was enough to set Weevil off. “Windows? Why in the hell would I want windows? So I can see the gossip I already know take place, or so nosy busybodies can steal my brilliance and pass it off as their own? Windows are the invention of The Man, newbie. Designed by The Man to keep his eye on us at all times. Whether we're building a better mouse trap or screwin' some hot whore, they wanna know it all. Never trust a window, boy. Ever.”

  Tenet smiled to himself. “Alright. I'll keep that in mind.”

  “Do,” said Weevil, turning back to the chips. “Stay away from windows and the world's your oyster.”

  Hark rolled his eyes, Enna gave Scarab a knowing look, and Tenet decided he just might get to like Weevil after all.