Read Bronagh Page 1

  Table of Contents

  Title Page




  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten



  About the Author


  A Slater Brothers Novella

  L.A. Casey


  Copyright © 2014 L.A. Casey

  Cover Design by Mayhem Cover Creations

  Literary Editor: Yessi Smith & Jill Sava

  Formatter: C.P. Smith

  All rights reserved. Except as permitted under S.I. No. 337/2011 – European Communities (Electronic Communications Networks and Services) (Universal Service and Users' Rights) Regulations 2011, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without prior written permission of the author.

  The scanning, uploading, and distribution of this book via the Internet or via other means without the permission of the publisher is illegal and punishable by law. Please purchase only authorised electronic editions and do not participate in or encourage electronic piracy of copyrighted materials.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, establishments, organizations, and incidents are either products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously to give a sense of authenticity. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  To all the lasses on my street team who have supported me, and continue to support me every day. I love all your faces!

  "Happy birthday!"

  I heard my sister's voice, and I wanted to answer her, but I was too tired to open my mouth.

  "Bee? Hello? You're twenty-one today, get your lazy arse up!"

  I grunted in response and remained still.

  "Okay, I wanted to do this the easy way, but since you won't get up you have left me no choice..."

  I heard her leave the room, so I smiled to myself as I snuggled deeper into my pillow and tangled myself up in my duvet cover. I was so comfortable and content, but that content, of course, ended a few minutes later when my sister came back into my bedroom armed with a weapon.

  A deadly weapon.

  "Rise and shine!" Branna shouted.

  For a spilt-second things were quiet and normal, and then all of a sudden everything was freezing and wet. I screamed and coughed when I breathed down water instead of oxygen. I panicked and kicked off my covers then scrambled up until I was standing up in the middle of my bed. I screamed then when the pain of the ice-cold water that covered me touched every last one of my nerve endings.

  "Branna!" I screamed in anger.

  "I told you to get up, but you wouldn't listen."

  I screamed again and wiped the water out of my eyes. I opened my eyes in time to see the back of Branna as she legged it out of my bedroom at top speed.

  "I'm goin' to fuckin' kill you!"

  With a roar, I jumped off my bed and almost broke my neck on the wet floor that I won't be cleaning up. Once I steadied myself, I carefully walked out of my room until I was safe on the dry landing, where I wiped my feet into the carpet. I then took off like a bat out of Hell down the stairs in search for my so-called sister. I checked the sitting room first, but it was empty. I went back out into the hallway and glared at the closed kitchen door. I advanced and swung on the door open when I was close enough to do so.

  "Happy birthday!"

  I ignored the cheers from the men that filled my kitchen, and searched around their bodies for my victim.

  "Damn bubble bee, ever heard of pyjamas pants?" Kane's husky voice asked.

  Kane Slater was the brother of my boyfriend, Dominic Slater. Dominic had three older brothers, Ryder, Alec, and Kane. He also had a younger brother by three minutes. Yep, an identical twin by the name of Damien Slater.

  The Slater brothers were five hot-headed, mouthwatering studs, and little ole me got to call one of them her fella.

  I looked to Kane when he spoke, and I raised my eyebrows when I noticed his eyes were cast downwards on my body. I frowned and looked to Alec and Ryder, whose eyes were locked on the lower half of my body as well.

  When my eyes landed on my boyfriend, Dominic, I rolled said eyes because the muppet was chewing on his lower lip and looked at my body like he wanted to eat me up.

  I looked down at myself and of course I was in my knickers. My wet knickers. No pyjama trousers to be seen anywhere in sight.

  Was I embarrassed?


  Was I angry?

  Hell fucking yes.

  "Branna," I growled.

  Each of the brothers smiled at me then looked over their shoulders to where a crouching Branna was hiding... or trying to hide.

  "You traitorous bastards!" She shouted then screamed bloody murder when I made a run for her.

  She scrambled forward and maneuvered around Kane, who was now rubbing his chest and lightly coughing. The poor lad hasn't been feeling well lately. I would have stopped and checked if he were okay, but I was on a mission. I ignored him, and the shouts from the other brothers for me to 'leave Branna alone' and focused on my sister who escaped out of the kitchen door and into the back garden.

  "Leave me alone. I was only doin' what Dominic told me to do!" Branna shouted as she heaved herself up onto the large trampoline Dominic won in a Facebook competition last year.

  I didn't know why he entered the competition. I honestly thought the trampoline would go to waste, but you would be surprised how often the brother’s jump around on it like a bunch of children.

  "I didn't tell you to pour water over her, you lying little-"

  "Finish that sentence Dominic, I dare you." Ryder's growling voice cut Dominic off.

  I pulled my wet bobbin from my hair, and then tied my hair backup into a messy bun. I laughed at Dominic who looked like he wanted to stand up to Ryder, but knew better than to do so. Dominic could probably lay Ryder out, but then again I've never seen Ryder fight so for all I know he could destroy Dominic.

  "I think what he was goin' to call her was a lyin' little STD carryin' slut... which would be highly accurate."

  Was that too harsh?

  Dominic gasped. "I was only goin' to call her a bitch, not all of what you just said!"

  Ryder punched Dominic in the shoulder and it made him hiss in pain. I found it funny. I turned to the trampoline where my sister was jumping around like a child on a sugar rush.

  "Stay away from me, Bronagh." She said and from what I could see the bitch was smiling.

  She thought she was funny?

  We would see about that.

  "You think this is funny? You think pourin' water over me is funny?" I snapped as I climbed up onto the trampoline.

  "What I'm laughin' at is you chasin' me around in a tank top, and a pair of knickers... wet granny knickers at that, they look awful."

  I pulled back as if she slapped me. "You take that back! They are comfortable... I can't sleep in a thong or other shite like that!"

  Branna devilishly smiled. "What does Dominic think of your granny knickers?"

  I narrowed my eyes and shouted, "Dominic, do you care that I wear granny knickers to bed?"

  "What? Um, no. I mean, I'd prefer if you wore nothing or at the very least a thong, but they all slide off the same so I'm not bothered."

  I heard Alec burst into laughter while I shook my head in disappointment, Dominic never failed to say the wrong thing.

  "He doesn't c

  Branna smiled. "So I heard."

  I narrowed my eyes. "Come here."


  I smiled. "Why?"

  "Do you think I'm stupid?"


  Branna ignored me and said, "I'm not goin' near you because I know you're gonna hit me when I get close enough."

  I steadied myself on the moving trampoline. "You poured ice water over me head and destroyed me bed... I think a slap is a small price to pay for that horrible wake up call."

  "Your slaps hurt though."

  I raised my eyebrow. "All slaps hurt."

  Branna shook her head. "You hit like a man so your slaps hurt more."

  I was offended, but also strangely pleased that she called me strong.

  "Branna you're a thirty-one year old woman, start actin' your age."

  Branna choked on air. "You're twenty-one today, and yet you're chasin' me around the house like a ten-year-old. You should look in the mirror before you tell people to act their age."

  I snorted. "Whatever, nine more years and you're forty."

  Ever since Branna turned thirty no one was allowed mention the number forty which, of course, meant I teased that the forties train was coming for her all the time.

  Branna screeched and came at me like a bull but because she was on the trampoline, she fell flat at my feet before she could put her hands on me. I heard the brothers laugh when she fell and it made me chuckle too but that was until Branna wrapped her hands around my ankles, and pulled. I went flying up into the air until I came down and landed on my back with a bounce, literally.

  "Oh, my God. That was brilliant! Dominic, did you see that?" I shouted with laughter.

  "Yeah, I saw it, baby... and I can also see Branna crawling over to you."

  "Bro, you ruined the element of surprise!" Alec snapped to Dominic making him laugh.

  I stopped laughing and lifted my head up from the trampoline in time to see Branna pounce on me.

  "No mercy!" I roared and rolled out of the way.

  Branna face-planted into the trampoline and while she was momentarily unmoving I dove on her and pinned her hands behind her back while I sat on her arse to hold the rest of her body down.

  "Get off me!" Branna snapped.

  I raised my eyebrow and leaned forward placing my mouth by her ear. "What part of no mercy don't you understand?"

  "The whole concept! Let me up!"

  I stayed put. "Apologise for throwin' water over me and I will."

  Branna screamed in frustration.

  "I'm not movin' till you say sorry."

  Branna took in a few deep breaths and angrily said, "I'm sorry, okay?"

  I thought on her apology for a moment before I got off her. Branna groaned, and carefully got to her feet; she reached around, and touched her arse then growled in my direction.

  "I'm all wet because of you."

  Deserved her right.

  "Woo. All wet. You dirty bitch."

  Myself and Branna looked to Alec when he spoke and we simply shook our heads at his nasty arse.

  "You're disgustin'," I said to him.

  He smiled and said, "I know."

  I snickered and looked back to Branna when she unsteadily walked in my direction. I thought she was going to hit me so I blocked my face with my hands, but instead of punches I felt her arms come around me.

  "Happy birthday, baby," she murmured.

  I opened my eyes and smiled as I put my arms around her and hugged her tightly back.

  "Thanks, Bran."

  I thought she was going to let me go, but she suddenly looped her leg behind mind and push me by the shoulders. I slammed down onto the trampoline and it knocked the breath out of me.

  "What was that for?" I wheezed.

  "For pinnin' me," Branna said then began to jump up and down.

  "Stop!" I groaned and rolled from side to side on the trampoline.

  I opened my eyes and watched Branna get off the trampoline with the assistance of Ryder. I lifted my hand and gave her the finger when she looked back at me to which she laughed. She then pulled Ryder and Alec into the house while Dominic climbed up on the trampoline. He closed the netting of the trampoline and crawled over to me, rolled me onto my back and wiggled his way in between my legs and hovered over me.

  "Can I help you?" I asked him, amused.

  Dominic smiled. "Yeah, you can give me a kiss, I haven't received one since last night."

  I shook my head. "I haven't brushed me teeth yet."


  "So me breath smells like arse."

  Dominic chuckled. "It doesn't."

  He leaned his head down to mine and puckered his lips; I chuckled and quickly pressed my lips to his, but only for a second.

  "That was a poor attempt, try again."

  I groaned. "I'll kiss the lips off you after I brush me teeth... and shower."

  Dominic grinned. "I could use a shower."

  I deadpanned. "You showered this mornin' after you came back from your run, I heard you."

  Dominic rubbed his nose against mine. "Do you know what time that was at?"

  I shrugged. "Stupid o'clock?"

  Dominic snickered. "Five thirty."

  Like I said, stupid o'clock.

  I scrunched up my face in horror. "There is somethin' wrong with you; that is too early to do anythin' but sleep."

  "I always wake up early, you know that."

  I rolled my eyes. "Yeah I do, because you always touch me arse before you get out of bed and it wakes me up."

  Dominic frowned. "I have to say goodbye to my baby and reassure her that I'll be back."

  I forced myself not to smile.

  "Stop referring to me arse as a separate person, it creeps me out."

  Dominic placed all his weight onto his left arm and used his right hand to cover my mouth. "Shhhh! She will hear you."

  I licked Dominic's palm which he found disgusting.

  "That's gross."

  I snorted and mimicked his voice and accent. "That's gross."

  Dominic narrowed his eyes at me and in my accent said, "Omigod, that's fuckin' nasty that is."

  I burst into a fit of laughter. "Okay, that was spot on."

  Dominic beamed. "I've got your accent wrapped."

  I snorted. "Yeah? Well, I have you wrapped right around me little finger."

  Dominic grunted. "Don't I know it."

  I smiled up at him and he took a moment to stare down at me before he lowered his head to mine and claimed my mouth with his. He grabbed my hands and trusted my arms above my head while he forced his tongue into my mouth.

  I moaned in delight as Dominic placed some of his weight down on me. I loved feeling him all over me.

  I opened my eyes when I felt a certain part of Dominic harden and stand at attention. I turned my head to the side to break our kiss.

  "Don't even think about it, we're out the back garden!" I hissed, breathless from our kiss.

  Dominic leaned off me a little and smiled. "The net around the trampoline is black. It's hard for us to see out, so it will be hard for people to see in."

  Was he thinking public sex?

  "Dominic, you can't be serious!"

  He only waggled his eyebrows at me before he released my arms. He then moved backwards and grabbed the band of my wet underwear. Then in one swift motion he pulled them down my legs and off my body.

  "Dominic!" I screeched and tried to close my legs, but that was impossible because he was still between them.

  When closing my legs failed, I used my hands to cup my vagina to try and reclaim some modesty.

  "Everything okay?" I heard Alec's voice shouted from the back door.

  "No, Dominic is-"

  "Trying to get some. Tell her whether you can see us or not."

  I lifted one hand up and tried to whack Dominic, but he grabbed it before it could make contact with his face and repined it above my head, and he looked smug as fuck while he did it.

closed the net. You can't see in Bee, the colour of the nets when closed make is virtually impossible. It's matt black." Alec assured me.

  Jesus, help me.

  "I. Don't. Care. I want-"

  "Music, turn on some music." Dominic shouted over me, cutting me off.

  "Okay, I'll get my Beats speaker."

  What. The. Hell?

  "Alec don't bloody listen to 'em!" I shouted but got no reply.

  I snapped my head in Dominic's direction and glared up at him.

  "I'm not messin' with you, let me up or I swear to God almighty that I will castrate you."

  Dominic laughed. "You need my balls for future babies; the last thing you would do is cut them off."

  The thought of babies made me happy, but I kept a scowl on my face.

  "You sure about that?" I snarled.

  Dominic hesitated for a moment before he nodded. "Yes. Yeah. Yep. Very sure."

  I was going to kill him.

  "You're makin' me so bloody mad, I can feel myself wantin' to hurt you."

  Dominic beamed down at me. "It's a good this I have your good arm pinned then, right?"

  I bucked under him, trying to use my pelvis as a weapon, but to no avail.

  "What exactly are you doing?"

  I closed my eyes and in a tearful tone said, "I just want to get up and go take a shower. I'm cold and wet."

  Dominic didn't say anything so after twenty seconds or so, I opened my eyes and found him smiling down at me.

  "I know the difference between when you're really upset and just complaining, pretty girl. You aren't sad; you're just mad that I won't do what you want me to do."

  I lifted my only remaining free hand up from my vagina and took a swing at Dominic that he caught. Again.

  "You know something? I'm disappointed at how often you take a swing at me and miss. I either catch them all or you flat out miss. You should be on point with on your throws. Honestly baby, have your learned nothing from dating me?"

  I narrowed my eyes to slits. "I learned that the male species are a bunch of bas-"

  "Don't be dragging my fellow man down because you're in a mood with me."

  I didn't know what to say back to him that didn't involve a million threats and curse words so I simply closed my mouth and looked to my left away from him, and his stupidity.