Read Bronagh Page 3

  I turned back to the wall and focused. I gripped onto the holders and tried not to tense so much. I place my feet onto the smaller holders below me to keep steady and then I reached up to a holder above me. I caught it and pulled myself up then repositioned my feet.

  I had this.

  I spent a few minutes climbing and I thought I made good progress until I looked down.

  I was only six foot and four inches from the ground, I knew that because Dominic's height was where I was at!

  "Oh, my God! I thought I was higher... I don't wanna do this anymore!"

  I heard Dominic and Sarah laugh and that annoyed me.

  "This isn't funny, I want to come down!"

  "Hold your horses, you're doing great. Slow and steady does it, baby."

  Slow and steady. Ha!

  "You've never done slow and steady in your life!" I snapped.

  Male laughter.

  "Not with you, baby."

  I looked around and found there were other people climbing the wall, and like me they had someone like Sarah hold a safety rope for them on the ground, but the people who had their safety ropes were looking up at me and they were laughing at what Dominic said.

  Oh, God.

  "I'm gonna kill you," I growled and used my anger to climb.

  My anger ran out after a thirty seconds along with my energy.

  "Oh God, I really need to exercise." I wheezed as I reached for another holder.

  I screamed when I slipped. I managed to hold onto my holder, but I couldn't help but look down and notice I was higher up this time.

  A lot higher up.

  "Hang on," Dominic shouted.

  "No fuckin' shit!" I bellowed.

  I blocked out the laughter from people around me and focused on not letting go of the wall even though my arms and thighs screamed for me to do so.

  I began to get a little teary then.

  "Dominic. Help." I called out.


  "Okay I'm coming, don't be scared."

  I closed my eyes and tried to think of something else, but my mind wouldn't focus so I opened my eyes and looked down. I narrowed my eyes as Dominic jumped up and grabbed onto a holder and pulled himself up onto the wall. He then proceeded to climb up to me like a fucking spider monkey.

  He reached me in ten seconds tops.

  "Hey, pretty girl."

  He was behind me, he placed a hand on my bag and stroked.

  "You're doing really good, you almost half way there."

  Almost half way.


  "Who invented this?"

  "What rock climbing or indoor climbing?"



  "Because I want to know the name of the bastard who is goin' to be reason I die today so I can put in a compliant when I arrive at the pearly white gates."

  Dominic laughed.

  "How do you enjoy this?" I asked. "Me limbs are burnin'."

  "I'm used to it babe, I can climb the beginner walls in seconds."

  I rolled my eyes.

  "Now is not the time to show off, Dominic."

  Dominic chuckled and pressed a kiss on my back.

  "I'm right here with you, I won't let you fall."

  I scoffed. "You don't have a safety rope, I'm not trustin' you with me life right now... You're actually fucked if you fall because you're not havin' my rope and I'm not brave enjoy to try and save you up here."

  I yelped when he smacked my arse.

  "Cut the yapping and climb."

  Bossy bastard.

  "Okay, okay," I breathed.

  I looked up and reached for a holder but missed it. I didn't fall back, but I did get a little unsteady.

  "Bend your knee and place your foot on the blue foot chip then push off from that and reach the purple jug directly above you. You can hoist yourself up easily from that."

  Foot clip?


  "I don't fuckin' know what you're talkin' about! What is a jug clip?"

  Dominic burst into laughter and it really wasn't helping me.

  "Do you mean the holder things sticking out of the wall? I don't care what the real names are, I'm callin' them holders because I'm holdin' onto them for dear life."

  I think Dominic pressed his face into my face because I felt his breath through tank top.

  "What are you doin'?" I asked.

  "I want to kiss you so bad, I hate that you're being so cute and out of my reach."

  I needed to get off this bloody wall and he wanted to kiss me.

  His priorities were messed up.

  I blocked out Dominic’s touch and bent my knee like he told me to and placed my foot on a blue little holder then reached up and grabbed the big purple holder and pulled myself up.

  "Good girl, keep moving."

  I did just that.

  My arms were tired and my legs hurt like crazy but I kept climbing and after five or so minutes I reached the top.

  "I did it. Dominic I'm the top!" I squealed in delight.

  Dominic climbed up to my right side and smiled as he leaned in and kissed me.

  "Told you that you could do it."

  I was chuffed with myself.

  Dominic reached into his back pocket and took out his phone he pointed it at me.


  I did as asked and smiled a big cheesy smile.

  Dominic chuckled then flipped the camera on his screen and moved his head next to mine. He held his phone out in front of us and I automatically turned my head and kissed Dominic's right cheek dimple as he smiled.

  He laughed then turned his head and kissed me, taking a picture of that too. We took more just smiling before he put his phone away.

  "Why so many pictures?" I asked.

  He shrugged. "No reason."

  I eyed him but the thought of my present and looked around the top of the wall. I spotted a pink box sitting on top of a large holder so I climb my way over to it, grabbed it, put it in my mouth then side climbed back over to Dominic.

  "I found it," I said around the box.

  Dominic grinned. "You going to open it now or when we're on the ground?"

  "Hold on my harness so I don't fall and I'll do it now."

  Dominic got a good hold of my holder with his right hand then with his left hand he held tightly onto my harness.

  "I've got you."

  I trusted him completely so I let go of the wall and with both hands I opened the pink box. I stared at a little black book that had Bronagh in purple engraved over the front of it. I took the book out of the box and placed the box on a holder.

  I examined the book and then opened it.

  The wind was knocked out of me when I read the title page.

  100 reasons why I love you.

  "Dominic," I said and instantly started crying.

  Dominic chuckled and pulled me into him. "Stop crying you big baby."

  I sobbed as I turned the page and read every one of the reasons why he loved me.

  1: I love you because your smile because makes my day better.

  2: I love you because your laugh gives me butterflies (Yeah, guys get them).

  3: I love you because your personality is awesome.

  4: I love you because you possess the sexiest phatest ass known to man.

  5: I love you because you let me touch your ass in public and do filthy things to it in private.

  6: I love you because you have sex with me.

  7: I love you because you give me blow jobs without my having to ask.

  8: I love you because you're up for anything sexually. (GODDESS!!)

  9: I love you because you can cook.

  10: I love you because you have a wonderful caring nature.

  11: I love you because you have brains. (My little Einstein.)

  12: I love you because your humour is on point.

  13: I love you because you have a temper (Yeah, I love it.)

  14: I love you because you get jealous (It's hot.

  15: I love you because you're kind.

  16: I love you because you're selfless.

  17: I love you because you give me a blow job every day when you're on your period so I don't get upset.

  18: I love you because you're honest.

  19: I love you because you're blunt.

  20: I love you because you cuss like a sailor.

  21: I love you because you love me.

  22: I love you because you don't get mad when I play on my Xbox for hours at a time.

  23: I love you because you love my family.

  24: I love you because you make me laugh.

  25: I love you because you stand by me no matter what.

  26: I love you because you trust in me.

  27: I love you because you hold onto me so tightly when we sleep.

  28: I love you because you talk in your sleep and say the weirdest shit.

  29: I love you because you don't know how stunningly beautiful you are.

  30: I love you because you willingly want to date me.

  31: I love you because you don't mind that I fight.

  32: I love you because you like watching me train.

  33: I love you because you will try anything once.

  34: I love you because you love pizza as much as I do.

  35: I love you because you always find a way to wow me.

  36: I love you because your body is a wonderland.

  37: I love you because you laugh at my jokes.

  38: I love you because have never wrecked my car (Knock on wood).

  39: I love you because you clean the bathroom.

  40: I love you because you know how to sort laundry.

  41: I love you because you know how to iron.

  42: I love you because don't drink my beer.

  43: I love you because you know me better than anyone, even Damien. (Don't tell him that.)

  44: I love you because we love the same candy.

  45: I love you because you always tell me goodnight.

  46: I love you because you do the grocery shopping.

  47: I love you because you give me morning sex.

  48: I love you because you like sports.

  49: I love you because you have a girl crush on Mila Kunis.

  50: I love you because you said if we could ever have a threesome with Mila Kunis you would be game.

  51: I love you because you cry so easily.

  52: I love you because my cock is the only cock your pussy knows and will ever know.

  53: I love you because you're my definition of perfection.

  54: I love you because you always smell good.

  55: I love you because you love scary movies.

  56: I love you because you don't force me to watch chick flicks.

  57: I love you because you let me cop a feel whenever I want.

  58: I love you because you're random.

  59: I love you because you're awkward.

  60: I love you because you let me pull your hair ;)

  61: I love you because you squeeze the toothpaste from the bottom of the tube.

  62: I love you because you have big green beautiful eyes.

  63: I love you because you put up with my snoring.

  64: I love you because you're my best friend (Again, don't tell Damien.)

  65: I love you because you can make sarcastic comments while keeping a straight face.

  66: I love you because you're my high school sweetheart.

  67: I love you because you tell me you love me every day.

  68: I love you because you will house and give birth to my babies.

  69: I love you because you let me use your hair dryer.

  70: I love you because you love me in spite of my past.

  71: I love you because you don't take things so seriously.

  72: I love you because you love life.

  73: I love you because you look me in the eyes when you talk to me.

  74: I love you because you kiss me to shut me up.

  75: I love you because you don't care what people think.

  76: I love you because you give me breakfast in bed on my birthday followed by sex.

  77: I love you because you NEVER say you're tired when I try it on with you.

  78: I love you because your sex drive is as high as mine.

  79: I love you because you refuse to completely grow up.

  80: I love you because you're an animal lover.

  81: I love you because you inspire me.

  82: I love you because you're my home.

  83: I love you because you're sexy as hell.

  84: I love you because you're wild.

  85: I love you because you make my heart smile.

  86: I love you because you rock my world.

  87: I love you because you say sorry when you know you're in the wrong.

  88: I love you because put all your energy into mess fighting with me.

  89: I love you because we agree to disagree.

  90: I love you because you make me a better person.

  91: I love you because you're my everything.

  92: I love you because you own the name pretty girl.

  93: I love you because you're sassy.

  94: I love you because even when I'm mad you still love me.

  95: I love you because you think it's okay to smack me at any point during the day for any giving thing then apologise for it later.

  96: I love you because I can.

  97: I love you because I do.

  98: I love you because I would NEVER spend three hours making this book of 100 reasons why I love you for anyone else but you.

  99: I love you because you're simply you.

  100: I love you far more than just 100 reasons.

  You're my everything, pretty girl. I love you.


  I was a mess, a crying blubbering mess.

  "I c-an't b-believe-"

  "Baby, breath," Dominic smiled.

  He couldn't wipe my face because he had no free hands and I couldn't wipe my face because I was too busy hugging my book to my chest.

  "Sarah she's coming down, be ready."


  Dominic slowly pushed me out away from the wall and I being to slowly descend down to the ground. I twirled around as I was lowered to the ground and I was still crying and hugging my book to my chest.

  I felt my feet touch the ground then a few seconds later his scent surrounded me as he put his arms around my body.

  "Maybe I should have left the book till last."

  I laughed and cried as I wrapped my arms around him.

  "I l-love it."

  I was crying hard.

  Dominic hushed me and swayed me from side to side for a few minutes and when my sniffles slowed down he pulled back and laughed.

  "You're so attractive."

  I shoved him and quickly took tissue from Sarah's outstretched hand. I thanked her then wiped my eyes and blew my nose. I took a deep breath and sniffled a little more.

  "I love it so much, I love you so much."

  Dominic kissed my head. "I love you, too."

  I knew he did, I had the book of reasons to prove it.

  "This is the best present I've ever received, thank you."

  Dominic pushed loose strands of hair out of my face.

  "That was only your second present, I've a few more to give you yet."

  I gasped. "Really?"

  Dominic nodded.

  "Can I have them now?"

  "No," he laughed, "You will get them at each location."

  Each location.

  "How do you-"

  "I've a list, remember?"

  Ah, his list.

  "Okay, so now that we're done wall climbin'... I mean we are done wall climbin', right?"

  Dominic nodded his head.

  Oh, thank God.

  "Great, so where to next?" I asked excited to see what else he had in store for me.

bsp; Dominic helped me out of my harnesses then lightly tapped my behind.

  "To get some food."


  "I'm in me gym clothes, I'm not dressed to go out for food."

  Dominic winked. "I've a change of clothes for you in my car, Branna packed them for me when you were sleeping this morning."


  "Oh, okay, where are we goin'?"

  Dominic smirked. "Wait and see."

  "Why are we in Phoenix Park? Are you takin' me to the zoo?" I gasped.

  Dominic snorted. "And listen to you complain about all the children in your way of the penguins? No thanks."

  I scoffed. "That was one time-"

  "It happens every time we go to the zoo."

  I folded my arms across my chest. "They purposively stand in the way of adults. It annoys me."

  Dominic shook his head as he laughed. "A lot of things annoy you."


  Dominic didn't reply he only mumbled to himself and continued to lead me somewhere in Phoenix Park by the hand. I followed him mutely but looked down to my bag when my phone rang. I reached into it with my free hand and answered the phone before I put it to my ear.


  "Happy birthday!"

  I smiled. "Thanks, Gav."

  Dominic's hand tightened its hold on me and it made me roll my eyes.

  His childlike grudge against Gavin was still as strong as when we were eighteen and in school. It was a very painful headache to deal with.

  "Where are you? I have a card and present to give you."

  I smiled.

  "Awe, thank you! You didn't have to get me anythin'."

  Gavin chuckled. "I know but I wanted too, it's your twenty-first after all!"

  Every time someone said that all I could think was I only have another nine years until I celebrate my thirtieth birthday... that was scary.

  "Well, thank you that is so sweet of you - ow!"

  I snatched my hand from Dominic's suddenly painful hold and stormed ahead of him.

  God, he pissed me off sometimes!

  "What's wrong? Are you okay?"

  "I'm fine."

  "Okay, so can I drop your stuff by... or is Dominic around."

  I grinned; he was so wary of Dominic.

  "I'm in the Phoenix Park with him, he has a bunch of things planned for us today."

  Gavin sighed. "I'll give my present to Aideen then, and she can give it to you later or give it to Branna for you."

  Aideen Collins was Gavin's older and only sister. She was good friends with Branna; she was funny and completely bat-shit crazy.