Read Brother (Short) Page 4

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  Jack picked me up for school the next morning, my parents had left for work before I had even got up, and from the new note on the fridge they wouldn’t return until I was fast asleep. I was more than just a little relieved that I wouldn’t have to introduce them to Jack just yet. I know this couldn’t last forever, at some point they were bound to run into each other, but I was glad I had another day at least.

  “Did you get any sleep?” Jack asked. I worried if I looked like I had been up all night or something.

  “I slept. Why, do I look terrible?” Why else would someone ask that?

  “No, that’s not what I meant. I was just worried about you, that’s all.”

  “I’m fine.” I hoped I sounded believable. I wasn’t fine I was nervous, scared, confused and overwhelmed by a number of feelings I was unable to identify. I had to face the Perfects again; unsure of how they would react. Isaac was hanging around and I was still uncertain whether to trust him or not and then there was the lingering non-aging issue. Really, I was anything but fine. However, actually admitting that held the distinct possibility that I may crumble in an emotionally unstable mess. So for the moment, fine it was.

  “I was worried about you last night. I haven’t had the chance to ask you how you are doing with the fact that Isaac showed up?” I stared at him as I asked, hoping I would know the truth from his reaction.

  “I don’t know what to think.” He said, and his face didn’t say anything different.

  “Do you believe his story, that he is your brother?”

  “Unfortunately I do. It really isn’t something anyone would admit to if it was not in fact true. Believe me.”

  “Well, maybe having a brother won’t be all that bad?” I smiled at him as he pulled into the school parking lot.

  Isaac was sitting on the steps to the school doors, his head in a book, and sunglasses on hiding his face as usual.

  “Well looks like he may be hanging around for a while.” I said. Jack just groaned.

  “Who is that staring this way?” Isaac asked as the three of us walked down the hallway together. I turned and stood on my tiptoes to see whom he was talking about, although I did have a pretty good idea whom it would be.

  “That’s Katie; the crazy one you encountered yesterday, and the Perfects.” I was right. Not that I was happy to be at that particular time. They were all staring in our direction, each one of them still looking like they were seeing a ghost. I was pleased to see that Katie, Jess and Avery continued to look not quite so perfect.

  Jess was sporting her wig, which made me actually look forward to Gym class. None of them looked to be wearing any makeup at all not even a little lip-gloss, which only showed clearly how little sleep they were getting. Kevin’s stare didn’t hold the same fear as the others did; his eyes were seeking revenge. A chill ran down my spine, I couldn’t even begin to imagine the horrible things he would plot.

  “Let’s just go to class.” Jack said, and we headed down the hall, straight in the direction of the Perfects.

  I kept my eyes on Katie, partly to keep them away from Kevin, and partly because I wanted to let her know I wasn’t afraid of her. And I wasn’t, not with Jack and now Isaac by my side.

  Katie seemed to move closer to Kevin with each step we took closer to them. Any colour she had was draining from her face; all the while she shook like she was freezing cold.

  “Good morning.” I said as we passed by the Perfects.

  “Don’t talk to me! Don’t talk to me! Don’t talk to me!” Katie started screaming. Everyone in the hallway turned to look at her. Kevin was trying to pull her face into his chest to keep her quiet.

  “Katie stop it, be quiet.” Jess and Avery were frantically trying to calm her down. We continued walking past them. I stood a little taller and was unable to stop smiling.

  “She doesn’t seem to perfect now.” Isaac said as we passed. I couldn’t help but laugh out loud. There had been more times than I could count that the Perfects had pushed me to tears from their cruelty; Karma was just being herself, and really who was I to stop it? I had simply said “good morning” what was the harm in that? I wasn’t going to allow myself to feel any guilt for something that was clearly harmless. I pushed the unwanted feeling as far down as I could and pretended it wasn’t there.

  When the bell rang at the end of class Jack, Isaac, and I all left together. I couldn’t help but notice that the Perfects didn’t. Jess, Avery, Chris and Mike, left first; well ahead of Katie and Kevin. That never happens, they always stuck together, that was part of what made them so intimidating. I also noticed that they branched off once they were in the hallway. There was definitely tension or something between them.

  “Trouble in paradise I see.” Jack whispered.

  “It sure looks that way doesn’t it?” I said, barely containing my smile.

  Our next class was just as strange. Avery and Jess started talking to people they hadn’t really associated with before; they even switched their seats. And to make it even more bizarre, Katie didn’t seem to notice; in fact she didn’t seem to be aware of anything. She just stared out the window the entire time. The teacher pretended not to notice; she probably just assumed that Katie was sad due to Sebastian, which was not entirely wrong. Of course Katie was still mourning Sebastian’s death, she would be for a very long time, the question was how much of what she was feeling was actually guilt? And would she be able to hold it together, or was it just a matter of time before she fell apart?

  As the morning ended I found myself not dreading lunchtime for the first time that I could remember I was actually looking forward to it. I wouldn’t be sitting alone anymore, I wouldn’t be eating my lunch on the floor in the back hallway ever again either.

  As I watched Jack and Isaac walk together, but as though they were miles apart, I knew they needed to have a chance to get to know each other. If I tried to help, maybe Jack would feel a bit more comfortable; they had been talking a little, but only about Aberrant things, maybe they needed to try talking about other things too? It was worth a try at least.

  “So Isaac, what do you think of our fine school?” I asked as we sat down at a real table, in the lunchroom.

  “It’s definitely interesting for a small town at least. It holds all the drama of a big city; without the overflowing classrooms, and mob style hallways.” Isaac turned to look at the Perfects who had rejoined at their usual table and were all staring in our direction. Jack and I looked at their table also, and they all turned away, except for Kevin. He glared at us with his evil eyes. I shivered; I could almost feel his hands on me.

  “He won’t even get close enough to you to try and touch you Delilah. I promise, I won’t let him hurt you again.” Jack reached for my hand and our fingers linked. His hand felt warm, I knew I was safe as long as I had Jack.

  “They are nervous, they don’t know what to think about you Delilah. And my presence has only made their uncertainty worse I assume. Have you any idea exactly what you want them to think?”

  “I don’t want them to think anything. I want them to be confused, scared and uneasy. Not knowing what exactly they are dealing with, is what will keep them away.” I hoped at least. I didn’t want them to come to any conclusions, other than to be afraid.

  The rest of the week went by and we all went through the motions. There was no significant moment or event that made anything easier. Jack and Isaac were trying to get to know each other; Jack however refused to hang out just the two of them. He said he thought Isaac was more honest when I was there; but I knew that was just an excuse. Jack was shy, and he didn’t trust just anyone. I wasn’t sure if they would ever have a real brotherly relationship but I sure hoped they gave it their best shot.

  I still found myself crying at night, assuring my parents that I was doing better every morning, and hoping that by some miracle this will all have been just a bad dream.

  When the weekend finally c
ame Jack, Isaac and I spent it just hanging out, as I am pretty sure is what normal teenagers are supposed to do. We watched movies, ate pizza and even drove to the next town to go mini golfing; only to find out that it was closed for maintenance. We went to see an old movie that was playing instead. It was nice to see Jack and Isaac were getting to know each other a bit. Not that they were close enough for secret handshakes or whatever it is that boys do, but they were working on it, and that was all I could hope for.

  By Monday a whole week after the school had learnt the news of Sebastian’s death, the rest of the school started to return to normal. I wasn’t sure on what the appropriate grieving timeline was, or if there actually was one, but people were no longer missing from classes, the teachers were able to hold themselves together, and the grief counselors were only available on call. Even I managed to walk past his locker without tearing up.

  Katie however, was still the same if anything she looked worse. Large dark circles underlined her bloodshot eyes, makeup was absent from her face and her hair was just thrown in a ponytail with no prior brushing. She had worn the same sweatpants she was wearing a few days in a row the previous week and she looked to be wearing a hoodie that had belonged to Sebastian. I wanted to take the hoodie from her; she didn’t deserve to wear it, not after what she had done. But I managed to refrain. She looked a mess, so far from her usual Perfect self. Jess and Avery had returned to Perfection. Well as perfect as Jess could pretend to be while wearing her wig. I wondered how long her hair was now, she must at least have enough to spike up like they do in the military.

  Katie had refused to participate in Gym class anymore, however Kevin had managed to convince Mr. Prunkle that it was fine for her to just watch. I had no doubt that they had used blackmail of some sort. To be honest she didn’t look fit for doing anything except sit in a rocking chair staring out the window of the nearest mental ward; let alone participate in Gym class.

  I notice Katie sitting on the bench playing with a large silver cross that hung around her neck on a chain. When she noticed I was looking in her direction, she held the cross up and pointed it in my direction. I couldn’t do anything but turn away; she looked so helpless, pathetic almost.

  “That was on your side Delilah. Are you paying attention?” Alison my badminton partner asked.

  “Sorry.” I said, even if I was paying attention I probably still would have missed it.

  “Mr. Prunkle, my wrist is feeling sore.” I lied, holding my wrist in a limp position. “Can I go sit out on the bench?”

  “Yeah, that’s fine.” Mr. Prunkle said, it wasn’t like he actually cared about our athletic career; not that any of us had a shot at one.

  I walked over to the bench on the opposite side to where Katie was sitting, and tried my best not look in her direction. I knew that just being close to her would make her uncomfortable, but that was not my intention. I was actually a bit worried about her. I wanted to hear what Kevin kept coming over to talk to her about, it was more than obvious it had something to do with me as they both looked at me when they spoke. I didn’t like not knowing what they were up to.

  “She won’t do anything here Katie, not with all these witnesses around. She would have to massacre the whole school. So please, just try to relax, I won’t let anyone hurt you.”

  “She is not the only Vampire Kevin. I am telling you, Art and that new guy are Vampires too, why else would they be hanging around her?” She said, hiding behind her cross.

  “I do think you’re right about that, but if they were going to kill us, they would have done so already.” Kevin wasn’t going to help her calm down by agreeing with her.

  “They are going to kill us, all of us.”

  “They won’t, not here Katie. I have no doubt that we are safe at school.” If the three of us actually were Vampires, Kevin was probably right.

  “Kevin, get back on your court or you will be running laps after school.” Mr. Prunkle shouted across the gym. Kevin kissed Katie on the cheek and ran back to his game, leaving Katie to tremble alone. I did feel a little bad for her she looked absolutely terrified.

  I tried ignoring her even though she kept mumbling something and sobbing. It wasn’t until she looked like she was going to throw up or something that couldn’t ignore her any longer.

  “Are you not feeling well?” I asked Katie. I know I shouldn’t have. As soon as the words were out of my mouth my hand covered my lips.

  “You are dead Delilah, you can’t be here, you can’t. You’re not here Delilah, your DEAD!” Katie yelled, before running out of the gym. Jess and Avery ran after her and Kevin turned to me.

  “Why are you trying to start a fight with her, you know she is upset about Sebastian. Delilah, that was really cruel.” Kevin said.

  “I just asked her if she wasn’t feeling well.”

  “Just leave her alone.”

  “Delilah, were you being mean to Katie?” Mr. Prunkle asked. I was shocked; I had to stop myself from laughing out loud.

  “No I wasn’t. Like I said, I was asking her if she was feeling okay.”

  “Well, I suspect that Katie is just a little sensitive right now. Maybe you should go and apologize to her.” Something told me that was not such a good idea.

  “I think Katie just needs a minute. Jess and Avery will take care of her.” Kevin said. Mr. Prunkle agreed and told the class to carry on.

  Katie didn’t return to gym, but she did show up to her other classes. In Math class she refused to sit in her desk, as it was only two rows behind me. In Science she left the room, four times. She just got up and wandered out the door, even when the teacher called after her, she didn’t even look at him. She was falling apart, and quickly. I was quite surprised to see her at lunch, I had thought she had given up and went home. She probably should have.

  “I know we can see her Kevin.”

  “It’s not just us that can see her Katie, everyone can see her, so she is definitely here, and definitely not a ghost.” Kevin said, I knew it was just another one of my visions, but it didn’t matter, I knew that soon enough this would be real.

  “I told you Kevin, she’s not a ghost, she’s a Vampire, her and the other two that are always around her.”

  “Look Katie, I can’t explain what happened on the island, nobody can, but you have to snap out of this, people are starting to notice that something is up.” Jess was no longer the second in command, she had taken Katie’s place at the top, and I knew that this was something that was already happening.

  “They will kill us you know, all of us.” Katie sobbed.

  “What are you staring at?” Jack asked, making my vision end.

  “I was just seeing Katie and the others. She still believes I’m a Vampire, Jess was telling her to snap out of it.”

  “How did Katie seem to take to being told what to do?”

  “If there is any part of the real Katie left, even just a small piece, she won’t take orders well, Jack. And she also thinks that you and Isaac are Vampires too.”

  “I suppose that was to be expected. She must think we are recruiting Vampires or something.”

  “Very interesting indeed.” Isaac said, rubbing his hands together and smiling.

  “Hi Delilah, hi Art.” Lisa Clark, a girl I had once kind of been friends with, way back in the third grade, said as she stood by our lunch table. I stared at her for a moment, totally taken off guard. What did she want? Why all of a sudden did she decide to talk to me now?

  “Jack.” I said.

  “Excuse me?” Lisa said, thrown by my response.

  “His name is Jack, not Art.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry. Hi Jack.” Lisa replied, her face turning red, sending a wave of guilt through me.

  “Hi Lisa.” Jack said, giving me a questioning look.

  “This is Isaac. Isaac, Lisa.” I said quickly.

  “Pleased to meet you Lisa.” Isaac said, taking Lisa’s hand and kissing the back of it. What the hell? Did he forget what century he was in
? Lisa’s face went redder still, and she giggled.

  “It’s nice to see your face... I mean your face here...I mean it’s nice to see a new face here, in Echo. We don’t get many new comers.” Well that was a mess, I couldn’t help but feel bad for her, she had embarrassed herself so badly.

  “It’s nice to come to a place filled with so many beautiful girls.” Isaac said. Oh brother! I rolled my eyes this guy was something else. He was so very different than Jack. Thankfully.

  There was a commotion coming from the direction of the Perfects table, I looked over to see Kevin practically dragging Katie out of the lunchroom.

  “I better go, my friends are waiting. It was nice to meet you Isaac.” Lisa said before she scurried back to her friends.

  “What the hell was that all about?” I blurted out.

  “She was just being friendly Delilah, it is okay to have friends.” Jack said.

  “I know, but I haven’t had any before, why now?”

  “Maybe she wants to be a better person now, you know death can change people.”

  “Yeah trust me, I know that all too well, remember?” Jack squeezed my hand, hard. I knew right away I had said the wrong thing.

  “What do mean by that Delilah?” Isaac asked.

  “Well...hum...look at Katie, and the others. Sebastian’s death has completely changed them.” Isaac stared at me, as if trying to see if I was lying. I turned away quickly. “What happened at the Perfects table? I saw Kevin hauling Katie out of the lunchroom.”

  “I didn’t notice.” Jack said.

  “I didn’t see either, I was too busy looking at your friend. Jack’s right you know, you shouldn’t be so mean.” I wasn’t mean, well I wasn’t trying to be at least. I may have been rude, but not mean.

  “I will try not to be so shocked next time someone is nice to me. If there is a next time.” But I was shocked when the next nicety happened right after lunch on our way back to class. First Cassie, then Hannah, both fairly popular girls; saying hi to the three of us in the hallway. Maybe people were changing; maybe Jack was right and Sebastian’s death had impacted people. I did a better job of being nice back at least. I even noticed a smile was on my face as we entered the classroom. It quickly vanished however when I saw the cloves of garlic covering the top of my desk, and only mine.

  “Really? That’s the best they can do?” I groaned as I grabbed the garbage can and cleared them using my book, the last thing I wanted was my hand smelling of garlic for the rest of the day.

  “They must watch a lot of movies.” Jack said shaking his head.

  “Yeah, and from the looks of it, they believe everything they see.” I laughed a little it was kind of funny to think they actually thought that they would scare me off with cloves of garlic. What would they try next taking me out in the sun to see if I sparkle?

  The afternoon continued with people being nice and garlic turning up all over the place. That was going to get really annoying, not to mention smelly. I had hoped the teachers would have put an end to it quickly; but as per usual they carried on as nothing was happening. Could they seriously not smell it? The whole school was beginning to reek of garlic. I was beyond relieved when the final bell of the day rang.

  “Shall we head back to my house?”

  “I need to run home first today Jack, my mom didn’t leave a note on the fridge this morning. They might actually be home tonight.” I hated the thought that I would have to spend the evening at home with my parents. I had become too accustomed to them being gone every night. We knew it wouldn’t last forever, but I was still frustrated.

  Isaac was just about to walk away to go wherever it was he was staying.

  “Hey Isaac, do you want to hang out with Jack and I?” I knew should have checked with Jack first, but isn’t it better to ask for forgiveness than permission? Besides, if I waited for Jack to make extra effort with his brother, I would be waiting for ages.

  “I don’t want to impose.”

  “You wouldn’t be, right Jack?” I smiled at Jack, and eventually he did smile back.

  “Right. We are just hanging out, but you are welcome to come too.” My smile spread across my face, and I gave Jack a quick hug.

  Jack pulled up outside my house and I was horrified to see both my parents in the driveway unloading groceries from the car. My mom’s mouth almost hit the floor when she saw me in the passenger seat of Jack’s Mustang. I wasn’t sure if she was mad or surprised. I slid out of the car, smiling weakly at my mom, who instantly put the bag down and headed towards us. This was it my freedom was over. I was going to be yelled at, grounded and humiliated in front of Jack, and even worse, Isaac. Why did I have to be nice and invite Isaac along, today of all days?

  To my surprise and horror, Jack turned off the car and got out, followed by Isaac. What the hell were they doing? Why didn’t they do what most normal teenage boys would do and drive away as fast as possible? That’s right, I almost forgot, they weren’t normal teenage boys were they; they were ancient, centuries old teenage boys; who believed in manners and courtesy and all that. Oh this wasn’t good, not good at all. I was becoming overwhelmed with panic; maybe I should be the one to drive away as fast as possible. But it was too late, damn.

  “Hello, Mrs. Martin, my name is Jack Bradford and this is my brother, Isaac.” Jack said confidently and politely as he shook my mother’s hand.

  “Hello Mrs. Martin.” Isaac said as he did the same. My mother glanced at me. I couldn’t read her expression. I wondered if she could read mine.

  “Hello, Jack, Isaac, it’s nice to meet you both. Do you go to school with Delilah?”

  “Yes mom, we are in the same class.” Did she really think I would just take rides from random boys? Geez, I thought she knew me a bit better than that.

  “Well it’s nice to finally meet some of Delilah’s friends. Won’t you boys stay for dinner? I’m making spaghetti.” What alternate universe had we suddenly driven into? I had never had a friend over, let alone one that my mother extended a personal invitation to; much less a boy or two. I hoped they said no, it would be just awful to have them drilled by mother; she can be a bit overbearing, nosy, bossy, snobby, I really could go on.

  “Thank you Mrs. Martin we would love to.” Isaac said, smiling at my mother. “Can we help you with the groceries?” He asked, full of charm. My mother smiled and I think she even blushed slightly. I stared at Isaac, trying to hold back the overwhelming urge I had to punch him. This was going to be dreadful, I could just see it.

  My Father came out of the house to collect more bags, but Isaac and Jack were already carrying the rest of them; double the amount of bags most people could manage at one time. My mother introduced them and they effortlessly adjusted the bags so that they could shake hands.

  “You two are certainly strong young men.” My Father said clearly impressed, as they headed for the kitchen. I followed behind them, trying not to die of embarrassment.

  “So have you three been friends for long? Delilah doesn’t talk about her friends much.” My mother asked, beginning with her inquisition.

  “We’ve been friends for a while now.” Jack answered.

  “What do your parents do for work?” My mom asked.

  “Our Dad travels a lot doing a lot of charity work, helping children in third world countries. Teaching English, building wells, hospitals, schools, that kind of thing.” Isaac nailed it, as if he knew my mother like the back of his hand. Third world countries, teaching, building anything, was definitely not my mother’s forte, or my Father’s for that matter, they would have a hard time knowing if he was telling the truth or not.

  “Well that is truly admirable work, you boys must be very proud of them?”

  “Yes mam, very proud.” Isaac responded.

  “And what about your mother?” My mom asked.

  “Our mother died when I was very young, Mrs. Martin.” My eyes nearly popped out of my head, I couldn’t believe Jack had said that.

  “I’m so s
orry to hear that.” My mother said, and then there was an awkward silence, which thankfully my Dad finally broke.

  My mom started to cook dinner, with the help of Isaac, while Jack and I set the table and my Dad went to change. It felt odd having Jack and Isaac over while my parents were home, let alone all chatting and making dinner together. My mom seemed totally different. I couldn’t help but wonder if this had anything to do with Sebastian’s death, or if she was just so shocked that I had friends.

  She asked them about their plans for the future, which was strange, as I don’t remember my mom ever asking me what I planned to do with my future. Isaac was brilliant, he had an answer for everything, and he never even hesitated. I wondered how much of what he was saying was true. Had he really lived in London, South Africa, Hong Kong and the many other places he talked about? Had he actually helped build an orphanage, and a school? He really didn’t seem like that type, but then again I didn’t really know him.

  “I really haven’t the slightest clue what I plan to do once I graduate. My Father believes I will go to Medical School. But I am not too sure.” Isaac said. My mom’s eyes widened.

  “A doctor, hmm now that would be a truly admirable career choice.” My mom was practically falling all over Isaac. I couldn’t see Isaac as a doctor; I didn’t think he would have the right bedside manner.

  “And what about you Jack, what are your plans?” My Father asked.

  “I hadn’t really thought too much about it.”

  “Well what is your passion? Everyone has one, and I always thought that was the best place to start.” I had never heard my mother talk like that, I wondered what they thought my passion was. And if they knew, hopefully they would share the info with me, as I had no idea.

  “I’m not sure.” Jack looked really uncomfortable; I wished my parents would go back to Isaac.

  “What are you good at?”

  “Mom, please.”

  “It’s okay Delilah,” Jack smiled. “I like to draw, so I wouldn’t mind perusing that.”

  “Jack is actually an amazing artist.” I said smiling, it wasn’t anything like being a doctor but it was still pretty great.

  “That’s a talent that not many have, but many wish they did.” My Dad said.

  I was glad when dinner was finally ready. At least eating would be a good distraction.

  “This is delicious dear.” My Father said, in between checking his phone and eating. Which reminded me, why had my mom not checked her phone once yet? It wasn’t normal for her to be away from her phone for so long.

  “Did you lose your phone mom?”

  “Of course not Delilah, why, did you try calling earlier? I don’t think I missed a call.” My mom pulled her phone out of her pocket to check it.

  “No, I was just noticing you haven’t been on it since I got home that’s all.” My mom’s face went slightly red, something was up, I could tell, she never blushes.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing Honey, I just thought we would have a nice dinner with your friends. In fact, Jason, put your phone away.” She ordered my Dad, who listened and put his phone in his pocket. Something was definitely wrong, had my mom just called me Honey? The last time she had called me Honey was when she found out about Sebastian.

  “Okay, seriously, what is it?” My mom glanced at my Dad, and then smiled.

  “We will talk about it later, it’s nothing to worry about.” No, this was a big deal I could feel it.

  “Now I’m worried, please what is it?”

  “We can go if you need to talk.” Jack suggested, standing up.

  “No, no it’s fine, really. It’s silly, a misunderstanding I’m sure.”

  “Then just tell me.” I was getting angry now; this was not like my parents at all. Staying home, making dinner, no phones, I thought I would explode if they didn’t tell me soon.

  “The Sheriff has been calling for over a week now. It seems there was a note found on that boy who died.”

  “Sebastian, the boy who killed himself.” I blurted out. I stiffened, held back the tears, and was thankful for Jack reaching for my hand under the table.

  “Yes. Well it seems as though you were mentioned in the note, and the Sheriff wants to talk to you about it. I have explained that it’s a misunderstanding, I have even conversed with a lawyer. There is nothing to worry about.” My head started spinning. Why would the Sheriff want to talk to me? Why didn’t Jack and I take the second note with us? Why did my mom speak to a lawyer? Then panic set in, what did Kevin put in the second note? Did he try to pin Sebastian’s suicide on me?

  “We will go talk to the Sheriff with you Delilah, I assure you, you have nothing to worry about.” My Father said, but I just stared at him blankly. Then I remembered. They wrote that note when they thought I was dead, they had pinned my murder on Sebastian.

  “What did you mean when you said the note mentioned me?” My mother shifted uncomfortably in her chair. She glanced at Jack and Isaac, then at me. I gave her a nod to go on.

  “The boy had confessed to killing you.” My mother said. I could feel Isaac staring at me, but I refused to meet anyone’s eyes.

  “Well that is just ridiculous he obviously didn’t, I’m right here; alive and well.”

  “And that’s exactly what we have explained to the Sheriff. He knows you’re alive, he has seen you. He just would like to get a better understanding of why the boy would confess to such a thing in a suicide note. I think his parents would really like to know too.”

  “But I don’t know why he would say that.” I did know why, but I couldn’t tell anyone, not without exposing Jack, Isaac and myself for being Aberrant. I wouldn’t do that.

  “I’m sure the Sheriff just needs to hear that from you Delilah, a formality type thing.” Jack said. I was so thankful he was there.

  “Jack’s right Honey. Like I said, there is nothing to worry about.” My mom smiled at Jack, who nodded back.

  The dinner conversation didn’t quite return to normal after that. We all finished rather quickly and my parents offered to clean up if we wanted to hang out. Again that was not normal behavior for my parents at all. However I had never brought friends home before, so I suppose I don’t really know what their normal behavior is in this kind of situation.

  We told my parents we were going to go for a walk. As soon as we were out of ear shot I started to panic.

  “What am I supposed to say to the Sheriff tomorrow Jack?”

  “Just explain that you have no idea why he would confess to that. Like you told your parents.”

  “Don’t you think he is going to question a little more than that? I mean he confessed to a murder of someone who isn’t dead and then killed himself.”

  “That is a bit strange don’t you think? I mean why would he do that?” I didn’t like the tone of Isaacs’ voice.

  “I don’t know.” I said. I didn’t know what else to say. I couldn’t remember how much Jack had told him and I was too busy panicking over talking to the Sheriff.

  “I don’t think he would have done that at all, it seemed to me that he was actually trying to help you that night.” I turned to stare at Isaac, how would he know that? “I mean he couldn’t save you in the woods, because he wasn’t there, but around the bonfire he definitely seemed like he was on your side.”

  “How would you know that?” Jack was right in Isaac’s face, and he was angry, I could tell.

  “Jack please I told you I was following you.”

  “Following me yes, but you never said anything about following Delilah.”

  “I wasn’t really following her, I thought you would have shown up there to. I thought you were going to do some kind of anniversary sacrificial celebration. And I was partially right. I didn’t realize at the time that Delilah was Aberrant, how could I? I mean she couldn’t defend herself from that sleaze bag in the woods.”

  “It was you? You were the one that pulled Kevin off me and threw him against the tree.” I wasn’t sure
if I should be thankful that he saved me, or angry because he didn’t stop them from killing me.

  “I thought you were human. I’m not against killing humans, and if humans want to kill each other then who am I to stop them, but what he was trying to do was different.” I shivered at the memory, now it was even worse; Isaac had been there, and seen what Kevin was doing. I felt humiliated all over again.

  “You were there on the island that night, you could have saved her, but you didn’t. You could have stopped it all, but you didn’t you just watched.” Jack was getting angrier; I was worried he was going to start hitting Isaac right there on the street.

  “I was only there for a while, then I got bored and left. Like I said, I thought she was human. I didn’t want to get involved. You can’t tell me you would have done any different, you wouldn’t have risked exposing yourself for a human would you Jack?” Jack started to relax. He moved back to my side and took my hand. He turned his back to Isaac, not wanting to look at him or answer his question.

  “All you have to do tomorrow is stick to the story, you have absolutely no idea why he would say that. There is nothing they can do, Sebastian killed himself, you are alive, and they have no reason to believe there is any more to it than that.” Jack squeezed my hand.

  “You’re right. Besides, my mom won’t stand for him badgering me any way.” I tried to smile. But I knew it wasn’t going to be that simple. Kevin’s Dad was the Sheriff, what if he was just like his son, with the same arrogance, the same slimy personality? What if he had spoken to Kevin already and Kevin had given him reason to believe I was somehow responsible for Sebastian’s death? I wish I knew how to force a vision; it would be rather helpful at that moment.

  “Just try not to worry, everything will be okay.” Jack whispered and kissed my cheek.

  After Jack and Isaac went home my parents continued to assure me I had nothing to worry about.

  “It’s okay Delilah, like we said he is just doing his job, that’s all. The lawyer assured me there were no signs of foul play or anything like that at the scene.”

  “I’m fine mom really. I’m just as confused as they are about the note. I mean clearly I am not dead.” Clearly. I thought to myself.

  “We will go first thing in the morning and get it over and done with. Both Dad and I will come with you, and we have the lawyer on standby. Just in case. You should get some rest, try not to worry.” If anything was going to make me worry, it was my mom telling me not to worry.

  * * * * *

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