Read Bunny Brown and His Sister Sue Page 3



  Aunt Lu hurried over to the kitchen table, at which she had been helpingMrs. Brown make the lobster salad. She looked among the dishes, andknives and forks, but shook her head.

  "No, it isn't there," she said, quite sadly.

  "What isn't? What is the matter?" asked Mrs. Brown, who came in from thedining room just then. "Can't you find the big lobster claw that Bunnywanted? I laid it----"

  "Oh, I have it, Mother, thank you," the little boy said. "But Aunt Luhas lost----"

  "It's my diamond ring--Jack's engagement ring," said Mrs. Brown'ssister. "It must have slipped off my finger, and----"

  "Oh dear! That's too bad!" said Mrs. Brown. "But it must be around heresomewhere. We'll find it!"

  Bunny and Sue hardly knew what to make of it all. They had never seentheir Aunt Lu so worried.

  "Mother, what's an engagement ring?" asked Sue, in a whisper, as Aunt Lukept on looking among the things on the table, hoping her diamond mighthave dropped off there. Then she looked on the floor.

  "An engagement ring, my dear," said Sue's mother, "is a ring that meansa promise. A very dear friend of Aunt Lu's has promised to marry her,and he gave her the diamond ring to be a sort of reminder--a mostbeautiful present. Now we must help her find it."

  "It can't be far away," Mrs. Brown said to her sister. "You were not outof this room, were you?"

  "No, I've been here ever since I began to pick the meat out of thelobster, and I had my ring on then."

  "Oh, then we'll find it," said Bunny's mother.

  But it was not so easy to do that as it was to say it. They looked allover the kitchen--on the floor, under the table, among the dishes, thepots and pans--but no diamond ring could be found. Papa Brown came infrom the front porch, where he had been reading the evening paper, andhe helped search, but it seemed of no use.

  "Oh, where can my beautiful ring have dropped?" asked Aunt Lu, and Suethought she saw signs of tears in her aunt's eyes.

  "Perhaps it fell into the lobster salad," suggested Mr. Brown.

  "Then you can find it when you eat," called Bunny. "Only don't bite onthe diamond. It might break."

  "We'll look in the salad now," Mrs. Brown said.

  They did so, looking in the dish that held the chopped-up bits oflobster meat, but no diamond ring was to be found. Then the floor waslooked over again, most carefully, the empty dishes were turned upsidedown in the hope that the ring might drop out of one of them. But it didnot.

  Aunt Lu looked sad and worried, and so did Mr. and Mrs. Brown. The cook,who had been out for the afternoon, came in and she helped search forthe diamond ring, but it could not be found.

  "I'm sure I had it, when I began making the lobster salad," said AuntLu, "but when I handed Bunny the empty claw I looked on my finger, andthe ring was gone."

  "Perhaps it dropped out of doors," suggested Papa Brown.

  They looked near the side porch where Bunny had been standing when hisaunt gave him the claw with which he was going to play Punch, but thering was not found there.

  "Oh dear! I feel so sorry!" Aunt Lu said, "If only I could find mylovely ring. Bunny--Sue, you must help me. To whomever finds it I'llgive a nice present---anything he wants. That will be a reward,children."

  "Yes, you must help Aunt Lu look for her ring," said Mrs. Brown. "Comenow, we will have supper, and look afterward. We may find it when weleast expect it."

  But even after supper, the ring was not found. The whole familysearched. Aunt Lu did not eat much supper, much as she liked lobstersalad. She was too worried, I guess. Even Bunny did not feel likeplaying Mr. Punch with the big hollow lobster claw that fitted over hisnose in such a funny way. Neither he nor Sue felt like making jokes whentheir aunt felt so unhappy.

  That night, when he and Sue went to bed, Bunny put the lobster clawaway.

  "We'll play with it some other time," he said to his sister.

  "Yes," she agreed. "Some day when Aunt Lu finds her ring, and thenshe'll play with us, and be the audience. You will be Mr. Punch, andI'll be Mrs. Judy. Only I don't want to wear a lobster claw on my nose."

  "No, I'll be the only one to wear a claw," said Bunny in a sleepy voice,and then he dreamed of sailing off to "by-low land."

  Aunt Lu was up early the next morning, down in the kitchen, and out inthe yard, looking for her lost ring. But it was not found, and Aunt Lu'sface seemed to grow more sad. But she smiled at Bunny and Sue, and said:

  "Oh, well, perhaps some day I shall find it."

  "We'll look all over for it," said Bunny.

  "Indeed we will," added Sue. "Let's look out in the yard now, Bunny."

  The children looked, but had no luck Then, as it was not time fordinner, they wandered down the street.

  "Don't go too far away," their mother called after them. "Don't go downto the fish dock unless some one is with you."

  "No, Mother, we won't!" Bunny promised.

  They had each a penny that Aunt Lu had given them the day before, andnow they wandered toward the little candy store kept by Mrs. Redden. Shesmiled at Bunny and Sue as they entered. Nearly every one did smile atthe two children, who wandered about, hand in hand.

  "Well, what is it to-day?" asked the store-lady. "Lollypops orcaramels?"

  "I want a penny's worth of peanuts," said Bunny.

  "And I'll take some little chocolate drops," said Sue.

  Soon, with their little treat, the brother and sister walked on towardthe corner, the candy store being half way between that and their house.

  As they passed a little dark red cottage, in front of which was an oldboat, filled with flowers and vines, Bunny and Sue heard some one insidescreaming and crying:

  "Oh dear! Stop it I tell you! Let go my hair! Oh, if I get hold of youI'll make you stop! Oh dear! Jed! Jed! Where are you?"

  Bunny and Sue looked at one another.

  "That's Miss Winkler yelling!" said Bunny.

  "But what makes her?" asked Sue.

  "I don't know. We'll go and see," suggested Bunny.

  Into the yard of the little red house ran the two children. Around tothe kitchen they went, and, looking in through the open door they saw astrange sight.

  Standing in front of a window was an elderly woman, wearing glasseswhich, just now, hung down over one ear. But, stranger still, there wasa monkey, perched up on the pole over the window. One of the monkey'sbrown, hairy paws was entangled in the lady's hair, and the monkeyseemed to be pulling hard, while the lady was screaming and trying toreach the fuzzy creature.

  "Oh, it's Wango, the monkey, and he's up to some of his tricks!" criedBunny.

  "He'll pull out all her hair!" Sue exclaimed.

  "Oh, Bunny--Sue--run for my brother! Go get Jed!" begged Miss Winkler."Tell him Wango is terrible! He must come at once. Wango is such a badmonkey he won't mind me!"

  And Wango kept on pulling her hair!