Read Bunny Brown and His Sister Sue Page 7



  "On, Bunny! Bunny!" cried Sue, clapping her hands. "We're having a sail!We're sailing!"

  "Yes," answered her brother, "that's what we are, but--"

  He looked toward the shore and wondered if it were too far away for himto wade to it. The river looked quite deep, though, and Bunny decided hehad better not try it.

  "Don't you like sailing," asked his sister Sue.

  "Oh, yes, I like it all right," was the reply, "but mother told us notto go out in the boat and we've done it."

  "But we didn't mean to," came from the little girl. "The boat did it allby itself, and it isn't our fault at all."

  "That's so," and Bunny smiled now and seemed happier.

  "I wonder how it happened?" asked Sue.

  "I guess we jiggled it so much, making believe we were sailing, that therope got loose," Bunny explained. "And now we're sailing!"

  Bunny Brown and his sister Sue really were sailing down the river andthe boat was bobbing up and down and swinging from side to side, for itwas not steered. And it was not exactly "sailing" either, for it wasonly a row-boat and there was no sail to hoist.

  But the river was flowing down hill to the sea and it was the river thatwas carrying the boat along.

  "I like it; don't you?" asked Sue, after a bit.

  "Yes," answered Bunny. "Only we musn't go too far away. Mother wouldn'tlike that even if it wasn't our fault that the boat got loose. I wonderif there's anything to eat here."

  "Let's look," proposed Sue, so the two children looked under the boatseats and lifted the oars over to one side. Sometimes they were allowedto go with their father or mother for a row or sail, and, once in awhile, Mrs. Brown would take with her some sandwiches or cake for alittle lunch. Bunny and Sue thought something to eat might have beenleft over since the last time, but there was nothing.

  "Oh dear!" sighed Sue. "I'm terrible hungry, Bunny!"

  "So am I!"

  "Don't you s'pose you could catch a fish, so we could eat that?"

  "I might," Bunny answered, "if I had a fish line."

  "I have a piece of string," and Sue put her chubby hand in her pocket.She had had her mother sew two pockets in her dress, almost like theones Bunny had in his little trousers. For Sue said she wanted to carrythings in her pockets, just as her brother and the other boys did.

  She now pulled out a tangled bit of string, white cord that had come offsome bundles from the grocery.

  "There's a fish line, Bunny," said Sue.

  "Yes, if I only had a hook," and the little fellow pulled the tanglesout of the cord, "You can't catch fish without a hook, Sue."

  "I know that. And here's a pin. You can bend that into a hook. SadieWest and I did that one day up at the frog pond."

  "Did you get any fish?" Bunny asked.

  "No," answered Sue slowly. "But there wasn't any fish in the pond. Mr.Winkler came along and told us so, and we didn't fish any more. Wecaught frogs."


  "In a tin can."

  "We haven't any tin can now," went on Bunny, looking about the boat, asif he would, perhaps, rather catch frogs than fishes.

  "Don't try to get any frogs," Sue begged him. "They aren't any good toeat."

  "Their legs are!"

  "Oh, they are not! I wouldn't eat frogs' legs. I'd eat chickens' legsthough, if they were cooked."

  "So would I. But some folks do eat frogs legs. I heard Aunt Lu tellingmother so the other day."

  "They must be funny people to eat frogs' legs," Sue exclaimed.

  "But I won't catch any now," Bunny promised. "Where's the pin, Sue? So Ican make a hook."

  "I'll take one out of my dress where a button's off," offered the littlegirl. "Only you'll have to give the pin back to me after you stopfishing, 'cause I'll have to pin my dress up again."

  "S'posin' a fish swallers it?" Bunny asked.

  "Swallers what?"

  "Swallers the hook!" Bunny explained. "If a fish eats the bent pin hookI can't give it back to you; can I?"

  "No," said Sue slowly. "But we could get it out when we cook the fish,"she said, after thinking about it a little while.

  "Yes," agreed Bunny. "But I guess they don't cook pins in fish. Anyhowwe haven't got a fire to cook with."

  "Oh, well, then we'll pretend. Here's the pin, Bunny," and Sue took itfrom a place on her dress where, as she had said, a button was off. "Tryand catch a big fish with it."

  Bunny had the piece of string untangled now and he bent the pin into asort of hook. All this while the boat was slowly drifting down theriver, but Bunny Brown and his sister Sue had talked so much aboutfishing that they had not noticed where they were going. They were notso frightened as they had been at first.

  Bunny tied the bent pin on the end of his piece of string and was aboutto toss it over the side of the boat into the water when he happened tothink.

  "I'll have to have a sinker," he said to Sue. "You can't catch fish ifyou don't have a sinker to take the hook down to the bottom of thewater. Fish only bite near the bottom. I must have a sinker."

  "Oh, dear!" exclaimed Sue. "Fishing is a lot of work; isn't it, Bunny?"

  "It's fun," said the little boy. "I like it, but I have to have asinker."

  "I could give you a button from my dress," Sue said. "One's almost off,and I could pull it the rest of the way. Only I haven't another pin tofasten me up with. This is an old dress, anyhow. That's what makes ithave one button gone and another almost off," she explained.

  "Never mind. Don't pull off the button, Sue," Bunny said. "I guess itwouldn't be heavy enough to sink. Maybe I can find a regular sinker. Oh,yes, here's one!" he cried, as he picked up from the bottom of the boata piece of lead. It had been dropped there when Mr. Brown, or perhapsBunker Blue, had used the boat for fishing a few days before.

  "This will be just the thing!" cried Bunny, as he fastened it to hisline. "Now I can fish real," and he tossed the bent pin over the side ofthe drifting boat into the water. The bent pin sank out of sight, andboth children watched eagerly, wondering how long it would be beforethey would catch a fish.

  But suddenly their boat bumped against something, and stopped moving.The bump was so hard that Bunny was knocked over against Sue.

  "Oh, Bunny, don't!" she exclaimed. "You hurt my arm!"

  "I--I couldn't help it," Bunny said.

  "Was it a fish?" asked Sue, hopefully, "Did he pull you over?"

  Bunny shook his head. Nothing had taken hold of the pin-hook. Then heturned his head and looked around.

  "Oh, Sue!" he cried. "We've run ashore on an island. Now we can get outand have some fun! This is great!"