Read Burden of Sisyphus (Brink of Distinction book #1) Page 31

  Part of her yearned to run to her console and watch the video but an equally strong part feared playing the message. She didn’t know if she could bear seeing his image so soon after learning of his death. Though her eyes felt dry and out of tears, she didn’t trust her emotions enough to tempt fate.

  Watch it, the Voice said. He would want you to know that he cared, regardless of what happened to him.

  Standing slowly, she moved as if in a dream toward the computer. Pulling out her chair, she sat down heavily and slid the disk into the slot on the side of the console. The screen flickered, first shining brilliant blue in the dark room before settling on an image. Play flashed in the upper left corner, as the image focused on a familiar Wyndgaart face.

  Having turned on his camera, Eza took two steps back and wiped golden hair from his eyes, which flashed the same vibrant amethyst as hers. Smiling, he settled into a chair and faced the screen.

  “Hi, Sis.” His strong voice carried through the silent room.

  A sob slipped past her closed lips and her body shook. She rocked in her chair, barely able to focus, as the message continued. She was woefully unprepared for the emotional turmoil she experienced at seeing his face again.

  “We’re getting ready to go on a mission but I had a few moments and figured I’d waste my time sending you a letter. Don’t worry. This mission won’t be that bad. It's just you’re every day, run-of-the-mill reconnaissance. I’d tell you more about it, but you know the rules.”

  “Classified,” she mouthed, as he said the word, wiping away tears, not wanting to miss seeing his face.

  “I know I don’t get to write as much as I’d like, and for that, I’m sorry. Covert operations keep me really busy but I love what I’m doing, just like you.” He laughed. “Who knew I’d ever tell my Baby Sis I was winding up just like her?”

  A smile still on his handsome face, he continued, “I’m proud of you. I hope you know that. I know Mom and Dad weren’t happy with your decision to go to the Academy but I’ve always known you were destined for greatness. I’ve talked about you so much here, I can’t tell anymore if anyone wants to meet you or hates your guts. If they hate you, then to hell with them. They don’t know what they’re missing.”

  “I got your letter today. It’s kind of what reminded me it was time to write you back. I appreciate the picture. It makes me feel a little closer to home, especially when I’m away so much. Once I get my next rest and relaxation anywhere near Arcendor, you better believe I’ll be on the next drop ship heading your way. It’s been too long since we hung out. Hell, you couldn’t even drink legally when I saw you last, though I’m not sure I’m all right with the idea of my Baby Sis drinking.”

  She cried harder, knowing he’d never fulfill his promise. On whatever random planet he went for his mission, something went terribly wrong. Eza was dead, and Keryn was alone.

  She clutched her chest, trying to cover the ache in her heart. The officer told the truth. Eza died fighting the Terrans. Rage boiled in her veins at the thought. They took Eza from her and she would get revenge.

  “I’ve got to go, Sis.” He glanced over his shoulder. Other voices spoke in the background, and, from Eza’s hurried expression, he didn’t want to give them a chance to be on the video. “I promise that when I get back, I’ll write again.

  “I know I don’t say it enough, but I love you, Baby Sis. I’ll write and, hopefully, see you soon. Bye.”

  The screen faded to black as Keryn cried into the darkness.