Read Butterfly Page 3

“I am going out.” said the queen to Rake.

  “Did you notice that the last two weeks you go horse riding every day?”

  “Yes I am.” she said and left.

  If Rake knew what horses she rode past two weeks…. No, better that he doesn’t know. She would go to jail. She is doing a big mistake. For the last two weeks Jane found her true love again. She found Timor. They were everywhere. The queen was finally happy. Yes she had grown feelings for Rake, but that doesn’t mean anything. One night she escaped the court around midnight just to be with her darling. As most of the times this time they told another lie and went to the forest. They’d been there for a whole day. Rake followed them at a distance.

  “Timor, maybe I haven’t told you the right words so I am telling them now. I love you. I finally find my path to home again. Thank you for showing me that.”

  “Jane, I never forgot you.”

  So the queen and horseman told love to each other. They were on forest’s glade. Suddenly they heard a noise in the background. It was the king.

  “What is happening here?” asked the king and stepped forward from the bush.

  “Rake. Nothing special. We are just talking.” said Jane.

  “Yes of course. And he is giving you flowers. I want the truth Jane.”

  The queen started crying.

  “Sir….” started Timor.

  “Be quiet. I am talking to my wife. I will deal with you as I think it is best. An you Jane. Sleeping around? With the horseman?” talked king without noticing her tears.

  “It is not what you think Rake. It really isn’t.” she started to apologize.

  Then there was a shot from behind. They saw a man walking towards the glade. He was dragging something.

  “Yes. And who am I?” the king was still mad.

  Juan dragged a dead Joe. He was the mad Rake could count on him the most. He was a protector of the city.

  Juan stepped to the glade. “Did I interrupt something?”

  “No, who are you?” asked the king.

  “That is one of the greatest knights in Spain.” explained Timor.

  “Shut up.” Rake yelled at Timor.

  “Timor. We haven’t heard from you for a while. Please let us know what is happening in Butterfly at least now when I am here.” Juan could not be interrupted.

  “How many of Spanish are here?” asked Timor.

  “I am alone.”

  “For what did you come for?” asked Timor.

  “Didn’t I tell you to shut up Timor?” Rake was still made.

  “I came for you Timor. The king is letting you go. You are fired.” said Juan.

  “Ok then. I will stay here anyway.”

  “No, you will go back to Spain.” said Juan.

  “He is right. I don’t want to see you again.” said Rake.

  “OK.” said Timor hardly. He wants to stay here, at the people who know him. He could easily return to Ferland. Anywhere, just not to Spain, to foreign lands.

  At the evening Jane admitted everything to Rake. He also told Rake that Timor was the one who took her virginity.


  Timor did not pull back despite everything. He went back to Ferland where they graciously took him back. In the evening he had another rendezvous with Jane.

  “It’s not nice from Rake to let you go from Butterfly like that.” said Jane.

  “Ah, forget about it. Maybe in some courts I would be in jail by now.”

  “True, but still. So you went back to Ferland?”

  “Yes, did you know there is a new housekeeper?”

  “Really? No I didn’t. What is she like.”

  “Young, black hair, a little darker pale, nothing special. But she has a crush on me.”

  “Interesting. So you will be with her then?”

  “How can I be with her if I got you?”

  “No Timor. We have to admit, you never had me. I will always be Rakes, you just came at the right time to the right place. That is all.”

  “So, you don’t love me anymore?”

  “Of course I love you. But still. We have to end this, don’t you agree?”

  “Well, I suppose so. But that doesn’t mean I will be with the new housekeeper.” said Timor sadly.

  “I don’t want you to be with her anyway.” smiled Jane.

  She rode back to Butterfly and Timor rode back to Ferland.

  “Where were you?” asked Ferdinand.

  “I went to the town.” explained Timor.

  “Timor, do you have a lady friend?” asked Ferdinand.

  Oh my god, we’re there – thought Timor.

  “Yes, I have a girlfriend in town.” lied Timor. “Why would you like to know?”

  “I am sure you have met the new housekeeper, right Timor. So you should know she likes you.”

  “Yes, I know some of that. What you saying is, I should leave a girlfriend in town and be with her?”

  “Yes. I don’t ask you that, I command you.”

  “Ok sir.” Timor was not happy about this.

  “Go now!” ordered Ferdo. Timow rode his horse again and went somewhere he didn’t know where. He went riding in the forest. He came to the house in the forest that was just build. It was meant for huntsman. The king didn’t know about it. There was a few snowflakes from the sky and the wind blew really fast. Timor knew that if he turned around he could die. The snow was just beginning and it can snow heavily around here. Timor went to the house where one horse was already tied up. White. That would mean that the queen is here. Which queen? He will know that when he will go inside the house. He tied the horse in the barn next to white one. He knocked on the door. Jane greet him and let him inside.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “It began snowing in butterfly and after an incident I didn’t want to go to the castle. I remembered this house and went in. I didn’t knew that the snow would turn into a blizzard. You?” explained Jane.

  “I went for a walk and suddenly it began snowing and wind was blowing very fast. If I turned around I could not find a path and would be dead.”

  “You are right. Come. We will wait until the blizzard stops. Then we will go our separate ways.”

  “OK, thank you Jane. Is there any firewood?”

  “Yes. Someone filled the whole barn, didn’t you see it?”

  “I must’ve come from different side.”

  “Yes. I went to the house from the barn.”

  “Good, can you do that?”

  “Yes of course, how else would we get firewood?”

  “I don’t know.” said Timor.

  Timor started a fire so they were warm. There was a few beds upstairs and a few blankets to cover, so the people would not freeze.

  Next day the blizzard stopped. Timor wanted to explore the house surroundings.

  “It is not passable.” he said and went back to the house.

  “Now what?” asked Jane.

  “I think we will be here until spring.” said Timor laughing.

  “I hope he snow would pass by that time.” Jane was concerned.

  “Do you believe that?” asked Timor. They were quiet for some time. Then Timor asked: “So, you said we can’t see each other anymore. Now what?”

  “Hm… Let’s pretend that we are only friends, OK?”


  They both didn’t like it but they knew it was the best for both of them. The queen knew she can’t get from marriage that easily and Timor knew what he was going into. But there is something clear between them. They love each other.

  “Is there any food?” asked Timor.

  “I don’t know. Check the storage, maybe there is some food.” suggested Jane.

  Timor looked in the storage where there was some potatoes and vegetables. At least they will eat. There was no water though but they can melt the snow under the fire. They will make something out of it.

  There was a hard snow blizzard again in the afternoon. Ferdinand noticed that Timor was gone for
a whole day and wanted to know where he was. LeAnn was also pushing him. Rake was too worried about where his wife is.

  “Search the whole forest. Find my wife, alive please.” asked Rake to his servants.

  “But sir, there is a blizzard. Can’t we wait for it to be over?” asked one of his soldiers.

  “Do you really only care for your butt only? Somewhere there is my wife. Hungry and freezing.” Rake was mad.

  Everyone obeyed him. They dressed how they could so that they would not freeze. They took horses and went on road. They searched the whole forest but there was no trace of Jane.

  “Maybe she went to the town and she is staying somewhere?” someone asked.

  “He is right.” said the main soldier.

  They went back. The first thing they did was sit by the fire, because they were freezing. The king went to the town alone in hoping he would find her. In a huge blizzard he walked two hours to come to the town. When he finally came the city’s door were closed. This never happened unless the king ordered. Someone let him into town anyway.

  “Why the door was closed?” asked the king.

  “There is a huge blizzard from the north so we shut the door to protect the city.” said the man who let the king inside.

  “You did the right thing. Did you see my wife in the town?”

  “No sir, how long is she missing?”

  “One day and a half. I don’t know where else can I search for her.”

  “I really don’t know. Is he at her parent’s?”

  “Maybe, although I told her not to go there.”

  “But still they are her parents. It’s worth of try?”

  “Yes, thank you. Goodbye and shut the door again.”


  The king decided that despite the blizzard he would go to Ferland. He was riding a long time. He did not remember the castle to be that far. Then he finally came.

  “Good evening. Is Jane staying here with you?” asked Rake her sister.

  “No, are you looking for her?”

  “Yes. I am missing her for a day and half.

  “In this weather? Come inside and have some food and warm yourself up. You must be cold.”

  “Yes you are right,” he stepped inside in the guest’s chambers.

  Meanwhile in Spain the king was enjoying himself at the beach with his friends. He went inside the castle at the evening, drunk o course. His daughter waited for him.

  “So you are drinking again. Don’t you have better things to do?”

  “No. It’s too good to lay in the beach with some friends.”

  “Will you ever stop? Ever since you stopped revenging to England you are with them.”

  “Of course. When I will plan a revenge to England again.” laughed the king. His daughter nodded her head. She thought, well it’s new year’s after all.

  “Aren’t you coming to bed Timor?” asked Jane.

  “Yes I will be there in a second. I didn’t know someone lived here a long time ago.”

  “Well, it wasn’t that long ago. An old woman died a year ago.”

  “Yes. But isn’t it strange?” asked Timor while reading some old journal.

  “Well, she had peace from other people.”

  “Yes of course, an old which as I can see.”

  “Timor….” Jane was not happy.

  “It says right here. Read it. “ said Timor.

  Jane was interested in journal and although it was late, she could not stop reading. She read out loud. She still didn’t like that Timor was so close.

  After reading for a while they went upstairs to sleep. There was a huge blizzard at night. They heard a noise. They looked around but did not see anything for a bit. They looked again and saw a shadow at the door. They were scared. They admitted that.

  “Timor, lets forget about our friendship for the day. Come to bed with me.” was Jane scared.

  “Is it safe to stand up?” asked Timor more scared. He went to Jane’s bed anyway.

  “I’m scared.” admitted Timor.

  “Me too.”

  The shadow did not move in front of the door. It was just there.

  “What is that?” asked Jane.

  “I don’t know. Shut your eyes and lean on me and you will not be scared anymore.”

  “OK.” she did what she was told. They heard as the door would open. Not the front door but any other door inside the house.

  “Timor?” asked Jane with higher voice.

  “I am here darling, I am here.”

  They slowly asleep.

  It was shining in the morning. They encouraged themselves and went downstairs. The door of the storage was open. In the kitchen also.

  “You know why the door was open Jane? It was the wind. And we were scared.” laughed Timor.

  “We are weird. It was because of the silly book we read last night.” admitted Jane.

  They ate breakfast and afterwards Jane dusted a window. Jane found some notes.

  “What is this?” asked Jane, stopped dusting and sat in the chair. She looked for a while. This was a book of spells.

  “I, Jane enchant you Timor to be a horse.” laughed Jane and said some words that were written. A wind blew and suddenly Timor changed into a horse.

  “Jane, what am I?” said Timor. Apparently he still can talk as Timor, only look had changed.

  “You are human Timor.” said Jane worried.

  “A human? I have a tail like horse, I have long hair on the head and,… why am I standing on my arms and legs?”

  “I am sorry Timor, I didn’t know this would actually work. From now on we will not make fun out of these notes. “

  “Yes Jane. Now please put me back.”

  “Hm. If I only knew ho. I will look through books and we will see what will happen, OK?”

  “OK. I hope I will be human. You won’t believe but I am hungry. Hungry for hay.”

  “Go to the rest of the horses is the barn.” laughed Jane.

  They both realized that what they found actually is real. Someone really lived here a year ago. Maybe that woman was old but she knew what she was doing.

  One week passed by and Timor was still a horse. He was getting annoyed with it, so he decided he would uncharmed himself.

  “Jane give me that book please.” said Timor.

  “But I need it. Without it I can’t turn you back.” said Jane.

  “I too need it. Maybe I will figure it out sooner than you.”

  “How can you say that Timor. I am really trying.” Jane was upset.

  “Yes, a whole week. I am sick of this.” was angry Timor.

  Jane gave him the book and because it was late she went to sleep. Timor tried a whole night and finally figured it out in the morning. You must read the words backwards and you become what you were. He tried it and it worked. He was human again. He went to Jane to get some sleep, but then he saw a shadow standing by her side looking at her. Timor froze. They had seen this shadow a week ago. Who or what was it?

  “Who are you?” Timor tried asking after a couple of minutes. The shadow slowly turned and looked at him.

  “You have a lovely wife.” it said. Timor went white. He didn’t know that shadow can talk.

  “She is not my wife.” he finally spoke.

  “Then you must do something about it, don’t you agree?”

  Timor was more frightened than ever. He didn’t know what to do. Should he run away, should he say something back, should he be quiet?

  “What do you mean?” he asked.

  “Forget it. I will arrange it myself. This it should be called… Butterfly? No. Heart? No….”

  “Does it matter how’s it called?” asked Timor.

  “Of course it does. It has to be a sign. You were a horse, you should know.”

  “And what sign do I have now?” asked Timor angrily.

  “You do have a sign, only you can’t see it.”

  “So it is not so important.” said Timor.

sp; “Of course it is. Everything is important. I shall call it Butterfly, there.”

  “But that is her home.” explained Timor.

  “So? There has to be a connection.”

  Uf, this woman is crazy, thought Timor. The shadow slowly walked away and Timor wen to bad. In the morning a sun was waiting for him and a warm milk.

  “I found a cow in the barn. Can you believe it. We’ve been here for two month and we just realized we have a cow. Come on, you have to get up.”

  “A cow? From where?”

  “I don’t know. It’s not important. We have milk. Come on.” bagged Jane.

  Timow got up. Suddenly he had a shiver. A cow? Who can put a cow in the barn without being noticed?

  Timor went to look around. The road was passable by foot but not on horse. They should stay here for a little while longer.

  Next week everything was clear.

  “We have to go Jane. We can’t stay here.” said Timor.

  “Really? Can we go?” Jane was a little surprised.

  “Yes. We can take our horses and rode off. Some strange things are happening here. Well, now they won’t anymore. Come on.” explained Timor. They took their horses and rode to their homes where they belong. In the end only the shadow stayed in that house.


  In both castles people welcomed Timor and Jane. Separate of course. They did not tell everyone what they went through, nor with whom they were. Rake was sorry for Jane because he thought she was alone in that cabin.

  It was march. The butterfly started nesting in the kinghdom Butterfly. Everyone in the castle knew that so they thought of arranging a party. Everyone who wants to admire these beautiful butterflies can go to their spot in the forest near the castle. Every species are combined here, but they are not all in the same tree.

  “So, who should be invite to the party?” asked Jane her husband.

  “I will take fliers to town, who wants to come is welcome here.” said Rake.

  “Ok, what about Ferland?”

  “Do you think it is wise to invite the whole castle?”

  “You said it yourself it is an open invitation.” explained Jane.

  “You are right. Forget it. Even Timor can come if he wants. But I will tell them the news.” explained the king.

  “Of course darling. “agreed Jane.

  The party was getting close. People from Ferland already told who would come. The same goes for the town. The king and the queen have their hands full with the party. They intend to make the best party ever. They want to make an impression since this is their first party.

  The party was a huge success and a lot of people come to watch butterflies. Timor wanted to go with a group of people, but Rake stopped him.

  “Timor wait. Tomorrow only the high people will go watch butterflies. I thought you might go with us since you’ve done a lot for both castles.” suggested Rake.

  “Do you really mean it?” Timor wanted to know.

  “Yes, of course. Go with us. You will learn their names, I will explain where they come from, where they are going and so on.” explained Rake.

  The next morning the king had a privet tour with his people.

  “Do you see these beautiful butterflies?” Rake asked.

  “They are lovely. Where do they come from?” asked Ferdinand.

  “They come from Australia. They travel the whole world.” explained Rake.

  They moved forward where they saw a different kind of butterflies. They were colorful, everyone was unique.

  “What kind of butterfly do you prefer Rake?” asked Dru.

  “The home butterflies.”

  They came to butterflies with interesting color. They were all pink and one of them was extremely nice. One even sat on Rake’s head.

  “Well, this is my favorite butterfly. They are very nice. Cute. I even had one of them in my bedroom when I was a baby but it didn’t survive.”

  “What is his name?” asked Ferdinand.

  “Butterfly. A simple name. They were always the first who nested here.