Read Buzz the Bumblebee: Stories, Games, Jokes, and More! Page 1

  Buzz the Bumblebee

  Uncle Amon

  Uncle Amon Books


  Copyright © 2015 Uncle Amon Books

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  Table of Contents

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  Buzz the Bumblebee and the Rose Bush

  The Strange Orange Flower

  The Hive Makes Better Quality Honey

  Time to Clean the Hive

  Buzz the Bumblebee Shares His Honey

  Funny Bee Jokes

  Games and Puzzles

  Game and Puzzle Solutions

  More Books by Uncle Amon


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  Buzz the Bumblebee and the Rose Bush

  Buzz the Bumblebee was sitting in his favorite bush gathering pollen from the beautiful, bright red roses that he had just stumbled upon. He loved the smell of roses. It was the most pleasant smell that he had ever experienced.

  “Buzz,” he heard a familiar, yet haunting voice from behind. “What are you doing in these rose bushes?”

  Buzz turned around and he saw Benjamin Bumblebee only a few inches away from him. Buzz didn’t like the fact that Benjamin was so close to him. He was intimidated by Benjamin. Benjamin was a bully.

  “Benjamin,” said Buzz, sternly. “I found these rose bushes first. Now I advise you to leave and please, don’t bother me.”

  “I’m sorry,” said Benjamin, flying straight toward Buzz. “But I can’t do that. I want you to leave these rose bushes for me.”

  Buzz thought about just leaving and letting Benjamin have his own way. However, Buzz saw his Uncle Beezle a few feet away.

  “Uncle Beezle,” shouted Buzz. “Please come here.”

  “Why are you getting your uncle involved?” asked Benjamin. “Can’t you handle this yourself?”

  Benjamin did fear Uncle Beezle so he left.

  “Uncle Beezle,” said Buzz. “Benjamin is being a bully to me again. He wants me to leave these rose bushes and let him have them.”

  “That is so unfair,” said Uncle Beezle. “Why does Benjamin have to be such a bully?”

  “I don’t know,” said Buzz. “But I am getting tired of it.”

  “Well,” said Uncle Beezle. “The only way you are going to stop Benjamin from bullying you is for you to stand up to him.”

  “I suppose you are right,” said Buzz. “I suppose that is the only way I can get him to stop.”

  Buzz went straight over to Benjamin and he told him that he was not going to move. He told Benjamin that he found these rose bushes first and that he needed to find his own rose bush.

  “How dare you speak to me like that!” exclaimed Benjamin angrily. “You will regret what you just said to me.”

  “Well,” said Uncle Beezle, when Buzz returned later that day. “Did you stand up to Benjamin?”

  “Yes,” said Buzz. “I did but I don’t feel very good about it.”

  “You did the right thing,” said Uncle Beezle. “Benjamin had to be stopped.”

  Buzz saw Benjamin the next day and he tried to apologize to him.

  “That is funny,” said Benjamin, laughing. “It is funny that you are trying to apologize.”

  Buzz went over to his rose bush. He started taking a good look around him and he realized that right beside him was another rose bush.

  “Benjamin!” exclaimed Buzz. “There is a rose bush right beside me if you wanted it.”

  “Are you sure?” asked Benjamin.

  “Yes,” said Buzz. “I am sure. You can have it.”

  “I do appreciate that,” said Benjamin. “Thank you very much!”

  From that day forth, Benjamin didn’t bully Buzz any more. He gained a respect for Buzz because Buzz was willing to share with him.

  The Strange Orange Flower

  Buzz the Bumblebee was in a field with his Uncle Beezle. It was a very warm spring day and there was a gentle breeze blowing. Uncle Beezle saw a strange flower growing.

  “Look at this flower,” said Uncle Beezle. “It is beautiful!”

  “Do you think we should get the pollen from it?” asked Buzz.

  “Oh yes,” said Uncle Beezle. “It will make sweet tasting honey.”

  Buzz took a good look at the flower after Uncle Beezle left. The flower had bright orange petals with yellow stripe in the middle.

  “I think that strange flower might be dangerous,” said Buzz to Uncle Beezle that night.

  “Speak to Missy Queen Bee,” said Uncle Beezle. “She knows about all the flowers in the field. She will be able to tell you if that flower is dangerous.”

  “Yes,” said Buzz. “That is a good idea.”

  “Missy Queen Bee,” said Buzz the next morning. “Uncle Beezle and I came across a very beautiful but strange flower.”

  “Oh,” said Missy Queen Bee, her ears perked in interest. “What color was it?”

  “It was bright orange,” said Buzz.

  “Did it have dark red polka dots?” asked Missy Queen Bee.

  “No,” said Buzz. “It had yellow stripes.”

  “Oh my!” exclaimed Missy Queen Bee. “There is a flower with red polka dots that is highly poisonous but the one you found is a very rare and delicious flower. You need to get me that pollen right away. It has amazing healing powers. It will help make us well after a flu epidemic. We must store some. The flu season is fast approaching.”

  Buzz went straight out into the field and started gathering pollen from the strange flower. He loved the taste of the pollen. It was sweeter than anything he had ever tasted.

  “Oh my!” exclaimed Buzz to himself. “This flower is so sweet tasting. It is absolutely delicious.”

  In the next couple of weeks, Buzz had collected lots of pollen from the strange flower.

  “I think we have enough pollen now,” said Missy Queen Bee.

  “Yes,” said Buzz, taking a good look at the pile of pollen he had collected. “There is enough here for all of us if we did get the flu.”

  In the next few days, all the bees except for Buzz, came down with the flu. They were giving a daily dose of pollen from the strange flower. They were over the flu in no time at all.

  “That strange flower pollen does wonders,” said Uncle Beezle as he got over the flu very quickly.

  “Yes,” said Buzz. “And it is the sweetest tasting pollen we have.”

  “Buzz,” said Missy Queen Bee, just getting over the flu quickly as well. “You are our hero. You have made us all get well quickly from the flu and we are all very grateful to you. A celebration is in order.”

  The next day, Missy Queen Bee declared a celebration in honor of Buzz. All of the bees had a wonderful time. Each bee was very grateful to Buzz and each one showed their appreciation to him.

  The Hive Makes Better Quality Honey

  Buzz the Bumblebee was sitting in a field thinking about the
honey that his hive had been making in the past few weeks.

  “It isn’t very good quality honey,” Buzz said to himself. “We need to do better than that.”

  Buzz wanted to make the best honey ever. He wanted their hive to be productive and he wanted the quality of the honey to be the best they have ever made.

  “Uncle Beezle,” said Buzz that night before going to bed. “What is it that we are doing wrong?”

  “I don’t understand,” said Uncle Beezle, confused.

  “Well,” said Buzz. “I feel that we can produce a much higher quality honey. What do we need to do in order to do that?”

  “I would look at the production method,” said Uncle Beezle. “What type of pollen are we gathering these days? Can we find pollen that is higher in quality?”

  Buzz thought about what Uncle Beezle had just said to him. He knew that the pollen they were currently using was from the floor of the valley they lived close to. He also knew that the better pollen could be found in the mountain ranges to the north.

  “The mountain range pollen,” said Buzz. “That is what we need to make the best quality pollen.”

  “Absolutely,” agreed Uncle Beezle. “That is the best pollen in the world.”

  Buzz talked with the other bees in his hive.

  “You want us to risk our lives up in the mountain range so that you can get better quality pollen,” was the response from Busy Bee, one of the worker bees. “That seems like a plan that is destined to fail.”

  “Wait,” said Uncle Beezle, defending his nephew. “Buzz is onto something. It is rather easy to get up into the mountains.”

  “What are you talking about?” asked Busy Bee. “I have tried many times to get up into the mountains and it is a very difficult journey.”

  “I know a way to get us up into the mountains without it being a risk,” said Uncle Beezle.

  All of the bees in the hive trusted Uncle Beezle with their lives. He was wise and very intelligent. Many of the bees would come to him for advice.

  The next morning, bright and early, Uncle Beezle took the bees to a spot right at the very edge of the mountain range. He flew about half way up and then veered a sharp right. There was a crack in the mountain that was only wide enough for a bumblebee to fit in.

  “Oh my!” exclaimed Busy Bee. “Now we really can get at that pollen up there in that mountain range.”

  The bees were very busy gathering the pollen and carrying it back to their hives. It wasn’t long before they were producing a very high quality honey that exceeded the expectations of Buzz. The bees took pride in delivering the pollen to their hive.

  “Oh my!” exclaimed Uncle Beezle, testing the honey. “This is the best tasting honey ever!”

  “Not only is it the best quality honey ever,” said Buzz. “But it is nice to see the others taking a dedicated interest in their work.”

  “It certainly is,” said Uncle Beezle.

  Time to Clean the Hive

  Buzz the Bumblebee went outside to catch a breath of fresh air. He had been doing that a lot lately.

  “Why do I constantly need to have fresh air lately?” Buzz asked himself. “Usually I can stay in the hive for hours on end.”

  Buzz took a good look around him and he saw cobwebs hanging in the corners and well as a ton of dust bunnies on the floor of the hive. The hive seemed very stuffy to him and it also seemed very dirty.

  “I think this hive needs to be cleaned from top to bottom,” said Buzz.

  Buzz saw his Uncle Beezle later that morning.

  “Uncle Beezle,” said Buzz. “Do you think our hive is getting very dirty and stuffy?”

  “As a matter of fact I do,” said Uncle Beezle. “I have had to come outside several times today to get a breath of fresh air.”

  “I have too,” said Buzz.

  “You know,” said Uncle Beezle. “If we don’t get this hive cleaned up that is going to affect the quality of the honey that we are making.”

  “Yes,” said Buzz. “It definitely would. Do you think the other bees care enough to help clean it up?”

  “I don’t know,” said Uncle Beezle. “I’m sure they care but the question is will they take the time out to help.”

  “Yes,” said Buzz. “That is the question because this is our busiest time of the year.”

  Buzz decided that he was going to start cleaning up the hive himself because he could not stand it any longer.

  “Buzz!” exclaimed Missy Queen Bee. “What are you doing?”

  “I am cleaning this hive,” said Buzz. “It is a mess and it needs to be cleaned up.”

  “Why aren’t the other bees helping you?” asked Missy Queen Bee.

  “I guess they are just too busy,” said Buzz.

  “Well,” said Missy Queen Bee. “Busy or not, this hive does need to be cleaned and I appreciate you taking the initiative to see that it is being done.”

  Buzz continued to clean and he noticed that Missy Queen Bee joined him as well. A few minutes later, Uncle Beezle grabbed a broom and dust pan and then the other bees joined them as well.

  “That is what I like to see,” said Missy Queen Bee. “Team work!”

  It didn’t take long with all the bees helping out before the hive was sparkling clean.

  “What a difference,” said Missy Queen Bee. “I can actually breathe in here again.”

  “Yes,” said Uncle Beezle, taking a big breath. “It sure is nice to be able to breathe properly.”

  “I think all the bees, especially Buzz, deserve to have a day off,” said Missy Queen Bee. “Let’s go on a picnic lunch tomorrow.”

  “What a wonderful idea,” said Buzz.

  The bees went on a picnic lunch and they were very pleased when they all got a taste of the newest batch of honey.

  “Oh that honey is so good,” said Uncle Beezle. “Having a clean hive improved our breathing and it also improved the quality of our honey!”

  “Absolutely,” said Missy Queen Bee, also enjoying it.

  Buzz the Bumblebee Shares His Honey

  Buzz the Bumblebee was flying around outside of his hive. Uncle Beezle was outside too. The two were enjoying the fresh spring air and the warm sunshine on their backs.

  “It is so nice and warm today,” said Buzz.

  “Oh,” said Uncle Beezle. “It sure is!”

  Uncle Beezle saw something moving in the bushes just to the right of where they were. He pointed so that Buzz would see it as well.

  “What do you think it is?” asked Buzz.

  “It looks like a bear,” exclaimed Uncle Beezle.

  Both bumblebees knew that bears were dangerous in the spring. They were just coming out of hibernation and were very hungry. The bear saw both Buzz and Uncle Beezle and he started walking towards them.

  “Oh here he comes,” said Uncle Beezle.

  “I am so hungry,” said the bear. “I need something to eat. That was a very long, cold winter.”

  “I am going home,” said Uncle Beezle. “I am not going to have that bear eating all our honey.”

  “Wait a minute,” said Buzz. “Don’t you think that is being a little harsh on the bear? He is hungry and we do have a ton of honey back home.”

  “I suppose you are right,” said Uncle Beezle, thinking about what Buzz had just said to him. We do have plenty of food and we should share.”

  “Besides,” said Buzz. “If we let the bear eat some of our honey, he won’t be mean and nasty to us.”

  “Now that is a very good point,” said Uncle Beezle.

  “We don’t want that bear harassing us all spring,” said Buzz.

  “No,” said Uncle Beezle. “That is definitely something we do not want.”

  Buzz went over to the bear and he motioned for the bear to follow him. At first the bear thought Buzz was trying to play a trick on him but then he could smell honey. He followed Buzz and he could not believe that Buzz was leading him to some honey.

  “Wow!” exclaimed the bear. “This is really
nice of you! Thank you!”

  “You are welcome,” said Buzz. “We have a lot of honey stored and we wanted to share it with you.”

  The bear thought it was very nice of Buzz and the other bumblebees to share their honey with him. They certainly didn’t have to and the bear appreciated them for their kindness.

  “I think he will leave us alone from now on,” said Uncle Beezle, watching the bear eat peacefully.

  “Oh,” said Buzz. “I do believe that is true.”

  The bear turned out to be very good friends with the bumblebees. Every spring he could come out of hibernation and every spring the bumblebees would have honey waiting for him. The bear in return made sure that all the bumblebees stayed safe and he wouldn’t let other animals harass them. They had a very impressive but strange relationship but it worked out very well for both the bear and the bumblebees.

  Funny Bee Jokes

  Q: What are the smartest bees?

  A: Spelling bees!

  Q: What does a bee get at McDonalds?

  A: A humburger!

  Q: What bee is good for your health?

  A: Vitamin bee!

  Q: What did the bee say to the other bee in summer?

  A: Swarm in here isn’t it?

  Q: Why do bees buzz?

  A: They can’t whistle!

  Q: What kind of bee can't be understood?

  A: The mumble bee!

  Q: What should a bee say before it stings you?

  A: This is going to hurt me a lot more than it hurts you!

  Q: What kind of gum do bees chew?

  A: Bumble gum!

  Q: Where do bees go on holiday?

  A: Stingapore!

  Q: Why do bees have sticky hair?

  A: Because they use honey combs!

  Q: What kind of suit does a bee wear?

  A: Buzzness suit!

  Q: What did the bee say to the flower?

  A: Hi honey!

  Games and Puzzles

  Can you find your way through the maze?

  Can you find your way through the maze?

  Can you find your way through the maze?

  Can you find your way through the maze?

  Game and Puzzle Solutions