Read By Right of Conquest; Or, With Cortez in Mexico Page 11

  Chapter 11: Cortez.

  The expedition, whose arrival had caused such excitement in Mexico,was commanded by Hernando Cortez, a man who united in his personall the gifts requisite for a great leader of men. He possessed ahandsome person, great strength and skill at arms, extraordinarycourage and daring, singular powers of conciliation and of bringingothers to his way of thinking, pleasing and courteous demeanor, acareless and easy manner which concealed great sagacity and wisdom,an inexhaustible flow of spirits, and an iron determination.

  Born in Estremadura in 1485, of an ancient and respectable family,he was--like many others who have distinguished themselves as greatsoldiers--while at school and college remarkable rather formischievous freaks, and disregard of authority, than for love oflearning. At the age of seventeen he had exhausted his parents'patience, and was on the point of starting with the expedition ofOvando, the successor to Columbus, when he so injured himself by afall, incurred in one of his wild escapades, that he was unable tosail with it. Two years later, however, he went out in a merchantvessel to the Indies.

  On reaching Hispaniola Ovando, who was governor of the island,received him kindly, and gave him a grant of land and a number ofIndians to till it. The quiet life of the planter, however, littlesuited the restless young fellow; and after taking part in severalmilitary expeditions against insurgent natives, under the commandof Diego Velasquez, he sailed in 1511, with that officer, toundertake the conquest of Cuba.

  He displayed great courage and activity during the campaign, andhis cheerful manner and fund of high spirits made him a greatfavorite with the soldiers. When the fighting was over, Cortez soonbecame discontented with the quiet life in the island, and joined aparty of men who were disaffected to Velasquez, owing to their nothaving received such rewards as they considered their servicesmerited. Cortez undertook to carry their complaints to the Governorof Hispaniola, and was about starting when the matter came to theears of Velasquez, who seized him, put him in irons, and threw himinto prison. He was not long in making his escape, and soughtsanctuary in a church; but a few days later, when carelesslystrolling outside its walls, he was again seized and imprisoned.

  He was put on board a ship to be sent to Hispaniola, there to betried for exciting disaffection and revolt; but at night, beforeshe set sail, he managed to free himself from his irons, gain thedeck, and swim ashore, where he again took refuge in the church.Here several influential people interfered on his behalf--amongthem the family of Catalina Xuares, a young lady to whom he wasengaged--and a reconciliation was brought about between him and thegovernor. Cortez received a large estate, with an ample number ofIndians for its cultivation; married, and settled down, and forsome years devoted himself to agriculture and gold mining.

  Success attended him, and he accumulated some three thousandcastalanos--a considerable sum. So he might have lived and died,had not the news of discoveries made by Grijalva--who had sailedwest and discovered Yucatan, and traded with Tabasco, and hadreturned with a good deal of gold and wonderful tales of fabulouswealth, existing in a great nation farther to the north--caused anexcitement in the islands. The governor at once prepared to fit outa large expedition, and among the many who offered to undertake itscommand, and to contribute largely towards its expenses, he finallyselected Cortez, who had gained the ear and influence of thegovernor's secretary, Duero, and the royal treasurer, Lares.

  Cortez was appointed captain general of the expedition, and at onceset to work, with his accustomed energy, to gather material for it.He not only contributed all the fortune he had made, but raisedfunds by mortgaging his estates to their full value, and byborrowing money from merchants and others, on security of thewealth that was to be acquired by the expedition.

  His personal popularity in the island enabled him to gathernumerous recruits, and many of his intimate friends, who joinedhim, assisted him from their own resources or by raising money ontheir estates. Velasquez himself contributed comparatively littletowards the expenses, which were almost entirely borne by Cortezand his friends.

  Six ships were fitted out, and three hundred recruits enrolled. Theinstructions Cortez received were first to find Grijalva and,joining company with him, to visit Yucatan, and endeavor to rescuesix Christians who were reported as still living there, thesurvivors of a vessel wrecked, years before, on the coast. He wasto make a survey of the whole coastline, to acquaint himself withthe natural productions of the country, and with the character andinstitutions of the native races. He was to barter with thenatives, and to treat them with kindness and humanity, and toremember, above all things, that the object the emperor had most atheart was the conversion of the Indians. He was to invite them togive in their allegiance to the king, and to send such presents aswould ensure his favor and protection. The governor gave nodirections for colonizing or conquering, having received no warrantfrom Spain that would enable him to invest his agent with suchpowers.

  But while Cortez was preparing to start, many of the leading men ofthe island, who were jealous of his rapid rise, roused thesuspicions of Velasquez against him; saying that, when he had oncesailed, he would no longer recognize the governor's authority, andwould be thinking only of winning renown and wealth for himself.Velasquez determined to appoint another commander, but Duero andLares, to whom he confided his intentions, at once informed Cortezof them. With the same promptitude that always distinguished him inmoments of danger, Cortez went round to his officers afternightfall, got them and his men on board, visited the contractor,carried off all his stock of meat (giving him a massive gold chainin security for payment), and before daybreak the fleet left itsmoorings and the sails were hoisted.

  As soon as the news was carried to Velasquez, he hurriedly dressedand rowed down to the shore. Cortez, when he saw him, got into aboat and rowed to within speaking distance.

  "This is a courteous way of taking leave, indeed!" the angrygovernor said.

  "I was pressed for time," Cortez replied. "There are some thingsthat should be done even before they are thought of. Has yourExcellency any orders?"

  Velasquez saw, by the innuendo in the words of Cortez, that thelatter was aware of his intention to deprive him of his command. Hehad no orders to give, for it was evident that Cortez would notobey them. The latter therefore returned to his vessel, and thefleet instantly set sail for the port of Macaca. This was inNovember, 1516.

  The act of Cortez was doubtless one of insubordination; but, afterhe had embarked the whole of his resources in the expedition, andhad received the command from the governor, this being ratified bythe authorities of Hispaniola, it could hardly be expected that hewould submit to disgrace and ruin being brought, not only uponhimself, but upon all the friends who had aided him in theenterprise. At Macaca Cortez laid in some more stores, and thensailed for Trinidad, an important town on the southern coast ofCuba. Here he issued proclamations inviting recruits to join him.These came in in considerable numbers, among them a hundred menfrom Grijalva's ship, which had just before reached the port.

  What was still more important, several cavaliers of high family andstanding joined him: among them the Alvarados, Olid, Avila,Velasquez de Leon (a near relation of the governor), and Sandoval.He purchased at Trinidad large military stores and provisions.While he was taking these and other steps to strengthen hisposition, Verdugo, the commander of the town, received letters fromVelasquez ordering him to seize Cortez; but upon his communicatingthese orders to the principal officers of the expedition, theypointed out to him that, if he attempted to take such a grave step,the soldiers and sailors would certainly resist it, and the townwould not improbably be laid in ashes. The expedition then sailedround the island to Havana, where Cortez completed his preparations;and in spite of another ineffectual attempt of Velasquez to detainhim, set sail.

  In the time that had intervened between the inception of theexpedition and its departure, the historians agree that aremarkable change had come over Cortez. He was still frank andpleasant in his manner, courteous and cheery with all; b
ut he wasno longer the gay, careless character who had been liked, butscarcely greatly respected, in the island. His whole actions weremarked by an air of resolute determination and authority. Hehimself superintended every detail of work and exhibited athoughtfulness, prudence, and caution that seemed alien to hisformer character. He was immensely popular both among his soldiersand officers, but all felt that he was entitled to their respect aswell as their liking, and that he was not only commander, butthoroughly master, of the expedition.

  Although extremely careless himself as to food, comfort, orappearance, he now assumed the state befitting his appointment andauthority. He dressed handsomely but quietly, appointed officersand domestics for his household, and placed it on the footing of aman of high station. Before sailing he dispatched a letter toVelasquez, begging him to rely on his devotion to his interests.

  On February 10th, 1519, the expedition started. It consisted ofeleven vessels, only one of which was as large as a hundred tons;of a hundred and ten sailors, five hundred and fifty-threesoldiers, and two hundred Indians of the islands. There were tenheavy guns and four light ones, and sixteen horses.

  Before sailing, Cortez gave an address to his soldiers, and arousedtheir enthusiasm to the utmost. He had the advantage of obtainingthe services, as chief pilot, of Alaminos, a veteran who had actedas pilot to Columbus on his last voyage, and to Grijalva in hislate expedition. Soon after they started they met with a storm, andput in at the island of Cozumal; and Cortez thence sent Ordaz toYucatan, to try to recover the captives said to be there. Thatofficer returned without tidings, but before the fleet sailed acanoe arrived containing one of them, Aquilar, who had been wreckedthere eight years previously. He had been a priest, and had so wonthe esteem and reverence of the barbarians among whom he lived,that they had with great reluctance allowed him to depart, inexchange for glass beads and other trinkets promised by Ordaz.

  The fleet now sailed along the coast of Yucatan, until they reachedthe mouth of the Tabasco River, where Grijalva had carried on soprofitable a trade. Leaving the ships at anchor they ascended theriver in boats; but instead of meeting with the friendly receptionthat Grijalva had done, they found the banks lined with thenatives, whose menacing attitude showed that a landing would beopposed.

  After solemnly summoning them to surrender, Cortez landed. Thenatives fought bravely, but were unable to resist the astoundingeffect of the Spaniards' firearms; and the invaders, advancing,drove them back and took possession of the town, which was found tobe deserted.

  Two strong parties were sent out next morning to reconnoiter, butwere attacked and driven back to the town. They reported that thewhole country was under arms. Cortez was much vexed at findinghimself thus engaged in a war, from which no benefit was to begained; but he felt that it would impair the confidence of histroops, were he now to draw back. He therefore landed six of theguns and the horses, and the following day sallied out to theattack. Ordaz commanded the infantry, while Cortez himself led thelittle body of cavalry, the horses being mounted by the cavaliersof the party.

  After marching a league, the infantry came in sight of the enemy.The natives attacked them as they were struggling through deeplyirrigated ground, poured volleys of missiles of all kinds uponthem, and wounded many before they could get across to solidground, where they could bring the guns into play. But even these,and the discharges of musketry did not appall the natives, whopressed forward with such fury that, after the engagement hadlasted an hour, the position of the Spaniards became perilous inthe extreme.

  But at this moment Cortez and his companions, who had beencompelled to make a great detour, owing to the difficult nature ofthe ground, fell suddenly upon the rear of the enemy. The latter,who had never before seen horses, and who believed that horse andrider were the same animal, were seized with a sudden panic at thisextraordinary apparition. The panic speedily communicated itself tothe whole army, and while the cavalry trampled down and slaughteredmany in the rear, the infantry charged, and the Indians fled inwild confusion.

  Great numbers had fallen, whilst on the Christian side a few onlywere killed, and a hundred wounded. No pursuit was attempted.Cortez released the prisoners taken in battle, among whom were twochiefs, and sent them to their countrymen, with a message that hewould forgive the past if they would at once come in and tendertheir submission; otherwise he would ride over the land, and putevery living creature to the sword. The Tabascans, cowed by thedreadful thunder weapons, and by the astounding armed creaturesthat had fallen upon them, had no wish for further fighting, andthe principal caziques soon came in with offerings to propitiatethe Spaniards.

  Among these were twenty female slaves--one of whom turned out amore valuable gift to the Spaniards than all the other presents,put together. Among the gifts were only a few small gold ornaments,and when asked where the metal was procured, they pointed to thenorthwest and said Mexico. As there was nothing to be done here,the Spaniards prepared to depart; but before doing so insisted onthe people consenting to become Christians. As they had but littleidea of what was required by them, and were in no mood for argumentwith the Spaniards, a solemn mass was held, at which the wholepeople became nominally Christians.

  Re-embarking, the Spaniards sailed along the coast, until theyreached the island of San Juan de Uloa, and anchored in the straitbetween it and the mainland. A canoe speedily came off from thelatter, with presents of fruit and flowers, and small goldtrinkets, which the natives willingly bartered with the Spaniards.Cortez was, however, unable to converse with them; for Aquilar, whohad acted as interpreter with the Tabascans, was unable tounderstand their dialect. Presently, however, the female slavesinformed him that one of their number, named Malinche, was a nativeof Mexico, and spoke that language as well as the tongue of theTabascans. She was at once installed as interpreter--she informingAquilar what the Mexicans said, and he interpreting it to Cortez.By this means he learned that the Indians were subjects of thegreat Mexican Empire, which was ruled over by a monarch namedMontezuma, whose capital lay seventy leagues from the coast.

  A strong force at once landed on the mainland, and threw up afortified camp. The Mexicans came in, in crowds, with fruit,vegetables, flowers, and other articles, which they bartered withthe Spaniards. They brought news that the Mexican governor of theprovince intended to visit them, the next day.

  Before noon, he arrived with his numerous suite. A banquet wasserved to them, and then, in answer to the cazique's inquiries asto the objects of their visit, he was informed by Cortez that hewas the subject of a great monarch beyond the seas, who ruled overa vast empire; and that, hearing of the greatness of the MexicanEmperor, he had sent him as an envoy, with a present in token ofhis goodwill, and a message which he must deliver in person. Thecazique said that he would send couriers with the royal gift toMontezuma; and that, as soon as he had learned his will, he wouldcommunicate it.

  He then presented ten slave loads of fine cottons, mantles of richfeather work, and a basket filled with gold ornaments to Cortez;who then handed over the presents intended for Montezuma. Theseconsisted of a richly carved and painted armchair, a crimson capwith a gold medal, and a quantity of collars, bracelets, and otherornaments of cut glass.

  Cortez observed one of the cazique's attendants busy sketching, andfound that he was drawing the Spaniards, their costumes, and arms.This was the picture writing of the Aztecs, and the chief informedhim that the pictures would be sent to Montezuma. In order toimpress the monarch, Cortez ordered the cavalry to maneuver, andthe cannon to be fired; and these exhibitions, as well as theships, were faithfully depicted by the artist. The chief then tookhis leave.

  Eight days later an embassy arrived from Montezuma, with anenormous quantity of extremely valuable presents--shields, helmets,cuirasses, collars and bracelets of gold; crests of variegatedfeathers sprinkled with pearls and precious stones; birds andanimals in excellent workmanship in gold and silver; curtains,coverings, and robes of the finest cotton of rich colors,interwoven with marvelous feather work. Amo
ng the presents were twocircular plates of gold and silver, as large as cartwheels--thevalue of the silver wheel was estimated at five thousand pounds,that of the gold one at fifty-five thousand.

  The Spaniards were astounded at this display of treasure, anddelighted at the prospect it opened to them. The ambassadors,however, brought a message from the emperor, saying that heregretted much that he could not have a personal interview withthem, the distance from his capital being too great, and thejourney beset with difficulties and dangers; and that all thatcould be done, therefore, was for them to return to their own land,with the proofs thus afforded of his friendly disposition.

  Cortez was much mortified by the refusal, but requested the envoysto lay before the emperor his immense desire for a personalinterview with him, and that the dangers of a short land journeywere as nothing to one who had accomplished so long a voyage overthe sea to see him. The Mexicans repeated their assurance that hisapplication would be unavailing, and left with some coldness ofmanner. The effect of their displeasure at the insistence of theSpaniards was soon manifest, the natives ceasing to bring inprovisions.

  While awaiting the emperor's reply, the soldiers suffered greatlyfrom the heat and the effluvia from the neighboring marshes. Thirtydied, and as the anchorage was exposed to the northern gales,Cortez decided to sail north as soon as the answer to his lastapplication was received, and sent off two vessels to see where asafe port could be found. Ten days after the departure of theenvoys they returned with a large quantity of fresh presents, butwith a positive refusal on the part of the emperor to allow them toadvance near the capital, and a request that, now they had obtainedwhat they most desired, they would at once return to their owncountry.

  Four days later the ships returned, with the news that they hadfound but one sheltered port, and that the country round it waswell watered and favorable for a camp.

  The soldiers, however, were now growing discontented. The treasurealready acquired was large, the unhealthiness of the climate hadalarmed them, and the proofs of the wealth and greatness of theMexican Empire had convinced them that it needed a vastly largerforce than that which Cortez had under his orders to undertake anexpedition against it; for the courage showed by the Tabascans hadproved conclusively that, ill armed as they were, the natives werenot to be despised.

  Fortunately for Cortez, five Indians made their appearance in campone morning. Their dress and appearance were wholly different fromthose of the Aztecs, and they spoke a different language, butMalinche--who had been baptized, and christened Marina, by FatherOlmedo, the leading priest of the expedition--found that two ofthem could converse in Aztec. They said that they were Totonacs,and had come from Cempoalla, their capital. They had been butrecently conquered by the Aztecs, and were so oppressed by themthat they were anxious to throw off their yoke, and they came toask the wonderful strangers, of whom they had heard, to visit them.

  Cortez at once saw the immense importance of the communication.Hitherto he had regarded the Mexican Empire as a great and unitedpower, against which success with so small a force was impossible;but now that he saw it was composed of subjugated peoples, many ofwhom would gladly ally themselves with him against theirconquerors, the enterprise wore a far more hopeful aspect. Hedismissed the Indians with presents, and a promise to visit theircountry, shortly.

  He talked the matter over with his principal friends, who were asreluctant as he was, himself, to abandon the enterprise and returnto Cuba, where the governor would appropriate the largest share ofthe spoils they had taken. They accordingly went about among thesoldiery, urging them to persuade the general to establish apermanent colony in the country. It was true that he had noauthority from Velasquez to do so, but the interests of the emperorand of Spain--to say nothing of their own--were of more importancethan those of the Governor of Cuba.

  This talk reached the ears of the special friends and adherents ofVelasquez; who, going to Cortez, remonstrated with him against suchproceedings. He said that nothing was farther from his desires thanto exceed his instructions, and on the following morning issued aproclamation to the troops, ordering them to prepare forembarkation. The sensation caused among the troops was great, andhis partisans thronged round his tent, calling upon him tocountermand his orders and form a settlement. Cortez, after duehesitation, gave in to their wishes, nominated magistrates, andproclaimed the territory a colony of Spain. As soon as the newmagistrates and officers came together, Cortez came before them andtendered his resignation of his office as captain general, but wasre-nominated not only captain general, but Chief Justice of thecolony.

  The partisans of Velasquez were most indignant at the wholeproceedings, and so violent were some of the leaders that Cortezput them in irons, and sent them on board ship. Then he set to workwith the soldiers, and soon brought them round; and the prisonerson board being also won over, the whole army, re-embarking, sailedup the coast until they reached the port before discovered and,landing, set out for Cempoalla.

  They were delighted with the country, which was rich and fertile;and as they neared the town, the natives poured out with livelydemonstrations of welcome, the women throwing garlands of flowersround the necks of the soldiers. They were greatly struck with thetown, although it was but a small place in comparison with thosethey were afterwards to see. Cortez lost no time in sending off avessel to Spain, with dispatches to the emperor; and his influenceover the soldiers was so great that they, as well as the officers,relinquished all their shares of the treasure they had gained, inorder that a worthy present should be sent home to their monarch.

  In his dispatches Cortez related all that had befallen them,dilated on the prospect of annexing so rich a country to theSpanish dominions, and asked for a confirmation of his acts, andfor an authorization for the magistrates of the new town, which wascalled Villa Rica de Vera Cruz. The ship touched at Cuba, butcontinued its voyage before Velasquez, who was furious at the newsof the important discoveries made by Cortez, could stop it.

  Scarcely had the ship sailed when Cortez discovered that aconspiracy was on foot, among the partisans of Velasquez, to seizeone of the vessels and to sail away to Cuba. The conspirators wereseized, two of them executed and others flogged; but the discoverythat there were a number of timid spirits in the camp, who mightseriously interfere with his plans, greatly annoyed Cortez, and hetook the extraordinary resolution of destroying all the ships.Through some of his devoted friends he bribed the captains of thevessels to fall in with his views; and they appeared before him,and made a solemn report that the ships were worm eaten and unfitfor sea. Cortez pretended great surprise, and ordered everythingmovable to be brought ashore, and the ships to be sunk.

  Nine vessels were so destroyed, and but one small craft was leftafloat. When the news reached the troops at Cempoalla, they werefilled with consternation. It seemed to them that nothing butdestruction awaited them, and from murmurings they broke out intomutiny.

  Cortez however, as usual, speedily allayed the tumult. He pointedout that his loss was the greatest, since the ships were hisproperty; and that the troops would in fact derive great advantageby it, since it would swell their force by a hundred men, who mustotherwise have remained in charge of the vessels. He urged them toplace their confidence in him, and they might rely upon it thatsuccess would attend their efforts. If there were any cowardsthere, they might take the remaining ship and sail to Cuba with it,and wait patiently there until the army returned, laden with thespoils of the Aztecs.

  The troops at once returned to their duty, and declared theirreadiness to follow him, wheresoever he would. Without furtherdelay, Cortez, taking with him a number of natives to act ascarriers, set out on his march towards Mexico.