Read By Right of Conquest; Or, With Cortez in Mexico Page 9

  Chapter 9: Life In A Palace.

  "Now," the young king exclaimed joyously, as soon as the party hehad invited had assembled, and the silk hangings at the entrance ofthe door had been closed: "Now we can talk at our ease. In thefirst place, what can I call you?"

  "My name is Roger Hawkshaw, your Majesty."

  The king repeated the name.

  "It is two words," Roger said. "With us, people have two names--theone which is common to all the family, the other which is givenparticularly to each person. The name of my family is Hawkshaw, myown name is Roger. Your Majesty can call me by either one, or byboth."

  Long names were common in Mexico, and Roger Hawkshaw seemed by nomeans long to the king.

  "Roger Hawkshaw shall be your name in public," he said. "It has astrange grand sound, and will impress the people; but I will call youRoger. This is my queen and first wife, Maclutha. This is my sister,Amenche. These are two of my oldest and ablest counselors--both aregreat nobles, and have led the armies of my father to victory. Thesefour young men are, as you see, my friends--they are the sons of fourof my chief nobles, and have been brought up with me since we werechildren. Now, tell us more about yourself and your people."

  The whole party took their seats upon the couches, half sitting,half reclining. Attendants brought in cocoa of many differentflavors, confections, and tobacco. Roger took the cocoa, butrefused the tobacco.

  "We do not know this herb in our country," he said.

  "That is a grave misfortune for you," the king remarked. "It isknown and used by all peoples that we know of, here. It was used bythe people we found here, when we came from the far north, and allthe tribes there used it also.

  "First, tell me what induced you to make this long journey acrossthe sea."

  Roger had been expecting this question, and as he had alreadydetermined that he would, in all matters, adhere to the truth, hedid not hesitate in his reply.

  "Your Majesty will understand that all the white peoples who dwellon the borders of the sea journey much in ships, which is the namewe give to the floating castles. We do trade with many peoples. Forexample there is, far to the south of us, a great land whollyinhabited by people who are quite black."

  A general exclamation of astonishment broke from the party.

  "They must be frightful!" the young queen exclaimed.

  "They are very ugly," Roger said, "with very wide mouths and verythick lips, and flat noses; and instead of having long soft hair,they have only a short, curly sort of black wool on the top oftheir heads."

  "Have you seen them yourself?" asked Cacama, rather gravely.

  "I have seen some of them, Sire," Roger replied. "I was in a shipthat was attacked by others, manned by a people who live on thenorthern coast of this land, and who are themselves not black butyellow; and they had with them several of these people of whom Ispeak, who were frightful in their ugliness; but who, to do themjustice, fought bravely, though we managed at last to beat themoff.

  "I pray your Majesty not to doubt any facts that I may tell you,for in my country it is considered disgraceful to lie; and howeverextraordinary some of the things I may say may appear to you, I canassure you that they will all be absolutely true. They may seem toyou hard to believe, but you must remember that things which arestrange to us always seem wonderful. My own countrymen, forexample, would find it hard to believe that there could be a peoplewho took delight in drawing in the smoke of a burning vegetable,and puffing it out again."

  "I will not doubt what you say, in future," Cacama said. "Now,continue what you were telling us."

  "The white people are divided into nations, as are your people onthis side of the water. Some, however, are much more powerful thanothers. While in times of peace all the ports of differentcountries are open to the ships of the others, there are twocountries that claim the right over great seas, although as yetuntraveled and unknown."

  "But how can they claim such a right as that?" one of the two chiefcounselors asked.

  "Partly by the right that they have been the first to try to makediscoveries in those seas; secondly because one of these countriesis the strongest, at the present time; and thirdly, because theyhave been confirmed in their claim by the pope, who is the chiefpriest of the religion that is held in common among all whitepeople. To the Spaniards was assigned that vast space of waterlying towards the setting sun."

  "You do not belong to that nation?"

  "No. My country is called England. It is a great island dividedinto two kingdoms, of which ours is the larger."

  "Are your people great fighters?"

  "Yes. We have fought many obstinate wars with the nation lying onthe mainland opposite to us, and our men have beaten theirs whenthey have outnumbered us many-fold; but at present we are at peace.We found that, while we could beat them in battle, we could notcontinue to hold a country that lay separated from us by the sea."

  "And you are friends with the Spaniards also?"

  "Yes. We have never warred with Spain, and our king has as his wifea princess of that country. Trading at Spanish ports, we learnedthat there was a rumor among the Spaniards that, far to the west,lay a great people possessing vast stores of gold, and riches ofall kinds; and so my father, who was the captain of one of thesefloating castles, determined to sail across the sea and, in despiteof the Spaniards and their rules, endeavor to perform the adventureof discovering, if possible, this great nation."

  "What would have happened if the Spaniards had met you, as youpassed through their waters?"

  "Had they succeeded in taking our ship, they would have killed uswithout mercy; but we had a strong crew, and would have matchedourselves, willingly enough, against any Spanish ship, however big,that interfered with us."

  "And what became of your ship?"

  "She struck during a gale on the coast of Tabasco, and was dashedto pieces. My father and all on board were drowned. But Godprotected me, and I was thrown ashore unhurt; it being doubtlessHis intention that I should live to be the first white man to seeyour great country, and to bring to you the news of the whitepeoples beyond the sea."

  "You know the story about our god, Quetzalcoatl," the king said,after a long pause. "We had news that you knew all about him. Webelieve that his descendants will return hither, to teach us manythings."

  "I am aware of it, Sire."

  "But do you know, also, that we of Tezcuco have reason to view thearrival of the Whites with fear? My father, who was full oflearning and wisdom, predicted when on his deathbed that a whitepeople would shortly arrive, from the sea, and would overthrow theAnahuac kingdoms. It is strange, indeed, that within three years ofhis death you should appear."

  "It is strange," Roger agreed. "Assuredly, your Majesty, yourfather's prophecy did not allude to my people. We are acomparatively small nation, and are not even masters of the wholeof our island. We have not one ship to fifty that the Spaniardspossess, and have no desire for foreign conquests. We are strong ifattacked, and even Spain would find it a hard matter, did sheendeavor to conquer us; but we should not dream of challenging therights she exercises over the seas to the west of her. Moreover,our climate is a cold one, and we should not be able to support,with comfort, the heat of a country like this. It is not from ournation that danger can ever approach you."

  "But from the Spaniards?" the king asked, gravely.

  "I cannot think, Sire, that so great and powerful a nation as yourshas reason to dread conquest by the Spaniards. But they are amighty people. They have extended their rule over many peoples, onthe other side of the water; and they have captured many islandswhich lie not so very far from your shores."

  "How far away?" one of the old counselors asked.

  "A vessel with a favoring wind would sail to your coast, thence, intwelve or fourteen days," Roger replied.

  There was a general exclamation of surprise and uneasiness fromRoger's hearers. Many questions were asked him, as to the number ofmen the Spaniards could put in the field. His answer somewhatreassured them.

  "Perhaps two thousand would be the utmost they could send fromthese islands," he said; "though I know not the strength of theirvarious garrisons. But from Spain they could, if they chose, sendacross the seas in their ships ten times as many."

  "We could put over two hundred thousand in the field," the kingsaid proudly.

  Roger was silent.

  "You do not think," the king went on after a pause, "that twentythousand of these men are to be feared by a host like ours?"

  "With equal arms and armor, no, your Majesty; but with theadvantage of their weapons, the fact that they are clad in armorwhich your spears and arrows and knives would be powerless topierce, and that many of them would be mounted soldiers, whose rushand impetus in battle it is nigh impossible--even for whiteinfantry, who have no fear of the horses, and are themselves cladin armor--to withstand; and that they have, in addition these,terrible cannon of which I spoke to you, I think that should twentythousand of the Spaniards land here, they would be irresistible.

  "However, I do not think that there is any chance of such an armybeing brought against you. Rich and powerful as Spain is, theexpense of preparing such an expedition, and the ships required tocarry it, would be so vast that I do not think she would undertakeit. Moreover, she is always so occupied with wars at home that shecould not spare such a force for a distant expedition; and I donot, therefore, think you have any ground for alarm, in thepresent.

  "I believe that in a very short time Spanish ships may arrive atyour ports, and will open trade with your people. I wonder thatthey have not, long since, found their way here. Trade would bebeneficent to both. They have many commodities that would be mostuseful to you. You have others that they would prize greatly."

  "What are our products they would most value?" the king asked.

  "First, and most of all, gold," Roger said. "It is with us thescarcest and most valuable of metals, and all things are valued byit. As with you bags of cocoa are your standard of value, so withthem are pieces of gold. A wide estate is worth so much gold; aship, or a horse, or a suit of armor, so many pieces of gold; andso through everything. All your delicate embroidery work would bevaluable in their eyes, as being strange and different to anythingwe possess; while on their side they could provide you with silks,and satins, and velvets, and cloths, and other fabrics new to you;to say nothing of arms and iron work vastly superior to any youpossess."

  One of the old counselors whispered something in the king's ear,and the latter said to the queen:

  "Maclutha, I would talk these matters over with my counselors. I amsure that you and my sister are longing to hear, from RogerHawkshaw, all about the ladies of his race, and their dresses andfashions. Take him, therefore, into your room, while we discussthis matter here."

  The two ladies and Roger thereupon went into another apartment,similar in style to that which they had left. The conversation heretook a light turn, unrestrained by the presence of the king and hiscounselors. They plied him with questions, which Roger answered tothe best of his power. He was soon furnished with paper, pens,brushes, and paint; and he drew them several sketches, showingladies in European fashions, which filled his companions withsurprise. It seemed to them impossible that a woman could move withease and comfort in so much clothing. Then he drew for them a noblein the court dress of the period, and also the figure of a knightin full armor.

  The last astonished them most of all. How could a man move andbreathe, thus enclosed in metal? Roger admitted that, in a hotclimate like that of Mexico, the heat would be terrible. But hepointed out that men so clad were carried on horses, and had nooccasion for movement; save of their arms, which, as there werejoints in the armor at the shoulder, could be moved in any way withfreedom.

  "There cannot be much bravery required to fight, when protected inthis way by metal," the queen said.

  "Numbers are killed, nevertheless," Roger replied. "The armor,strong as it is, will not resist the missiles fired from cannon;and the helmets--that is, the part that protects the head--can bebeaten in by blows with heavy maces. Moreover, when two partiessimilarly armed charge, the shock is so terrible that horses andriders are alike thrown to the ground, and when thrown down theymay be trampled to death by the horses, or killed by footmen beforethey can recover their feet. Still, there are many who think thatsome day armor will be given up altogether; for the guns are beingimproved constantly, and when the balls sent by those carried byfootmen are able to pierce any armor, it will no longer be anyprotection, whatever."

  "And these ladies of yours," the Princess Amenche asked; "are theyvery pretty? Because these matters are more to our taste than theseugly arms."

  "They differ much from each other, just as they do here," Rogersaid. "Some are homely, and others are pretty."

  "Are their eyes always blue, and their hair of a bright color, likeyours?"

  "Oh no! There is a great difference. Some have hair almost as lightas flax; some almost as dark as yours, but not quite so dark. Somehave hair almost exactly the color of gold; some a red, like thefringe of your garments; then there are many shades of brown,between red and black. The eyes vary in the same way. People withlight hair, and golden, and red, have either gray or blue eyes.Those with brown hair of different shades have brown eyes,sometimes light and sometimes dark brown."

  "How strange it must be," the girl laughed, "to see people withhair of so many colors! And which do you like best, RogerHawkshaw?"

  "At the present moment, Princess, I cannot imagine any color morebeautiful than a deep, glossy black."

  The girl colored through her hazel skin.

  "Ah, you know how to flatter in your country, also!"

  Roger was about to reply, when a message was brought from the king,desiring them to return to the next room.

  "We have been taking all these things that you have told us intograve consideration," the king said, when they were seated; "andhave concluded that it will be for the best that this matter ofthese Spaniards should remain an absolute secret, and that no wordshall be spoken to a single person, however dear, by any of thosewho have heard it. The country has long been in a disturbed state,and constant expeditions are necessary, for ourselves and forMexico, to suppress risings, and put down outbreaks of discontent.Were the news to be whispered about that there is a strange,terrible white people within but a short distance of our shores,the result would be disastrous.

  "Men's minds would become unsettled, their ordinary employmentwould be neglected, all sorts of dismal forebodings would seizethem, the very worship of the gods might be affected; and insteadof being able, should the time of danger ever come, to meet ourinvaders boldly and fearlessly, they would find us disorganized anddisheartened, and our power of resistance greatly diminished.

  "You, Roger Hawkshaw, have told us everything with frankness. Wefeel that every word you have spoken is true, and that you have areal feeling of friendliness towards us, and that your sympathiesare with us, rather than with the people of this other whitenation. But others would not see it so. Even as it is, there issure to be a party against you. Were it known that a nation,possibly hostile, of your color were but a short distance away,nothing could save you. You would be sacrificed at once to thegods. Therefore as, for the sake of the nation, we have decidedthat what you have told us shall remain a profound secret toourselves; so, for your own sake, we pray you henceforth to saynothing to any of what you have told us. Let men think what theylike as to how you have reached our shores. Preserve a sort ofmystery as to yourself. There is no reason why you should notspeak, but even then guardedly, of the wonders of the landinhabited by white men many months' sail across the seas; but itwere best that as little should be said as possible.

  "Montezuma is sure to wish to see you, but before you visit him, wewill again take counsel together."

  "I will, to the best of my power, carry out your Majesty's orders,"Roger said. "I fully recognize their wisdom. Indeed, neither atTabasco nor upon the journey, either to the merchants or to yourenvoys, have I sa
id a word respecting the Spaniards; but I thoughtthat it was but right that you should know the truth of the matter,especially when you told me of the prediction of your royal father.In future, when I am asked questions, I can always fall back uponsilence and reply, truly, 'I am forbidden to tell this.'"

  "That will do excellently," the king said. "There is but one pointconnected with you now that puzzles us--a point which, before youcame, confirmed us in the belief that there was somethingsupernatural in your character: How is it that you have come tounderstand and speak our tongue?"

  Roger smiled.

  "To anyone else, your Majesty, I should have replied, 'I amforbidden to answer that question;' but I wish not to have anymystery with you. During the time I was at Tabasco I was waitedupon by a Mexican slave girl, who taught me her tongue."

  The king burst into a hearty laugh, in which even the gravecounselors joined, at this simple solution at what had appeared tothem so strange a mystery.

  "Cuitcatl," the king said to one of the young nobles, "I hand overRoger Hawkshaw to your charge. You see you need not be afraid ofhim, and he will throw no spells over you. Show him all there is tosee in the city; but go not far away, for we shall have frequentoccasions to speak to him. He will have a seat in the council, andat our own table. See that all know that we most highly esteem anddesire to honor him."

  Bowing deeply to the king, queen, and princess, Roger followed theyoung noble into whose charge he had been given. For a long timethey continued their way down passages and corridors, until itseemed to Roger that it was a town, rather than a building, that hewas traversing. At last his conductor pushed aside a hanging, andentered an apartment.

  "These are my rooms," he said. "You are now master here. All thenobles of the council, and those whom the king wishes to have abouthis person, have suites of apartments in the palace. I hope someday to have the pleasure of entertaining you on my own estate,which lies a day's journey away to the northeast of the lake. Now,you will doubtless be glad to retire to rest at once, for you havehad a long and weary time."

  So saying, he led the way to a small chamber, leading out of thelarger one. Here a luxurious couch was arranged, and it was notmany minutes before Roger was asleep; for he was indeed completelyworn out, and was too much fatigued even to think over the strangeposition in which he found himself.

  He woke early, for upon his journeys the caravan had always startedat daybreak, so as to get as much as possible of the journey donebefore the heat of the day set in. For a moment he wondered vaguelywhere he was, and then, as recollection returned to him, he leapedfrom his couch, threw back the hangings before the window, andgazed out.

  Glass was unknown in Mexico, nor was it a requisite in the balmyclimate of the valley. The prospect was a charming one. Before himlay a garden, more beautiful than any he had ever beheld. It wasfilled with shrubs and flowers, and a delightful perfume filled theair. Fountains of bright water threw their jets high above thesweet-scented groves and shrubberies. Several large ponds glistenedin the morning sun. On some of these were islands accessible bylight bridges, and on the islands were fanciful pavilions.Waterfowl floated on the surface of the ponds, or stalkedfearlessly on the marble pavement that surrounded them. The songsof innumerable birds filled the air. Roger was gazing in delight atthe scene, when Cuitcatl's voice saluted him.

  "So you are up betimes; are you ready for your bath, or will youtake some chocolate first?"

  "Bath first, please," Roger replied; and his guide led the wayacross the large room and, drawing a hanging aside, showed Rogerinto a bathroom.

  The walls and floors were entirely covered with marble. In thecenter was a bath, some seven feet square, with a stream of waterrunning into it from the mouth of a grotesque animal's head.

  "Every apartment has its bathroom," Cuitcatl said. "The water runsfor an hour after sunrise only, but it can be turned on at anyhour. It seems a waste, but we are far above the lower portion ofthe garden, and the water therefore runs into a tank and thenceworks the fountains there. Would you like your attendant to rub youin the bath, or when you come out of it? For both methods are inuse with us."

  Roger declined both alternatives, and it was not very long beforehe rejoined his companion in the central apartment. Chocolate,light cakes, and fruit were at once served.

  "We had best visit the gardens first, before the sun gains too muchpower. There are charming arbors and pavilions, in shady spots, fortaking one's ease at the middle of the day; but for walking about,the early hours are the best."

  The gardens were of great extent, and Roger was surprised at theextreme fearlessness of the innumerable birds, of all kinds, thatseemed to regard them as their natural home.

  "Why should they not be fearless?" Cuitcatl said, when he expressedhis surprise. "They have never been frightened, and regard all whocome here as their friends, rather than as their enemies. They haveabundance of the food which they love best. They make their nestsamong the plants, or in the trees which they would use, were theywild. The ponds are full of fish, and the water birds can find afar richer supply, here, than elsewhere. When the ladies come, thebirds flock around them and settle on their heads and shoulders,and take crumbs of sweet cake from their hands.

  "Many birds must, of course, be caged, and you will see that thereare large aviaries scattered here and there in the garden. In theseare the hawks and eagles, and many other birds which could not betamed so far as to remain in the garden, unconfined."

  After wandering for nearly two hours in the garden, they returnedto the palace; and afterwards went down to the marketplace, whichwas crowded, as it was the fifth day of the week. Cuitcatl hadtaken with them six officials of the palace, to clear the way andprevent the people from crowding in upon them.

  Roger was struck with the orderly demeanor of the people. Theyseemed merry and lively, but their mirth was of a quiet kind; andthere was, everywhere, an air of decorum and gentleness, in strongcontrast to that of a European crowd.

  "Why," he said to himself, "there is more noise at home, when twoor three boats come in laden with pilchards, than is made by allthese thousands and thousands of people!"

  There was no pressing or pushing, and the order of the officials,"Make way for the king's guest, the great Roger Hawkshaw!" was atonce obeyed; and the people drew aside, gazing at him curiously butrespectfully, and saluting as if to one of their own great nobles.

  The market was an extensive square, surrounded by deep porticoes,and each description of merchandise had its allotted quarter. Inone was seen cotton piled up in bales, or manufactured into dressesand articles of domestic use, such as tapestry, curtains andcoverings. The goldsmiths had a quarter assigned to them. ThereRoger admired bracelets, necklaces and earrings, delicately chasedand carved, together with many curious toys made in imitation ofbirds and fishes, with scales and feathers alternately of gold andsilver, and with movable heads and bodies.

  In another quarter were the stores of the potters, with dishes andplates, cups and basins of every degree of fineness, for the use ofpoor and rich, vases of wood elaborately carved, varnished or gilt.Near these Roger examined some hatchets made of copper, alloyedwith tin; and as he felt the hardness of the metal, thought tohimself that the natives, if informed as to the size andproportions of cannon, would have no difficulty in founding thoseweapons.

  Then there were certain shops devoted to the sale of articlesneeded by soldiers. The helmets, fashioned into the shape of thehead of some wild animal, with grinning teeth and bristling crest;the quilted doublets of cotton; the rich surcoats of feather; mailand weapons of all sorts; copper-headed lances and arrows; and thebroad Mexican sword, with its sharp blade of itztli, a hardpolished stone, which served many of the purposes of steel to theAztecs. Of this material were the razors made, with which barberswere engaged in operating in their booths.

  Many shops were well provided with drugs, roots, and differentmedicinal preparations; for Mexico abounded in medicinal plants,and the study of their uses was considered o
ne of the most usefulof the sciences, and in this respect the Mexicans were considerablyin advance of the people of Europe. There were shops for the saleof blank books, or rolls, for the hieroglyphic picture writing.Under some of the porticoes were hides, raw and dressed; andvarious articles for domestic or personal use, made of leather.

  Animals, both wild and tame, were offered for sale; and near themRoger saw a gang of slaves, with collars round their necks, andthese were also, Cuitcatl told him, for sale.

  The portion of the market devoted to the sale of provisions was alarge one. Here were meats of all kinds, domestic poultry, gamefrom the neighboring mountains, and fish from the streams; togetherwith an immense variety of fruit, green vegetables, and maize. Herewere ready-cooked foods for immediate use--sold hot to passers by,and eaten as they stood--with stalls of pastry of many kinds,bread, cakes, and confectionery; chocolate, flavored with vanillaand other spices, and pulque, prepared with many varying flavors,tempted the passers by. All these commodities, and every stall andportico, were set out and well-nigh covered with flowers.

  After leaving the market, Roger proceeded with his companion to theedge of the lake. It was dotted with countless canoes, traversingit in all directions, filled with people passing to and fro betweenthe great capitals or neighboring cities, bent either upon pleasureor trade. After feasting his eyes for a considerable time upon thelovely and animated scene, Roger returned with his companion to thepalace.

  In the afternoon there was a great gathering of nobles at thepalace, to enable a far wider circle than those assembled theevening before to see and hear the king's white guest. One of theold counselors, who had been present at the previous meeting, actedas questioner, and this enabled Roger to escape certain queries towhich he would have had difficulty in replying; and while theassembly heard much of the various wonders of the white people,they learned nothing of the manner in which the stranger hadreached their shores, or the object of his coming; and at the end,the general impression that remained upon them was that he was amysterious and supernatural being, who had come to teach the peoplenew arts and inventions.

  When the meeting was over, Roger retired again to the privateapartments, and entertained the ladies there with many details ofEuropean life and manners, and by sketching for them houses, andships, and other objects they demanded.

  Two hours later, Cacama came in. He was evidently vexed andanxious.

  "I am sorry to say, Roger Hawkshaw," he said, "that tomorrow youmust accompany me across the lake to Mexico. I have had fourdispatches today from my Uncle Montezuma. He blames me for havingpermitted you to enter the city before consulting the priests athis capital. You know they are all powerful there. Montezuma, withall his pride and haughtiness, is but their humble servant. He saysthat sacrifices have been offered up, and that the auguries areunfavorable, and that the priests proclaim your presence to be adanger to Mexico.

  "I have no doubt that, when they see you, this opinion will bechanged; and I shall do my best to prepare the way for you. I havealready sent a private messenger to the high priest, speaking inthe highest terms of you, and strengthening my recommendation bysome valuable presents, to which priests are not more than othermen inaccessible."

  Roger saw, by the look of dismay upon the faces of the queen andthe princess, that they considered the news very grave.

  "Must he go?" the queen asked, in a low voice.

  "How can it be helped?" Cacama replied. "Montezuma is supreme; andhe and the priests, together, are all powerful. Roger is not likeother men. Were he so, I would tell him when night falls to fly,and Cuitcatl would risk the consequences, I am sure, and act as hisguide; but being as he is, where could he go, or where could hehide? Were it known in the morning that he was missing, a hundredmessengers from Mexico would carry the news to every town andvillage in the country. Even if we colored his skin and his hair,his height would attract attention; for he is taller by half ahead, and broader, by far, than any Mexican. But even did he, bytraveling by night and hiding by day, get at last beyond theboundary of our kingdoms, what would then be his fate?--To die ofhunger or thirst, or to be slain by wild tribes.

  "What say you, Roger Hawkshaw? Will you risk these unknown dangers,or will you go to Montezuma tomorrow?"

  "Were I sure that the priests would decide against me, and that Ishould be sacrificed to their great idol, I would risk death in anyother form, rather than that," Roger replied. "But it may be that,when they see I have no evil intentions, and neither thought norpower of injuring Mexico, they may lay aside their animosityagainst me."

  "They do not believe that you will injure Mexico," Amenche said,passionately. "They only want you for a sacrifice. They think thata being so strange and rare as a white man would be, of all, themost acceptable victim to their god.

  "My brother, do not let him go," and the girl burst into tears.

  "My little sister," Cacama said tenderly, "you know that I ampowerless in the matter. In my grandfather's time, he would haveanswered a demand that a guest of his should be given up by amessage of defiance; but times have changed since then, and thegreater part of my kingdom no longer remains to me. My brother, whodisputed my right to the throne, reigns over a large portion of it.Montezuma has seized fertile provinces. I am little more than thelord of a city; and could offer no resistance, for a single day, tothe power of the Emperor.

  "But you must remember that, as yet, we do not know that thepriests will decide against him. I myself shall go with him, and Ihave already, as I have told you, taken some steps to incline thepriests in his favor. When I arrive there tomorrow, I will exertmyself personally. I have many friends among the highest atMontezuma's court, and will also pray these to use their influence.

  "Should I fail, all will not be lost. It is likely that, if theydecide upon sacrificing you, Roger, they will make you the victimto the god Tezcatlepoca, 'the soul of the world.' For him is alwayschosen the captive most distinguished for his appearance. For ayear he is treated as the representative of the god. He is noblycared for, he is attended by a train of royal pages, is worshipedby the people as he passes through the street, and is feasted atthe tables of the nobles. Were you selected for this, as weconsider it, great honor, there would be at least a year beforeyou; and you might then, in some manner, make your escape beyondour boundaries. At any rate, some time is sure to elapse beforeyour fate will be determined upon; and I can promise that I will doall in my power to aid you to escape, should you determine uponflight."

  "I thank you most heartily," Roger said. "I have no fear of deathin battle, but to me it would be very horrible to be put to deathas a victim, on a festival; and I would rather escape and drownmyself in the lake, than that such should be my fate. Still, if itmust be so, it must; and I trust that I may behave as befits anEnglishman, in such an extremity."

  Amenche here stepped forward to her brother, and spoke earnestly inhis ear.

  "My sister reminds me," he said, "that we have sometimes anotherform of sacrifice; and that if I can do naught else, I might beable to persuade the priests to pronounce in favor of that. It isonly adopted in the case of a captive of distinction; who, insteadof being sacrificed, is sometimes matched against a number ofMexicans. The combat takes place on a great circular stone, in thesight of the whole city. The captive is provided with arms, andmeets his opponents one by one. If he defeat them all--which hasmore than once happened in our history--he is allowed to go free."

  "That would suit me best, by far," Roger said eagerly. "I have nodoubt but that I should be killed, still, I should die in fairfighting against numbers; and it would be no worse than if I hadfallen fighting the Moorish pirates, on the deck of our ship."

  "I should think that it could be managed," Cacama said. "I shouldtell them that, at present, none could say whether you were asuperhuman being or no; and that it might bring some misfortuneupon the nation, were a messenger of the gods put to death. Thistrial would prove that. If the gods protected you, you wouldtriumph. If they were not on your side, you
would be defeated."

  "I should do my best," Roger said quietly. "I have been well taughtthe use of arms, and in our long voyage here we practiced daily. Inpoint of skill I could hold my own with any on board, though therewere many to whom I was but a child, in point of strength. In thatmatter, however, I have doubtless gained much since then.

  "I shall be thankful indeed, Prince, if you can persuade them tofix on this mode of execution for me; and I thank you verygratefully, Princess, for suggesting it."

  They talked for some time longer, and then Roger retired to hisapartment. The next morning, soon after sunrise, he embarked withCacama in a canoe, paddled by six rowers.

  "My wife and sister bade me say farewell to you," Cacama said."They are sorely grieved at your going, and hope that you mayreturn with me this afternoon. But if not, they bade me say thatthey will do all that is in their power; and women can exertinfluence, as well as men, on your behalf."

  It was a long row across the lake to Mexico. Large as was thepopulation of Tezcuco, which was estimated by the Spaniards tocontain a hundred and twenty thousand inhabitants, that of Mexicowas fully three times as great. As Montezuma had not yet determinedupon the course which was to be pursued towards this mysteriousstranger, the people had not been informed of his coming. A strongguard of soldiers, with several officers of the palace, met theparty upon its landing, surrounded them, and marched quicklythrough the streets to the palace.

  The buildings resembled those of Tezcuco, and were massive andsolid in character; but were not, Roger thought, grander or moresplendid than those in the rival capital. The town was intersectedby canals, and the bridges across these could be raised, addinglargely to the defensive power of the place.

  Upon reaching the palace the soldiers drew back, and the palaceguard took charge of the party and led them into a large apartment,where they waited until the emperor was ready to receive them.Presently two court officials entered and, placing a mantle ofcoarse cotton over Roger, signed to him to take off his sandals.Cacama had already informed him that even the highest nobles of theland, with the exception of those of royal blood, were obliged toenter Montezuma's presence in this attire, as emblematic of theirhumility. He also charged Roger that it was the etiquette that allshould keep their eyes fixed on the ground, until addressed byMontezuma.

  Accompanied by Cacama, Roger followed the officials. Passingthrough several corridors they entered a vast hall. Roger was awarethat at the farther end the emperor was seated, surrounded by anumerous body of nobles; but the instant he entered the room hefollowed the instructions of Cacama, and saluted to the ground, andthen advanced with downcast eyes until the officials by his sideordered him to pause.

  Montezuma was a victim of superstition, and had been seriouslydiscomposed at the news of the arrival of this mysterious visitor;the more so that the priests, themselves, were unable to decidewhether his visit was a good or evil augury. As he looked at thetall figure before him, with its strange-colored skin and hair, andthe air of independence and fearlessness that was visible in thepose, notwithstanding the downcast eyes, he could not but befavorably impressed, despite his fears.

  "You are welcome to our court," he said, "if you come in peace andgoodwill."

  "I come in peace and goodwill to your Majesty and your empire,"Roger said.

  "We have heard that you come from far beyond the seas, where dwella people having strange ways, who live in floating castles, and whofight with weapons making thunder."

  Roger bowed.

  "Your Majesty has been correctly informed."

  "Do the people there worship the same gods that we do?"

  "They do not, your Majesty. The people there worship the one GreatGod--the God of the skies, the air, and the earth."

  "And that God sent you hither?" Montezuma asked.

  "Assuredly, Sire. He directs all things."

  "Each country has its gods. The gods of Mexico have given usvictory over all the peoples from sea to sea."

  Roger bowed. He did not feel called upon to contradict the emperor.

  "How is it that you came alone to this land?"

  "I wished to see it," Roger said, "reports of its greatness andpower having reached across the seas. Had I come with others, itmight have been thought that I came as an enemy; but coming alone,and without arms, it could not be suspected that my intentions wereother than friendly."

  Montezuma appeared impressed with this answer. The audience lastedfor upwards of half an hour, Montezuma asking many questions aboutthe ships, the arms, the mode of government, and other mattersamong the white people, He then bowed his head.

  The official signified that the audience was over, and that Rogerwas to retire. As he had been instructed by Cacama he withdrew,keeping his face to the emperor.

  He was conducted to a different apartment. Here a table was laid,and he was served by attendants of the court; who, however, made noreply to any questions he asked them, and had evidently receivedorders to hold no verbal communication with him.