Read By Right of Sword Page 31




  Moltke's Letters to His Wife

  _The only Complete Edition published in any language_. With anIntroduction by SIDNEY WHITMAN, author of "Imperial Germany."Portraits of Moltke and his wife never before published. An Account ofCountess von Moltke's Family, supplied by the Family. And agenealogical tree, in fac-simile of the Field-Marshal's handwriting.Two volumes. Demy 8vo, cloth, $10.00; 3/4 calf, $20.00; 3/4 levant,$22.50.

  Beginning in 1841, the year before his marriage, these letters extendto within a short time of his death. Travels on the Continent, threevisits to England and one to Russia, military manoeuvres, and threecampaigns are covered by this period, during which Captain Von Moltke,known only as the author of the "Letters from the East," grew into thegreatest director of war since Napoleon. These most interestingvolumes contain the record of a life singularly pure and noble,unspoiled by dazzling successes.--The Times (London).

  This book will be chiefly valued on account of the insight it affordsinto the real disposition of Moltke. Indeed, it will surprise many,for it shows that the eminent soldier was very different from what hewas ordinarily conceived to be. He is supposed to have been dry andstern, reticent, almost devoid of human sympathies, and little betterthan a strategical machine. As a matter of fact, such an estimate issomewhat of a caricature. To the public and strangers Moltke was coldand silent, but to his family and friends he was affectionate, open,and full of kindly forethought... As he was a keen and minuteobserver, his opinion of the people, countries, and sights which in thecourse of his life he saw, is of interest and value.--The Athenaeum(London).

  Lady Hamilton and Lord Nelson

  An Historical Biography based on letters and other documents in theMorrison collection. By JOHN CORDY JEAFFRESON, author of "The RealLord Byron," etc. New and Revised Edition, containing additionalfacts, letters, and other material. Large crown 8vo, cloth, $2.25; 3/4calf, $5.00; 3/4 levant,$6.50.