Read By Right of Sword Page 35

  Four Generations of a Literary Family

  By W. CAREW HAZLITT. With photogravure portraits, facsimiles, &c. 2vols., Demy 8vo. (Scarce.)

  These volumes deal with the Hazlitts in England, Ireland, and America,and give a picture of Ireland in 1780 and of America in 1783-7. Theycontain a store of theatrical anecdotes, sketches of celebrated bookcollectors, an account of old Brompton, and a good deal of matterrelating to auction rooms and sales by auction. The history of theorigin of "Our Club," founded by Douglas Jerrold, is also given.

  Note.--This work was suppressed in England, the author having beenthreatened with libel suits by the relatives of many persons mentionedin the text. A limited American edition was secured by the NewAmsterdam Book Company, and the work now ranks among scarce books.

  Gordon in China and the Soudan

  By E. EGMONT HOKE. Demy 8vo, cloth, $2.25.

  This work is practically a reprint of "The Story of Chinese Gordon,"which ran through twelve editions within eighteen months of itsappearance. The book has been out of print for a considerable time,but in view of recent events, it is now greatly in demand. To meetthat demand, it has been decided to re-issue it with such minor changesas were necessary.