Read By Right of Sword Page 45

  Seven Frozen Sailors

  By GEORGE MANVILLE FENN, assisted by COMPTON READE, F. ARCHER, andothers. Illustrated by A. BURNHAM SHUTE. Square i6mo, cloth. 75cents.

  "Seven Frozen Sailors" is certainly a title possessing enoughoriginality to arouse one's curiosity. The idea is unique, and theseven stories, each by a different author, form an interesting mosaicof imaginative literature... The reading public seems to cravesomething new, and here is a volume, not cumbersome, but of modestsize, that will, no doubt, prove attractive.--Every Saturday (Elgin,Ill.).

  The old saying, "too many cooks spoil the broth," does not hold true inthis instance, for the little book is really enjoyable.--BostonTranscript.

  The Copsford Mystery

  (_Eighth edition, completing seventeenth thousand_). By W. CLARKRUSSELL, author of "An Ocean Free Lance," "The Wreck of the Grosvenor,"etc. Handsomely illustrated by A. BURNHAM SHUTE, and others. Cloth,$1.25; paper, 50 cents.

  "The Copsford Mystery; or, Is He the Man?" is by W. Clark Russell,whose name at once suggests rolling billows and dashing spray. Butthis is not a sea tale and is the only story not of the sea that he haswritten. Save in the first chapter, when we are introduced to a girlwho is in the habit of rowing, off Broadstairs, and who gets carriedout to sea by the tide, and is rescued by a dark-browed, sunburnt, buthandsome man, there is nothing of the sea in it. The construction ofthe story is more like Doyle than Russell, but it resembles thelatter's sea stories in its careful attention to detail. There is alsocareful delineation of character. In an introduction is an interestingsketch of Russell and his writings, and the book has full pageillustrations by A. Burnham Shute and others.

  An Ocean Free Lance

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  This dashing romance of the sea is held by some readers to contain Mr.Russell's best work. In it will be found the oft-quoted description ofa naval engagement.

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  Of this work, we need only say that it is an old-fashioned "ClarkRussell story."

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  Basile the Jester

  (_Second Edition_). A Romance of the Days of Mary Queen of Scots.12mo, Netherland Library, paper, 50 cents; cloth, $1.25. By J. E.MUDDOCK, author of "The Dead Man's Secret," "Maid Marian and RobinHood," "For God and The Czar," "Lochinvar," etc. Illustrations bySTANLEY WOOD and others.

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  A Bride's Experiment

  (Second edition). By CHAS. J. MANSFORD, author of "Shafts from anEastern Quiver," "Bully, Fag and Hero," etc. Holland Library, paper,50 cents; cloth, $1.00.

  This strong story will prove to be a welcome addition to our daintyHolland Library. Mr. Mansford is one of the best known contributors tothe Strand Magazine.

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