Read By Sheer Pluck: A Tale of the Ashanti War Page 2


  "Don't you think, Hargate," Ruthven shouted in his ear, "we hadbetter run before it? It's as much as Handcock can do to keep her headstraight."

  "Yes," Frank shouted back, "if it were not for the Goodwins. They lieright across ahead of us."

  Ruthven said no more, and for another hour he and Frank rowed theirhardest. Then Handcock and Jones took the oars. Ruthven lay down inthe bottom of the boat and Frank steered. After rowing for another hourFrank found that he could no longer keep the boat head to wind. Indeed,he could not have done so for so long had he not shipped the rudder andsteered the boat with an oar, through a notch cut in the stern for thepurpose. Already the boat shipped several heavy seas, and Ruthven waskept hard at work baling with a tin can in which they had brought outbait.

  "Ruthven, we must let her run. Put out the other oar, we must watch ourtime. Row hard when I give the word."

  The maneuver was safely accomplished, and in a minute the boat wasflying before the gale.

  "Keep on rowing," Frank said, "but take it easily. We must try and makefor the tail of the sands. I can see the lightship."

  Frank soon found that the wind was blowing too directly upon the longline of sands to enable him to make the lightship. Already, far ahead,a gray light seemed to gleam up, marking where the sea was breaking overthe dreaded shoal.

  "I am afraid it is no use," he said. "Now, boys, we had best, each ofus, say our prayers to God, and prepare to die bravely, for I fear thatthere is no hope for us."

  There was silence in the boat for the next five minutes, as the boys satwith their heads bent down. More than one choking sob might have beenheard, had the wind lulled, as they thought of the dear ones at home.Suddenly there was a flash of light ahead, and the boom of a gundirectly afterwards came upon their ears. Then a rocket soared up intothe air.

  "There is a vessel on the sands," Frank exclaimed. "Let us make for her.If we can get on board we shall have a better chance than here."

  The boys again bent to their oars, and Frank tried to steer exactly forthe spot whence the rocket had gone up. Presently another gun flashedout.

  "There she is," he said. "I can see her now against the line ofbreakers. Take the oar again, Ruthven. We must bring up under shelter ofher lee."

  In another minute or two they were within a hundred yards of the ship.She was a large vessel, and lay just at the edge of the broken water.The waves, as they struck her, flew high above her deck. As the boatneared her a bright light suddenly sprang up. The ship was burning ablue light. Then a faint cheer was heard.

  "They see us," Frank said. "They must think we are the lifeboat. Whata disappointment for them! Now, steady, lads, and prepare to pull herround the instant we are under her stern. I will go as near as I dare."

  Frank could see the people on deck watching the boat. They must haveseen now that she was not the lifeboat; but even in their own dangerthey must have watched with intense interest the efforts of the tinyboat, adrift in the raging sea, to reach them. Frank steered the boatwithin a few yards of the stern. Then Jones and Ruthven, who were bothrowing the same side, exerted themselves to the utmost, whileFrank pushed with the steering oar. A minute later, and they lay incomparatively still water, under the lee of the ship. Two or three ropeswere thrown them, and they speedily climbed on board.

  "We thought you were the lifeboat at first," the captain said, as theyreached the deck; "but, of course, they cannot be here for a couple ofhours yet."

  "We were blown off shore, sir," Frank said, "and have been rowingagainst the wind for hours."

  "Well, my lads," the captain said, "you have only prolonged your livesfor a few minutes, for she will not hold together long."

  The ship, indeed, presented a pitiable appearance. The masts had alreadygone, the bulwark to windward had been carried away, and the hull layheeled over at a sharp angle, her deck to leeward being level withthe water. The crew were huddled down near the lee bulwarks, shelteredsomewhat by the sharp slope of the deck from the force of the wind. Aseach wave broke over the ship, tons of water rushed down upon them. Nomore guns were fired, for the lashing had broken and the gun run down toleeward. Already there were signs that the ship would break up ere long,and no hope existed that rescue could arrive in time.

  Suddenly there was a great crash, and the vessel parted amidships.

  "A few minutes will settle it now," the captain said. "God help us all."

  At this moment there was a shout to leeward, which was answered by ascream of joy from those on board the wreck, for there, close alongside,lay the lifeboat, whose approach had been entirely unseen. In a fewminutes the fifteen men who remained of the twenty-two, who had formedthe crew of the wreck, and the four boys, were on board her. A tiny sailwas set and the boat's head laid towards Ramsgate.

  "I am glad to see you, Master Hargate," the sailor who rowed one of thestroke oars shouted. He was the man who had lent them the boat. "I wasup in the town looking after my wife, who is sick, and clean forgot youtill it was dark. Then I ran down and found the boat hadn't returned, soI got the crew together and we came out to look for you, though we hadlittle hope of finding you. It was lucky for you we did, and for therest of them too, for so it chanced that we were but half a mile awaywhen the ship fired her first gun, just as we had given you up anddetermined to go back; so on we came straight here. Another ten minutesand we should have been too late. We are making for Ramsgate now. Wecould never beat back to Deal in this wind. I don't know as I ever sawit blow much harder."

  These sentences were not spoken consecutively, but were shouted out inthe intervals between gusts of wind. It took them two hours to beat backto Ramsgate, a signal having been made as soon as they left the wreck toinform the lifeboat there and at Broadstairs that they need not put out,as the rescue had been already effected. The lads were soon put to bedat the sailors' home, a man being at once despatched on horseback toDeal, to inform those there of the arrival of the lifeboat, and of therescue of the four boys who had been blown to sea.

  Early next morning Frank and Handcock returned to Deal, the other twolads being so exhausted by their fatigue and exposure that the doctorsaid they had better remain in bed for another twenty-four hours.

  It is impossible to describe the thankfulness and relief which Mrs.Hargate experienced, when, about two in the morning, Dr. Parker himselfbrought her news of the safety of her boy. She had long given up allhope, for when the evening came on and Frank had not returned, she hadgone down to the shore. She learned from the fishermen there that it wasdeemed impossible that the boys could reach shore in face of the gale,and that although the lifeboat had just put out in search of them, thechances of their being found were, as she herself saw, faint indeed.She had passed the hours which had intervened, in prayer, and was stillkneeling by her bedside, where little Lucy was unconsciously sleeping,when Dr. Parker's knock was heard at the door. Fervent, indeed, was hergratitude to God for the almost miraculous preservation of her son'slife, and then, overcome by the emotions she had experienced, she soughther couch, and was still asleep when, by the earliest train in themorning, Frank returned.

  For some time the four boys were the heroes of the school. Asubscription was got up to pay for the lost boat, and close as were Mrs.Hargate's means, she enabled Frank to subscribe his share towards thefund. The incident raised Frank to a pinnacle of popularity among hisschoolfellows, for the three others were unanimous in saying that it washis coolness and skill in the management of the boat, which alone keptup their spirits, and enabled them to keep her afloat during the gale,and to make the wreck in safety.

  In the general enthusiasm excited by the event, Frank's pursuits,which had hitherto found few followers, now became quite popular in theschool. A field club was formed, of which he was elected president,and long rambles in the country in search of insects and plants werefrequently organized. Frank himself was obliged, in the interests of theschool, to moderate the zeal of the naturalists, and to point outthat cricket mu
st not be given up, as, if so large a number withdrewthemselves from the game, the school would suffer disaster in itsvarious engagements with other schools in the neighborhood. Consequentlythe rule was made that members of the club were bound to be in thecricket field on at least three days in the week, including one halfholiday, while they were free to ramble in the country on other days.This wise regulation prevented the "naturalists" from becoming unpopularin the school, which would assuredly have been the case had theyentirely absented themselves from cricket.

  One Saturday afternoon Frank started with a smaller boy, who was one ofhis most devoted followers, for a long country walk. Frank carried hisblowgun, and a butterfly net, Charlie Goodall a net of about a foot indepth, made of canvas, mounted on a stout brass rim, and strong stick,for the capture of water beetles. Their pockets bulged with bottles andtin boxes for the carriage of their captured prey.

  They had passed through Eastry, a village four miles from Deal, whenFrank exclaimed, "There is a green hairstreak. The first I've seen thisyear. I have never caught one before."

  Cautiously approaching the butterfly, who was sunning himself on thetop of a thistle, Frank prepared to strike, when it suddenly mounted andflitted over a hedge. In a moment the boys had scrambled through thegap and were in full pursuit. The butterfly flitted here and there,sometimes allowing the boys to approach within a few feet and thenflitting away again for fifty yards without stopping. Heedless wherethey were going, the boys pursued, till they were startled by a suddenshout close to them.

  "You young rascals, how dare you run over my wheat?"

  The boys stopped, and Frank saw what, in his excitement, he had nothitherto heeded, that he was now running in a field of wheat, whichreached to his knee.

  "I am very sorry, sir," he said. "I was so excited than I really did notsee where I was going."

  "Not see!" shouted the angry farmer. "You young rascal, I'll break everybone in your body," and he flourished a heavy stick as he spoke.

  Charlie Goodall began to cry.

  "I have no right to trespass on your wheat, sir," Frank said firmly;"but you have no right to strike us. My name is Frank Hargate. I belongto Dr. Parker's school at Deal, and if you will say what damage I havecaused, I will pay for it."

  "You shall pay for it now," shouted the farmer, as he advanced withuplifted stick.

  Frank slipped three or four of his clay bullets into his mouth.

  "Leave us alone or it will be worse for you," he said as he raised theblowgun to his mouth.

  The farmer advanced, and Frank sent a bullet with all his force, andwith so true an aim that he struck the farmer on the knuckles. It was asharp blow, and the farmer, with a cry of pain and surprise, dropped thestick.

  "Don't come a step nearer," Frank shouted. "If you do, I will aim atyour eye next time," and he pointed the threatening tube at the enragedfarmer's face.

  "I'll have the law of you, you young villain. I'll make you smart forthis."

  "You can do as you like about that," Frank said. "I have only struck youin self defense, and have let you off easily. Come along, Charlie, let'sget out of this."

  In a few minutes they were again on the road, the farmer making noattempt to follow them, but determined in his mind to drive over thenext morning to Deal to take out a summons against them for trespass andassault. The lads proceeded silently along the road. Frank was greatlyvexed with himself at his carelessness in running over half grown wheat,and was meditating how he could pay the fine without having to ask hismother. He determined upon his return to carry some of his cases ofstuffed birds down to a shop in the town, and he felt sure that hecould get enough for these to pay for any damage which could have beeninflicted, with a fine for trespassing, for he had seen stuffed birdsexposed in the windows for sale, which were, he was sure, very inferiorto his own both in execution and lifelike interest.

  After proceeding a few hundred yards along the road they met a prettylittle girl of seven or eight years old walking along alone. Frankscarcely glanced at her, for at the moment he heard a shouting inthe distance and saw some men running along the road. For a moment hethought that the farmer had despatched some of his men to stop him,but instantly dismissed the idea, as they were coming from the oppositedirection and could by no possibility have heard what had happened. Theywere lost sight of by a dip in the road, and as they disappeared, anobject was seen on the road on the near side of the dip.

  "It is a dog," Frank said. "What can they be shouting at?"

  The dog was within fifty yards of them when the men again appeared fromthe dip and recommenced shouting. Frank could now hear what they said.

  "Mad dog! mad dog!"

  "Get through the hedge, Charlie, quick," Frank cried. "Here, I will helpyou over, never mind the thorns."

  The hedge was low and closely kept, and Frank, bundling his comrade overit, threw himself across and looked round. The dog was within ten yardsof them, and Frank saw that the alarm was well founded. The dog was alarge crossbred animal, between a mastiff and a bulldog. Its hair wasrough and bristling. It came along with its head down and foam churningfrom its mouth. Frank looked the other way and gave a cry. Yet twentyyards off, in the middle of the road, stood the child. She, too, hadheard the shouts, and had paused to see what was the matter. She hadnot taken the alarm, but stood unsuspicious of danger, watching, not thedog, but the men in the distance.

  Frank placed the blowgun to his mouth, and in a moment his pellet struckthe animal smartly on the side of the head. It gave a short yelp andpaused. Another shot struck it, and then Frank, snatching the water netfrom Charlie, threw himself over the hedge, and placed himself betweenthe child and the dog just as the latter, with a savage growl, rushed athim.

  Frank stood perfectly cool, and as the animal rushed forward, thrust thenet over its head; the ring was but just large enough to allow its headto enter. Frank at once sprang forward, and placing himself behind thedog kept a strain upon the stick, so retaining the mouth of the nettightly on his neck. The animal at first rushed forward dragging Frankafter him. Then he stopped, backed, and tried to withdraw his head fromthe encumbrance which blinded him. Frank, however, had no difficultyin retaining the canvas net in its place, until the men, who were armedwith pitchforks, ran up and speedily despatched the unfortunate animal.

  "That's bravely done, young master," one of them said; "and you havesaved missy's life surely. The savage brute rushed into the yard and bita young colt and a heifer, and then, as we came running out with forks,he took to the road again. We chased 'um along, not knowing who wemight meet, and it gived us a rare turn when we saw the master's Bessystanding alone in the road, wi' nout between her and the dog. Where haveyou been, Miss Bessy?"

  "I've been to aunt's," she said, "and she gave me some strawberries andcream, and it's wicked of you to kill the poor dog."

  "Her aunt's farm lies next to master's," the man explained; "and littlemiss often goes over there.

  "The dog was mad, missy, and if it hadn't been for young master here, itwould have killed you as safe as eggs. Won't you come back to the farm,sir? Master and mistress would be main glad to thank you for havingsaved missy's life."

  "No, thank you," Frank said; "we are late now and must be going on ourway. I am very glad I happened to be here at the time;" so saying Frankand Charlie proceeded on their way to Deal.

  On reaching home he at once picked out four of his best cases ofstuffed birds. The cases he had constructed himself, for his father hadencouraged him to depend upon himself for his amusements. He had askedCharlie to come round to help him to carry the cases, and with these heproceeded to a shop where he had seen such things offered for sale.

  "And you really did these yourself?" the man said in surprise. "They arebeautifully done. Quite pictures, I call them. It is a pity that theyare homely birds. There is no great sale for such things here. I cannotgive you more than five shillings each, but if you had them in Londonthey would be worth a great deal more."

  Frank gladly accepte
d the offer, and feeling sure that the pound wouldcover the damage done and the fine, which might be five shillings apiecefor trespassing, went home in good spirits. The next morning thedoctor was called out in the middle of school, and presently returnedaccompanied by the farmer with whom they had had the altercation on theprevious day. Frank felt his cheeks flush as he anticipated a severereprimand before the whole school.

  "Mr. Gregson," the doctor said, "tells me that two of my boys were outnear his place at Eastry yesterday. One of them gave him his name, whichhe has forgotten."

  "It was I, sir," Frank said rising in his place; "I was there withGoodall. We ran on Mr. Gregson's ground after a butterfly. It was myfault, sir, for, of course, Goodall went where I did. We ran among hiswheat, and I really did not notice where we were going till he calledto us. I was wrong, of course, and am ready to pay for any damage we mayhave caused."

  "You are welcome," the farmer said, "to trample on my wheat for the restof your born days. I haven't come over here to talk about the wheat,though I tell you fairly I'd minded to do so. I've come over here, Dr.Parker, me and my missus who's outside, to thank this young gentlemanfor having saved the life of my little daughter Bessy. She was walkingalong the road when a mad dog, a big brute of a mastiff, who came, Ihear, from somewhere about Canterbury, and who has bit two boys on theroad, to say nothing of other dogs and horses and such like; he camealong the road, he were close to my Bess, and she stood there all alone.Some of my men with pitchforks were two hundred yards or so behind; butlaw, they could have done nothing! when this young gentleman here jumpedall of a sudden over a hedge and put himself between the dog and myBess. The dog, he rushed at him; but what does he do but claps a baghe'd got at the end of a stick over the brute's head, and there he holdshim tight till the men comes up and kills him with their forks.

  "Young gentleman," he said, stepping up to Frank and holding out hishand, "I owe my child's life to you. There are not many men who wouldhave thrown themselves in the way of a mad dog, for the sake of a childthey knew nothing of. I thank you for it with all my heart. God blessyou, sir. Now, boys, you give three cheers with me for your schoolmate,for you've got a right to be proud of him."

  Three such thundering cheers as those which arose had never been heardwithin the limits of Dr. Parker's school from the day of its foundation.Seeing that farther work could not be expected from them after thisexcitement, Dr. Parker gave the boys a holiday for the rest of the day,and they poured out from the schoolroom, shouting and delighted, whileFrank was taken off to the parlor to be thanked by Mrs. Gregson.The farmer closed his visit by inviting Frank, with as many of hisschoolfellows as he liked--the whole school if they would come, the morethe better--to come over to tea on the following Saturday afternoon, andhe promised them as much strawberries and cream as they could eat. Theinvitation was largely accepted, and the boys all agreed that a jolliermeal they never sat down to than that which was spread on tables inthe farmer's garden. The meal was called tea, but it might have been adinner, for the tables were laden with huge pies, cold chicken and duck,hams, and piles of cakes and tarts of all sorts. Before they started forhome, late in the evening, syllabub and cake were handed round, and theboys tramped back to Deal in the highest of glee at the entertainmentthey had received from the hospitable farmer and his wife.

  Great fun had been caused after tea by the farmer giving a humorousrelation of the battle with which his acquaintance with Frank hadcommenced, and especially at the threat of Frank to send a bulletinto his eye if he interfered with him. When they left, a most cordialinvitation was given to Frank to come over, with any friend he liked tobring with him, and have tea at the Oaks Farm whenever he chose to doso.