Read By Wit of Woman Page 5



  I felt completely satisfied with the result of my conversation withMadame d'Artelle. I had had some qualms about the manner in which Ihad entered her house; feeling, it must be confessed, something like aspy. But our relations would now be changed. It would be at most analliance of hostility. I should only remain because she would deem itmore dangerous for me to leave; she would trust me no further than shedared; and as I had openly acknowledged that I had an object of my ownin view, I need no longer have any scruples about staying.

  I had made excellent use of my opportunities, moreover; and if my lastshaft had really hit the bull's-eye--that the influence behind her wasthat of Karl's brother--the discovery would be of the utmost value.

  Could it be Count Gustav? Instead of packing my trunks I sat trying toanswer that question and the others which flowed from it. I had alwaysheard him spoken of not only as a man of high capacity and integritybut as a staunch friend to his brother Karl. Yet he was a man; and hemight be as false as any other. I would take no man's good faith forgranted.

  There was the crucial fact, too, that Karl's ruin meant Gustav'sadvantage. Every one expressed regret that Karl and not Gustav was tobe the future Duke; and if others felt this, was Gustav himself likelyto hold a different opinion? From such an opinion it was no doubt afar cry to form a deliberate plot to secure the dukedom; but Gustav wasno more than a man; and men had done such things before.

  I hoped they would send for me, that I might judge for myself. I couldunderstand how my interference with such a scheme, if he had formed it,would rouse his resentment; and the difficulty it would present. Tosend me out of the house would in his view be tantamount to giving awaythe whole scheme at once to General von Erlanger; and I settled it withmyself therefore that, if he was really at the back of the plot, hewould be as eager to see me as I was to see him.

  An hour passed and I was beginning to think I was wrong, when Madame'sFrench maid came to my room, saying that her mistress would very muchlike to speak to me.

  "Where is she, Ernestine?"

  "In the salon, mademoiselle."


  "M. le Comte Gustav is with her."

  "I will go to her," I said; and as she closed the door I laughed. Iwas not wrong, it seemed, but very much right; and I went down to meetthem with the confidence borne of the feeling that I knew their objectwhile they were in ignorance of mine.

  People did the Count no less than justice in describing him as ahandsome man. He had one of the handsomest faces I had ever lookedupon; eyes of the frankest blue, a most engaging air, and a smile thatwas almost irresistibly winning.

  He held out his hand when Madame presented him, and spoke in thatingratiating tone which is sometimes termed caressing.

  "He held out his hand when Madame presented him."]

  "I have desired so much to know Madame d'Artelle's new friend, MissGilmore. I trust you will count me also among your friends."

  "You are very kind, Count. You know we Americans have a weakness fortitles. You flatter me." I was intensely American for the moment, andalmost put a touch of the Western twang in my accent.

  "You are really American, then?"

  "You bet. From Missouri, Jefferson City: as fine a town in as fine aState as anywhere in the world. Not that I run down these old-worldplaces in Europe. Have you been in the States?"

  "To my regret, no."

  "Ah, then you haven't seen what a city should be. Fine broad straightstreets, plenty of air space, and handsome buildings."

  "I know that American women are handsome," he replied, with a lookintended to put the compliment on me. But I was not taking any.

  "I guess we reckon looks by the dollar measure, Count. You should seeour girls at home."

  "You must regret living away from your country."

  "Every man must whittle his own stick, you know, and every woman too.Which means, I have to make my own way."

  "You are more than capable, I am sure."

  "I can try to plough my own furrow, sure."

  "You have come to Pesth for that purpose?"

  "Yes--out of the crowd."

  "What furrow do you think of ploughing here?"

  "Well, just at present I'm in Madame's hands, you see. And I thinkwe're getting to understand one another, some. Though whether we'regoing to continue to pull in the same team much longer seemsconsiderably doubtful."

  "I am very anxious to help you, Christabel, dear," put in Madamed'Artelle; and I knew from that "dear," pretty much what was coming.

  "It would give me much pleasure to place what influence I have at yourdisposal, Miss Gilmore."

  "I must say I find everybody's real kind," I answered, demurely."There is General von Erlanger saying very much the same thing."

  "You speak German with an excellent idiom," said the Count, with apretty sharp look. "One is tempted to think you have been in Europeoften before."

  I laughed. "I was putting a little American into the accent, Count, asa matter of fact. I have a knack for languages. I know Magyar just aswell. And French, and Italian, and a bit of Russian. I'm a student ofcomparative folk lore, you know; and I'm getting up Turkish and Servianand Greek."

  "But surely you have been much in Europe?"

  "I was in Paris three years ago;" and at that Madame d'Artelle lookedaway.

  "So Madame told me," he said, suggestively. "It was there you met, ofcourse. It was there you made your mistake about her, I think."

  "What mistake was that?"

  "That Madame's husband was still alive."

  So he was a scoundrel after all, and this was to be the line of tactics.

  "Oh, that is to be taken as a mistake, is it?" I said this just asthough I were ready to fall in with the suggestion.

  "Not taken as a mistake, Miss Gilmore. It is a mistake. We have theproofs of his death."

  "'We'?" I rapped back so sharply that he winced.

  "Madame has confided in me," he replied.

  "Well, from all accounts she has not lost much; and must be glad to befree to marry again."

  His eyes smiled. "You are very quick, Miss Gilmore."

  "I am not so quick as Madame," I retorted; "because she has got theseproofs within the last hour. It is nothing to me, of course; but Idon't think we are getting on so quickly to an understanding as wemight."

  "You know that I am my brother's friend as well as Madame's in this?"

  "What does that mean?"

  "In regard to the marriage on which my brother's heart is so deeplyset. You are willing to help it also?"

  "How can it concern me? What for instance would happen to me if I werenot?" I paused and then added, significantly: "And what also if Iwere?"

  "I think we shall arrive at a satisfactory understanding," he answered,with obvious relief. "Those who help my family--a very powerful andinfluential one, I may remind you--are sure to secure a great measureof our favour."

  "I desire nothing more than that," said I, with the earnestness oftruth--although the favour which I needed was not perhaps in histhoughts.

  "Madame would of course like to know a good deal about all whoco-operate with her," he declared, very smoothly and suggestively.

  "What do you wish to know about me; and what do you wish me to do?"

  "Americans are very direct," he replied, bowing. "She would leave youto tell us what you please, of course, and afford such means as youthink best for her to make inquiries."

  "Every one in Jefferson City knew my uncle, John P. Gilmore, knows thathe educated me, and that what little money he left came to me. Myfather was a failure in life, and my mother died when I was a littlechild. I'm afraid I haven't made much history so far. And that'sabout all there is to it. What matters to me is not the past but thepresent and, perhaps, the future."

  "You have no friends in Pesth?"

  "None, unless you count General von Erlanger; I was his children'sgoverness and used
to play chess with him."

  "And your motive in coming here?" There was a glint in his eyes I didnot understand.

  "I thought I had told you. I am a student in the University."

  "That is all?"

  I laughed. "Oh no, indeed it isn't. I am just looking around to shakehands with any opportunity that chances to come my way. I am asoldieress of fortune. That's why I came to Madame d'Artelle. Not tostudy folk lore."

  "In Paris you were not a student?"

  "Oh, you mean I was better off then? My uncle Gilmore was alive; andwe all thought he was rich."

  "Pardon my inquisitiveness yet further. You know New York well?" Thiswas the scent, then.

  "I know Fifth Avenue, have walked about Broadway, and once stood in awhirl of amazement on Brooklyn Bridge. But I haven't a friend in thewhole city."

  "Were you there five years ago?"

  I affected to search my memory. "That would be in ninety-five. I waseighteen. I have been about so much in the States that my flyingvisits to New York are difficult to fix. Was that the year I went toCalifornia? If so, I did not go East as well, and yet I fancy I did.No, that was to Chicago and down home through St. Louis."

  "I mean for a considerable stay in New York?"

  "Oh, I shouldn't forget that. That was three years ago before Istarted for Paris," I said, laughing lightly. "I had the time of mylife then."

  "Did you ever meet a Miss Christabel von Dreschler?"

  Where was he leading me now? What did he know? I shook my headmeditatively. "I have met hundreds of girls but I don't remember heramong them."

  "She must resemble you closely, Miss Gilmore, just as she has the sameChristian name. My brother knew her and declares that you remind himof her."

  I laughed lightly and naturally. "I should scarcely have believed hehad eyes or thoughts for any woman except Madame d'Artelle."

  "Pardon me if I put a very plain question. You have acknowledged to beseeking your fortune here. You are doing so in your own name? You arenot Miss von Dreschler?"

  I took umbrage at once and showed it. I rose and answered with all theoffended dignity I could assume. "When I have cause to hide myselfunder an alias, Count, it will be time to insult me with the suggestionthat I am ashamed of my own name of Gilmore."

  He was profuse in his apologies. "Please do not think I intended theslightest insult. Nothing was farther from my thoughts. I was merelyspeaking out of my hope that that might be the case. I am exceedinglysorry. Pray resume your seat."

  I had scored that game, so I consented to be pacified and sat downagain. I was curious to see what card he would play next.

  He pulled at his fair moustache in some perplexity.

  "You expressed a desire just now to have the advantage of my family'sinfluence, Miss Gilmore."

  "Am I to remain with Madame, then?" I asked, blandly.

  "Of course you are, dear," she answered for herself.

  "You are willing to help her and my brother in this important matter?"said the Count.

  "How can I help? I am only a stranger. And I should not call ithelping any one to connive at a marriage when one of the parties isalready married. I would not do that."

  The handsome face darkened; and in his impatience of a check he made abad slip.

  "Our influence is powerful to help our friends, Miss Gilmore, and notless powerful to harm our antagonists."

  I laughed, disagreeably. "I see. A bribe if I agree, a threat if I donot. And how do you think you could harm an insignificant person likeme? I am not in the least afraid of you, Count."

  "I did not mean to threaten," he said, rather sullenly, as he saw hismistake. "You can do us neither harm nor good for that matter. Youare labouring under a mistake as to Madame d'Artelle's husband--herlate husband; and by speaking of the matter might cause some temporaryinconvenience and slander. We do not wish you to do so. That is all.

  "I have not yet been shown that it is a mistake."

  "The proofs shall be given to you." He spoke quite angrily. "In themeantime if you speak of the matter, you will offend and alienate usall."

  "It seems a very lame conclusion for all this preamble," I answered,lightly, as I got up. "Produce the proofs and I of course have no moreto say. But until they are produced I give no pledge to hold mytongue;" and without troubling myself to wait for a reply, I left theroom.

  I had obtained the information I needed as to the power behind Madamed'Artelle, and I had something to do. They intended to produce proofsof M. Constan's death, and I resolved to get the proof that he wasstill living.

  Leaving a message for Madame that I had to go to the university for anevening lecture, I drove to the house which I had taken on coming toPesth.

  In passing through Paris I had seen the friend who had formerly givenme the information about Madame, and I now telegraphed to him that Imust know the whereabouts of M. Constans at once, and that no expensewas to be spared in getting the information.

  I had brought three servants with me from home, John Perry and his wifeand their son, James. The last was a sharp, clever young fellow, andhe was now in Paris where I had sent him to get information aboutMadame d'Artelle. I wired to him also, telling him what furtherinformation I needed; and I instructed him to help in the matter andwire me the instant M. Constans had been traced.

  That done I set out to return to Madame's. I was not nervous at beingout alone at such a time, night prowling having long been a habit withme. I was perfectly able to take care of myself, too; for at home Ihad been accustomed to carry a revolver, and was an excellent shot. Ifany one interfered with me, it was not I who was likely to come worseoff.

  I think it is just nonsense that girls must always be "seen home" inthe dark. It is a good excuse for flirtation, possibly; but anextremely undignified admission of inferiority. A humiliation I havenever countenanced and never will.

  The night was fine and clear, and a bright moon was nearly at the full;so I turned out of my way a little to a very favourite spot ofmine--the great Suspension Bridge which constitutes the hyphen betweenBuda and Pesth. My house was close to the bridge in that part of Pesthknown as the "Inner Town;" and I strolled across to a point on the Budaside from which a glorious view can be had of the stately Danube.

  I stood there in the deep shadow of the high Suspension Arches, gazingat the dotted lights along the quays, across the flat country on thePesth side, up the river toward the witching Margaret Island, and awayto the old hilly Buda on my left, with the Blocksberg and its citadelkeeping its frowning watch and ward over all.

  There is not much poetry in my nature; but the most prosaic andcommonplace soul must feel a quickening of thought and sentiment at theappeal of that majestic waterway and its romance-filled setting.

  I did that night; and stood there, thinking dreamily, until I wasroused abruptly by the sound of laughter. I recognized the voice ofCount Gustav; and glancing round saw him on the other side of thebridge with a companion. He stooped a second and pointed down theriver; and as they walked on, I heard her laugh sweetly in response.

  I was considering what to do, when I caught the sound of footsteps, andshrank into the shadow of the deep buttress as two men came slouchingpast me stealthily; and I heard enough to tell me they were followingCount Gustav. I let them pass and then followed in my turn.

  The Count and his companion left the bridge, turned to the right, andpresently entered the old garden of Buda--a deserted spot enough atsuch an hour. Presently, as the two reached an open place, I saw theCount hesitate, glance about him, stand a moment, and take off his hat.Then they continued their walk.

  I was struck by the action. It looked as though it might have been asignal; for the next moment the two men quickened their pace and closedup to the pair. A momentary scuffle followed; the girl gave ahalf-smothered cry for help; and then the Count came running past me,making for the bridge at the top of his speed. He had left hiscompanion in the hands of the two men.
  Convinced now that mischief was on foot, I resolved to see the matterthrough. I hid myself as the men came hurrying back with the girl,half-leading, half-carrying her; and I noticed that her face wasclosely muffled.

  Near the entrance to the place they halted, and drew back under theshadow of the trees. They stood there some moments, when one of thenwent out into the road and stood listening. I heard in the distancethe sound of wheels, and guessed it was a carriage for which the twowere waiting.

  Clearly, if I was to make an attempt to save the girl, I must act atonce; and to save her and learn her story, I was now determined.

  I took a deep breath, as one will when about to plunge into a coldstream, and keeping my hand on my revolver I darted across to where thegirl and her one captor stood. It was a point in my favour that thetwo men were just then separated.

  He did not hear my footsteps until I was close to him, and gave a greatstart of surprise when I spoke.

  "Let my friend go at once," I said, in a loud, firm tone.

  The man's start was the girl's opportunity. Snatching her arm out ofhis grasp, she rushed to me, tearing at the wrapper which covered herface.

  The man swore and called his companion, who ran swiftly back. A coupleof words were exchanged hurriedly between them, and then they came atme, one of them brandishing a heavy stick and threatening me.

  The girl uttered a sharp cry of fear.

  I whipped out my revolver, and the two scoundrels pulled up at thesight of it.

  "The two scoundrels pulled up at the sight of it."]

  "If you make me fire I shall not only shoot you," I called, "but bringthe police up, and you'll have to explain this to them."

  And as we stood thus, the carriage drove up.