Read CODE SEVEN Page 1

  @ Copyright © 2016 by Willow spring All rights reserved. The people, places and situations contained in this e-book are figments of the author’s imagination and in no way reflect real or true events.

  Summers, Willow. Code Seven Book 1. Hazy Dawn Press, Inc... Kindle Edition.

  Email: [email protected]



  Table Contents

  1. Chapter one

  2. Chapter two

  3. Chapter three

  4. Chapter four

  5. Chapter five

  6. Chapter six

  7. Chapter seven 







  Chapter 1

  In my perception, most people tend to believe that their future is somehow static. A thought I have been working on in here for the past few months. Perhaps, it’s one of the meekest things I should have figured out long before I ended up in this hell cold dungeon. Where time doesn’t move, neither make sense of itself anymore. To be frank, it feels lonely and frightening. Though, recently I started conversing with myself. Guess going nuts sooner or later.

  For Twenty seven years, I have endured more of misery than freedom. On count, twenty years of educating myself and the last seven years of fun and freedom. However, on the run from the law and everything I have worked so less to build. Guess what? Here I am rotting in a cell waiting to grow old and die. Simply because am scared, and I can’t withstand the thought or rather an option of hanging myself.

  From what I hear, a few have tried it and lucky ones die. To the unfortunate, more years in prison and tough penalties likes of my next door buddy, Jay Stephenson. Penalties, are included where one is rescued at the near death experience. Incidents that are rare now days. We somehow think, the number of years added is possibly multiplied by the point which one was rescued. Honestly, am yet to know the formula they use for the calculations. All the same, I hear that’s how it’s done.

  “Dude are you awake?” Jay whispers

  “Ever men. I think I wanna be saved.”

  “What? From yourself may be.”

  “Nope, in case I don’t leave this shit hole you know.”

  “This is home babe, relax and joy the swim in our Beverly mansion.”

  (We laugh)

  Jay is one hell of a monster. Call him a criminal mastermind, who earned a first class degree in computer science in the cadet. I keep thinking if we were to rank, for sure jay would be my second in command. He is convicted of seven murders in a row, eleven bank robberies, four drug related cases and of all, three assassination cases on government officials. Two of which actually succeeded.

  At times, we communicate through a hole on the wall, most likely drilled by some other genius before us. He tells me he is forty three years old and serving fifty years in prison. Ten of which were added as a result of three suicidal attempts. However, he still makes fun of it. Poor jay, hope he had died. Oh, I didn’t tell you he still believes someday he is gonna be free. Funny ah!

  Honestly, I don’t care. If he is gonna walk out a free man, maybe on a presidential amnesty or at the age of ninety eight, if he is lucky to make it. Am a little younger and my case is far more terrifying than his. I don’t talk much of it, basically because I never know where to start. If I did, a lot would change for I also look forward to my rebirth on my eighty seventh birthday. Luckily, spend a few years hopefully, telling my story. It has been five years now, guess thirty nine more to go.

  “Spencer” jay shouts.

  “what” I replied.”

  “They are here boy, it’s time we take a break.” He shouts lowering his hoarse voice.

  “Ok, old man let’s see who kicks some ass tonight.” Suddenly I hear the door hedges crackle and I know it’s time.

  It’s gonna be a long time. So, let me breathe some fresh air for a minute, before I get back to my future stuff and smelling my shit for another day or two.

  “Spencer, move it”. The guard shouts standing at the door.

  Well, my cell is too dark, and that’s how they do it. I get up slowly and drug my feet towards the door. I never told you this place is hell compared to Alcatraz. All prisoners here are special in terms of first degree in crime especially murder, rape or even both at times.

  I once overheard a guard speaking on the cell phone, call it Code Seven. That’s because its hidden somewhere in the mountains like an army camp. In here no visits, nothing, just twenty four hour watch in the inside and on the outside, on snip perfected towers.

  I get to the door and stand at ease looking straight into his eyes.

  “I said step aside,” He yells.

  “Get your ass of my way kid. One more time and am gonna blow your fucking brains out.”

  Life isn’t easy, so are we. I move fast to avoid getting kicked in my balls. He walks past me and directs his slashlight inside my cell. One of the first things they do every twenty four hours, to check on any suspicious activity. Anyway, I have been here long enough to know that.

  On my left side there are two others, I mean like me. Apart from jay the other guy I hear he is deaf. Obviously, he doesn’t hear but he has been around too long than any of us. Jay tells me, he has served at least thirty years now. I keep asking jay, because this guy enjoys being alone. By now I guess he knows everything there has to be known about Code Seven. Well, I guess you wonder what’s on my right. Damn, it’s a ten foot wall. That’s why I never bother looking on my right. However, there are other prisoners in here, but on the other side of the wall. We interact a few times on the court though, we are still separated by a fence. This is how our specialty defines us in Code Seven.

  “Move” the guard shouts. We suddenly turn right and drag our feet about forty yards towards the door, which leads to the court yard. At the door another guard takes of our cuffs and at last I get to see the sun shine once again. Jay takes along breath, stretches his arms and then looks down at me, smiling.” Dude, you are turning grey, seriously”.

  “What”.i respond looking up at him.

  “Yeah I guess am not the only old ass anymore.” He says winking his eye brows.

  “Uh! How about we sit over there, the game is about to begin, right?” I ask.

  “Yeah boy, let’s do this.” He respond glancing at a group of boys on the other side of the court.

  “Today is our day. You know dat.”

  “Yeah if we are the players, old man.”

  The game most of us enjoy in here is basketball. It helps feel at home though, and pass time a few hours during the day. Our deaf guy, loves staring at the mountain views. So he sits on a brick, left on the far side of the court. So no one bothers him much. Back on the field, today we have Brixton boys’ verses alley. I say tough. I like being a fun of a few likes of Fernando, the Mexican guy with tattoos all over his face and Solo a three time jail escapee. That’s because, in here our pasts are just memories.

  I have known him since the day we met at downtown police station. Back then, he had been my mentor. For heaven’s sake, I keep wondering why he is on the ot
her side of the fence. Anyway, we talk less and his story is not that much different from mine. At times, he offers a cigarette on weekends especially Fridays. I bet he is the only guy that can beat my crime record so far. Though, sooner or later, he will be out I guess. I didn’t realize when the game ended, till I heard a siren wail. As usual, the three of us hurry back to our cells and on the other side, I hear they move ‘underground’, to some kind of labor job.

  On my way in, I overheard jay and the guards arguing over the day’s game. Alley was down seven Neel, meaning Brixton boys had officially won the game. A few minutes later, I guess they started beating him up, because I could hear his squeals as I drifted back to my cell. That’s why this place sucks, but they say you all get used to it. One moment you are smiling, and the next moment you are screaming wildly. I had footsteps drift away and I knew the guard had left, probably to enjoy the party too. Guess on who? Silence kills this place. Sometimes it actually feels dead leave alone sick.

  It’s too quiet. I barely hear anything apart from the jay am used to, and now he is absent. Well, someone once told me dying in here is not a big deal. Thus because nobody cares. You either get smart or get buried outside the walls. Because, we probably don’t exist and After all, only a few of us make it alive out