Read Cage Me_A Curvy Mermaid and a Dragon Shifter Romance Page 13

  Cage followed, so she stopped and pushed him away again. “Leave me be for a while. I need to think.”

  He swore under his breath. “We have a few hours before the plane gets here. You have until then to figure out how stupid you’re being. Dragon warriors have been fighting the darkness for a millennia. We aren’t going to be able to defeat the black soul just because you want us to. It will mean the end of us.”

  He turned and marched away. She didn’t try to stop him.

  She watched him walk away from her.

  A pulsating pain rippled through her chest and spread across her back and neck. She laughed at herself for thinking it was her heart breaking.

  Nevermind. She wouldn’t think about that now. It had been her decision to voice what she wanted, and now she needed to accept the consequences for that.

  She ignored the pain and went to find Ninsy and Fallyn. It might be too late, but she would apologize for trying to make the same kinds of decisions for Fallyn, taking away her choices, just because Azy thought it was right.

  Ninsy met her outside the tent, and looked her up and down. Azy was being weighed and measured. She didn’t care.

  “I see you found your inner strength, my lady.” Ninsy smiled at her.

  Azy patted her self, trying to imagine what Ninsy was seeing. “That's a really weird thing to say.”

  Ninsy shrugged. “Am I wrong?”

  Azy thought about that for a second. Was that what had happened between her and Cage? “No, I think you're right.”

  Ninsy looked out over the water of the spring. She squinted her eyes as if the sun's reflection of the water had her seeing mirages. She cupped her hand over her eyes and gave a small chin jerk. Then she grabbed Azy's arm and gave it a squeeze.

  “Good, you're going to need it.”

  Ninsy went back inside the tent, but before as he could follow three very tall men, who looked a lot like wet Vikings walked out of the water and straight toward her.

  Shit, shit, shit.

  She didn't recognize these men in particular, but knew exactly what they were.


  What she didn't understand, was why they were here. She so did not need these guys in her life right now. Mermen were domineering, testosterone filled bags of misogyny and racism. The Mami Wata only interacted with them a few times a year. For mating.

  Sex only, not true mating.

  Not like what she thought she had with Cage.

  But, what did she know?

  Merman believed that magical races should not mix. Which had a lot to do with why they hated her.

  Azy stood a little bit taller, trying her best not to show that they intimidated her at all. “Gentlemen.”

  The tall one in the middle dipped his head in greeting. “Azynsa.”

  Uh-oh. They knew her name. That wasn’t a good sign. She sure hoped they were here to make trouble with the dragons. They were as powerful warriors, but who didn't fight the same kinds of battles.

  They were usually working to conquer new waters. Not all mermaids around the world bowed to their need to be in charge. The Mami Wata had been aligned with the mermen long before Azy came along. She didn't like it, but had been instructed to treat them with deference. It was the best way to keep them from bothering her.

  “What can I do for you?”

  The merman scoffed at her like her questions was idiotic. “We are here to take you back to your people. Your time with the dragons is through.”

  She would have thought they would be glad she was out of the ocean. Regardless, she was not ready to bow to them and be dragged away. She had plans that would do more for the Mami Wata then these dickheads never done. “I'm sorry you have wasted your time.”

  The leader of the pack glared her. “Your sisters are worried about you. Many fear you are dead. It is our duty to protect them and you.”

  Cage’s voice came from behind her. “You should've thought of that when the demon dragons were attacking them and kidnapped her.”

  Uh-oh. Azy smelled a pissing match coming on.

  Cage in all his golden glory, came up and stood next to her, legs spread wide and arms crossed. The mermen might have been able to take him on, but Jakob and Ky joined in the fun and games.

  “Hello there, douchebags of the sea. Caught any crabs lately?” Ky’s greeting was not exactly friendly.

  Jakob simply growled at them.

  “We appreciate your assistance in helping our women in their battle and in rebuilding their home. Your water dragons have been dismissed. We are here now.”

  “Ta, bro. But, I think we will stick around.” Seems like Ky had had dealings with the mermen before.

  There had to be more to the mermen showing up here and now, then wanting her back. She took a close look at the group standing in front of her and noticed they all had burns. They were mostly healed, but she knew what that looked like. They were the burns of fire whip. They had been battling demon dragons, and maybe even the black Dragon himself.

  They were they were here, no, not for her, they were here to ask for the help of the dragons.

  Ninsy had said she would need her inner strength. Azy felt it bubbling up inside. Or, maybe that was her complete and utter irritation with the males of every species she knew.

  She raised her hands into the air, close your eyes and very kindly asked the water element to douse them all. It so nicely complied.

  The water from the spring swirled up into the air and a handful smacked each of them in the face.

  “You can all put your dicks away now. I don't have to do what any of you say, nor do I need anyone's protection from the other. Got that?”

  The two mermen who were behind the leader exchanged glances and one of them might've even smiled a little. Interesting.

  Cage put his arm around her and said, “Sorry, mate.”

  Azy picked his fingers up and drop them into the air away from her, not acknowledging his claim on her.

  “Now, shall we all try this again?” About half of them nodded, Azy would take it.

  She had an opportunity here and would need all of her inner strength to grasp it, use it for all it was worth. Because, doing so meant leaving Cage and what he wanted for her behind.

  “Now, why are you really here?”

  The smiling Merman stepped forward. “Demon dragons are attacking all over our realm. Many women have been lost to them. Some of our leaders,” he glanced at the douche bag merman, “do not think we need help. They are wrong.”

  “Good. That’s a good start. Now, let’s talk about an alliance between the mermen and the dragons. Because, together I think we can defeat Kur-Jara.”

  Cage grabbed her arm and pulled her away from the rest of the group.

  “Azynsa, you can not endanger yourself like this. I will not allow it.”

  Words she dreaded she would hear from him. She wanted so much for the spark of love between them to be enough for him to trust in her. But, it wasn’t.

  “My actions are not for you to allow or not. If you don’t want to be a part of the solution, then go back to your golden castle and protect your way of life. Not mine.”

  “Azy. Don’t do this. Come with me. Let me keep you safe. We’ll find another way to defend against the Black Dragon.”

  “No. I’m going with the mermen to fight.”

  Cage sighed and bowed his head. “I’m sorry, my love. I truly am.”

  Gold scales shimmered over his body and in a flash, he shifted into his dragon form and snatched Azy in his claws. He jumped into the air and flew straight up toward the sun and clouds.

  She beat against his talons until they were too far up into the sky for her to survive a fall. The cold air took her breath away and made her shiver.

  Yes, it was the cold air. Not the fact that Cage had truly broken her heart this time.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chp 15 – Even Dumb Dragons Deserve Love

  The anger rolled off his mate in waves, pushing him to fly
faster than he ever had. Cage stuck to the warmer currents and pulled upon his power of the sun to keep her warm at their altitude. He felt her shivers anyway.

  The skies were clear, which was good because he needed the space and time to clear his head. He'd sworn that he could bear the brunt of her utter rejection of him like a warrior. He’d been wrong about how dark and lonely he already felt without the light of her love.

  They may be fated mates, but they still had free will. If Azy chose not to be with him, decided she wasn't in love with him, even a little bit, that was her choice.

  He wouldn’t blame her for it now. Cage had betrayed her so deeply. He wasn’t even sure he could forgive himself.

  He would never know the joys of love. Not like Jakob or Ky. He would turn into a bitter old man, like Match was already.

  He’d never know the love of children or true family. He would not have an heir. Because without Azy, none of it mattered.

  There would be no one else for either of them. That was exactly the way Cage wanted it. He would live in misery as long as she was safe.

  He didn't try talking to her during the flight. He doubted she would listen or respond, anyway.

  It didn't take as long to fly home as it had to get to Africa in the little plane. He almost wished they could float up here in the sky together forever.

  But, all too soon the canals and rivers of his homeland came into view. He hoped someday she would learn to appreciate the waters around The Lindens.

  If not, he would build her pools, and springs, and fountains. He would build her a whole damn aquarium and fill it with every creature in the sea, just for her.

  He would even send some of his warriors to find her sisters and bring any that would come to her. No mermen would ever be invited to his estate. Mermen could all go to hell, and without Azynsa.

  In another few minutes The Lindens came into sight.

  He lost the ability to fly for a minute and they dropped hundreds of feet. The sky went dark, or maybe that was just his vision.

  Azy screamed and clung to him bringing him back to his senses. He cupped her tight, his talons secured around her and glided toward the ground.

  His home was not the peaceful place he'd left it.

  He circled the grounds and took in the carnage below. The main house had been razed to the ground. Only a few burnt timbers and glass remained. The bodies of several gold dragons lay strewn around his home.

  First Dragon above, what had happened here?

  For the first time since he'd grabbed her, Azy spoke. “Oh my God. Cage, oh my God.”

  He circled the grounds once more and found a band of his warriors on the far side of the training field. One of them raised his arm. Gris, waived them in, indicating that it was safe to land.

  Cage carefully set Azy next to Gris and shifted into his human form. He grasped his Second on the arm. “What happened?”

  Gris was covered in burns and the ground all around the surviving warriors was littered with black stains, the indication of so many demon Dragon deaths, the ground was barely visible beneath the layer of ash.

  “A horde like I have never seen. They came out in the middle of the day.” Gris shook his head. “I've never seen them in full sunshine like that. They were…bigger, stronger.”

  Like the ones Jett had spoken to in hell. “The Black Dragon?”

  Gris nodded. “If that's who he was. He’s the one who killed the warriors guarding the house.”

  Cage had felt his home would be safe. How wrong he had been. How arrogant to think that he alone could protect anyone just because he was a Wyvern.

  “How many golds are lost?” How many more would be lost in this war?

  That's what this was. Before, his life had been a series of battles. He and all dragon warriors had played at games. Now, when the real deal showed up, they were unprepared.

  He had let that happen.

  No more. If war was what the Black Dragon wanted, it was what he would get.

  Gris looked down at the ground, his hands were shaking. “Three that we know of. But, more are unaccounted for. Captured.”


  Gris nodded. “And Portia.”

  “Why would Kur-Jara want the succubus now?”

  Gris blew out all long breath. “There's more. The succubus Geshtianna is working with the Black Dragon. She and her coven. They were here and worked against us.”

  Holy shit. “We knew Portia had ties to them. Did she betray us?” Again Cage’s arrogance came up to bite him in the ass. He hadn't thought Portia was a threat. He thought he could use her.

  “No. Never.” There was more force in Gris's voice than Cage expected. “She fought by our sides. She was taken because she was defending Zon.”

  “Are you sure? How else would the black Dragon and the coven –”

  Gris slashed his hand through the air. “I'm sure.”

  “How do you know?” Cage had been fleeced by Portia before. While he trusted Gris and his judgment, the succubus allure could mess with a dragon's head. Especially, when they were looking for a mate.

  “I know. Because she is my mate. Our mate.” Cage glanced at Gris's neck. He no longer wore his soul shard. “Zon to?”

  Gris gave a curt nod. “Yes, she lit up our shards like fucking fireworks.”

  Cage understood. He glanced over at Azy who was helping another warrior bandage his wounds. Water flowed through her fingertips, soothing the burns.

  “Just like your shard is doing now.”

  Cage didn't even need to glance down. He felt the tingling buzz of the shard against his skin. It compelled him to go to her.

  Azy looked up from her work and met his eyes. A necklace dangled from a cord around her neck. It glowed with a golden hue to. Cage’s gut clenched.

  It shouldn't be there. The only thing she should have on was his shard. She'd saved him the first time she wore it.

  He would ask her to save him again now.

  “We will get Zon and your mate back. I swear to you. This is war and with our mates by our sides we will win it.”

  The abject grief on Gris’s face told Cage he didn’t believe it yet. He would.

  “Gather the men we have left. We will regroup and my mate has a plan to take the Black Dragon down.”

  He left Gris and went to Azynsa. He nodded to the warrior she was helping and pulled her away.

  She yanked away from him, not welcoming his touch.

  “Is this enough to convince you that we need to fight against this dark evil?” She motioned around to the death and destruction, but Cage saw none of it.

  “No,” he kneeled to the ground in front of her, “you convinced me. I was just too scared to admit it.”

  Azy opened her mouth to say something but then closed again. She sucked in a breath as if she'd found her words but again said nothing.

  Cage had never seen her speechless. He didn't really like it either. She was smart and hilarious and would probably save them all.

  “I am truly sorry for my failing you when you needed me the most. Not in hell, but when you wanted me to believe in you. I realize it may take a long time for you to forgive me. But, I hope you will –”

  Azy put her fingers over his lips. “Shut up, dragon. You are a royal dumbass. But, for some reason that I don't think has anything to do with being your mate, I am in love with you. And, I learned recently not to harbor or hold grudges against those I love. It's like poison we think we are giving to others, but taking ourselves.”

  Cage stood and grabbed her up in his arms. He kissed her for a good long time until several dragon warriors behind them cleared their throats.

  “I think they are ready to hear your plans to exact some revenge on Kur-Jara.”

  Before another moment passed he would have her and everyone know how he felt about her. “He lifted the soul shard over his head and placed it around her neck. He lifted the necklace to move it aside and it disintegrated into a riot of colorful dragon scales that swirle
d and blew away in the wind.

  “Azynsa, my mate, my love. Take my soul. It is safe only in your keeping. I give it to you freely because I love you and know that it belongs to you. It has for a long time.”

  She placed her hand over her heart. “I'll take it. Because I told you back in hell, it was mine.”

  Cage chuckled. “Yes, you did.”

  “Don't forget this time.” She brushed a soft kiss across his lips. “Because, together we are better. We are stronger and love is going to conquer all.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chp 16 – Hell Freezes Over

  What is Azy still a little bit mad at Cage for basically kidnapping her? Yes.

  Was she going to let that stop her from getting her own God damned happy ever after?

  Not a chance in hell.

  And hell's chances were looking pretty fucking slim at the moment.

  Cage might be a dumbass when it came to love and feelings, but he was a master warrior. His gold dragons were already mobilized and, on their way to recruit the other Wyrs to their cause.

  He would lead them gloriously into battle and she would be right there by his side.

  She'd laid out the basics of her idea to Cage and Gris. She was no strategist, but she had taken science in school, and had gotten an A plus on her volcano project.

  This plan took the volcano and flipped it on its head and inside out. Figuratively speaking.

  They would need the power of all four elements to make it work.

  Jakob and Ky were still in Africa and were gathering the troops at the oasis. Cage and his gold flyers were shuttling as many greens and reds to the continent as they could. All, except Gris. Cage had sent him on a special assignment to infiltrate Geshtianna's coven. They did not need any outside forces helping Kur-Jara escape.

  She and Cage were jetting their way down from Poland. They’d gone to find Match and to see if Ninsy had gone there instead of The Lindens.

  Match’s home was intact, but deserted. No one had heard from him, Ninsy, or Fallyn. Cage assured her that Ninsy would protect Fallyn and that after the battle they would all find her.

  She had to accept that for now.