Read Cage Me_A Curvy Mermaid and a Dragon Shifter Romance Page 2

  This sparring was the most fun he’d had in weeks. At least Portia didn’t treat him like everyone else in his life at the moment. They were each vulnerable and that put them on an equal footing. “Why is it you haven’t just turned your allure on me again? We both know you could simply make me tell you my plans and take whatever you want in the process.”

  “Yeah, like I haven’t tried?”

  He hadn’t felt a thing.

  Portia sighed. “Jada says our allure doesn’t work on dragons who are mated, you bastard.”

  That may be true, but it wasn’t why she didn’t have any power over him. If he was mated, then the rest of his dragons would be finding their mates too. He was in a weird half-mated limbo.

  She hadn’t been able to dissuade Gris from his task of capturing her either. Her allure must be on the fritz from not having fed. The human side of her was probably the only thing keeping her alive.

  Once their deal was done, he’d have Gris bring her a nice big meal, of human food. If she wanted or needed more than that, he’d feed her himself if he had to. But, only blood this time.

  Cage had drawn this game out with Portia long enough. She was desperate already, but now that he’d dangled a safe future in front of her, she’d be ready to give him the one person he needed, betrayal or not.

  “I’ve got the money and resources to give you everything you need. All you have to do is help me with one thing.”

  “Like I have a choice?”

  “We always have choices, babe. We don’t always make the smart ones though. I’m proof of that, aren’t I?”

  Portia crawled out from under the desk and stood, the letter opener still gripped in her hand, but finally she faced him. “What do you want?”

  “Your boyfriend.”

  She frowned and held out the letter opener. “Fuck off. Jett’s not mine to give. Never was.”

  Yeah, and that black dragon bastard never should have let her think otherwise. But, he had started this and Cage was going to finish it. “But, you’ll find a way to get him here and get him to do what I want anyway.”

  She bit her lip and shook her head. “I don’t know if I can.”

  “You’ll find a way, because, once he and I retrieve my mate,” that was the plan, “you’ll get yours.”

  She backed away. “Get my what?”

  “Your mate, Portia.” Boom.

  “I don’t think it was a coincidence you came to me to get a soul shard. Your mate is a gold dragon. Once I claim Azynsa, your mate will be able to claim you.”

  Portia dropped down into the chair, shock and awe on her face. Cage knew the feeling.

  “Jett is going to kill me for this.”

  Not if Cage got to kill Jett first. But only after they went to hell and back.

  Chapter two

  Chp 2- Just Another Day in Hell

  M ermaids had been hiding from people for centuries and her mother’s people, the Mami Wata, had taught Azynsa some brilliant techniques in the past couple of years for evading prying eyes. For two weeks, or what she guesstimated was about that long, she’d used every damn trick they’d taught her plus the ones she’d learned growing up, to stay alive.

  These demon dragons searching for her weren’t any worse than the gang bangers in her old neighborhood in Chicago. They were definitely as dumb and as easily manipulated by power and violence. She’d seen that first hand. Back then and right now.

  The Black Dragon chopped off the head of another demon dragon with a flick of its tail while Azy watched incognito. It too disintegrated into a pile of black ash like the three before it. Then the Black Dragon shifted back into its human form, a darkly evil man on a mission. Kur-Jara, the king of hell. “The rest of you find that girl or I’ll slice each and every one of your heads from your worthless bodies.”

  Yeah. She was that girl.

  The demon dragons scattered and Azy shrunk back into the hidey hole she’d climbed into a few hours before. The light from the pools of lava didn’t quite reach up here and her dark skin helped her to blend in. The only thing that could give away her position was the light that continued to sparkle in the crystal she wore around her neck.

  She would never take it off. It was the only thing keeping her alive down here. That and her street smarts. Every time she grasped the shard in her hand, which was pretty much constantly so it’s light wouldn’t be visible, a sense of hope filled her, kept her going.

  Without it she would have given up days ago.

  “They won’t find her, father.” The woman’s voice carried up through the rocks and directly into Azy’s ears. “She’s not here.”

  That woman and the sacrifice she’d made for Azynsa was the sole reason for staying in this literal hell hole.

  “Fallyn, my little red devil. You said she was.” His tone was like an irritated parent trying to get a recalcitrant child to tell him where she’d hidden his car keys.

  Azy had done that once, with the keys to her father’s police cruiser. Even threats that he’d put her in jail, which she’d believed at the time he could do, didn’t convince her to give them back.

  Fallyn was no child. She was over a hundred and fifty years old but looked like she was only a few years older than Azy’s twenty-three years.

  The scars on Fallyn’s back from Kur-Jara’s fire whip were the only mar on her beautiful curvy body.

  Fallyn tipped her head to the side as if thinking. “She is.”

  “Which is it?” Kur-Jara growled.

  Fallyn glanced up and looked Azy straight in the eye. The hot air in the cavern evaporated, or maybe Azy forgot to take another breath. Would Fallyn finally give her away, betray her after all?

  “Both. Neither. She’s here. But, she isn’t.”

  Another much older woman joined them. She was the one to be afraid of. A black witch, the Black Witch.

  She scanned the area, but didn’t spot Azy, even though she’d looked right into the hiding spot, just the same as Fallyn did. The witch crossed to Fallyn, throwing a glare at Kur-Jara and wrapped an arm around her.

  “Child, use your gift for me, to tell us where she is. You know how important it is that we find her. She could be the key to making those horrible dragon warriors pay for everything they have done to us. You want that don’t you?”

  Fallyn blinked and frowned. “It doesn’t work that way with her. She’s here and there. Mated and not.”

  Kur-Jara growled and stomped around the small cavern. Such a whiny bitch.

  “That’s why we need her, dammit. If we control her, we control her dragon. I want that soul.”

  Fallyn shrugged, not intimidated by Kur-Jara even a little. “I could tell you where she is. But, she isn’t there.”

  Even Azy wasn’t sure at this point whether Fallyn was friend or foe, lying, playing games, or just damn crazy-pants.

  Azy would be a slobbering mess, sporting a straight-jacket, chilling in her padded room, if she’d been raised by these two fucktards. Her money was on that Fallyn was completely insane, like we’re talking Harley Quinn obsessed with the Joker cuckoo for cocoa puffs insane.

  And it was partly Azy’s fault.

  “Talk some sense into her, crone. She does what you want. Brat.” He snarled at Fallyn but didn’t strike her. She was the only one who he seemed to be able to control his violence toward. Even the Black Witch wasn’t safe from his rages.

  “Then send some of your Annanuki to my chamber. I need fuck at least three of four of them to work off my frustration over this bitch of a mermaid, and,” he glanced at the black stains on the floor, “my army is dwindling.” Kur-Jara stomped off.

  Jesus, Mary and Joseph. The things she’d seen and heard down here, skulking around and trying to stay hidden. If she ever escaped, she should write a book.

  God, she missed books.

  Not that anyone would believe a word. Azy couldn’t imagine being made to have sex with that asshole, much less bear his demon spawn only to have them become pawns in his deadly g
ame with the dragons.

  The Annanuki demons didn’t seem to care either way. They didn’t give a fudge about anything but what the witch told them to do. Then they did it. Had to be under one of the Black Witch’s spells, like the demon dragons.

  Azy sure as shit wished she didn't know anything about the inner workings of hell. She'd only just gotten used to the bizarro world of the Mami Wata. Five years ago she hadn't known anything about mermaid, dragons, witches, demons, or any other paranormal being except what she'd read in romance novels. Now, the human world seemed a million miles away, getting further every minute.

  Honestly, at this point she'd take the dumbass dragons and the xenophobic mermaids over this hellhole. That was a sentence she thought she'd never say in her life.

  Damn, she really needed to get out of here.

  She would, she had to believe that. But, in all of her observations, spying really, she hadn't found a single shred she could use to convince Fallyn to leave with her.

  It was the reason she had taken this risk in hiding almost in plain sight here in the main cavern. She'd almost blown her cover and still hadn't learned anything new. Except, that even under direct questioning, Fallyn hadn't given her away. Azy's debts to the woman just kept piling up. Maybe, just maybe, it meant Fallyn felt the tiniest bit of loyalty toward her.

  Better than the blind, brainwashed woman she'd spoken with a few days, or maybe it was a whole week, ago.

  Each time they met and Azy thought she was making headway, the Black Witch would undo it all. One step forward, two steps back in a macabre dance for Fallyn’s life.

  The old witch and Fallyn didn't leave the cavern after Kur-Jara threw his fit. Normally, Azy he stayed as far away from the Black Witch as she could. Hiding and kicking demon’s asses was one thing. There was no defense against dark magical spells.

  She rarely heard what kind of manipulative information the crone said to Fallyn. If she was very lucky, maybe they would stay where she could see and hear them and Azy would get a head start on damage control.

  Because the witch hadn't seen her, and Fallyn didn't reveal her location, Azy crept forward along the high wall to get closer. Her big ole thighs kept a tight grip on the rocks as she crawled along them. She'd lost a lot more weight in the past two weeks than any other time in her life. But honestly, she did not recommend the demon diet.

  As soon as she got out of here she was getting a tray of fully loaded Chicago dogs, a crap ton of greasy French fries, and an entire banana cream pie. She was not sharing any of it with anyone. When she had eaten her fill, she was getting a blender and a bottle of tequila and drinking margaritas in a swimming pool for at least three days.

  That day was not today. If she ever expected to get out of here she needed to keep her head in the game, not at Portillo's.

  A few tiny pebbles scattered when she hit a patch of loose rocks with her knees. She froze and waited to see if anyone noticed.

  “You are not trying hard enough, girl. How will we ever be safe from the dragons if you won't try?”

  Oh, yeah. The crone was laying it on thick. Azy had seen enough manipulative losers do the same thing to woman back home. Women who should have been smart, savvy, and sexy were turned into quiet idiots with zero self-confidence all in the name of having a man.

  Was that same promise of love what kept Fallyn from seeing the truth about the hell she lived in?

  “I’m sorry. I’ll try harder.”

  “Good girl. You wouldn’t want to make me have to send you to Geshtianna would you?”

  Fallyn jerked her chin almost as if she’d been struck. This Geshtianna chick must be bad news if Fallyn was afraid of her.”

  “No. Don’t. I don’t like her what she or Dumuzid do.”

  “I don’t want to, child. But, Tianna helps us. She never says she can’t. Not like you. She’s grateful for what I’ve given her.”

  Nobody should be happy the Black Witch ever gave them anything. Except complete psychopaths probably would love to cozy up to someone this powerful. Azy’s guess was that whoever Geshtianna and Dumuzid were, they were besties with the likes of Bundy, Dahmer, and Lizzie Borden.

  The Black Witch tsked and folded her arms, withdrawing. “If you don’t find the mate, it won’t be my fault if she has to use her bite to get what we need from you.”

  Fallyn put her hand to her neck.

  Dear God. Enough was enough. Azy had hidden and spied, cajoled and begged Fallyn to leave with her. She was completely brainwashed. As soon as she could get Fallyn alone she would smack her upside the head and drag her ass out of here if she had to.

  Azy squeezed the shard tight against her chest and closed her eyes. Whoever was on the other end of this connection couldn’t help her. No one could, but herself. But, just knowing he was there gave her strength, and she was going to need it.

  The Black Witch left Fallyn standing in the cavern alone, her hand still at her throat. Azy would wait a few minutes to see if anyone returned, then she was nabbing Fallyn and getting the hell out of hell.

  Fallyn didn’t move, like she was in a trance. Azy had seen her do that more than once. She’d also seen her talking to herself, having a one-sided conversation with someone in her head.

  The path back down to the cavern floor sloped at a steep enough angle that Azy had to scooch down some of it on her butt. Thank goodness for her scales.

  Around the same time as that succubus had given her the golden shard her scales had developed an extra layer of toughness. She also had a lot more control over her shift than she’d ever had before.

  Usually she needed to be around water to bring on any part of the mermaid side of her, but now all she had to do was think about needing more protection and poof, they were there, and not just on her legs either. Pearlescent scales, more white than yellow like her tail, would surface on her arms, neck, and belly too.

  The best thing about this new ability was that it shielded her from the unbearable heat. Fallyn had something similar, only her scales were red.

  When Azy reached the cavern floor, she glanced around one more time to make sure they were alone and would remain that way. Fallyn hadn’t moved and there were no other sounds around. Safe. For now.

  “Fallyn, we need to leave. Now.” No use plying her with hellos and how are yous. They were both shitty.

  Fallyn turned and looked genuinely surprised to see Azy. She blinked a few times and tipped her head, hearing a voice that wasn’t there. “Shush, Izzy. I can’t think with you in my head all the time.”

  Uh. “It’s Azy, not Izzy, remember?”

  Fallyn rolled her eyes and swatted at something near her head. But, there wasn’t anything there. Nothing else lived in this forsaken environment, not even creepy crawlies or creepy fly-ies.

  “She says I should trust you,” Fallyn said, looking at Azy this time.

  Okay good. Whoever she was. “She’s right. I’m only here to help you.”

  “Nope. You’re not.”

  This was how pretty much every conversation they’d had went. Azy needed to try something different. She took Fallyn’s hand and gave it a tug, leading her across the cavern to one of the tunnels. Surprisingly, Fallyn followed. “Leave with me and I’ll show you. There’s a better life away from here. We’ll get you help.”

  Fallyn stopped them, dead in their tracks, but didn’t release Azy’s hand. “From the dragon warriors? I don’t think so.”

  “It doesn’t have to be with them. There are humans that can help you too.” Like psychiatrists and pharmacists, and reconstructive surgeons.

  “Humans are worse than the dragons. They’re weak and kill each other for no reason.”

  She couldn’t argue with that. “You’re right on both counts. Humans can suck. Some of them aren’t so bad, though.”

  Like her father. He’d been one of the good guys. She kept the memories of her father’s fight for all that was right and just in the world close to her heart. Sometimes it hurt too much to bring them ou
t, but maybe if she told Fallyn about him and the way love should be, it would break through that wall Kur-Jara and Ereshkigal had built around her mind and heart.


  Fallyn gasped and let go of Azy’s hand. “Oh no. Azynsa. Run. Hide. He’s coming for you.”

  Azy wasn’t sure if the buzzing that started in her chest was her heart skipping several beats or the shard flipping its shit. She grabbed it and vibrated in her hand. The protective scales rippled across her hand.

  Fallyn pushed her into the tunnel and she stumbled to the floor. “Don’t let him…oh no…them find you. It will mean the end of you. Go. Azynsa,” Fallyn’s voice broke, “please.”

  Azy turned to see how close the Black Dragon or his demon dragons were. None were there.

  Fallyn ran across the cavern and ducked into one of the side caves. Azy knew from experience that there would be no following her. She knew this maze better than anyone else.

  Her heart still beat hard in her chest and the shard in her hand glowed brighter than normal. That burst of adrenaline hadn’t helped. It would crash soon enough.

  She used the extra light from the shard to make her way through this lesser used part of the caldera. It was cooler here and she retreated to the tunnel the dragons had made when they escaped.

  Most of it had collapsed back in on itself, but a few feet up, a crack in the rock was just wide enough for her to squish through, even though she scraped the hell out of her skin the first time she’d tried. She’d called on the scales to shield her after that.

  It opened into a cave just wide enough for her to lay down in. Azy pushed rocks and dirt over the crack in the rock so that no one could follow her in or find her hiding spot.

  When she was satisfied that she was safe, she collapsed onto the floor. More than exhausted.

  One tiny, feathery root, with one pale green leaf, grew into the space from the ceiling above. Life. Azy clung to it.

  There was the lightest touch of magic wrapped around the root, from who or where, Azy didn’t know, and didn’t care. Every once in a while, a drop of dirty, mineral-filled water would pool on the tiny hairs of the plant’s root and pooled into the leaf’s little cup. It was the only water she’d had access to in weeks.