Read Caged Page 1


  A Script by K. Weikel


  K. Weikel

  Copyright ? 2014 by K Weikel


  -Charissa: Tim's mom.

  -Joe: A headstrong, high school boy who always sticks his nose where it's not wanted. Tammy's ex, who she dated for three years. He used to be friends with Tim. He's very violent. His best friend is Mark.

  -Mark: Joe's follower. He's a very loud guy who is always hanging around Joe. Also one of Tammy's close friends, but betrays her to Joe about liking somebody besides Joe.

  -Mr. Cole: The vice-principal at the school.

  -Tammy: A sweet, pretty girl, who dated Joe for three years, and secretly has liked Tim, but was pulling away from him because she thought she loved Joe. She is outgoing, and is not afraid to speak her mind when it's about her friends, or her, feelings.

  -Tim: Tammy's best friend, and has been for three years. He's very quiet, but very understanding when it comes to people laying out their problems onto him. He's in love with Tammy, but will never tell her because of Joe.


  Setting: open up to a large garden filled with flowers with a fountain in the center. Tammy and Tim are sitting on the bench in front of the fountain, with roses all around them.


  (Sighs, looking up at the sky)

  Do you think I'll ever get out of here? I mean, out of this town?


  (Looks at her and smiles)

  Well, yeah. If it's what you want to do. Anything's possible.


  Well, not exactly anything. I mean, I feel like I'm trapped in a cage, and when I sing, no one can hear my voice.


  So you're comparing yourself to a bird? (Laughs)


  (Laughs along with him)

  Actually, yes. Yes I am. It's just? I'm afraid that I've been in this place too long, and-and it's making me feel like I'm being strangled. I want to breathe new air, meet new people. But I'm afraid? I won't know what to do when I go somewhere, or what I'm supposed to say to get to where I'm gonna go, and I don't want to do that by running back home to mommy and daddy like a little girl. I just? I feel trapped. (Rests head in hands)

  Tim: (Rests his hand on her shoulder)

  Tammy, you can go anywhere, and you can do anything, and I'll be right there to help you through it.

  Tammy: (Smiles at him, and hugs him quickly) Oh, thank you, Tim. (Checks time on phone) But I have to go now. I'm late for dinner. We're supposed to be having a "family night". So much for not wanting to run home to mom and dad, huh?

  Tim: (Smiles.)

  See ya.


  G'night (Gives him a quick smile and then pushes herself off the bench.)

  Looking at his palms, Tim sighs, and pushes himself off the bench as well. He starts walking on the sidewalk through the rose beds, and then suddenly hears a twig snap beside him. Turning around, startled, he peers through the growing darkness between the trees. Not seeing anything, he turns around, and sees Joe standing in front of him.


  Sup, Tim? (Standing with his arms crossed, his face hard like a statue.)



  Joe, you scared me. (Tries to push past him) Move, dude, I have to get home.



  You can't go anywhere. (Pushes Tim back playfully)


  Joe, seriously? Let me get by! I'm not in the mood.


  But the show? (Smiles virulently) Has just begun.


  What show? (Beat.) Never mind. I don't have time for your little games. (Turns around, bumping into Mark. Staggers back.)


  You're not going anywhere, Reynolds.


  (To Tim.)

  So I heard you've been talking to my girl. Isn't that right, Mark? (Mark nods as Joe walks toward Tim.)


  She broke up with you, remember? (Shoots a taunting glance at Joe)

  Joe: (Harshly)

  Not that I recall.

  Tim: (Smirks)

  Sure. Whatever you say. But look, (sighs) we're just friends. No need to worry about anything there.


  (Bursts out laughing.)

  Is that the category she put you in? Hah! (Violently pushes Tim back, and pulls him in by his jacket, his face too close for comfort for Tim. His voice sounds low and powerful.) You stay away from her, freak.


  (Takes a deep breath, holding down the anger)

  Only if she wishes me to.


  (Forces a smile and a laugh)

  If she wishes?! Hah! (Suddenly becomes serious, and punches Tim in the cheek.)

  Tim falls face-first into the rose bushes as the two boys burst out laughing. He groans, flips onto his back, and Joe is standing above him. Joe kicks him in the stomach.


  (Straddling Tim's ankles.)

  You're pathetic. (Walks away, smirking, and both Mark and Joe walk off laughing, leaving Tim in the rose bushes alone in the darkness.)

  Tim heaves himself from the ground, and rubs his cheek. Picking the thorns off his arms, he headed home. He trudges in the front door, and his mom turns to look at him.



  Oh, my gosh! Tim! Are you okay? (Hugs him, and searches his face, inspecting each of his facial features for any other signs of harm.)


  Yeah, mom. I'm fine. (Pushes her away.)


  Well, obviously you're not! You're hurt. Who did this to you? (Puts hands on her hips.)


  Nobody, mom. Nobody. Just leave it alone. I'm going to bed.


  But Tim-


  Mom! I'm fine. (Stalks off to his room, leaving his mom behind.)

  Fade out. Fade back in to Tammy's room as she's talking to her friend


  I'm worried. (Beat.) About Tim, who else? No, not Joe? Well, yes, kind of? It's because of Tim I'm afraid. I-? Well, yeah, you know that I know that I kind of do like him. Or maybe even more. But since Joe is? Joe, I don't know what I should do. (Beat) Should I..? (Beat) Okay, I will. I'll tell Tim tomorrow, but you can not tell anyone, Mark? Wait, what? Is that Joe in the background? Don't lie to me! Really, Mark? Really? (Beat) Good. (Beat) Wait, what..? You told him? What?! You told him I-? Mark, are you serious?! (Groans and gets louder as she talks.) I don't care if he has the right to know, because he freaking doesn't! He's not my boyfriend anymore, and he can stop being so protective! (Slowly and softly) Go ahead and tell him that Mark. And while you're at it, tell him that you knew everything and you didn't tell him a single bit of it. Go ahead. See what happens to you then. (Slams the phone shut, hanging up on Mark.)

  Fade out, back in to the front of the school.


  (Spots Tim, and runs over to him.)

  Hey. (Beat) Oh, my gosh! Are you okay? (Hugs him and studied his face.)


  I'm fine.


  What happened?


  (Pushes past Tammy, looking around for Joe and Mark nervously.)



  That's a lie. It was something! (Watches as he walks away, and then rushes after him.) Why won't you tell me? (Stops in front of him, blocking his path.)


  (Sighs and looks around, spotting the boys.)

  I can't talk to you here. Follow me. (Leads Tammy to the back part of the school, and pulls her in, embracing her,
as if it was the last time he would get to do so.) You were right? (Lets go of her, and looks at her in the eyes.) That boyfriend of yours-


  He is NOT my BOYFRIEND! (Gasps, realizing what had happened.) No? He did this to you.


  Well, yes but don't-


  I knew it! (Marches away before Tim could catch her.)


  Do... that?


  (She stomps right up to Joe who was back in front of the school with his friends.)

  What the frick?


  Oh, hey babe. (Tries to put his arm around Tammy, but she pushes it away.) What's the big deal? Is that guy not paying you any attention?


  That guy happens to be my best friend.


  Ooh, he's only a friend! (Laughs hysterically.)


  No. He's more than that to me.


  (The grin fades from his face.) He told you didn't he? That snitch. I'll show him-


  He didn't have to tell me anything for me to know! What is your PROBLEM?


  Everyone's looking, babe-


  DON'T call me that. We're done. For good. And you can do whatever it is you were doing with Kourtney Elliott behind my back freely.

  Ooh's circled in the crowd around them.


  You can't just walk away from this, Tammy. (Watches as she walks away.) Babe..?

  Tammy walks up to Tim, who was silently laughing to himself.

  Joe: (Desperate) Tam!

  Tammy looks over at him, and, with her back toward Joe, slips her hand into Tim's. They start to walk off together.


  You-(Walks up to Tim, and punches him, throwing him to the