Read Caged in Darkness Page 13

  A loud crack shook the apartment, making me think the demon was breaking through the circle. My chest tightened, while the crack changed to a shuttering, and suddenly a large portal appeared out of the wall behind Willow.

  A terrifying sight stepped through the hole in the wall. It was a woman with flaming hair, flying behind her in an angry battle. Her eyes took in our circle, while she opened her mouth to let loose a high pitched howl. I had to cover my ears to prevent the sound from destroying my eardrums. The black hole behind her transformed into a vortex. Her howl heightened, while she stretched her arm toward the whirlpool, and her hand slowly clenched. The whirlpool abated in sync with her hand until only a small portion remained. She gestured and the energized whirlpool was pulled into the vortex behind her.

  “What in the nine hells are you three doing?”

  With the whirlpool gone and the circle disbanded, I could make out what she was saying. I was grateful that she stopped howling, but it still took me a moment to process what she said. Willow had moved to stand with Izzy against the wall. They both stared in shock at the redhead.

  “Who are you?” She looked familiar now that her hair had quieted and she was no longer shrieking.

  “Who I am doesn’t matter. What matters is why you thought it would be intelligent to summon a demon?” She crossed her arms, reminding me of Maye when she was angry.

  I looked to Willow and Izzy for help, but they weren’t helpful. I straightened, looked the redhead in the eye and prepared myself to speak. “Not that it's any of your business, but that demon was trapped in a box my parents hid. I accidentally unleashed it and now it is killing people. We didn’t know what else to do. ” I took a deep breath. “I answered your question, now answer mine.” Crossing my arms, I attempted to look intimidating.

  She sighed. “My name is Kali and I just stopped you from getting yourselves killed. Demons do not like to be summoned, but what you were summoning was far worse than the average demon.” She walked over, grabbed a chair, and straddled the back of the chair.

  “Wh-what was it then?” Izzy spoke, but her question came out as a squeak.

  “Do any of you know the story of the fallen angels?” Silence greeted her question, while we exchanged glances. Kali rested her arms on the back of the chair and propped her chin on them. “The angels who fell from heaven became the rulers of demons. Most of the fallen became generals of the demonic armies, but the original fallen became the rulers of the nine circles of hell. Are you following?”

  “I think so. So, the fallen angels became like princes?” I shuddered at the thought.

  “Yes. There were many different types of angels within heaven. Above all others, the archangels were the most powerful and dangerous. think of them as heaven’s soldiers. Archangels, being the most loyal to heaven remained at their post. However, a single archangel fell. His name was Asmodeus, but he is known by many names. Asmodeus was given the rank of arch demon is the highest ranking prince of hell. He was the one you were summoning.”

  “What? You have got to be kidding me!” I felt sick, but forced myself to hold it together for Willow and Izzy.

  “Your parents entrapped him when you were just a babe. Do not try to summon him again.” Kali stood.

  “Wait! How do I fix this? How do I stop him from hurting everyone?” I was desperate. I ran and grabbed her arm. She turned back to look at my hand gripping her and looked into my eyes. At first, she seemed angry, but the anger seeped away and kindness took its place.

  “I know you feel responsible." Kali sighed, and looked away. "I would guess that you need to figure out what your parents did to him, other than trapping him. Figure out why he is sticking around, when he could leave and gain power elsewhere. Oh, and try not to deliberately piss him off; unless you have a death wish.” She snorted and left through the door.

  Izzy, Willow, and I barely discussed Kali and Asmodeus during the following days. We were more concerned with the death of Izzy's mother, but the demon haunted our every move. The community experienced more deaths and they weighed on us.

  11: deals in seduction


  Against my mothers’ wishes, I gave Savannah her space the week after Izzy’s mother died. It seemed wrong to try to seduce her, while her best friend was grieving. After a week, I decided it was time to cheer her up.

  My mother hosted a small gathering of the leading members from the coven. I brought Savannah as my date, but my mother stole her from my arm, and introduced her to the everyone. It irritated me to see my mother show Savannah off, as though she were a prized jewel she recently purchased. I stopped watching them after a while. I knew that my mother considered me bringing Savannah here, as my duty. Though, I would rather be anywhere else right now.

  “Liam, if you continue to wear that sour expression, Savannah may begin to believe you’re not enjoying her company.” My mothers’ voice startled me. I had been so lost in my thoughts that I didn’t hear her approach.

  “How could she think that? You have kept her from my company the entire night.” I sipped my whiskey, grateful for the numbness that spread throughout my body. It made my mother's company less hampering.

  “Perhaps, if you were more social you would have remained with her. You can’t avoid your responsibilities forever. It’s time to be welcomed back into the fold. Tonight, would be the perfect time to start.”

  “Mother, you can be so charming sometimes.” My voice was laced with sarcasm. “Did you forget why I left?” I glanced at her through my peripheral vision. “Just be glad I brought her and leave me be. I could always complain of a headache. Savannah would leave with me then.”

  “You wouldn’t do that, because you know that if you did, I would make your life a living hell.” She sighed and shook her head. “Make certain you don’t forget why you are spending time with her to begin with.”

  “I could never forget. You remind me every chance you get. Besides, there is no way Savannah will choose our coven over her family. She loves them too much.”

  “If you gave her an ultimatum she might.”

  She didn’t leave me room to respond and walked quickly towards the group surrounding Savannah. I wanted to shout obscenities at her back and maybe use a glass to knock some sense in her. Women did not like ultimatums and I would never ask Savannah to choose between me and her family. It’s wrong. That’s why I hadn’t tried to take our relationship to the next level. The truth was that I didn’t want her to end up in a coven where she would be unhappy.

  Savannah looked at me through the mob of people surrounding her. It was a pleading gaze, telling me she was overwhelmed. I grinned and shook my head to signal she was on her own. She made a pained expression and I decided to take pity on her.

  “Excuse me. I need some time alone with Savannah. I promised her we would take a walk in the gardens.” Reluctantly, the crowd parted and Savannah dashed through.

  “Thank you. I couldn’t breathe.” She spoke in a whisper, as we walked through the terrace doors and down the stairs. “Are they always like that?”

  “Just for you, princess.”

  “I’m the lucky guinea pig, huh? I feel so special.” She gazed around at the extensive gardens. “It’s beautiful here.”

  I looked over at her, while she walked ahead to trail her fingers against the petals. In the moonlight, her hair was the color of the night. Soft blue highlights gathered in her curls where the light touched them.

  “After our walk in the gardens, we will meet everyone in the barn for the circle.” I was hesitant to mention the circle, because Savannah hadn’t been thrilled about the idea during the ride over here.

  “I’m kind of nervous Liam. I know you said Diamante wants it to be a surprise, but I don’t like it. You can’t expect me to overcome the stereotypes about dark covens this quickly. Can you please just tell me what we will be doing?”

  I smiled. “I don’t think so. It’s more fun to keep you in the dark. I promise it won’t be anything bad
, the coven just wants to give you a gift; something special.”

  “But does it have to be a surprise?" Savannah made a puppy dog face, but I only laughed. “You’ll just have to wait and see.”

  “Fine,” Savannah muttered as she looked around.

  We walked through the sprawling gardens, along a path lined with tulips and carnations. The terrace beside the garden was covered in roses that climbed the walls.

  A barn emerged from the twilight, as we rounded a path. “Is that where we are going to meet everyone?” Savannah asked, as she looked up at the rustic red barn.

  “Yep, everyone should already be inside.” We walked up to the door and Savannah reached for its handle.

  “Before we go in, you have to promise me you won’t get scared.” I thought about my mother's plans and knew it would be easy for Savannah to make the wrong assumptions.

  Savannah’s eyes narrowed in suspicion. “Why, is there something in there I should be afraid of? If this is something that can hurt me I don’t want to do it.”

  “No, it’s nothing like that, but if you have never seen this kind of magic before it can be a bit startling.” I hurriedly grabbed her hands to soothe her.

  “And you’re sure nothing in there will hurt me?” She narrowed her eyes.

  “I would never do anything to hurt you.” I kissed her, and she looked into my eyes with a dazed expression.


  “I promise,” I said, while chuckling.

  “Alright then.” Savannah said, as she reached out and pulled the doors open.


  The barn was well lit with rows of candles set in braces. Members of the Sacred Moon coven were standing around talking. A few farm implements had been moved to the side of the barn, away from the main group of people, and near the hay. The floor had been swept to clear the piles of hay.

  In the center of the floor was a large crimson circle. I ignored everything else, when I saw what was lying in the center of the circle. It was the largest black feline I had ever seen. It was a black panther.

  I started to back away from the large cat, but Liam put his arm around my shoulders and whispered, “Don’t worry, it won’t hurt you. We’re keeping it calm.”

  “You said that nothing in here would hurt me! Why is there a freaking panther in the middle of the floor?” I demanded angrily. Several scenarios were spinning through my mind, but the worst was that they might want to sacrifice the animal.

  “He’s part a gift to you from the coven. We wanted to surprise you. Before you even ask, we’re not going to hurt him.”

  “Then why is he here and what exactly am I supposed to do with a panther? Maye would flip if I brought it home and that’s assuming it doesn’t rip my throat out first!” My fingers lifted to my throat. I had never considered it before, but I would really like to keep my neck intact.

  “My mother will explain.”

  “Ah.” called a voice from the group, “There you two are. I was beginning to worry.”

  Liam’s mother, Diamante strode forward in one of the most beautiful dresses I had ever seen. A flowing emerald colored gown, which fell off the shoulders in layers of a darker green. The dress was embellished with emerald stones around the waist and neckline.

  “We have been waiting for you.” Diamante said, as she stepped towards Liam and gestured to me.

  “Why is there a panther in the middle of the floor?” I forced the question before I lost my nerve.

  Diamante smiled. “He is a gift for you. He will help to show you the world, as you have never known it. There is no need to be frightened. He will not harm you, and he knows that he is with friends”

  “Who…what are we going to do?” I stammered.

  “We are going to bond you with a spirit animal my dear,” replied Diamante. “Come, we must begin soon.”

  “What does that mean?” I turned to Liam and asked, as Diamante led me to the circle.

  Diamante replied softly, as she moved me into the circle. “This beautiful creature will be with you always, as your friend and protector. Once you have bonded, you will be able to take his form.”

  A warm tingle of excitement ran down my back, as I knelt down besides the panther’s head, but ice quickly followed. “What happens when he dies? Will I die too?”

  Diamante shook her head. “No, you don’t understand. He is already close to death. This is called a bond for a reason. His spirit will become a part of you, and his soul will live on inside you.”

  Diamante held out her right hand, palm up and white smoke wisped from her finger tips. The smoke twisted together, tore apart into strands of smoke, which extended to transform into wings. Finer wisps merged into the shape of a head and beak.

  In a matter of seconds, a falcon make of smoke appeared above Diamante’s hand. The falcon’s eyes were deep green to match the stones on her dress. “This is Celeste.” The falcon opened its beak, and although there was no sound, the air vibrated with its call. Diamante closed her hand and the falcon faded into mist.

  I reached out to brush my fingers down the back of the panther’s head and he shifted to lay his head in my lap. I smiled as I stroked his fur, and a deep rumbling grew in his chest.

  Diamante spoke at my ear. “Excellent, he likes you.”

  “Will this hurt him?” I asked with worry building inside me.

  “No, you will be easing him from pain. He lived a hard life before he came into our care.”

  “What happened to him?” I asked and looked up.

  “You will see.” Diamante said softly, as she motioned for the rest of the coven to take their places around the circle. “Remain calm Savannah. I promise you this will not hurt, but it will be like nothing you have ever experienced before.”

  I looked down into the big cats eyes, and murmured, “What’s his name?”

  “Kit,” replied Diamante before beginning a slow chant. One by one, the rest of the group matched her rhythm.

  I remained looking down into the panther’s dark eyes. They grew larger, until his eyes filled my field of vision and my world went black. Seconds creped by and a speck of light appeared. It expanded until it was all I knew.

  I reached out to touch the colors within the light. Suddenly, I was being taken from my mother to be placed in a box. When I tried to jump free and run back to my mother, something grabbed my neck and pushed me towards the darkness.

  I jerked my hand back from the colors. What I had just felt, were Kit’s memories and he had been terrified. I knew what it was like to be young and afraid, but Kit’s yearning for his mother was unfamiliar to me. I sank my fingers into the colorful array once more.

  I was trapped in a cage, while each day new people came to stare at me. When all the people had gone, the man with the stick would hit me, before throwing a few meager scraps of meat into my cage. I was hungry and tired.

  A tear trickled down my cheek at what this poor animal had endured. I knew what it was like to be caged and tortured each day. I could relate to feeling lost and alone, while being surrounded by a darkness that threatened to consume me

  I was in Kit’s cage and could barely move. I had no energy and my body ached. A tall woman handed the man with the stick a thick envelope and walked over to the cage. She knelt down and looked me in the eyes. I saw the woman’s compassion before she spoke.

  “You are safe now, little one. My name is Diamante, and you will be part of my family now. No one will ever hurt you again.” My chest rumbled, but for the first time in my life it was not because of fear or anger. It was hope.

  My hand dropped to my side and tears fell freely down my cheeks. The light faded, and distant chanting grew louder. The darkness faded into color and I was again within the circle. Kit's body was gone, but his memories were imprinted on my soul.


  I opened the door and Savannah walked through before me. “Do you want something to drink?”

  “Um, do you have any soda?” I nodded and headed to the
kitchen to grab a sprite. When I came back into the living room, I found Savannah fidgeting.

  “Afraid I might bite? Please tell me you don’t think I’m some kind of monster that is going to pounce on you?” Her silence confirmed her worry. “Princess, I have never needed to pounce on any female. They usually pounce on me.”

  “What females?” She gave me a sour look and I had to laugh, which seemed to anger her.

  “Princess, how could you believe that there are any other females in my life right now? It’s just you.” I deposited a chaste kiss on her lips.

  I meant to restrain myself from anything other than friendliness, until I knew for sure that she wasn’t still hurting over Izzy’s mother’s death. However, having gone an entire week without her, I couldn’t help myself. I pulled her into my arms and ravaged her mouth. I rained kisses along her neck and back to her lips, but when I moved my hand to caress her breast, she stiffened.

  “I’m sorry. I should have asked.” I wasn’t in the habit of asking, but Savannah wasn’t a promiscuous woman. Kali was right, when she said that Savannah was not the type of woman I was used to.

  “It’s not that. It’s…” She paused. “I’ve never done anything more than kiss a guy. I don’t know what I am supposed to do.” Her brows furrowed and she looked embarrassed. “I want to, but I just don’t know how.”

  Grabbing her face, I looked her directly in the eyes. “You don’t have to learn how right now. We can take it slow. I don’t want us to do anything you aren’t ready for.” I kissed her forehead and smoothed back her hair. “I’ll be right back.” I walked into my bedroom, closed the door, and attempted to pull myself together. I wasn’t used to reining myself in, but until I gained my composure I needed to take a breather.