Read Call Me Crazy Page 18

Chapter 18

  Day 257

  We got back fairly uneventfully after that. They were a bit shocked at the sight of us, or maybe just me. I didn’t really know anymore what was real and what wasn’t. I was holding a sleeping Kelly. Jenny’s ankle was still extremely screwed up, so Bob was giving her a piggy back ride. Karen was holding Jeremy’s hand and they were each carrying our crap. We all must have looked like hell, if they were there at all.

  They ushered us inside and we’d been in bed since. Guards had even brought huge amounts of food and water at meal times. It was nice feeling a bit spoiled after living on our own. I mean it was a pretty significant amount of food, so we could eat to our hearts content. We were in the same room, but they’d taken away everything that made it special so it felt miserable again. After two days though I realized I needed to talk to Dr. Adams. I couldn’t avoid it forever and there was no denying I’d been avoiding it. Plus the sooner it was over the better. I wanted a life again. After I ate breakfast I headed out of the room and over to Dr. Adam’s office.

  “Sydney!” He exclaimed. “I’m surprised to see you up and about.”

  “It’s been two days. When did you expect us to get up?” I asked. I mean I’d wanted to just sleep and eat for a week, but that wouldn’t have helped anyone.

  He shrugged, “I suppose your right. I was surprised that you came back.”

  “Look, let’s cut the polite pleasantries crap. Neither of us needs it or wants it,” I said rolling my eyes. “I think it’s time I was honest.”

  He laughed, “You were holding back?”

  “I’m not crazy,” I said simply. “Or well, I wasn’t before I came here. I made the whole thing up so I wouldn’t go to prison. A criminal record isn’t the kind of thing I wanted to deal with, so I got rid of it.”

  He nodded, “I know.”

  I blew up, “What the hell! You know? You have a heck of a lot of explaining to do. Now.”

  “Everyone’s stories didn’t quite match up. It was always a little off, so they sent you here for us to try and find out the truth.” He told me. “We do this occasionally with patients until we can more accurately diagnose them and be sure it’s a true plea.”

  I took a deep breath, “So everyone here, what was the case with them?”

  “They are recovered and recovering mental patients,” He said. “They were paid to help out and their medical expenses were covered. I promise you were never in real danger here, just enough to scare you. The elevator was a real accident.”

  “I need a minute,” I said lying down. I closed my eyes and tried to think this thing through. What exactly did that mean? Was everyone just pretending we were friends for their job? Or did they mean it? Had everything these past few months been fake? I thought I’d lost touch with reality before, but this was worse.

  “Sydney,” The doctor spoke softly. “This doesn’t change anything.”

  I turned to him furious, “What do you mean it doesn’t change anything? I’m questioning everything that’s happened for the past eight months! I don’t even understand how you did this. I wasn’t even in the damn building.”

  “Take a deep breath and listen. I’ll tell you the whole story from the beginning,” He offered.

  I took a deep breath and leaned back, “Alright. Go on.”

  “When you were met with by the therapist he said that you displayed signs of having delusions. The court also talked to your mother and your friend. They both told stories of a girl with delusions, but their stories didn’t add up completely. They also weren’t identical to yours. So they hired me. I am a therapist who deals with mental patients in a hospital. I was to determine if you truly did suffer from delusions or if it was all a ploy. They hired a few of my patients who were recovered, or mainly recovered. They all told you the truth. Karen was the least recovered, and I’m sure you could tell. Even she wasn’t as dangerous as she seemed.”

  “Just talking to you wouldn’t help. The whispering didn’t even really help, so we kicked it up a notch. We found your friends.”

  “Who are they?” I asked.

  “Foster children. Karen, Bob, Jeremy, and Jenny all wanted to act so we offered them to come help us. They are Michelle, Michael, Christian, and Amy respectively.”

  “What about Kelly?” I asked.

  He frowned, “She’s a foster child as well. Kelly is her real name, which made it so perfect.”

  “She’s an orphan,” I said softly.

  He nodded, “Yes. You grew more attached to the younger two than we were expecting.”

  “I like kids,” I admitted. “I always have. I felt bad for them, I still do I suppose. What’ll happen to them all?”

  “Well Michelle is seventeen and had applied for emancipation. She’ll go live her life. Michael and Amy are sixteen, so they’ll probably go back into the system or be emancipated as well. Christian and Kelly will be put into foster homes.”

  I thought for a few minutes. The older three would be fine, but I was worried about the kids. They’d be losing everyone they knew and going to stay with strangers. “Okay. So, what about the voices?”

  “You actually heard voices,” He asked. “We never had anything beyond the kids.”

  I felt myself begin to hyperventilate. What did he mean he wasn’t behind the voices? They had to be. They just had to be behind them. There was no other explanation. I couldn’t really be going crazy, I couldn’t.

  “Sydney,” He said moving over to me. “Sydney, you have to calm down. Breathe with me.” I slowly calmed my breathing. “We can help you. I promise.” I moved away and was sick. The doctor helped me up. “Go. Rest. Come back when you feel better.”

  I collapsed into bed without saying a word and started falling asleep.

  You’re so stupid and weak. You don’t deserve anyone helping you. You were dumb enough to fall for their prank. You need to get a grip. I’m the one in charge. You have to listen to me, and you haven’t been. Do you enjoy failing?

  “Shut up!” I roared. Everyone looked at me, but I didn’t care. “I’m not stupid or weak. I’m more powerful than you. All you are is a voice! Just leave me the hell alone.”

  Good girl. My work here is done.

  Wait, do I get to be One now or am I still Two?

  “Just go away,” I groaned.


  I fell asleep instantly giving up on any type of fight. Too much had happened in the past few days.

  When I woke up the others were waiting. Karen, no Michelle, spoke first. “We’re sorry Sydney.”

  “It’s fine,” I said. Kelly lifted her hands at me and I picked her up and put her in my lap. “It was your job.”

  “Love you,” Kelly said hugging me.

  I smiled, “I love you too sweetheart. I love all you. This doesn’t change how I feel about you guys.” Christian broke out in a real smile and came to sit with me as well.

  “I love you too,” He said hugging us both.

  I felt a single tear fall from my eyes and wiped it away, “I have to go talk to the doctor. Are you leaving?”

  “Not yet,” Michelle said. “We will be as soon as we figure out what we’re doing and the kids are placed in foster homes.”

  I nodded and left. “Dr. Adams, what now?”

  “Well, we can start treatment,” He said. “How many voices are you hearing?”

  I realized that I didn’t know if I wanted to be treated or not. I needed more time. “One, but I think it might be gone now. I stood up to it.”

  He nodded, “We’ll give it a week and figure out what our next step is. You know we didn’t keep track of you when you all broke out. That was real.”

  I nodded, “Thanks Doc. I was wondering if there was any way for us all to stay together. Assuming the others are interested, I mean.”

  “Well the oldest three are all being granted emancipation and your old enough to as well. Thing is you’d never be cleared to adopt the younger two.”

  “What are the requirem
ents?” I asked.

  “Adequate income, they prefer if you have a husband, but in the end it’s just that you can provide a suitable environment. They’d never really allow it.”

  “Would my mom be able to?” I asked.

  He nodded, “If she was willing to. I can call her.”

  “Can I do it?” I asked. He nodded and handed me a phone. I dialed the familiar number. “Mom.” I heard tears on the other side of the phone.

  “You’re alive,” She choked out. “I’m coming to see you now.” She hung up and I started to cry. The doctor smiled gently and told me I could go wait for my mom with the others.

  “Guys,” I said quietly. “I have a question.”

  They all turned to me, “Would you all be interested in staying together?”

  “I would,” Amy said softly. “I’ve grown to really love you guys.” Michelle nodded.

  Michael smiled, “You guys are like my sisters.”

  “How though? They are all getting emancipated and we’re going to foster homes.” Christian asked.

  “Unless you get adopted,” I told him. “And they can live wherever they want.”

  “How?” He asked a smile playing at the edges of his mouth.

  I smiled, “I’m going to ask my mom. She loves being a mom, so I can’t see her saying no. She’s missed having a big family and this is her chance.”

  They all smiled. Michelle tilted her head, “When do you get out?”

  I shrugged, “I don’t know yet. Probably soon.”

  Especially if your okay with me being here. I won’t be too annoying I promise. I’m really just your subconscious. Pretty please let me stay! I can be good.

  “I’d like that,” Christian said and the others nodded.

  Kelly smiled, “Family?” I giggled at the tiny little girl’s way of always saying the right thing.

  “Maybe kiddo,” I said. They came in to tell me my mom was here and I picked up Kelly to bring her with me.

  My mom hugged me tighter than anyone ever had, “I was so worried about you. They said you were gone.”

  “I’m so sorry,” I told her. “The truth is out now.”

  She nodded, “They told me. Sydney, are you really hearing a voice?”

  “I was. I haven’t since earlier though. I’ll know better tonight.” I said. “Mom, meet Kelly.” She looked at the little girl in my arms and I could see her melting.

  “Hi Kelly,” She said.

  She smiled shyly at my mom, “Hi.”

  “She’s so cute,” My mom said looking at me.

  I nodded, “Yeah. I’ve gotten so attached to her. They want to just put her in a foster home.” My mom’s eyes melted. “I was wondering if we could take her actually, and Christian. I know it sounds crazy, but I love them all. The others are being emancipated, but the younger two are being shipped off to foster homes.”

  “We can certainly try,” She said. “Can I meet them?”

  I nodded and went to get the others.

  “Hi, I’m Michelle. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” She smiled at my mom who smiled back.

  Amy smiled as well, “I’m Amy.”

  “Michael,” He said sticking out his hand. “It’s nice to meet you ma’am.”

  “I’m Christian,” He said smiling. “It’s cool to meet Syd’s mom.”

  “It’s so nice to meet all of you,” My mom said.

  We all talked for a while and eventually the others left me alone with my mom. She promised to fill out the forms and told me that they were all welcome in our home before leaving.

  I’d had a crazy day, and I fell asleep without a word from One. In fact I really believed it was gone. Two I could deal with, it was more like the voice in my head than anything else. I felt more at peace than I had since this whole thing started. Call me crazy, but I was thinking things might just work out for the best this time around.